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Discovering Your True Path: 7 Key Signs You Might Be a Pagan

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Is this where you feel at home?

Is this where you feel at home?

Could You Be a Pagan?

Are you still searching for your life path? Does modern life appear shallow and superficial? Perhaps you believe that life has more meaning and that it should be sacred yet deeply joyful. Do you wonder if you can ever find a community that shares your values and feels right for you? Maybe you are a pagan.

Paganism is a spiritual nature-based path. It may or may not be religious, depending on the tradition followed. What they all have in common is a reverence for the life force in everything: a belief that life, in all its diversity is sacred, and that everything in the Universe is interconnected and interdependent. People called to the pagan path undertake to live life with honesty and integrity.

Above all pagans acknowledge we are all perfect, flaws and all, and that human beings are privileged to live on this beautiful planet. They understand that it is our duty to revere and take care of Earth and the life upon it.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair ...

— Khalil Gibran

Seven Signs You Might Be a Pagan

  1. You love being outdoors, you experience joy in all weathers.
  2. You enjoy observing the seasons change.
  3. You believe all life is sacred.
  4. You believe there is a higher intelligence or force, but you are uncomfortable with the accepted notion of God, the Almighty.
  5. You could describe yourself as ‘eclectic’; having an interest in many things.
  6. You see magic and wonderment in people and in nature.
  7. You are concerned about several aspects of modern life and despair at cruelty.

What Is Paganism?

Paganism is an umbrella term for many religions and paths. It’s confusing in a way, so once you have determined that you’d like to delve deeper, you will need to understand the various kinds of pagans there are:

  • Witches are pagans and they may, or may not be, religious.
  • Wiccans are pagans and Wicca is a modern religion.
  • Druids are pagans and Druidry is an ancient religion.
  • Some pagans do magickal workings, while others do not.
  • Many pagans follow specific traditions, such as Celtic, Nordic, Faerie, or incorporate eastern or classical practices.

Generally speaking, people who define themselves as pagan, follow an earth-based, polytheistic religion. Some honor many deities; others prefer the more general ‘God and Goddess’.

However, not all pagans are religious in the accepted sense. Some take a little from this religion and a little from that. Others simply celebrate or mark the seasons in a secular way, and call themselves atheists. Paganism is truly a pick ‘n mix path. What they all have in common is a deep respect for nature, our planet, and the divine beauty in the natural cycles which form the structure of life.

I did however used to think, you know, in the woods walking, and as a kid playing the woods, that there was a kind of immanence there—that woods, a place of that order, had a sense, a kind of presence, that you could feel; that there was something peculiarly, physically present, a feeling of place almost conscious ... like God. It evoked that.

— Robert Creely

Pagan Deities

Pagans honor deities from so many traditions that it would be impossible to list them all here. However, here is a small selection.

  • Goddess: usually represented by Mother Earth.
  • God: usually represented by Father Sky
  • The Green Man: a Celtic personification of a nature god.
  • Diana: Roman goddess of the moon and hunting.
  • Aphrodite: Greek goddess of love and sexy stuff.
  • Zeus: Greek god of everything.
  • Artemis: daughter of Zeus and goddess of forests, hills, and hunting.
  • Baba Yaga: Russian goddess, who takes the form of an old woman.
  • Ceridwen: Welsh enchantress, Goddess of rebirth, transformation, and inspiration. She has a fascinating story.
  • Brigid: a multi-faceted, Gaelic goddess, honored at Imbolc, usually the 1st of February, which is sometimes called St Brigid’s Day.
  • Freya: Norse goddess of love and fertility.
  • Hecate: the Dark goddess, associated with the dead and dark magick.
  • Odin: The Norse main man.

Pagans also honor the keepers of the four directions, who are in turn connected to the four ancient elements: fire, water, air, and earth. The fifth direction which crosses vertically through the horizontal plane is Divine Spirit, which connects Earth to the heavenly realms.

Natural objects themselves, even when they make no claim to beauty, excite the feelings, and occupy the imagination. Nature pleases, attracts, delights, merely because it is nature. We recognize in it an Infinite Power.

— Karl Wilhelm Humboldt

How To Become a Pagan

You don’t have to do anything to become a pagan. You simply have to know it. It feels right to you. You can develop your own tradition as you learn what it means.

For you, garden witchcraft might be perfect. Perhaps you will choose to acknowledge nature as your connection to the divine. Or perhaps you’d rather the structure of a Wiccan or Druidry group in order to study a formal tradition.

