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The Small One Is a Faith-Based Animated Film for All Year Long

The Small One is a Christmas classic

The Small One is a Christmas classic

Christmas is a state of mind

Once December 25th ends so does Christmas for many. They take down their decorations and do not think about the season until 365 days later. People of faith who celebrate Jesus as the reason for the season keep Him in mind every day of the year. I believe the Lord led me to a gem of a holiday animated film that I was not aware of. I recall many cartoons and live-action Christmas movies from the 1960s and 1970s but had never heard of The Small one until today. This 1978 classic from Disney is just right for those who desire to keep focus on Mary, Joseph, and Jesus and who like a good tear-jerker. Disney is often accused of Satanic activity but they have never altered the lines in any of their productions of A Christmas Carol where Bob Crachet says Tiny Tim wanted everyone to remember upon Christmas Day who is was that healed the blind and the lame. Disney also remained true to traditional stories of Mr. Scrooge where Hark the Herald Angels Sing and other Christian hymns are sung.

We can follow the star every day of our lives

We can follow the star every day of our lives

A real life Small One

I'm not sure why I could not load The Small One on Disney + but I found it on YouTube and you can watch it below. My journey to this film began last April when 2 stray neighborhood cast gave birth. There was one black-and-white kitten my granddaughter named Maxine who was the runt of the litter and my oldest grandson began calling her Small One. We found Maxine and her siblings one day inside an old cat tower we placed under the back carport area and she looked to weigh only a few ounces. No shelter in town would take the strays because they were filled with parts people had given up so a neighbor and I began making sure there was food and water for the kittens. My oldest son decided to adopt Maxine and make her an indoor kitty and when he took her to the vet she only weighed 2lbs. Each time my grandson came to visit he always wanted to know about the progress of the Small One. I found the Disney classic on an MSN list of the 10 best faith-based Christmas movies and I agree that it should be on the list. Perhaps Maxine coming into our lives and my grandson giving her a nickname were preparing me to enjoy the story of the little donkey all the more.

The runt of the litter has a purpose

In the Christmas story the older donkeys who are larger laugh at the little donkey whose ears will not stay up and the son of his owner names him Small One. He cannot do very much work and there comes a day he must be sold. After going through many trials the little boy sells his pet to a man who says he will be gentle and kind. You later see him walking with his wife on the donkey as a star is overhead and it's implied this is Joseph and Mary. After the film ends Bign Crosby reads the actual book titled The Small One and Mary, Joseph, and Jesus are named in the book. The moral of the story is that the runt of the litter was chosen to carry Mary and the Christ child so he had a purpose after all. The music and the ending scene in the Disney cartoon as well as Crosby's narration of the book will move you to tears if you are the sentimental type. Jesus is no longer a babe in a manger but many have said the Christmas story warms their heart no matter what time of year they reflect on it.

Disney's The Small One

Disney's The Small One

Christmas every day

Thanks to streaming services some Christmas movies and animated programs can be viewed as early as November. If they are on YouTube you can watch them any of the 365 days of the year. If you subscribe to Apple TV + you can view A Charlie Brown Christmas and other holiday classics all year long. The Small One is not a deeply biblically based production but it will warm the hearts of those who like the holiday to remain Christ-centered, Some people enjoy Christmas films when they have Christmas in July, and others like having them available any time of the year they choose. This little-known Disney classic might be just what someone perhaps you has been lacking with the secuarization of the holiday.

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2023 Cheryl E Preston

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