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Top 13 Low-Maintenance Pets That Like to Cuddle

Learn about the best pets for cuddling, both big and small.

Learn about the best pets for cuddling, both big and small.

Best Large and Small Pets for Cuddling

What do rabbits, snakes, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, and even skunks have in common? The answer: They are all pets that love to cuddle! And they're fairly low-maintenance animals, too. Believe it or not, with some dedication and knowledge, all of these pets can be easy to care for and would love to snuggle right next to you.

Of course, you may find some of the animals below kind of unusual. But give them a chance, and you might find one that will endear himself to you for life.

Note: Keep in mind that no pet is truly "low-maintenance." All pets require proper care, attention, and love to thrive.

13 Low-Maintenance and Cuddly Pets

  1. Cats
  2. Dogs
  3. Rabbits
  4. Pot-Bellied Pigs
  5. Guinea Pigs
  6. Horses
  7. Cockatoo
  8. Snakes
  9. Fancy Rats
  10. Skunks
  11. Bearded Dragons
  12. Chinchillas
  13. Hamster
Cats are considered some of the easiest pets to own—and they're very cuddly!

Cats are considered some of the easiest pets to own—and they're very cuddly!

1. Cats

At the top of our list are cats. Now, are you a cat person or a dog person? We just put the cats first, because, well, they're cats. Dogs are in spot number two if you care to check below. Now, we all know that cats are described as aloof, disinterested, and at times, cold. These guys are usually solitary creatures, even though they have been domesticated.

Nevertheless, if you have ever taken care of a cat in your life, you understand that they're not really like that at all. Sure, sometimes they love to go about their own business, but oftentimes, they are quite the affectionate type.

Of course, they show their affection differently than dogs. Dogs will be dogs, and cats will be cats. Plenty of research supports the fact that cats are loyal and loving pets, however. And they can even go to such lengths as risking life and limb for their owners.

How Do Cats Show Love?

  • Sitting on your lap
  • Purring
  • Following you around
  • Rubbing the entire length of their bodies against you
  • Protecting you from things they deem as potential threats
  • Play cat games with you (that may include scratching and biting, though)
  • Kneading
  • Licking
  • Hugging
  • And, of course, snuggling next to you for some much-needed sleep (they need to sleep 15 hours a day on average, FYI.)
Dogs might be the world's most affectionate animals.

Dogs might be the world's most affectionate animals.

2. Dogs

Arguably, dogs could be number one. It simply comes down to your cat vs. dog preference!

You know how dogs are the minute you arrive home. They wag their tails, bark at you, paw you, lick you in the face, turn round and round, and look just oh so excited to see you again. They don't call these canines “man's best friend" for nothing, right?

If there is one thing that you can really know for sure, it's the fact that dogs are fiercely loyal. They are also very showy when expressing their affection for you. They sometimes even try to talk to you.

How Do Dogs Show Love?

  • Tail wagging
  • Following you around
  • Leaning right next to you
  • Cuddling
  • Jumping up and down
  • Spinning around and around
  • Barking and licking
  • Hugging and snuggling

The biggest thing about dogs, at least in my opinion, is that they are very social creatures. They can form a strong bond with their owners, and they will cling to that bond to their graves. Dogs have a huge desire to belong to a group—they're pack animals, and they look up to you as the alpha dog, or alpha human, to be exact.

This is also true of dogs that everyone thinks are aggressive, like Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. Even these dogs that we often consider intimidating have a soft side, especially for the ones who take care of them. They might be a bit aggressive when they show you love, but it is part of the way they communicate their affection. Whatever the breed, dogs are true blue cuddle buddies.

Rabbits are affectionate small pets that bond strongly with their owners.

Rabbits are affectionate small pets that bond strongly with their owners.

3. Rabbits

If you're looking for some of the cutest pets on the planet, you needn't look further than the next furry, fluffy bunny you can find. Compared to dogs and cats, bunnies or rabbits can be quite low-maintenance. While rabbits usually aren't very expressive, they do have their own ways of showing love.