There are many resources and groups online and, if you want to meet up, you can probably find information about local ‘moots’ (meet-ups). Pagans are generally friendly folk and welcoming to newbies. However, there is often a bit of political infighting among members of groups—the same as in any other organization.

So, how about you? Do you think a pagan path might be the right one for you?

Blessed be.

Scroll to Continue
  • Paganism - An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions” by River and Joyce Higginbotham.
  • Paganism: A Beginners Guide to Paganism” by Sarah Owen
  • To Walk a Pagan Path” by Alaric Abelson
  • Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner” by Scott Cunningham
  • Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft” by Raymond Buckland

There's sunshine in the heart of me, my blood sings in the breeze; the mountains are a part of me, I'm fellow to the trees.

— Robert W. Service

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Bev G


Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 23, 2019:

Well, Oldwaterman, maybe you could put your gift to good use - volunteer work for a dog shelter, difficult dogs, etc. Those animals that might otherwise be doomed may benefit from your gift.

Oldwaterman on October 22, 2019:

Due to my position and a very stringent drug and alcohol policy (in the USA) , i cannot use cannabis or other drugs otherwise i would. Sometimes knowing things about people is good , but also bad. You learn not to trust anyone, sadly even my own family is deceptive, This is why i dont let people know , but i know they have the nagging feeling they didnt get away with with the perfect crime, and i always take away what is stolen. There is a lot of paranoia in this, and knowing the truth isnt always satisfying. I often wonder why people try to develop these skills, when those who genuinely have them dont want them. Had i the choice, i would live in ignorance. Another odd thing about me is i ruin electronics, like watches namely, and cellphones last about a year, which is expensive. Plus they , like laptops have an unusual screen burn in, even though i always set them to turn off after a minute. Animals all seem to like me , even trained trained ones , thats why i was looking up familiars,. I have never been bitten by any animal and i can calm them down., even guard dogs.Everyone always said i should have been a veterinarian. i dont claim to be psychic or anything like that, and if i could predict lottery numbers i would have years ago and saved me a lot of work. Thanks for your help and time. In the meantime, ill just keep looking for a way to deal with this annoyance

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 22, 2019:

Oldwaterman, thank you so much for sharing that fascinating account. I can understand that you are simply weary of the whole thing now.

I don't think (only my opinion) that you can just switch it off, however you might be able to fade it a bit. You'd have to find some mental technique that can turn down the 'volume'. One thing that occurs to me is to try something like CBD (you know what I'm saying, right?).

Hope you find something that works for you.

Oldwaterman on October 21, 2019:

Since i was a kid, strange things were always happening to me. I smell roses on people about to die, and sure enough within 2 weeks they are dead. Even at 4 years old, i told my friend johnny, he was was going to die , and he did of some rare disease. I see shadow people and know things are about to happen, and what people are going to say prior to them telling me. Naturally this gives me an effective edge in business where i am.very successful. I have freaked out several psychics when i was young, who from that forward refused to be in the same room, and i have some very weird recollections of places i have never been to prior , which several i knew little hidden places at. I have seen events in my life, including my passiing. Now this seems all great and wonderful to most, but to me it isnt. Each decision i make , does change my life, but i still see the general outcome as it is changed, no matter what it still is a crappy end on my part. I was always told by my great grandmother i was a reincarnation, as i knew things like the location of my greatgrandfathers blacksmith , and walked out to the location and described it in full detail, in german (english speaker only) to her., i also knew things that i shouldnt , or couldnt. That was the end of my long visits there as a child. How is it that i rid this "gift" that has been a nuisance all my life? It seriously takes joy and mystery out of my life, which i now have less than a decade left (I have never been wrong, neither at someones passing , not even my own parents). I dont practice any sort of witchcraft, although i do believe there is something to it. Same with ghosts, any place that is suspected of haunting , i show up, and seem to really antagonize whatever is there. Currently in my new home, the cats freak out and stare at walls fixed on the same spot, and somethimes the spot moves with all 3 looking at it synchonised and are suddenly scared of rooms in which they have no issues with an hour ago. I wish this was a joke, but isnt. I just want to have a happy and quiet life for once, something most take for granted. Any suggestions that can help?

Jane pusecker on October 20, 2019:

I have always considred myself more electic spiritualist/ christo-christian druid many people dont understand my spiritual path and im ok with that .

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 17, 2019:

To Heather, nothing in that bag can cause harm to you. There is no 'big guy' coming for you on Halloween. You are getting yourself all worked up and anxious for nothing. Someone wanted to frighten you and they have succeeded. Don't hand your power to them. If you are being bullied, then deal with it on an everyday level. Report them.

