How Make Your Newborn Baby Relaxed and Comfortable.
Each Baby Has Their Own Unique Comfort Zone.
Babies Cry for Different Reasons
A Baby And His Doctor
Babies Have Different Cries For Different Reasons..
Once you bring your new baby home from the hospital, the realization that you will have to take care of this tiny new human all by yourself can be very daunting. All of a sudden you are in a field (Motherhood), in which you have never "played" before and this precious little innocent is depending on you to take very good care of her.
But how are you going to do that?
You know nothing about caring for this delicate little person that you have been carrying for nine months. The nurses said to feed her and they taught you how to bathe and clean and change her, but what about if she starts to cry and you can't find what is wrong with her?
Keep in mind that the number one way a baby communicates discomfort is to cry. Babies cry for different reasons, listen to your baby when he/she is crying. Identify the different sounds in a hunger cry, an "I'm wet" cry, a "snuggle me" cry, or that "I have have a fever",etc. This will prove very beneficial for future references, like, when your baby gets a sore throat and cries when you try to feed her when she is hungry. You'll be able to recognise that there is something really, really wrong, it's time to take her to the doctor.
Also remember to make an appointment for your baby's first visit to his doctor.
Read on to find out about various tips and techniques that mothers have used at home to comfort and calm their fussy and crying babies.
Swaddled Baby
Swaddling "Hiccups"
1. Swaddling Your Baby.
Young babies can feel a little insecure about all the open space around around them, after being in the womb for nine months. Here is a method that many mothers (including yours truly), used time and again to keep their baby comfortable when sleeping.
It is called Swaddling, and it helps to give baby a sense of security and comfort. Once you have ensured that your baby is clean, dry, clothed and fed but is still fussing and crying. This is one method that worked really well with my kids when they were newborns.
It is time to make her feel secure and comfortable, singing a lullaby and tucking baby in, using a cotton or other light weight, breathable blanket will provide soothing rhythm and swaddling your baby should make for a cozy sleep time. Use the swaddling techniques that is more comfortable for your baby.
Take a look at this video from Via Christi Health, it will provide you with several swaddling techniques.
How To Swaddle A Newborn Baby.
Cuddle Time For Baby.
Babies Learns Your Facial Features.
2. Cuddle Your Baby
Cuddling your newborn baby is very necessary and very important in the development of your baby's emotional and physical growth. A baby who have been cuddled and held several times a day feels secure and comforted. This also provides a strong foundation for early brain development.
Research has shown that when you hug, play, make eye contact, sing, talk, rock, read and cuddle your baby, you are really creating a rich nourishing experience in which a strong emotional bond is formed between you and your baby.
Studies have shown that levels of the "cuddle hormone", Oxytocin increases the more you cuddle your baby. This is how cuddling enhances bonding, increases the level of contentment and decreases the level of fear in babies.
Your loving touch will help you both to learn a lot about each other. Your baby will become familiar with your smell, your facial expressions, your gentle touch and it will give her that all important sense of love and security that is essential to forming a trusting bond between you that will be beneficial for you both.
You will be able to identify signs of stress when your baby is overwhelmed. Every baby is different so pay close attention to signals of when your baby wants to play and engage your attention and when she needs calm and quiet.
How To Help Your Gassy Baby.
Sucking An Empty Bottle
Some Foods That Gives Gas
Drop-In Nurser Bottles
3. Infant Gas
Babies usually have gas but some babies becomes more gassy than others. The reasons may vary -
- From getting gas from some foods that mom ate if they are breastfeeding
- To being allergic to formula if they are consuming store bought prepared baby formula.
- Babies can also take in air if they are sucking improperly
- Or if they are sucking an empty bottle.
Several solutions can help your baby with this discomfort
- If your baby is getting a gassy reaction after breastfeeding, you'd want to look at eliminating foods that gives gas, e.g. cabbage, broccoli, onions, etc. Maybe baby has a gassy reaction to certain drink, e.g. milk. Just stop using one of these type of food at a time and look for baby's reaction to this.