Rabbits can be surprisingly affectionate pets. They're kind of funny, too, as they bounce from one spot to the next. Do note that just like us humans, rabbits also have a wide range of personality types. Some rabbits are downright playful, while others are absolutely bashful and quiet. Sometimes, they're moody too. Sometimes, they want some quiet alone time, and at other times, they're absolutely outgoing.

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How Do Rabbits Show Love?

  • Following their owners around
  • Jumping into the air in great joy
  • Running around, especially when they have a chance to go around your feet
  • Squealing and asking for food (yes, they can recognize your face)
  • Licking
  • Snuggling
  • Playing games
  • Even begging you to give them a pat on the head

Rabbits, like dogs and cats, tend to establish strong bonds with their owners. Nevertheless, do take note that many rabbits don't like being picked up off the floor by anyone, even their owners! They tend to respond more to certain ways of handling. For instance, even though bunny rabbits don't generally like being carried around, many appreciate pats on the head and some cuddling on the floor.

So how do you know if a rabbit doesn't like what you're doing? Well, he would give you a little nip or even a scratch.

Pot-bellied pigs are very intelligent and love to cuddle.

Pot-bellied pigs are very intelligent and love to cuddle.

4. Pot-Bellied Pigs

Pot-bellied pigs are another popular and low-maintenance pet that likes to cuddle. And yes, we all know the negative stereotypes about pigs. We've seen them portrayed in popular media, and part of the blame should go to huge filmmakers (I'm looking at you, Disney).

This stereotype is even ingrained in our language. When was the last time you heard someone say "eat like a pig"? Other familiar piggy phrases include "filthy pig" and "sweat like a pig." However, just like other stereotypes, these views can also be proven wrong, and all you have to do is make a pot-bellied pig your pet. They're surprisingly cuddly too.

How Do Pigs Show Love?

  • You know they want some attention when they rub their snouts on you.
  • They tend to follow you around.
  • They are rather protective.
  • They squeal when they want to attract attention.
  • They love to play games.
  • Just like dogs, pot-bellied pigs wag their tails when you are around.
  • They also love to lick the ones they love, and they're way into snuggling too.

Pot-bellied pigs are actually quite affectionate. You can even say that they are quite exceptional when it comes to expressing their feelings for others, especially their owners. They have an intense craving for companionship (think Timon and Pumbaa, or something like that). In fact, they respond very well to touch.

General Pig Care Tips

Room to roam: Your pet piggy will need plenty of room to run around, just like a dog does. They love to run around and play, and you'll be surprised how game they are when it comes to playing with your dog. However, remember that they also need lots of shade. They need some space to cool off after some intense games.

High intelligence: Your piggy can be quite the curious type. They also tend to get bored rather quickly. That means you should keep your home “pigproofed." Keep breakables away from your piggy's reach.

Is it okay to keep them inside the house? Yes, but give them some outdoor time as well. When they need to sleep, they can make really great cuddle buddies.

Guinea pigs are technically considered small exotic pets.

Guinea pigs are technically considered small exotic pets.

5. Guinea Pigs

Why is it that whenever we think of guinea pigs, we often think of mad science experiments? Oh, these poor things. However, it shouldn't come as a surprise that these cute little guys make amazing house pets. Though comparable to hamsters, guinea pigs have many unique qualities.

For example, guinea pigs are more active during the day compared to hamsters, and they are more acclimatized to open spaces. Hamsters, on the other hand, prefer more enclosed spaces.

How Do Guinea Pigs Show Love?

  • Sitting on your shoulders
  • Snuggling
  • Following around their favorite humans
  • Playing games
  • Squealing at you
  • Licking you

Even though they are social creatures, guinea pigs need time to establish trust with you. Give your furry friend a day or two to get used to your presence after you take them home from the pet shop. Your guinea pig will be very loyal to you after that important bit of trust has been established.

They will ask for a lot of attention, which is another unique trait compared to hamsters. They don't like isolation. Once they trust you, handle your guinea pigs often—for them, this is a sign of love and care.

