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50+ Things You Can Do With Bamboo


50+ Things to do with Bamboo

Bamboo is an amazing plant. It is the fastest growing woody plant on earth. It can be made into almost anything and it can grow up to 4 feet in a day and will reach maturity in two years! It's stronger than steel by weight and yet very lightweight. All parts of the bamboo plant can be used. It is sustainable and naturally water-proof and grows without the use of fertilizers. Strands of bamboo can provide 35% more oxygen than an equivalent amount of trees.

Bamboo is actually quite remarkable. It is a sustainable resource (especially since you virtually cannot get rid of it) but it is also very light yet strong. I have had a love affair with bamboo for a long time now, but it wasn't until I started looking into deeply that I found out all the amazing things that this plant is capable of. If you don't have any bamboo I'm sure someone who does wouldn't mind at all if you took some of theirs. If you do have bamboo and you don't know what to do with it, you've come to the right place!

Nevertheless, bamboo is also an incredibly invasive plant. Actually it's a grass but once planted it can be very difficult to contain or erradicate. So, I would think twice before planting it, however, you may already have done so. If you already have access to this plant here are a million things to do with it, ok not quite a million but 50! If you can't find something to do with your bamboo in this list I can't help you!

1. Furniture: You can make your own furniture with bamboo, whether it's a chair, a bed or a dresser, use your imagination------>

2. Housing: Many houses are made of bamboo in the tropical areas of the world. Because it is light, strong and in great supply it makes the perfect building material.

3. Bamboo Diapers: Biodegradable and therefore will not contribute to the overwhelming mound of plastic diapers polluting our land-fills.

4. Paper: From what I researched making paper whether it's from bamboo or any other source is not easy however, it's doable and rewarding.

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5. Toilet Paper: Although I couldn't find any videos on how to make your own toilet paper, I don't think it would be hard to make. It would be a great way to make your own toilet paper should the SHTF or if you were off the grid.

6. Pipe: While I don't condone smoking, bamboo does make a great pipe. Here is a video showing one man's home-made bamboo pipes. -->

7. Wood Chip Mulch for the Garden: Can you ever have too much mulch! Bamboo is perfect for this, especially if you have too much and don't know what to do with it. Get a wood chipper and have at it!

8. Bamboo Fishing Poles:

9. Back Scratcher Instrument: See video ----------------->

10. Bamboo Violin:

11. Baskets:

12. Bamboo Wattle and Daub: Amazing technique using bamboo and earth to build interior walls.

13. Ladder: Why buy a ladder when you can make one!

14. Bamboo Pop Up Yurt: This is just amazing, forget buying that expensive tent, make your own!


15. Fencing: Beautiful and easy to do.

16. Flooring: While I don't think that bamboo flooring would make a good DIY project, nevertheless it is beautiful. Here is how it's made.

17. Tea:

18. Mats: These are good for patios and/or muddy walkways. ------>

19. Outdoor Bamboo Shower: This is beautiful and it doesn't look like it would be a hard DIY project.

20. Rain Gutters: Bamboo is naturally water resistant, however you can reinforce the natural resistance with polyurethane.


21. Room Dividers: ---->

22. Bamboo Food: Yes you can eat bamboo! I've never tried it but now I want some!

23. Roofs: Labor intensive but cheap bamboo materials! ----->

24. Clothing: Environmentally friendly and as soft as silk! Bamboo fabric keeps the body cooler when hot and warmer when cold out.

25. Socks: Ultra soft and sustainable

26. Flip Flops:

Flip Flops

27. Bowls: --------------------------->

28. Purses: Gucci even makes purses with bamboo handles!

29. Bridges: In this video a kid makes a bridge, it looks like just about anyone could do this!

This bridge is much larger and pretty amazing:

30. Bamboo Boats: In this first video a bunch of kids made this boat, it's really amazing.

This is a much larger boat and was not made by kids, it's awesome!:

31. Bamboo Cars: Well since I found bamboo boat, I figured there had to be bamboo cars out there too!

32. Make beautiful house plants and gifts.

33. Scaffolds: Although you seldom see bamboo scaffolds here in the United States, you do see them all over the place in asia. They are actually safer than steel in bad weather and only 1/10 of the cost of steel.

34. Making a Kite or Buka: Bamboo is great for making kites because it is very strong yet flexible.------------------------>

35. Bamboo Paper Plates: While this is not a DIY project these are eco-friendly disposable plates.

36. Bamboo Bed: This bed looks so easy I think even I could make it!

37. Sheets: Softer than 1000 thread sheets made of cotton!

38. Flutes: Bamboo is perfect for making flutes, they are practically shapes like flutes anyway!--->

39. Cups: You can make your own or you can buy sophisticated ones in the store. Here is a video on how to make your own.

40. Window Blinds: You can make them yourself with ...Bamboo!

41. Sustainable, Biodegradable Alternative to Plastic:

42. Earbuds: I have a pair myself and they really are great. See the amazon ad above if you want a pair.

43. Bamboo Skateboards : Bamboo skateboards are virtually indestructible, watch this video for a side by side comparison:-------------->

44. Bamboo Surfboards: Makes super lightweight yet strong surfboards.

45. Bicycles: Bamboo bikes are inexpensive to make and very durable, here are a few websites if you are so inclined to make one.

46. Fans: These are decorative fan that you can make with your children on a rainy day with bamboo.

47. Bamboo as Medicine: Bamboo is used all over the world to treat stomach disorders, stopping infections and bleeding to name but a few. Here is an excellent article describing the medical benefits of bamboo.

