Egyptian Art-Art History Lesson Plans and Ideas
Egyptian Art - Art History Plans and Ideas
I am creating this lens to gather links and images for a study of Ancient Egyptian Art. It will correspond to the study of ancient art on Harmony Fine Arts art and music appreciation program.
Please feel free to use the links to learn more about Ancient Egyptian Art. There are some suggested books to read and a terrific Ancient Egyptian drawing book that my son loves!
Our plan is to view, discuss, sketch, and then make entries for our art notebooks.
Fowling Scene
1400 BC
painted plaster wall 31cm
British Museum, London
Egyptian Museum of Berlin
Canopic Jars
Canopic jars. One of Horus's four sons was represented on the lid of each jar.
Hapshepsut With Offering Jars
Hatshepsut Wearing the White Crown, Early 18th Dynasty, joint reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III (1479-1458 B.C.). Granite. H. 285 cm (9 ft. 4 in.), W 78 cm (31 1/8 in.), D 142 cm (55 7/8 in.). Rogers Fund, 1930 (30.3.1). The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The Great Sphinx
King Tut Death Mask
Death Mask of Tutankhamon, c. 1330 BCE
Temple of Ramses
Temple of Ramses II, 1290-1224 BCE
Sacred Cat
Coffin for a Sacred Cat, 304-30 BCE
Looking for art plans to study more Ancient Art?
I have written plans to study more ancient art: prehistoric, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman. These plans are offered through Harmony Fine Arts and are in ebook format. They are written for middle school age children but my high school age son is also getting lots of great experience out of using them in his homeschooling. Email me if you have any questions about the plans and if they would be a good fit for your family.
- Ancient Art and the Orchestra from Harmony Fine Arts
Learn more about the plans and how you can purchase them to use in your homeschool. $14.95 for a complete year's plan put down on paper for you. Email me if you have any questions.
My New Favorite Egyptian Art Book
From the Ancient Egyptian Drawing Book
Egyptian Gallery - The Met in NYC
Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose, California
Egyptian Art Links
- Rosicrucian Egyptian Art Museum
The largest collection of Egyptian Art on exhibit in western North America. Our family loves to visit and the highlight of the day is always the tour of the tomb replica. There website has numerous resources for more learning opportunities: Rosicruci - Royal Ontario Museum
This could be a great place to find information and links to images for Ancient Egypt. -
A long list of images to view - Art Attack! Video of an Ancient Egyptian Art Project
This easy to do art project has some great results. Looks like so much fun! He gives some instruction on how to draw like an Egyptian.
Rosicrucian Egyptian Art Museum
Take a glimpse into the treasures you will see at this fascinating museum Our family has been here four times and each time we learn something new about ancient Egyptian art. Take a look for your self.
Egypt Coloring Book Project
Thanks for Visiting! - Please feel free to leave a comment or question.
WriterJanis2 on September 23, 2012:
Love the beautiful images.
chloemiriam lm on August 08, 2012:
The Nebamun tomb paintings have to be some of the most amazing art works I've ever seen, I just love them!
Shannon from Florida on July 10, 2012:
Great lens! It'll be very helpful with our Ancient Egypt unit!
LesleyOC on June 25, 2012:
I hadn't thought to look for home education materials on squidoo, but clearly I was wrong. This lens is so useful, and has given me ideas to create some of my own based on the things my daughter and I learn together. She is fascinated by the ancient world and so will really enjoy this!
CorellaCockatoo on May 22, 2012:
This is a great lens. The resources really compliment the classical homeschooling curriculum I plan to use with my son. Thanks for putting it together!
anonymous on March 17, 2012:
if there is a heaven on earth then it is in egypt
anonymous on February 17, 2012:
thank you for this useful article..............
Gayle Dowell from Kansas on February 05, 2012:
Being a homeschool family, we were able to take a field trip to Egypt several years ago when we were studying ancient history. It was a great learning experience and it helped my kids to connect with what they had studied.
deckdesign on January 04, 2012:
Very nice photos. There's something special about Egyption art and structures that they build.
KarenCookieJar on November 27, 2011:
Egypt is one of the most fascinating places on earth.
Laraine Sims from Lake Country, B.C. on September 17, 2011:
I visited the Tutankhamun display when it was on tour. It was amazing. Someday I would like to travel to Egypt. Thank you for giving us a glimpse.
barts2011 on August 05, 2011:
thank you useful article
Kathryn002 on March 22, 2011:
I'm studying Egypt for my art project and it's interesting to learn about the techniques used them in comparison to our modern art materials. This lens was really useful to me, thank you. :)
anonymous on February 26, 2011:
This is such a lovely lens which brings all the images of Egyptian era more vividly and live, especially the images.
WebIsFun on February 17, 2011:
Been to the Tutankhamun display - it was wonderful
Delia on December 26, 2010:
Lovely! I took my kids when they where small to the first US Tutankhamun Exhibit in San was overwhelming cause of all the people, hard to see things.
jackieb99 on December 20, 2010:
Lots of cool stuff! Thanks.
Light-in-me on November 28, 2010:
I have always been fascinated by art the older the better. This is a nice collection of Egyptian art.
Nice job,
Robin :)
Jimmie Quick from Memphis, TN, USA on September 28, 2010:
We are studying Ancient Egypt and made hieroglyphic potato stamps today. What fun! We used this lens to inspire us (colors and style). We also have the Ancient Egyptian Art book. It's a great introduction and is full of images. Highly recommended.
_Gem_ on September 20, 2010:
Thanks, Barb, for the great art selections. We are reading the adventure novel "The Red Pyramid" and pursuing Egyptology for a bit - these illustrations are wonderful.
Elizabeth Sheppard from Bowling Green, Kentucky on February 14, 2010:
I enjoyed looking at your Egyptian art selections today. Thank you for the neat lens! I enjoy reading about Egypt and also looking at ancient Egyptian art. I enjoyed the cat mummy a lot too.