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Gavin Cline

Joined 17 months ago Last activity 3 weeks ago

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    Brian Cohee: The Horrific Murderer of Warren Barnes

    3 weeks ago

    On March 1st, 2021, a terrifying discovery would be made by the mother of Brian Cohee. A dismembered head and hands would be found in her son's closet in trash bags. Cohee would be taken to a police station, where he would admit to murdering a local Grand Junction, Colorado, homeless man.

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    Burger Chef Murders: Still Unsolved After Four Decades

    5 weeks ago

    What was supposed to be a normal closing shift at a Burger Chef restaurant in Indiana turned into a nightmare when the four employees there are found dead in numerous manners. Four decades later, their killers remain at large.

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    The Idaho College Student Murders: An Overview

    15 months ago

    In mid-November of 2022, four University of Idaho students were stabbed and killed, with the murderer at large. Now, justice may have finally arrived. For those new to the case, or those interested in learning more, this article will provide an overview of the case as trials ensue.

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    The "Downtown Posse" and the Dayton Christmas Killings of 1992

    3 months ago

    Christmas 1992: A group of youngsters go on a murder spree, targeting Joseph Wilkerson while choosing Danita Gullette and other victims at random. By the end, six were dead with two injured. Christmas will never be the same for Dayton, Ohio, a community still affected by their losses.

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    Jessica Easterly Durning: Still No Justice in New Orleans Cold Case

    7 months ago

    Jessica Easterly Durning was found dead blocks from her home. Mistakes by police slowed the case down. With few updates and the suspicious behavior of her abusive husband Justin Durning Jr., her family still awaits answers about how she died and who was responsible.

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    Austin Yogurt Shop Murders: An Unsolved Tragedy

    16 months ago

    In 1991, four young girls, ages 13-17, are brutally killed at a yogurt shop in Austin, Texas. Shot, gagged and burned, investigators are horrified. And a fire destroyed potential evidence. However, advances in DNA technology may help law enforcement find out who killed the girls.


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