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DIY Oats Face Mask Recipes with Simple Raw Oats

Simplest and best oats face masks using whole or powdered uncooked oats!

Simplest and best oats face masks using whole or powdered uncooked oats!

Oats is a great skin friendly kitchen ingredient good for all skin types. It's mild abrasive nature will gently exfoliate skin cells. Oats is a natural absorbent which can soak up excess oils from oily skin, thereby reducing excess skin oiliness.

You can powder your oats by simply grinding it in a blender and this oat powder can be used for all the oat recipes below. You can also use whole quick cooking oats in the face masks, giving a few minutes for the face mask to rest so that the oats can soak up liquid and become soft and soggy. Either way, oats contain a lot of fibre which is greatly exfoliating and smoothing.

Containing nourishing nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, moisture, oats will nourish your skin from the outside. Let's explore the major nutrients found in oats and their benefits for skin:

Nutrient in OatsBenefit for Skin


Promotes skin elasticity and strength. Fights free radicals that damage healthy skin cells. Promotes youthful skin. Strengthens skin's UV defence.


Nourish and exfoliate skin cells. Tightens and lifts sagging skin. Hydrates dry skin.


Oatmeal contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6,B9 and folate. B vitamins are neccessary for cell growth and regeneration. B-vitamins fight off free radicals that cause premature aging and oxidative stress.


Fights acne and prevents further breakouts. Regulates hormone changes which cause acne.

Exfoliating : Oats Milk Honey Face Mask

It's Spa Time! Exfoliate dead skin cells with a simple oats face mask containing honey and milk.

It's Spa Time! Exfoliate dead skin cells with a simple oats face mask containing honey and milk.

Oats have a mild abrasive texture that is useful in scouring off dead cells and peeling skin. This oats milk honey face mask will gently nourish, cleanse and exfoliate skin cells. Let's look at more benefits of milk and honey for skin:

IngredientRole in Face Mask


Contains alpha hydroxy acids that break down dead cells. Exfloiates skin cells. Rich in vitamins, lactic acids and calcium hence nourishes skin. Softens and smoothens skin.


Locks moisture into skin cells. Gently exfoliates and dee cleanses pores. Has antibacterial properties that kill of germs. Fades blemishes and acne scars.

Top Tips:

  1. Place a plastic or metal strainer in your sink to keep the oats from clogging the drain.
  2. Do facial steaming before hand to open up pores and allow the face mask to penetrate.
  3. Use raw full fat milk for best results.


  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 teaspoons raw milk


  1. Combine the ingredients above in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Slather the mixture onto your clean face. Wait for 15 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, wash off the dried mask using warm water. Rinse with cold water. Pat dry.

Acne-clearing : Oats Yogurt Lemon Face Mask

Got acne? Don't give up! Use this gentle oats face mask that's tough on zits.

Got acne? Don't give up! Use this gentle oats face mask that's tough on zits.

Oats is a natural absorbent which soaks up excess sebum deep within skin pores and on skin surface. This reduces oily skin and hence prevents further breakouts. Yogurt contains live cultures that are antibacterial and destroy acne causing germs. Lemon is a pore tightener wich minimizes large pores hence regulating sebum secretion. Here are more benefits of these ingredients for skin:

IngredientRole in Face Mask


Superfood rich in b-vitamins, lactic acid and zinc. Clears out acne by fighting acne causing germs. Prevents further breakouts. Tightens and minimizes large pores. Fades blemishes. Lightens skin tone.


Natural astringent. Acts as a great toner for oily skin. Has oil control action which controls sebum. Deep cleanses pores. Kills germs on skin surface. Clears acne.

Top Tips

  1. If you're face feels a bit stiff and dry, use a drop or two of olive oil to moisturize.
  2. Always use plain, unsweetened, unflavored probitic yogurt for your skin. Processed and flavored ones can irritate your skin.
  3. Excess face mask mixture can be stored for up to four days. Trash it and don't use if it starts smelling funky.


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  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 tablespoon yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix the above ingredients well in a small mixing bowl.

Smear the mixture onto your face. Let it settle for 10 to 15 minutes.

Rinse off with cold water. Pat dry with a soft clean towel. Apply a drop of coconut/olive oil for moisturizing.

Skin Tightening : Oats Egg White Turmeric Face Mask

Tighten large pores using this easy anti-aging oats face mask that fights wrinkles and creates youthful supple skin.

Tighten large pores using this easy anti-aging oats face mask that fights wrinkles and creates youthful supple skin.

This skin tightening and lifting face mask is powered by egg white which helps lifts sagging skin. Egg white also shrinks large pores and tightens them. Turmeric has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties which are effective against acne and pimples. More skin benefits of egg white and turmeric below:

IngredientRole in Face Mask

Egg White

Contains multivitamins and minerals including protein which protect skin from free radical damage. Fights acne. Tightens and shrinks large pores. Lifts sagging skin. Nourishes skin. Reduces oilyness in skin.


Protects skin from inflammation and fights inflammatory skinconditions including acne, rosacea and eczema. Offers antioxidant protection. Lightens dark spots, age spots, freckles, acne scars, dark marks and discolorations.


  1. Gather your hair away from your face into a ponytail. To protect your hairline from the mask, wear a headband.
  2. Wear an old t-shirt to prevent the face mask from dripping onto your clothes.
  3. Lemon juice should not be over proportioned as it can burn and irritate skin especially acne prone skin. Use only 1/2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  • 1 tablespoon oats
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/3 teaspoon turmeric

In a small mixing bowl, combine the ingredients thoroughly.

Scrub the mixture onto your face in a gentle circular motion.

Wait for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

Pat dry. Use moisturizer.


healthmunsta (author) on March 19, 2014:

Thanks for visiting, janshares! Oatmeal is one of the best exfoliants for the face - and still cheap & natural!

Janis Leslie Evans from Washington, DC on March 18, 2014:

Very cool hub, healthmunsta. Nice layout, too. These are great and "nutritious" recipes for the face. I will have to try one. I love oatmeal anyway so why not put it on my face? Thanks for the info, voted up, useful, and interesting.

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