If you want to protect yourself psychically you can try some of the suggestions given here:

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 10, 2019:

Well, by definition, witchcraft is a pagan path, but yes, there are Christian witches. Some say that Jesus was the greatest witch that ever lived.

Kay on October 10, 2019:

Not all witches are pagan. You can be a Christian witch.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 30, 2019:

Enjoy your new adventure, Christopher.

Christopher on September 30, 2019:

Looks very much I’m a pagan...not disappointed at all.

KBuchanan4853 on September 23, 2019:

Thank you. I am intrigued by fairies and anything celtic... i will continue to be

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 23, 2019:

Hi KB, the thing is, you don't need a label at all. You can simply be yourself. Attaching a label doesn't mean anything. Just do your thing. One day, you'll have an 'a-ha moment' when you discover a tradition that resonates with you. Good luck.

Kbuchanan4853 on September 23, 2019:


I am trying to decide if I am simply just pagan or what type of pagan I am... I do not practice the craft altogether I have dabbled and am very curious.. I do have an interest in crystals and herbs and meditation.... I have been meditating long before i realized that is what I was doing... Candle magic has a pull for me...

I have spent most of my life in a. Organized Christian Non Denomination religion with some Catholic ways thrown in.... i guess i am trying to find me not just what my parents are... I ultimately insist on peace and harmony and nature

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 22, 2019:

What kind of advice are you looking for, KB?

I have a ton of other articles here:

KBuchanan4853 on September 22, 2019:

I believe myself to be an empath... while witchcraft has always been something im drawn too i will admite that i have not studied in any way shap or form... only what i have read that stuck my interest... i do believe in the faries ... always had a fascination... when I visited my Ireland I fell in love all over agai. With all things earthy and pagan... i want ro know more about it all

I have often questioned as to if i had powers to heal...once while dating this man he was having much pain in his sholders... with candle and oils i summoned peace and meditation and as i put the oils in my hands i could feel a pull i let it guide me to the spot on his sholder and back and he insisted he immediately felt relief. Just advice would be helpful.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 07, 2019:

Wise words, Pat. Earth magic is my thing too. Thank you for sharing your story.

Pat G on September 07, 2019:

I used to have a neighbor next door (she moved to Washington State), but as time went by, we realized we had a lot in common, not only Irish, but yep, a touch of witch craft was in there. I was not practicing witch craft but on and off I did a bit of "candle magic". When she was moving to Washington to be with her son (cause she was in her 70's and had health problems). She gave me her books. After reading them I realized that pagan was really my true nature. I never was comfortable with "traditional church" teachings. You know, one step out of line and you're shipped off to the "Big Barbecue". I've always been an "outside girl" and I actually thrill at the sight of a fresh plowed field (sounds nuts, I know) but all that black soil is just holding so many promises. If you watch carefully enough, you can almost see the land breathe. When I finally came to terms with myself over a year ago that this was probably always my true nature...I now have peace. I respect other people's religion (was long as they're not twisting my arm to join their group). This is cool...any road to a good road.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 12, 2019:

I'm not far from there, and you are right. It's still a great place to visit though.

Limpet. on August 12, 2019:

I live in Glastonbury, Somerset where this haws become a growth industry.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 10, 2019:

Yep, that's what it says :)

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on August 10, 2019:

Pagan an 'umbrella' word covering a plethora of topics.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 27, 2019:

Okay :)

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on July 27, 2019:

Some I.T. servers block this content.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 27, 2019:

Of course they can, Will. It's true they need to have an affinity to nature and the willingness to learn, but people are not born witches - they have to make the choice to become one by actually 'doing' witchcraft.

Will on July 26, 2019:

Witches just cant choose to be a witch, its a natural thing.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on November 14, 2018:

Hi Laura, I like to think of God (all of them) as energy. People can call them whatever they like, but I am certain all they are describing is 'universal energy'.

Laura C Parlin on November 14, 2018:

I want to believe in a god but the one thats the popular with christians is jesus or the lord. I want to think that all religions come together as one if those all do exsist

EMSS on November 05, 2018:

Hi Bev G.

Very good article I have seem to be on the pagan path my whole life . I always like being outdoors, and like nature and I would feel strong energy to nature felt part of me in all seasons.,I felt there is intelligence life or force I always believe in magic it felt part of me. When I starting reading article on witchcraft I felt drawn to the article on pagan

How do you know you are a pagan witch did you feel drawn to the path,

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 07, 2018:

Most sources say that Zeus was the 'King of the Gods of Olympia'.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 20, 2018:

It's possible, Brandon, but lots of people were curious about Ouija boards back in the 70s, and thousands were sold. Birthmarks aren't signs of being a witch.

