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Funny Scottish Slang Insults


Please do not be insulted by my writing today it is meant for humor and of course if you ever visit Scotland,it will give you a little understanding of the Scottish language,most Scottish insults come in general conversation and are meant to be taken with a pinch of salt or a good insult back to the person who first commented.

as in the title of this hub,awa and bile yer heid (away and boil your head) which means go away.

Ya Bampot = you idiot.

Bessie = a rude bad tempered woman.

A Clype = a tattletale.

Nippet =bad tempered.

You've a face like the back of a bus.

You've a face like a skelpit erse ( a smacked bottom).

You've a face like a chicken laying razors.

She has a lovely body but a face like a bucket of spanners.

Bloomin idiot = bloody idiot

Numpty= fool

He looks like a half shut knife" - describing someone who looks depressed.

"Doon the Dee on a digestive" - this is the Abedonian equivalent of "Do you think I came up the River Clyde on a banana boat?" in other words, do you think I'm daft?

Twa bubbles aff the centre" - derived from the bubbles on a spirit level, someone who is "two bubbles off the centre" is regarded as a bit simple or stupid.

A tongue that would clip clouts" - literally speech which would leave a cloth in tatters, describes someone who is very abrasive and gives a good account of themselves in an argument.

the list goes on lol but i don`t want to cause too much offence have fun.....jimmy



Jw on May 30, 2012:

Ye've a face like a dug chewin a wasp

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mark on November 29, 2011:

I'm starving, I could eat a horse, and go back for the jockey

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on August 04, 2011:

thanks izzy

kiwitom from Perth, Australia on October 28, 2010:

Pretty good - I especially like the one about the golf shoe. Ive recently moved to Oz so decided to do a similar hub on the best Australian insults I've heard so far.... including such gems as "She has a smile like a mackerel eating mustard"

Coco on August 10, 2009:

i live in scotland too but to the many people particularly american we are not all ginger, we don't wear kilts unless it is a special occasion like a wedding, we don't live in casltes, we don't have our own herds of cattle and we don't chase haggis, you eat haggis.

noob is a particular favourite. it is just idiot etc

am gonni rattul yer nogen- rattle your heed- rattle your head.

twat, twaf- idiot, fanny, etc.

leebee58 on June 13, 2009:

could anyone define 'bowl lasher' for me please. used in context: how wid ye like tae hav an accident wi a bowl lasher.

much appreciated, ne-obliviscaris.


thebam on April 25, 2009:

fanny like a hippos yawn

face like a second hand dart board

Kirsty+Toni on December 16, 2008:

youv git a face like a well shagged camells arse

syth master0 on December 16, 2008:

lol there all pretty good ave only got a few words tae add oan tae it but how about:

yaldi = a word to express exitement

glaikit = stupid, idiot, "tumshie heed", not very bright.

Muppet = stupid, idiot, "tumshie heed", not very bright

Ginger-Mc on November 27, 2008:

You've made the fatal error of writing "idiot", clearly it's Tumshie-heid ;)

ymyd on November 04, 2008:

shes been cocked mair times than john waynes rifle, shes seen mair helmets than hitler,her fannies like a bill posters bucket, her fannies like a wizards sleave,mair seaman in her than david seamens goalie gloves,yer maws git baws and yer da loves it

karl mcclure on October 20, 2008:

She had a f*nny like a stab wound in a gorilla's back Look's like she's been dooking for apples in a chip pan Had more hands up her than sooty! She's got a face like a dog lickin pi*h off a nettle. It looks like she's been set on fire and put out with a golf shoe! She's got a face that could make an onion cry. I wouldn't ride her into battle. Everyone has a right to be ugly, but she abuses the privilege I wouldn't do her with a rusty pole Mair chins than a Chinese phone book She smells like an alkies carpet She has seen more japseyes than an oriental optician It's like sha*gin a pail of water. It's like sha*gin the sleeve off a wizards cloak! she's killed more co*ks than a fowl butcher Fa*ny like a ripped out fireplace Face like a sand blasted tomato Ar*e like a bag of washing She sweats like a dog in a Chinese restaurant She's seen more helmets than Hitler Face like a stuntman's knee She's got a fa*ny like a badly packed kebab Like opening the window and sha*ging the night She's seen more co*kends than weekends A left her with a face like a painter's radio Fa*ny like a clowns pocket Fa*ny like a Hippo's yawn She's that ugly not even a sniper would take her out I bet she's got a fa*ny like a pub carpet More pri*ks than a second hand dartboard. Face like a blind joiners thumb She's done more lengths than Duncan Goodhew She's been shot over more times than Sarajevo Even the tide wouldn't take her out

karl mcclure on October 20, 2008:

bawbag nest scots insult ever

william irvine on September 04, 2008:

What about this one. ' Ahm that hungry ah could eat a farmers arse through a hedge!

Bofaffy on August 26, 2008:

Great stuff!! I'm an American who wishes he was back in Scotland like his ancestors with all his heart!! I'm jealous.

HighlandDancer on June 11, 2008:

Och, calm yer heid Mhari. I'm a Scotswoman too and I'm just ignoring Elbee's comments. He's nothing but a glaikit cuddie.

Boab on May 27, 2007:

Ur Maws The Best Welder In Fife ... You've Got A Face That Could Make An Onion Greet ... Away And Bile Yur Heed ... A face like a saft tattie ... A face like a skelpit erse

Johnny on March 24, 2007:

Fantastic put downs. As for politically correct Mhairi's comments. It is up to the women to make up their own offensive sayings. Daft Wee Lassie getting her uptight knickers in a twist.

Mhairi on February 14, 2007:

Being a Scot myself, and a qualified translator and occasional English teacher here in Barcelona, I find it EXTREMELY offensive that ALL of Elbee´s comments referred to women being ugly. In my experience, Scottish women (including myself of course) are a GREAT deal more attractive than their male counterparts. Where are the sayings related to ugly men!!??? There are plenty of them to use as examples!!

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on November 10, 2006:

thanks elbee appreciated.....jimmy

Elbee on November 10, 2006:

aye no bad, here's some more...

Look's like she's been dooking for apples in a chip pan


Shes got a face like a dug lickin pish aff a nettle.


It looks like she's been set on fire and put out with a golf shoe!


She's got a face that could make an onion cry.


I wouldn't ride her into battle.


everyone has a right to be ugly, but she abuses the privilege


arse like a bag a washing


face like a melted welly


She smells like an alkies carpet


she has seen more japseyes than an oriental optician


'Yer maw's got a dick and yer da's jealous'"

Ralph Deeds from Birmingham, Michigan on October 18, 2006:

You have a rich dialect. You'd fit in well with my relatives in northwestern Nebraska who have quite a few colorful expressions, e.g., "snow ass-deep on a nine-foot Indian." Or "find a girl with a hare lip, and she'll stick with you forever."

Jimmy the jock (author) from Scotland on October 17, 2006:

I haven`t been to Tobermory or the isle of mull but would love to some day visit all of the Scottish islands....jimmy

gredmondson from San Francisco, California on October 17, 2006:

I haave a friend who loves Scotland and goes to Tobermorry (sp?) almost every year. Have you ever been there?

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