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A Trip to Drumheller, Alberta, Canada: The Land of Dinosaurs

The Hoodoos are very interesting rock formations

Drumheller Has Awe-Inspiring Views

A trip to Drumheller, Alberta is full of surprises, including plenty of dinosaurs, and also the amazement of finding a desert paradise plunked down right in the middle of miles of flat prairie. After a ninety minute car ride across wheat and mustard seed fields, you find yourself quite suddenly heading down a steep and windy road, and brought down into the badlands of the Drumheller Valley. The scenery is unique and awe-inspiring: brown sandstone hills go on for hours, creating a wild untouched domain. The hills are a great place for hiking and/or picture-taking.

Besides enjoying the beautiful scenery, there are are a wealth of things to do in your travels to Drumheller Valley, Alberta, Canada, including checking out the world-famous dinosaurs.

Trip to Drumheller, from YouTube

The World's Biggest Dinosaur

The World's Biggest Dinosaur

The World's Biggest Dinosaur

Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, dinosaurs!

When we watch a movie like Jurassic Park or a Dinosaur's Story, we tend to forget that dinosaurs are not just creatures of myth and imagination, but that they once were a very integral part of our world! Seeing dinosaurs come alive is just one of the exciting and unique things that you can do while visiting the City of Drumheller, located in Southern Alberta, Canada. Dinosaurs aren't just something you see at one place in Drumheller: they are everywhere you look!

The biggest and most impressive of the dinosaurs is 86 feet tall, and weighs 145,000 lbs. This structure is considered to be the world's largest dinosaur, and you can actually go into its mouth with you and your kids. Talk about some great photo opportunities! There are also various dinosaurs located throughout the town, and many businesses feature dinosaurs in their logo or name (i.e. Dino's RV Nest, Dinosaur Hotel, Jurassic Inn.

The Tyrell Museum

The greatest number of dinosaurs, by far, however, can be found at the Royal Tyrell Museum of Palentology. For 25 years, visitors have come through the doors, and been awed by the realistic models built according to scale, set in natural habitats. It's easy to imagine one's self looking up, and seeing one of these creatures coming towards you! Another great feature of the museum is that it offers many interactive displays, and really helps to make science interesting!

If you would like a more structured approach, there are are a number of educational programs available for your kids, including "Junior Dinosaur Explorers," and "Dino Adventure Hour." For these, be sure to check the website, and book ahead.

This museum is also perfect for the adult science afficiniado, who would be able to study the information panels for each exhibit, and learn to his heart's content. A full-service restaurant will allow patrons to relax and unwind after their learning experience.

Video Of the Hoodoos

Hoodoos from the Drumheller Valley

Hoodoos have an eerie, prehistoric feel to them.

Hoodoos have an eerie, prehistoric feel to them.

More Drumheller Attractions

There are so many cool and interesting things to see in this town, and I'm going to list four more of my favourites. These are things to see that are unique to the valley, and will make your trip memorable and quirky.

1. The Swinging Bridge: Located just nine kilometres out of town, in the hamlet of Rosedale, the Swinging Bridge (also called the Rosedale Suspension Bridge) is a great place to go and see the remains of old coal mines and do some hill climbing.

2. The Hoodoos: Going from Rosedale, you keep heading East on Highway 10. Hoodoos are ancient rock formations that have a somewhat eerie and prehistoric feel to them. They are very unique and worth seeing.

3. Atlas Coal Museum: Come and experience for yourself what it was like to work in the cold, dark coal mines of Drumheller. The museum offers interactive tours for around $30/family, which allow you to "be there," instead of learning about history in a dry book.

4. The Little Church: The Little Church is my personal favourite. There is something about this place that I find so moving. Built in 1968, it was designed to be the "world's littlest church," although I'm not sure if it actually is. It is a real church, with six one-person pews, and a little pulpit. On the pulpit is a guest book, and signed are visitors from all over the world. It touches me that this little building still stands, with no locks and no security. Vandals have let it be, this little haven built up in the hills. And although it would be too small for much of a crowd, it's just right for a quiet moment with God.

Map to Drumheller

Have Fun!

If you make it to Drumheller, I am confident the whole family will enjoy it. Be sure to take your camera to record your unique experiences. I am happy to have been your guide through this Hub, and can say that I know the town quite well, because this is where I grew up. Have fun!


Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on October 14, 2011:

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Carcro, that's great! Yes, Drumheller is pretty amazing. It has visitors that come from all over the globe. Take care!

Paul Cronin from Winnipeg on October 14, 2011:

Hey, we were there and we crawled right up into the mouth of the worlds biggest dinosaur, it was great fun, Drumheller is an amazing museum for dinosaur fossils, a must see for anyone. Thanks for sharing prairieprincess!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on December 23, 2010:

Wow, MC, that is so interesting! He sounds like he was very devoted to his art! Thanks for sharing that story. take care!

MoneyCreator24 on December 21, 2010:

Near the place where I grew up, there is a place called Kleinwelka. This place is situated in Saxony, a German state. In this little town, which is really just a village, there is a man who has been building since the 80's huge models of dinosaurs. He forms a very complicated weave of thick steel wire and clothed it with concrete. He modeled for weeks and months. Finally he gets reinforced concrete models of dinosaurs in life-size. Even before the Wall fell, this man was known throughout the country. Many tourists were even then. Today he has made a full Dino Park and is building still going on. In the woods. This is huge, spectacular, very detailed and wonderful.

Initially, he built only small things, such as large frogs for his garden. After he presented an approximately 7m high T-Rex in his front yard, the dinosaur park took its course.

Anyway, good hub. voted up :)

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on December 06, 2010:

KK Gals, thank you so much! It was fun to write and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Hey, we'd love to see you up here in Canada! :)

Susan Hazelton from Northern New York on December 06, 2010:

What an exciting place to visit. You did a wonderful job on your tour. I love the pictures and descriptions. Great job. Voted up and useful.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on November 05, 2010:

Thank you so much for your kind comment, Tony. I am so glad that you enjoyed it!

Tony McGregor from South Africa on November 03, 2010:

I love places like this, and unfortunately am not likely ever to have the opportunity to go there! So I really appreciate that you took me along on this virtual trip - it was fun and informative.

Love and peace


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