- If you are using store bought formula to feed your baby try a different formula. Changing from ready-made formula to a powdered form may help to make it easier on your baby's digestive system.
- Ensure that your baby latches on snugly for feeding off your breast or a bottle, this way baby won't be sucking in air as well.
- Keep a close eye on your baby when the liquid she is drinking from her bottle almost reach to the tip of the nipple of the bottle, then take the bottle immediately from her mouth. Also you can use a bottle that uses a liner,as in the Playtex bottle system, the liner collapses as the liquid empties, this would prevent your baby from sucking in air.
- A light tummy massage for baby can help to break up gas bubbles.
I mentioned the Playtex Drop-in feeding system because I have used it for both of my babies. So I know that it works.
That was 20 years ago, and now I have seen that mothers are still using the system.
Three Burping Positions for Babies
4. How To Burp Your Baby
Babies cry if there is air stuck in any part of their digestive system and it is especially uncomfortable when it is stuck in their stomach. It is up to you to make sure that air gets out of your baby .
Please refer to the picture for three positions in which you can hold your baby to burp after a feeding.
If you are burping your baby against your shoulder be sure to place a towel to guard against any spitting up.
Very gently pat or massage her on the back until the burp bubble comes up through her mouth.
On occasion, a very stubborn bubble would make your baby fretful even after you have burped her. What I would do, is to lift her clothes so I could look for it and give it a gently little poke, tap it or jiggle to nudge it out of place. That should work to dislodge a tiny bubble and send it on it's way out.
It worked for me when my son was an infant.
Uh Oh!
5. Massaging Your Baby
Since we are writing about making babies comfortable, I couldn't wait to get to this part this hub. This is one part of care that me and my babies would enjoy the most at bath time, which got to be boring for my babies after a while,just routine stuff.
But massaging would make them come alive, oh! the toothless laughs were endless!
Quite a few people would say that massaging is good for premature babies, but I say it is good for all babies. It is also good for the people giving the massage too - moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, because it is a bonding time too.
You can also play with a little game with your baby to help make you both comfortable with massaging. Any silly made-up little game would do.
Just do what you and baby are comfortable with. Hope this helps.
Everyone Loves A Good Foot Massage
6. Baby Comfort Basics.
Here are a few more tips to make your life with a newborn easier on everyone.
- Make your newborn's comfort a priority.
- Your baby will establish her/his own feeding routine, all you need to do is to recognise when the time for your baby's next meal is near and have it ready before he starts crying.
- Always ensure that baby's diaper is clean and dry. Babies don't like having a messy and wet diaper on.
- Even if your baby's diet consists mainly of liquid they do get thirsty. I don't care what hiccuping myths are buzzing around, if your baby has the hiccups, it is a sign of thirst. Please give her some water, a couple of teaspoons would suffice. Slowly dribble it in your baby's little mouth so she doesn't splutter on a large amount.
- Remember to be confident and purposeful in whatever you and baby do together. Babies can sense it you are stressed and they would respond by crying. Remember that you are their world.
- If your newborn have other siblings include them in your time with their baby brother or sister and, since siblings can be outspoken do not get angry if they say or have a negative reaction to their new sibling. It is a normal reaction and it is their way of getting familiar, they need your gentle guidance too.
Have fun welcoming the newest member of your family!
A Happy Baby Makes A Happy Mommy
skperdon (author) from Canada on November 10, 2014:
I actually cross paths with a young mom who carried her young baby in a similar way today, she had her baby in front of her, in a sling. He looked snug and quite comfy.
I remember thinking, "That's the way! A loong cosy cuddle right against mom's heart!"
Thank you for your comment vespawoolf.
Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on November 10, 2014:
This is a wealth of information about caring for newborn infants. I know that new parents often feel overwhelmed with the responsibility. As you mention, cuddling is very important for the emotional development of babies. As far as swaddling is concerned, it is also practiced here in Peru. Babies are also carried wrapped in a blanket and tied to a mother´s back. This makes the baby feel secure and warm. Thank you for this information!