Futurist: The Future of Machine-Based Intelligence Is Interesting!
I really hate the term Artificial Intelligence, it is more aptly called Machine Intelligence
I note that many people have lamented the rise of artificial intelligence in recent years. I wouldn't say I like the very term artificial intelligence. If humans create it, it's not artificial; It is simply machine-based intelligence. But it is like the concept of a black hole in physics. Black holes actually may release light and therefore is, not truly a "black hole." Machine or artificial intelligence is so much more than people think it is. I often hear people talk about how artificial intelligence will rob human beings of jobs. In reality, that is probably true. I say perhaps because there are jobs that may disappear. But the question I always ask people when they bring that up is, are the jobs that would be lost jobs that you want to do? For example, take the rise of migrant farmworkers throughout the southern United States. The migrant workers perform jobs that Americans tend not to want to do. I think the rise of AI will do the same thing. Machine intelligence will ultimately take on the jobs that people don't want to do. I'm going to postulate that what artificial intelligence or machine intelligence will do is create a partnership with humanity.
"Partnership" is one of those words that we have to be careful when using. It means different things to different people. In this scenario, I wish to propose or discuss an equal partnership. Or, more simply, this would be a partnership where both sides benefit. In this situation where both sides benefit, it's pretty clear that both sides value what they bring and take from the association. I believe that is the future of machine learning for the rest of us. Yes, machine learning will remove some of those jobs that may be dangerous. Machine learning will also remove some repetitive jobs where human beings occasionally make mistakes. So the good news is it's going to let people do things more effectively. And, of course, it is also going to create new jobs where people can apply their skills uniquely. It is the rise of the service economy after all that AI will finally help deliver.
But I do not want people to think I belittled people's fear that the rise of machine intelligence can be scary. The concept of change and machine intelligence will be a new implementation of how things get done. For the rest of this article, I'm focusing on one area in machine intelligence application. In particular, this is the area of autonomous or self-driving cars. The first advantage of an autonomous vehicle over human beings is that the human being is distracted. The autonomous vehicle will focus on the single process that it is driving. Let's start with what will happen when autonomous cars reach about 54% of the total driving market. The roads will be safer. I would suspect there will be places where specifically you are allowed to turn off your machine intelligence and drive your car yourself. Human driving zones would enable people to go out and still move cars. But let's take a look at some of the numbers. To date, autonomous cars globally have driven well more than 20 million miles. There are roughly eight historical accidents. Now, this does not include the autopilot systems that many cars have. In a truly driverless car, the driver sits in the driver's seat but does not take the wheel. Today, most self-driving car software solutions ask the driver to take the wheel at times. Unfortunately, most accidents happen when the driver doesn't take the wheel.
A driverless car will never flee the scene of an accident.
Millions of miles safely driven is a good thing. The vast majority of accidents on American roads today are rear-end collisions. An autonomous or driverless car would be less likely to have a rear-end collision. So let's talk about what that means to you as a consumer. It means your insurance is going to cost less. If you remove, let's just in fairness, say 60% of the rear-end collisions currently happening in the world. Insurance rates will drop precipitously. Since that is the vast majority of accidents, removing the plurality of those accidents would make the driving experience safer and reduce your insurance rates. I suspect what you'll find is that your insurance rate will go down until you go to a specific area where humans are allowed to drive specifically, and at that point, you'll have to pay a premium fee to drive on human-only driving roads. That makes logical sense. The machine can take inputs and make decisions much faster than human beings. The biggest problem for autonomous cars is probably the biggest problem for drivers. It is the reality of left terms. I know I've spent most of my career as a driver, trying to avoid left turns. When you turn left, both sides of the vehicle are exposed. Oncoming traffic can hit you on the left or right side of your car. It is also the hardest thing to build into machine intelligence. But that seems only logical that something hard for human drivers will be hard for automated drivers.
Another safety feature that a driverless car will give you is when you are incapacitated or injured and cannot drive. Your autonomous vehicle can get you safely to the hospital. The systems of the machine intelligence-driven vehicle would also be able to notify the hospital. They would be able to provide initial medical information about you, the injured driver. That could greatly reduce the number of people who cannot get medical help in time. In addition, driverless cars will not hit something or someone and then flee the scene. Yet another problem that driverless cars will solve!
I could spend a hundred pages of text going further and further; I think you could see that there are many benefits beyond what I've listed, not the least of which is the distraction of a phone call while you're driving. The cost of your insurance will go down. If you are injured or incapacitated, the vehicle can safely get you to a medical facility. And pre-alert the emergency room of what's happening to you. Ultimately it'll be safer on the roads. One of the things I'll end with is we could equip everybody walking and running near the road with an RFID chip or something like that, perhaps their cell phone and an app. That application would send information to the cars' network for the connection. We can increase safety for pedestrians and runners and other people exercising bicyclists and so on. You could even build a clip into a child's shirt so that when a child starts on the road, the machine intelligence will know it and will slow down or stop to allow the child to grab the ball and run back to their friends. I understand people are scared of automation. I know that people are afraid of the concept of driverless cars. But in the end, I have to say somebody who walked outside near roads is a lot more fearful of other drivers than I am of machine intelligence driving. It's more likely to utilize the car's sensors to see me as a walker near the road. I will say that's one example of where machine intelligence will help human beings be successful. As I stated, I believe that machine intelligence and human partnership benefit both machine intelligence and humans.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
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