General Guinea Pig Care Tips

Companions: Guinea pigs also love to hang out with their fellow guinea pigs. That means you need to buy at least two guinea pigs so they can be buddies. Watch them hang out with one another and do crazy antics.

Unique personalities: Guinea pigs will make their likes and dislikes very apparent. Note that each guinea pig will have a rather unique personality. Some like getting picked up, while others are just fine with some petting. Still, others will want to play around a lot.

Accessories: You don't have to spend a ton of money on accessories for your pet guinea pigs. Anything homemade will work as a great form of entertainment. Cardboard boxes, tubes, and pretty much anything that you can find in the house will be very popular.

Horses might not be the most low-maintenance pet, but if you can afford them, they can be very loving animals.

Horses might not be the most low-maintenance pet, but if you can afford them, they can be very loving animals.

6. Horses

Not everyone can get a horse and keep it as a pet, but if you have cash to burn and space to spare (maybe you have a barn or something), then get one. It shouldn't come as a surprise that these guys are very cuddly with owners who take good care of them.

If you have enough resources, a horse can be a low-maintenance, cuddly animal to have. Some people may not even consider these guys pets, but let's call them what they really are.

The wonderful thing about horses is that they have the ability to know and reflect the emotions that you are feeling. They can easily empathize with people. Because of these qualities, these animals are revered as very affectionate creatures.

How Do Horses Show Love?

  • They're great for snuggles. They will even nudge you when they want you to hug them.
  • They rub their noses on their owners.
  • Horses are known to lean near you.
  • Your horse is happy with you if you see its nostrils round, and they are soft to the touch.
  • Your horse is relaxed when his lip and lower jaw are drooping slightly and hanging downward. You may even see him dribbling.
  • Your horse's ears point in the direction where he is concentrating.

How Do Horses Show They Are Unhappy?

  • When the nose is tight, drawn, and thin, you know that your horse is unhappy.
  • Box walking and crib biting, or repetitive pacing or biting movements, are signs that your horse is stressed.
Cockatoos are some of the best pets to have and are very devoted to their owners.

Cockatoos are some of the best pets to have and are very devoted to their owners.

7. Cockatoos

Okay, so when looking for low-maintenance pets that like to cuddle, the last thing on your mind would be a bird, right? Well, guess what? A cockatoo is one of those exceptions. People think of cockatoos as skittish and, at times, unintelligent. However, that doesn't mean they can't show any degree of affection or loyalty. Those who make that assumption are usually the folks who have never owned one.

These birds are playful, yes, and that playfulness is often an exercise for their intellect. They can be taught tricks, and cockatoos can form a strong cuddly bond with their owners through the related training involved.

How Do Cockatoos Show Love?

  • Making noises and gestures to attract your attention
  • Allowing you to pick them up and handle them
  • Snuggling
  • Following your movements

These birds are highly sociable. They usually crave attention. If it is not provided, then the bird will develop behavioral issues.

Snakes are considered some of the best and easiest reptile pets.

Snakes are considered some of the best and easiest reptile pets.

8. Snakes

Snakes are some of the most fascinating creatures in history. Depending on the legend, they are either revered as gods or feared as creatures of evil and misfortune. No matter how you see them, one thing is for sure: Snakes should be treated with respect, even if they are your pets or not.

They are unconventional pets, but they're pretty easy to care for and maintain. They don't make any noise, for one thing. This makes them the perfect apartment pet. Additionally, many snakes, like the corn snake, only need to be fed once or twice a week.

These reptiles enjoy exploring their surroundings, just like any other pet you may have owned. If you're allergic to dogs and cats yet want something that is cuddly, then try a pet snake.

How Do Snakes Show Love?

  • You know that a snake likes you if he is already comfortable enough to wrap himself around you. A snake won't do that unless he trusts you and likes the way you handle him.
  • They recognize you. Well, that will only happen after a while. And even after many months of caring for a snake, it may still see you as the guy or girl who gives them food. But at least they recognize you, right?
  • It doesn't bite you. There are many reasons why pet snakes bite their owners, like improper handling.

