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Album Review: "There is Nothing Left to Lose" by Foo Fighters

This Third Foo Fighters Album Is a Turning Point for Them

There is Nothing Left to Lose is the 1999 studio album by American alternative rock band Foo Fighters and this one is described as one of those albums that is softer and more experimental compared to their previous works. Recall that by this point in the band’s career they had released already two stellar works of alternative based rock and they were off to a heck of a start. Guitarist and band founder Dave Grohl stated that the album is based on melody and that it may be the best album that the band has ever done. Considering the circumstances that the album was completed in with guitarist Franz Stahl being fired due to what Grohl said about Stahl not having found his place in the band yet, There is Nothing Left to Lose is a solid experimental album without being too heavy or overwhelming. Is this album an underrated gem in the history of rock? It sure sounds like it as you keep on listening to it.

Why "There is Nothing Left to Lose" Is a Significant Album In Foo Fighters' Career

Grohl himself decided to buy a house in Alexandria, Virginia and record the album in the basement without the presence of any record company staff during the production process. The album was recorded in Studio 606 the home studio facility named by Grohl. For an album that was recorded in the basement of that home, this album is pretty well produced. There is however some heavy shouting by Grohl in the song “Breakout.” Grohl himself said that he had been living in Los Angeles for about a year and a half getting drunk and doing other horrible stuff. He was also tired of what he called that “new car smell.” Grohl also mentioned that his new place was literally a basement with sleeping bags on the walls. I also feel that there is nothing left to lose by writing a review of an album that I had not even heard until the early part of 2021.


Dave Grohl Guitarist, Lead Vocalist and Founder of the Band Foo Fighters

Dave Grohl playing guitar on stage

Dave Grohl playing guitar on stage

The Significance of the Title of the Foo Fighters Album "There Is Nothing Left To Lose" As Explained by Dave Grohl

You may get the sense that Foo Fighters approached playing this album as if they were relaxed and loose. The motivation for the album’s title came when Grohl talked to a friend about the fact that when you go through a series of emotions after a long and difficult period and you get to the realization that there is nothing left to lose. Grohl also said that the album represented the mood of the band members during the production period. What results is an album full of good songs and Dave Grohl using his good soft vocal range.

"Ain't It the Life"

Tracks Analysis: "Stacked Actors," "Gimme Stiches," and "Next Year"

There is still a trace of the band’s prior rock sound left in the beginning of the song “Stacked Actors.” In life, things are not what they seem but sometimes we have to fake it until we make it as the saying goes. “Gimme Stitches” is a song that tries to tell us to not be too mad or angry at others otherwise how can we go on with life holding onto all of this anger. It is said that hatred and anger are like hot coals that should be let go. “Next Year” has that alternative rock feel to it without being distorted as this is a song about two lovers that will do anything they can to be together even if one of them is in the sky.

"Gimme Stitches"

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Final Thoughts About the Album "There Is Nothing Left to Lose"

”Ain’t It the Life” and “M.I.A” end this very solid album by Foo Fighters. “M.I.A” in particular stands out because of the solid chorus and self-explanatory message about the fact that sometimes we need to disconnect from certain things in life in order to focus on looking after ourselves in this hectic lifestyle.

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2021 Ara Vahanian


Ara Vahanian (author) from LOS ANGELES on February 10, 2021:

Yes! Ain't It the Life is really great! I really like the one called M.I.A. as well. I just naturally got into this band many years ago through the recommendation from a friend. It was great times and good memories. I enjoy this band even now.

Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on February 10, 2021:

You have very interesting choices in music to review. I like the second song, Ain't it the Life". It has nice lyrics and the guitar is very good. The last song, Breakout is really great. It has lots of emotion and the rhythm is good.

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