26 Easy DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Dandruff Fast
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This article reveals the most effective ways to treat dandruff. You can also learn what is dandruff and what causes it. Pictures Videos and list of best dandruff shampoos included.
Why do I have dandruff?
You are leading a pleasant life and suddenly you get the habit of scratching your head all the time. Something is wrong! This is a warning that you might have dandruff. Sometimes it may just remain as an annoying problem but if left unattended, can lead to severe skin diseases. Dandruff can be embarrassing and itchy. So it is important to take care of dandruff before it gets worse.
Dandruff can affect young and old. It can be considered as seasonal as it is more active in winter than in summer. Before learning how to fight dandruff, you should know what dandruff is and what causes them.
What is dandruff?
“Dandruff is the condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to appear.”
It is actually the dead cells on your scalp. Dandruff is not related to the condition of your hair. No matter how many times you wash or how well you take care of your hair, you may still get dandruff.
What causes dandruff?
Unfortunately, the exact cause of dandruff is not known yet. Skin cells that grow and die too fast are the problem. Why do they do that? We don’t know. A very common fungus called malassezia can cause dandruff. It gets worse when you are stressed. Here I list some possible causes of dandruff.
- Poor grooming habits: Those who do not comb their hair regularly may invite dandruff as the dead cells are not removed.
- Stress: Stress can cause dandruff.
- Dry skin: People with dry skin are more likely to get dandruff. You can distinguish this kind of dandruff easily. They will be dry flakes and small.
- Yeast: Yeast sensitive people have a higher risk of dandruff.
- Seborrheic dermatitis: Those who have this skin condition are at a higher risk of being affected with dandruff.
- Infrequent shampooing: Shampooing regularly helps to prevent oily scalp and in turn dandruff.
- Some diseases like psoriasis, eczema, Parkinson's disease etc may cause dandruff.
Now that we know how dandruff forms, I list some inexpensive ways to prevent dandruff. Home remedies you can try right now!
#1 Maintain your health
As mentioned above, stress can cause dandruff. Avoid too much stress and anxiety. Do exercises and meditation. You can read some useful tips to fight stress here
#2 Eat Healthy
Avoid eating foods with too much sugar and fat. Some chemical reaction from these can also cause dandruff. Moreover, too much sugar and fat are absolutely not good for health. Make sure that you have a well balanced diet. Foods that should be avoided (or reduce consumption) are:
- Meat
- Canned foods
- Tea
- Coffee
- Sugar
- White flour (white bread, white pasta, cakes, cookies, etc)
#3 Black pepper and lime
Mix 10 grams of black pepper powder with 1 tbs lime juice and 1 tbs milk. Gently massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it for an hour. Wash off with lukewarm water.
#4 Chickpea powder (Gram flour)
Take a handful of gram flour and mix it with a cup of curd into a thick paste. Apply to hair and scalp and let it dry. Wash thoroughly until the pungent smell is gone.
#5 Egg therapy
Mix 2 eggs and 2 tbs water and massage into the scalp for about 10 min and wash off with lukewarm water. Gross but effective!
Nizoral: Worked for me!
Best Anti Dandruff Shampoo
#6 Anti dandruff shampoo
There are many anti dandruff shampoos out there, but use the best ones. Look for shampoos that contain ketoconazole, a compound which is very effective against dandruff.
These brands are worth trying.
- Pantene Pro-V Anti-Dandruff
- Eucerin Ph5 anti-dandruff shampoo
- Louis Widmer anti-dandruff shampoo
- Sanex anti-dandruff shampoo
- Selsun dandruff shampoo
- Dercos anti-dandruff shampoo
- Rene Furterer Melaleuca Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
- Phytum Actif Anti-Dandruff Shampoo
- Sunsilk anti-dandruff shampoo
- Schwartzkopf & Henkel Seborin anti-dandruff shampoo
- Balneum anti-dandruff shampoo
- Garnier Fructis Anti-Dandruff
- Biomed dandruff and itching shampoo
#7 Vinegar
Mix 6 tbs of water with 2 tbs pure vinegar and gently massage over the scalp using some cotton. Leave it overnight to get a fast response.
#8 Fenugreek seeds
You’ll need 1 cup of coconut oil and 1 tbs fenugreek seeds (crushed or powdered). Add the seeds to warm coconut oil. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Cool and strain. Massage it on your scalp and wash off after 2 hours.