A special bond can be formed between snakes and their owners. If the relationship has held strong for quite a while, snakes will learn to trust their owners and will be happy to leave their tanks to join them.

A fancy rat hanging out on its owner's shoulder

A fancy rat hanging out on its owner's shoulder

9. Fancy Rats

Rats already have a bad rap. However, what we are actually referring to here are "fancy" rats. They're not your run-off-the-mill sort of rodent that springs out of the sewer. These are the domesticated variety. Fancy rats are fast becoming a big favorite among pet owners, and for good reason too. They are loving, cute, and friendly creatures.

On top of that, it doesn't take a lot to care for fancy rats. You just need a few things: toys, food, some love and attention, and a cage big enough for these little critters to run around in.

These cute furry guys are very easy to handle. They also love to play games, and watching them do their crazy antics is a lot of fun. You can set up obstacles for them and see just how smart they really are. Sometimes, all they want to do is hang out on your shoulders, which is pretty cool, by the way.

How Do Rats Show Love?

  • They hang out on your shoulder.
  • They attempt to groom you.
  • They love to play games, puzzles, and obstacles that you set up.
  • They're game for some snuggling too.
Skunks are considered exotic pets, but in the right hands, they can be very affectionate and playful.

Skunks are considered exotic pets, but in the right hands, they can be very affectionate and playful.

10. Skunks

Now, how in the world did skunks get on this list? Just like some other animals on this list, skunks have become a bit notorious, and it's not just in the movies. They do stink in real life, but that is just Mother Nature's gift to them—it's their defense mechanism.

Surprisingly, domesticated skunks can be really cuddly and friendly too. On top of that, they have no problems interacting with kids. That kind of puts them on par with cats and dogs in my opinion.

Keep in mind, however, that it is not legal to own skunks in all areas, and the simple fact that skunks are very uncommon pets may make them more difficult to care for than the more usual critters.

How Do Skunks Show Love?

  • Happy chirping
  • Smacking their lips
  • Licking and nibbling
  • Cuddling
Bearded dragons are great pets for first-time reptile owners.

Bearded dragons are great pets for first-time reptile owners.

11. Bearded Dragons

Nope, they're not real dragons, and no, they don't breathe fire, but bearded dragons do make excellent easy-to-manage pets to own. These are gentle lizards, and they can be quite expressive too. On top of that, beardies can also be very affectionate, and they communicate it via body language.

They do this funky dance by spinning one front leg around in a circle, followed by another spin of the other front leg. They actually do this whenever they spot something or someone that they think is a threat to signal submission.

It's their way of telling the other fella that they mean no harm and they don't want any trouble. When they do that to you, then you should quickly reassure your bearded dragon that you don't mean any harm.

How Do Bearded Dragons Show Love?

  • Sitting calmly on hands or shoulder
  • Coming when called
  • Showing recognition or excitement when they see

Do They Recognize the Hand That Feeds Them?

Of course, they do. And they not only recognize the hand; they actually remember your face and smell. After getting used to the one feeding and tending to them, beardies often come running to you when they see you come close.

They may mostly expect you to give them food, but they also come over for a nice cuddle sometimes. Yes, these guys get clingy sometimes.

General Bearded Dragon Care Tips

Feeding: Beardies grow fast. They eat a lot, and they eat often. Note that they have very fast metabolisms. They usually eat three times a day when young. Give them as much food as they can eat in 15 minutes.

Hyrdation: Remember to keep them well-hydrated. Even though some bearded dragons have a small body mass (but some can be quite large, too), they tend to get dehydrated, especially during hot days. They need routine misting and a shallow dish of clean water all the time.

Heating and lighting: Provide some heating and lighting in the tank where you keep your beardies. They tend to lie directly where the light is as if they're sunbathing. Sometimes, they lie on top of each other, with the most dominant beardie on top, where it's closest to the light source.

Handle them with care: Bearded dragons love to cuddle, and they also like it when you pick them up and pet them. But don't overdo it. Sometimes, they like to be on their own and get some alone time.

Chinchillas may be a bit standoffish at first, but they grow to love their people.

