Best Quad Strollers when Parenting Multiples
Our Last Picture with our Quad Runabout Stroller
My Two Favorite Quad Strollers
- The Runabout Quad 4x1
- The Foundations Quad 2x2
I had stroller envy for years as single strollers have so many cool colors, designs and features. We started our family with fraternal boy twins and a double stroller. About a year later, we found out we were expecting our second set of twins; we ended up with a quad stroller. I used to own two quad strollers and today we gave away our last one. I am a bit nostalgic thinking about the hundreds and possibly thousands of miles I put on our Quad Runabout stroller.
I love how we stumbled upon our Quad Runabout. I was about seven months pregnant with our second set of twins and I found a triplet mom who just never used it. She said I could have it for free if I could get it out of her garage, transport it home and promise to give it to another family when we were done. I was there in an hour and I was so excited.
As I got in our car, she reminded me of our conversation on the phone. She told me to take good care of it and remember the promise.
I smiled, thanked her and promised again.
Based on years of experience, I would like to consider myself a quad stroller expert. If you ever are in the market for a quad stroller, I can highly advise you on two kinds of quad stroller that I used to own, push and fill with children on a daily basis.
Our Quad Runabout Stroller
The Runabout Stroller
The Runabout stroller seems to have the market for inline strollers for multiples. They are built on a solid steel frame with bucket like seats that can recline and adjust. Each seat has three point harness and a lap belt. There are various accessories for the Runabout such as a storage bucket, top canopy and additional headrests for children with special needs.
The size of the stroller can be misleading as it is not heavy to push. The frame sits on three bicycle sized tires. Once you give the stroller a good push, you are directing it on flat ground. It can be challenging uphill, but what stroller isn’t? Because of its size and potential weight it is carrying (consider four children, twenty pounds apiece), it comes equipped with a hand break when a quick stop is necessary.
Because of the solid, one piece frame, the Quad Runabout can be transported on the back of any car/van/truck with a hitch and the hitch attachment available on their site. It can be placed in the back of a minivan with the rear row down and a seat from the second row removed. However, this is only practical for getting the stroller home. For this reason, we only used our Quad runabout for walks and trips to stores within walking distance from our house.
To this day, I absolutely loved this stroller and highly recommend it to any family in need of a larger, inline stroller.
Our Foundations Quad Stroller
Foundations Quad Strollers
Our Quad Stroller for the Zoo
My kids love the zoo. Because our first quad stroller was free, I found the Foundations Quad Stroller for our trips to the zoo, museums and malls.
The Foundations stroller collapses to fit in the back of a mini van. This stroller comfortably sits four children 2x2 as opposed to the 4x1 design of the Runabout. Each seat has the three point harness. Unlike the Runabout, the Foundation stroller comes with a storage space under the children’s seats as well as two canopies. While the Foundations stroller is convenient, it is heavy. Weighing around seventy pounds, I was unable pick it up by myself for solo trips until our children were at least twelve weeks old.
I loved the freedom the Foundations stroller gave me. It enabled solo trips and ensured the children were safe and contained.
Our Twins Are Growing Up!
My Favorite Single Stroller
Our Kids are Growing Up So Quickly!
I liked both strollers for different reasons and we were very fortunate to have them. I parted with our Foundations stroller first because the children had grown up enough that I trusted they could walk at the zoo or mall and hold hands in the parking lots. I kept the Runabout because it was my exercise stroller and I used it until our children were four and three. When I finally found myself back in shape, I started running with it.
After our fifth child was born, I used it a few times carrying the baby in a Baby Bjorn and pushing the other four. As strong as I would like to think I am, every woman has a breaking point and mine was literally lugging around five kids. So our Quad stroller took a journey to the garage where it has been ever since, collecting cobwebs.
Yesterday a Mom called me out of the blue asking if I still had my quad stroller. The Runabout was still sitting in the garage, waiting for the right home.
I asked her their story. She had a twenty month old and six week old triplets. I asked her if she was active and liked to walk. She said that she loved to get out but was overwhelmed that she may never get to unless she finds the right stroller. I told her that today was her lucky day. I said that she could have it for free if she could get it out of my garage, transport it home and promise to give it to another family when she was done.
I know the emotions she was experiencing and I had a good feeling that she would take care of it.
As she got in her car, I reminded her of our conversation on the phone. I told her to take good care of it and remember the promise.
She smiled, thanked me and promised again.
Karen Lackey (author) from Ohio on August 19, 2013:
Wow, breathe2travel! We just moved a year ago and another double twin family moved in. Amazing how many of us are out there! I hope your son enjoys his playmates!
Heidi from Gulf Coast, USA on August 18, 2013:
I just moved to a neighborhood with two families each with two sets of twins! Plus one... so, both families have 5 kids. Pretty neat, I think. :)
Both families have one set of twins that are the same age as my five year old -- all boys.
Karen Lackey (author) from Ohio on August 13, 2013:
Carly, first of all, congratulations. What a blessing.
I was lucky that I was able to get the 2x2 for $250 and the Roundabout for free. That allowed me to have both and get around easy. I would check with your local twin/multiple clubs to see if you can get a good deal on one. I stay home with my kids and it was important to my sanity to be able to get out of the house. If your 3 year olds sit well in a stroller, it might not be a bad idea depending on what you like to do with your children.
Feel free to contact me directly using my profile page information if you have more questions. Mine are 8.5 and 7 now! Time will fly!
Good luck!
Carly on August 12, 2013:
I have not found anyone with two sets of twins, so I hope its ok to ask you. I have two and a half twins and expecting two more by winter. The twins will be three by then, would you suggest a quad stroller. We still rely heavily on the stroller now, but I don't know what three year olds are like. What would you suggest?
Karen Lackey (author) from Ohio on July 13, 2012:
Thanks, jellygator!
jellygator from USA on July 13, 2012:
This is a lovely story!
Karen Lackey (author) from Ohio on July 13, 2012:
Since I have been a mom, I have not met many other moms who needed this stroller either! I miss it, but it has a good home now. Thanks for reading, Judi!
Judi Brown from UK on July 13, 2012:
I shan't ever need a quad stroller, but enjoyed the story of yours. A nice story, well told and with good advice! Voted up etc.
Karen Lackey (author) from Ohio on July 13, 2012:
Thanks for reading, breathe2travel. I held onto the stroller much longer than necessary. I think I was waiting on the right family and I was so pleased when we found it. Thanks for the vote up as well!
Heidi from Gulf Coast, USA on July 13, 2012:
I love the picture of generosity in the transition of the stroller's homes. Thank you for sharing. I just sold my double jogger last week, and experienced twinges of nostalgia and doubt.
Thank you for sharing your story. I voted up & beautiful.