#9 Onion
Grind some onion into fine paste. Apply it on the scalp. Wash off with water after 2 hours. You can rub some lemon on your scalp to get rid of onion smell.
#10 Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps some people to reduce and eliminate dandruff. You can combine cider vinegar, rosemary, green tea and lemon juice, and use to rinse the hair. Apple cider vinegar can also be used alone to fight dandruff. To prepare, dilute the apple cider vinegar in the same amount of water. Set mixture in a spray bottle, apply to hair and leave on for about 40 minutes. Wash off with water. You’ll surely notice how silkier your hair has become.
Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment
#11 Henna
Henna is one of the best remedies to reduce or remove dandruff. Add the following ingredients together and leave overnight: henna powder, fenugreek powder, 1 egg, 1 cup of black tea, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Apply the henna mixture to the scalp and leave to soak for about three hours. Then wash the hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo.
#12 Lime juice
Use lime juice with water to rinse your hair. Regular use of lemon juice not only removes dandruff, but also makes the hair look shiny and not sticky.
#13 Sugar beet
Sugar beet can be used to cure dandruff. Boil the top and root of beets in water. Massage the boiled water to the scalp with fingertips every night to get rid of dandruff.
#14 Amla powder
Make a paste with one teaspoon of dried amla powder, 1 teaspoon dried neem leaves powder one egg and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply for an hour before bath. Wash off with cold water. Do it twice a week.
#15 Celery tonic
To prepare, simply boil a liter of water and add a stalk of celery. Let it simmer for 5 more minutes and wait for it to cool. Then, apply to the scalp. It acts as an excellent anti-dandruff lotion.
#16 Aloe Vera
We already know the amazing properties of aloe vera for skin and health. It is also very effective against dandruff and seborrhea. Just take a piece of aloe vera, cut and remove the pulp to get the gelatinous fluid inside. Massage the scalp with gel and leave it on for several minutes to allow penetration. Then rinse and wash hair as you normally do.
#17 Nettles and Rosemary
Boil 100 grams of nettle and rosemary in a 4 cups of water. Let cool and use it to rinse.
#18 Twigs and Cypress leaves
Prepare a tea with twigs and dry cypress leaves in a liter of water. Massage the scalp with this lotion and then wash hair as usual.
#19 Bay leaves
Boil a handful of bay leaves in a liter of water. Cover and allow to steep for about 20 minutes. Strain, allow to cool and apply. You can leave it in your hair for an hour or so before rinsing. You can use this remedy daily as the bay is known for its regenerative effect on hair fibers; in addition it can combat seborrhea and hair loss when it is caused by excess fat.
#20 Eucalyptus oil
Add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil to your regular shampoo. Eucalyptus has a substance that removes the dandruff-causing fungus
#21 Avocado
Prepare a smooth paste by crushing the pulp of a ripe avocado and use it on the hairline like a mask. Then wash the hair with water and shampoo to remove all traces. Repeat the treatment twice a week.
#22 Baking Soda
Pour two tablespoons of baking soda in a cup of water. Apply on the scalp and leave on for 10 minutes. Then wash the hair with water and shampoo.
#23 Propolis
Propolis is another useful ingredient for treating dandruff. This substance is produced by bees to disinfect their hives of fungi and bacteria. But besides being a natural antibiotic it also helps to regenerate and nourish the skin. Mix a teaspoon of bee propolis and two tablespoons of honey and apply it on the root of your scalp and leave it for at least half an hour. Then rinse with water. You can use this remedy daily as desired.
#24 Vitamin B and E
The B and E vitamins can alleviate the condition of dandruff nourishing the scalp.
#25 Beetroot
Beetroot is also useful for dandruff. Boil all the top and root in water and massage every night with this water the scalp using fingertips. White beet is better for this.
#26 Aspirin
The recipe is simple, all you have to do is take two aspirin and crush well. Then you have to mix them with a little shampoo you use every day to make a paste. Wash your hair with this mixture and massage the scalp, leave it a couple of minutes and rinse the hair thoroughly.
Dandruff Pictures
Disclaimer: The information provided here should not be used as a substitute for the care and knowledge that your physician can provide to you.
Alana on September 18, 2014:
Thanks for the information i am also suffering from this i will try it and share my experience after get a try.