Chinchillas may be a bit standoffish at first, but they grow to love their people.

12. Chinchillas

Another low-maintenance pet that might be considered a bit untraditional is the chinchilla. Just like the bearded dragon, this one is quickly becoming a popular pet of choice. These guys have very soft and cuddly fur and are affectionate with their owners. The downside of caring for chinchillas is that they may require as much time and attention as a dog or cat.

It has been said that a chinchilla combines the cuteness of a puppy, a kitten, and a hamster all rolled into one. They are also said to have impressive intuition. Chinchillas have a happy demeanor, which makes them quite endearing. They thrive in a dedicated space just for them—just remember to supply them with enough food and water. And, of course, give them lots of love.

How Do Chinchillas Show Love?

  • Popcorning, which is when they actually jump for joy
  • Running with excitement
  • Tail wagging
  • Grooming and nibbling

General Chinchilla Care Tips

Getting acclimatized: Chinchillas need some time to get acclimatized to their environment, and they also need time to get to know you. They can be a bit resistant to handling at first, especially during the first week when you take one home. Don't force your pet—that means don't carry it or even touch it for a while.

Skittishness: Because they can be skittish, that means they also take time to get to know other chinchillas and pets in the house. Again, give your chinchilla time to acclimatize to its new environment.

Space: Give it enough room where it can climb and run around. That means a small cage won't cut it for your cuddly friend.

Feeding: Stick to their diet of hay, pellets, and occasional healthy treats. Follow feeding instructions strictly, too, or else your chinchilla may get some gastrointestinal problems.

Hamsters may not be the most outwardly affectionate pets, but they are still cuddly at times and fairly easy to care for.

Hamsters may not be the most outwardly affectionate pets, but they are still cuddly at times and fairly easy to care for.

13. Hamsters

Hamsters are fairly common but may need some extra care, especially when you're trying to teach your kids how to take care of pets. They do love to nuzzle with their humans, and they also love to play games.

However, it's sad that a lot of owners don't give their hammies the love they truly deserve. Sure, they're cuddly and fun all right, but some of the things we thought were great for them may not exactly be what they really need. Give them proper attention and care daily, and they will love you forever.

How Do Hamsters Show Love?

  • Playing with you
  • Leaping
  • Approaching you when you're near
  • Allowing you to handle them

General Hamster Care Tips

Large cage: We all know the sad story—a lot of owners confine hamsters in small cages, thinking that these little guys are good in confined spaces. It may come as a surprise that one hamster actually needs a 30 x 12-inch cage (minimum!).

Hamster wheel: Some hamsters are bigger than others, and thus some require a bigger wheel. Check your hammy's breed, which will give you a clue. A dwarf hammy will need a minimum of a 6.5-inch wheel. A Syrian hammy, on the other hand, will need an 11-inch wheel (minimum).

Chewing: Give them something that they can chew on. Isn't it interesting that hamster teeth keep on growing? That also means they always need something to chew. Giving them chew toys will help to keep the teeth from growing way too long.

Cleaning: Hamsters are generally really clean creatures. They don't make a lot of mess. That is why they are really low maintenance: You only need to clean the hammy cage about once a week.

Let them sleep: Just like cats, hamsters need plenty of sleep. Believe it or not, but hamsters are actually nocturnal. If they sleep during the day, make sure not to disturb them. You can wake them up at around 6 pm, which should be their regular waking time. No loud sounds during sleep and nappy times.

Cats, Dogs, and Lizards, Oh My!

There you have it, 13 of the most cuddly, low-maintenance pets. All of these animals require different types of care, so please be sure to prepare accordingly if you decide to welcome a new fuzzy (or scaly!) friend into your home. Good luck!


More Low-Maintenance Pets to Consider


Seth on November 08, 2019:

Low Maintenance


Yeah... No...

Isabella from Canada on October 16, 2019:

I enjoy the amount of detail and effort put into the article, greatly done!

Avalyn Jones on September 17, 2019:

Very Informative and well-described article. I am also writing about small pets but this article is really full of a lot of information I didn't know earlier.

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