48. Bamboo Chimes: ------>

49. A Lobster, Crab or Crayfish Trap: A nice DIY project if you are in need of a good meal!

50. A Blowgun: Some kid on YouTube (see video below) made a home-made blowgun out of a stalk of bamboo. Now, I think this can be quite dangerous so I'm not sure I would recommend it but hey if you ever find yourself stuck on a tropical island and being hunted by could come in handy!

Bamboo Rain Gutters


51. Bamboo Rain Gutters:-------------->

  • Bamboo Forums - Bamboo Arts and Craft Network
    Bamboo Arts and Craft Network-Bamboo Forums A resource for information on the arts and crafts of growing, working with and using bamboo. To visit the Bamboo Forums go to


Sugan on December 25, 2017:

Hi Brie. Enjoyed reading this article. Thanks! I am a big fan of bamboo. @Bambusart, I would love to connect to learn more. @Brie did Bambusart leave a forwarding address?

Kim Bryan on April 09, 2016:

My husband and I purchased some farm land and found we have approximately 4-5 acres of bamboo. He's considered selling; now I have to tell him I have plans for it. lol Thanks for the great info!

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 05, 2015:

Thanks Bambusart.

Bambusart on July 05, 2015:

Greetings Brie and thanks for the choosing Bamboo as a topic. I want to offer to yourself or any of your readers my information as I am involved in the manufacturing of a variety of bamboo goods. My company has an operations base in rural China where most things bamboo come from. We'd be pleased to connect to educate and discuss with anyone who is interested in the material in its various forms. Further understanding of bamboo means more use and a broader deeper market... its exactly what we want to support.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on June 13, 2015:

No, I'm not but it sounds interesting..I'll check it out.

Joel on June 13, 2015:

Hello Brie. Have recently become interested in bamboo as a friend of a friend had some that was going to be destroyed and I was able to harvest some of it and want to get some more. While I googled what you can do with bamboo, I came across you. I see that your name is Brie and that you live in Manhattan. Just wonder if you are the Brie of "Bob and Brie, what we saw" on you tube. It was about 911.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on April 06, 2015:

Thanks "peachpurple", I found most of them while researching the topic.

peachy from Home Sweet Home on April 06, 2015:

bamboo diapers and cups? Never seen one before. You got a lot of ideas for this bamboo hub, thumbs up

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on August 19, 2014:

I'm glad I could do that for you, thanks for commenting James-wolve.

Tijani Achamlal from Morocco on August 19, 2014:

Very interesting.Bamboo reminds me of a man who sold us candy apples outside the school when we were kids.Those apples were stuck in holes in Bamboo .Thanks for bringing up such sweet memories.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on August 18, 2014:

You're welcome, I'm glad you like it.

Bill De Giulio from Massachusetts on August 18, 2014:

What an amazing list. Bamboo tea? Bamboo sheets? Food? Who knew? I do use it in the garden to stake my tomato plants. Thanks for sharing this very interesting list.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on August 18, 2014:

I've never tried it, maybe one of these days.

Audrey Howitt from California on August 18, 2014:

I love bamboo yarn--although it tends to really stretch

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 16, 2014:

I'm glad you like it. I enjoyed writing this article because it was eye-opening for me as well.

Dianna Mendez on July 16, 2014:

I love bamboo as furniture and flooring, but didn't know it also had all these other uses. The diapers and tent ideas are quite interesting. I am much more informed today, thanks to you!

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 16, 2014:

Good to know, thanks for commenting.

Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on July 16, 2014:

Great hub. I knew about bamboo and its uses. We have used a lot of bamboo in our interior design of our holiday cottage against the wall and in the garden. Growing bamboo needs a lot of water so it does not do so well on the coast on a steep sloping plot. Instead I have the ornamental variety in a pot.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 15, 2014:

You're welcome.

Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on July 15, 2014:

I didn't realize that bamboo had so many uses! Thanks for sharing all the interesting information and links.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 15, 2014:

I know huh! It's the bomb, I can't wait to start experimenting with it.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on July 15, 2014:

I'm surprised I didn't read this. We discovered bamboo a couple years ago, and we use it for everything around our little urban farm. It is the greatest thing since sliced bread in my humble opinion. :)

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on July 10, 2014:

Thanks for commenting "Dream On". I haven't tried any yet but I soon as I get some land, which shouldn't be too much longer now. Let me know if you try some.

DREAM ON on July 10, 2014:

There are so many uses of bamboo who would of ever guessed. I can't wait to give some of the ideas a try. I wonder where you can get bamboo wholesale ? I will look online ? What ideas have your tried?Llook out world bamboo and me here we come.

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on June 24, 2014:


SN Brown MEd from Jacksonville, Florida on June 24, 2014:

Okay, sure thing!

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on June 24, 2014:

You never know, could happen.

Please share this article on your facebook; I am trying to get some exposure for it.

SN Brown MEd from Jacksonville, Florida on June 24, 2014:

Lol, wow! You should do it!

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on June 24, 2014:

Me either..since writing this article I want to start my own bamboo farm!

SN Brown MEd from Jacksonville, Florida on June 24, 2014:

Very interesting...I'm still stuck on the bamboo diaper. I didn't know this plant was very versatile. Thanks for sharing!

Brie Hoffman (author) from Manhattan on June 23, 2014:

Yes, bamboo shoots are part of the bamboo plant. Thanks I'm glad you liked it. It probably took me longer to gather all this information than for any other hub I've ever written.

Al Wordlaw from Chicago on June 23, 2014:

Very interesting Brie, I really learned something here. Is this related to Bamboo shoots? Anyway thanks for sharing.

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