BrandonMC10 on September 19, 2018:

My mom told me that i had a strawberry birthmark on my nose but it wasn't very noticeable. I do remember my grandparents having an Ouija Board. Is it possible that they were pagan and possibly witches?

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 18, 2018:

I have to agree with you Hellen; no one needs a label to know who they are.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 17, 2018:

Thanks, CJ.

I have seen Baba Yaga referenced as a variation of a Goddess of Death and the Underworld. I think it's because she has been adopted into modern pantheism as an Eastern European version of Hecate and Kali. I've done a little digging and, apparently, she started out as a Slavic Goddess and then things went downhill from thereon in.

CJ on September 17, 2018:

Great article, but Baba Yaga is not a goddess and has never been considered one. She is a character from Russian fairy-tales. She is perceived as evil and cunning. She can capture children and often is an antagonist to the main male character.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on November 13, 2017:

Happy to shake hands, HT.

herr tampert on November 13, 2017:

If the pagan path doesn't need the martial arts of war by defending himself I can be in tune with the Green Man once more.! Or simply put by Jackie Chan : Just shake hands ( Sorry for any confusion, I am leaving footsteps everywhere..! )

Thank you so much for your article! So glad I stumbled by

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 19, 2017:

Thank you, Sean. Love is all there is. Happy to meet you.

Ioannis Arvanitis from Greece, Almyros on August 18, 2017:

Eighth sign, I love the way of life that Native Americans lived. I knew that I am a Pagan from my early days. I studied all the religions, and I found that Love is my religion. I believe in The Way of Life that Jesus taught, and I think that he was a Pagan too. Thank you, Bev, for this article.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 28, 2017:

That's really good to know, limpit. Imagine how much more our great grand-kids will have access to.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on July 28, 2017:

Oh! my previous posting the new technology being used at out heritage sites.

Apparently it is imaging devices that can x ray the ground without having to disturb the artifacts there in. We hardly knew a portion of what we know now.

Also there were a chain of Neolithic hilltop forts across southern England used as a precaution when needed. Likewise, they are being looked at as well.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 24, 2017:

That's good to hear, DG. I hope I can do it some more :)

Jeanne Dunbar-Green from New Mexico on July 24, 2017:

Another fine article. You are making me think about stuff I haven't thought of in years. I like it! Thank you.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 24, 2017:

Hello Limpet :) It's a double-edged sword isn't it? It's interesting that new technology is helping us to know and understand more about the past, but on the other hand, you wish they'd leave it/them in peace.

Ian Stuart Robertson from London England on July 24, 2017:

Limpet here, from 'olde London towne'. Although i've commented on this topic on the many previous hub pages, i find it rather refreshing to see newer content appearing. I might take the opportunity to mention the ongoing archeology 'digs' occurring at Stonehenge on Wiltshire's Salisbury plains. Modern methods have allowed to be revealed much more than we ever knew about neolithic era activities.

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 23, 2017:

Thank you, my friend xx

Lady Regina on July 23, 2017:

I was raised Catholic and stayed that way until I was about 40. Then, things stopped making any sense to me. Just felt wrong. Then someone gave me a book about Wicca by Amber K. And my new life just went from there.

I felt like I was "home."

I am more accurately described as an Eclectic Pagan. No one label fits me.

I've followed that path ever since. I feel better about myself. I feel happier. But I can also feel very sad about the cruelty on this Earth and how we are destroying our home.

The "harm none" aspect is perfect for me. I make every effort NOT to kill something just because I can. My home is a "no kill" zone. I don't always succeed, but I do give "fair warning" to creatures that don't belong in my home but for some reason or other find themselves there anyway! lol I do my best to catch and release them back into the wild.

Of course, if it's a situation of me or them, that's a different story, for example, I'm allergic to wasp stings and it can be fatal.

If I MUST kill something, I apologize first. "I'm sorry, but you have to go!"

I respect a person's different belief system as long as they don't try to tell me I am wrong or evil, or whatever, because I don't share their beliefs.

This is a very good article Bev (as usual!) Lots of interesting information.


Lady Regina

Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 23, 2017:

I really love that we can create our own spiritual path, Jean. And I love that it can change direction as we change and grow. x

Jean Bakula from New Jersey on July 22, 2017:

It took me a long time and study of many religions before I realized I was a Pagan. I take a bit from Buddhism, a bit from Hinduism, and love the Earth, feeling such despair when I see how people are destroying Her.. I identify with certain goddesses too. And thanks for reminding me of Kahlil Gibran.

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