Minecraft stronghold seed list 1.6.4 (videos)
Best Minecraft Stronghold Seeds of 1.6.4 below!

This is the best stronghold seed page on the entire internet. It has a compilation of the best Strongholds known to Minecraft.
Quick seed list summary
This page has 10 of the best Minecraft 1.6.4 Stronghold Seeds on the web. Scroll through and check them out, there's a video and description for each one. The coordinates of each stronghold are in the description above the videos.
The description above the video has the seed number and the video has a quick one to five minute run through of the seed. One of the seeds has a longer video walk-through.
If you like this page scroll down to the bottom and check out my "Related Content" section for links to my other, even more amazing, seed lists. If you want to support my cause and get a feed of content just like this to your Facebook, then like my facebook page.
Thanks for checking this out, have fun viewing!
Minecraft 1.6.4 Stronghold Seed #1: 786688341
This is the coolest stronghold seed on the list. In this seed you spawn a few hundred blocks away from an island village that's right next to an exposed stronghold that's sticking out of the water. This is hands down the best stronghold seed of 1.6.4, and any others that it works on.
To find this stronghold go to the following coordinates: (x-534)(z-833).
On top of that, if this seed isn't good enough for you, scroll down to the next one, it's pretty much just as good, if not better!
Minecraft stronghold seed video #1 - Island village beside exposed stronghold
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #2: 9057352651117540831
This one's another amazing stronghold seed for 1.6.4, and for good reason. In this seed you spawn in front of a giant ravine with diamonds at the bottom. On the way to the bottom is an exposed bookshelf. If you go that way there's a stronghold with an end portal sticking out of the wall if you break through the stone.
The stronghold is at the following coordinates: X700 Z678 Y44
If this wasn't good enough for you, read on, there's plenty more epic seeds to choose from below.
Minecraft stronghold seed video #2 - Open ravine with diamonds and stronghold
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #3: -644213029
You're really going to like this 1.6.4 stronghold seed. This is an awesome seed where if you walk a few steps from your spawn and dig down, you'll find a cool stronghold.
The coordinates are (x-230) (z-590).
Be sure to keep scrolling, there's another 7 seeds to go!
Minecraft stronghold seed #3 - A few steps away and a hundred blocks down
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #4: 999999999999999
This is another cool stronghold seed where you just travel a little ways and then dig down at the bottom of the ocean.
The coordinates of the stronghold are (x616)(z358).
Read on for another 6 seeds!
Minecraft stronghold seed #4 - Nearby under-ocean stronghold
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #5: 64951768
Here's a cool one for you. It's another exposed dungeon that's only a few blocks below the surface of the ocean. If you swim down you can dig straight into the end portal room.
The coordinates are (x-372)(z565).
Be sure to check out the following 5 seeds, it's not over yet.
Minecraft stronghold seed video #5 - Another exposed end portal
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #6: 2190907
This is another cool Minecraft stronghold for you. You spawn at a village and if you Just dig down at x-74 z827 and you'll find it. The village is pretty cool, and if it were up to me, I would just hang out at the village, I love those things.
Be sure to check out the next 4 too.
Minecraft stronghold seed video #6 - Village spawn, stronghold near.
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #7: -168975672
This one's another underwater stronghold. If you go to x575 z1022 y23 you'll find it. Just another cool stronghold for you to explore.
Be sure to check out the next 3 too.
Minecraft stronghold seed #7 - Another underwater stronghold
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #8: 760967791
It's a long walk for this stronghold, but it's under a desert. There's a good little desert bramble to give you a queue as to where it is too.
To find it go to the following coordinates x298 y-631 y28.
There's 2 more seeds below, be sure to check them out too.
Minecraft stronghold seed #8 - Sub-desert stronghold
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #9: 4852754096646050338
This sub-jungle stronghold seed is pretty cool too. It's not too difficult to find either, especially if you have the coordinates.
To find the stronghold dig down at the following coordinates: (x-482)(z599).
There's one more video below, so be sure to check it out!
Minecraft stronghold seed video #9 - A sub-jungle stronghold seed
Minecraft 1.6.4 stronghold seed #10: -8279254323623180651
This is the last and final Minecraft stronghold on the list for 1.6.4, and it's pretty neat. There are red mushroom inside of the end portal room, which is something you don't see very often, especially for an underground stronghold.
The coordinates of the stronghold are x-198 z-451 y15.
Scroll down for a list of 10 Minecraft village seeds, Minecraft mushroom biome seeds, and much more!
Minecraft stronghold seed video #10 - Red mushrooms in the end portal room!
This is the end of the Stronghold seed list, but read on for more seeds!

Read on for a village seed list, mushroom biome seed list, mountain seeds, jungle seeds, and even jungle temple seeds!
Related Content
Want more seeds? Don't worry, there are plenty more to choose from. Here's a list of my other work. Check back often as I add more every day or two.
- Minecraft village seed list
- Minecraft mushroom biome seed list
- Minecraft jungle seed list
- Minecraft jungle temple seed list
- Minecraft mountain seed list
- Old (1.5.2) Minecraft village seed list
That's it for this page. Thanks for checking it out, there's so much more left for me to do, and I'll keep posting my works to my Minecraft facebook page for all to see. If you want more as it comes, be sure to check out and like that page.
If you have any comments, feel free to say so below!