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The Best Tats of Pussy Cats



I love cats. I always have and always will. When I was a very young child I wanted to grow up to be a mountain lion. My fascination with cats has never ended. They are aloof, but friendly; calm, but crazy; and quiet, yes, definitely, usually quiet (except when they are crazy, of course).

The big cats are even more fascinating. Beautiful and deadly, they rule their worlds. Lions, tigers, leopards are sleek, agile and commanding. You could never pass one in the wild without a little unease. Unpredictability is one of a cat's greatest traits. You can never be sure if they are sleeping, or playing or planning some sort of sabotage.

My current tattoo is a tiger face in the shape of a butterfly. (I include a picture under "Tigers".) I would like to get another tattoo, but I have not yet found it. I don't know what it will look like, but I am sure I will recognize it when I see it. After all, it only took me 15 years to recognize my first one.

I have found some fabulous tattoos searching for the one I need. I search most often through the big cats, and often through the little cats. I thought I would share some of the best with you all.

Cat Tattoos

I love the vivid colors on this cat tattoo.

I love the vivid colors on this cat tattoo.

What a cute kitten!  The wings remind me of an enchanting book I read with my son called "Catwings".

What a cute kitten! The wings remind me of an enchanting book I read with my son called "Catwings".

This is a beatiful tattoo of a cat.  The eyes remind me of my cat's eyes.

This is a beatiful tattoo of a cat. The eyes remind me of my cat's eyes.

I like this fat cat and the background.

I like this fat cat and the background.

I think this is one of the best cat tattoos I have seen.

I think this is one of the best cat tattoos I have seen.

I think I like the eyes on this cattoo.  The choice of brown is interesting.

I think I like the eyes on this cattoo. The choice of brown is interesting.

The simplicity and lean lines makes this tattoo stand out. With those blank eyes, you know this cat is up to no good.

The simplicity and lean lines makes this tattoo stand out. With those blank eyes, you know this cat is up to no good.

Lion Tattoos

Pussy-cat tattoos are very nice, but not really my style. I like something a little more wild to wear. I keep kitty cats, but the big cats are where it's at in my book. Lions and tigers are much more to my liking.

There is a reason the lion is called "king of the jungle". The male collects females to form a pride. The females hunt, take care of the babies and help the male run off other males. Most of the time this "king" is just laying around.

Pictures depicting lions have been around for 17,000 years. The lion can be found on flags, coats of arms and as sculptures. In most cultures the lion is a symbol of royalty, power and bravery. To call someone a "lion" is considered a great compliment.

Lion Tattoos

The addition of the blue adds interest to this tattoo.  The artist captured the wildness and magnificence of lions well.

The addition of the blue adds interest to this tattoo. The artist captured the wildness and magnificence of lions well.

Here stands the King of the Jungle, crown and all.  Look at his benevolent gaze.

Here stands the King of the Jungle, crown and all. Look at his benevolent gaze.

I find this tattoo calming.  The lion seems wise and reminds me of Aslan from "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe".

I find this tattoo calming. The lion seems wise and reminds me of Aslan from "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe".

I like this tribal tattoo, but I think they should have added some bright green in the eyes.

I like this tribal tattoo, but I think they should have added some bright green in the eyes.

This lion looks like he should be on a coat of arms.

This lion looks like he should be on a coat of arms.

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Tiger Tattoos

I am pretty partial to tigers. Not just because I was born during the year of the tiger in the Chinese zodiac. Tigers are my favorite big cat after mountain lions. Like the mountain lion they are solitary animals. They hunt alone, sleep alone and raise their young alone. (Hmm, I seem to have a lot in common with tigers.)

The tiger is the largest of the big cats. Siberian tigers are about 8 feet long and stand 3-4 feet tall at the shoulders. They usually weigh between 400-675 pounds. Imagine your house cat and all the trouble that cat would cause if he/she were as large as a tiger. No, I do not even want to think about it.

The tiger appears in many books, such as the "Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling. In the "Jungle Book" the tiger, Shere Khan, is always looking for a way to kill the boy, Mowgli. While in "Winnie the Pooh" by A. A. Milne, the tiger, Tigger, is always happy, bouncy and curious.

My tiger tattoo is in the shape of a butterfly. To me, it depicts the fact that just because something is nice on the outside, does not mean it is nice on the inside. We may look and act civilized, but we also contain all the ferocity of a tiger.

Tiger Tattoos

I love the intricate detail in this tattoo and the colors are beautiful.

I love the intricate detail in this tattoo and the colors are beautiful.

This tiger looks like he is going to jump right out and get you.  The eyes are so alive.

This tiger looks like he is going to jump right out and get you. The eyes are so alive.

This blue-eyed beauty looks calm, but watchful, ever watchful.

This blue-eyed beauty looks calm, but watchful, ever watchful.

This tiger tattoo is done in a more traditional style.

This tiger tattoo is done in a more traditional style.

The mix of tribal and tiger appeals to me.

The mix of tribal and tiger appeals to me.

It seems he has just spotted some prey.

It seems he has just spotted some prey.

This is very similar to my tattoo, but on mine the face looks more like butterfly markings.

This is very similar to my tattoo, but on mine the face looks more like butterfly markings.

This is my tiger tattoo, shaped as a butterfly.  The colors have faded a little, but I still love it!

This is my tiger tattoo, shaped as a butterfly. The colors have faded a little, but I still love it!

I really enjoy the tiger against the background.

I really enjoy the tiger against the background.

I love this one.  The tiger's blue eyes and the background makes it stand out.

I love this one. The tiger's blue eyes and the background makes it stand out.

Spotted Cat Tattoos

I've never had a great deal of luck finding good spotted cat tattoos. Leopard, jaguars, snow leopards and ocelots are the best known of the wild breeds. Interestingly, black panthers are actually leopards or jaguars. When you look very closely you can often see the black on black spots.

Jaguars are the third largest big cat, after the tiger and the lion. Although usually found in the rain forests of South and Central Americas, the jaguar will range as far as the southwestern United States. Jaguars have incredibly strong bites. They bite right through the skull to kill their prey.

I may not find many tattoos of spotted cats, but I find plenty of pictures of people with tattooed spots. I do not really understand the attraction to this, but in some cases it does look interesting. The more I see it, the more I like it. I bet I would prefer tiger stripes, but to each their own.

Leopard Tattoo

My cat looks at me this way when she is going to ambush me.

My cat looks at me this way when she is going to ambush me.

She looks surprised to find wings on her back.  This looks more like an ocelot, but it is cute.

She looks surprised to find wings on her back. This looks more like an ocelot, but it is cute.


Tattoo World Has Examples of All Types of Tattoos

Fun Cat Tattoos

Here are a few tattoos of cats that I though were just plain fun. I, personally, love "Hello Kitty" and other cartoonish cats. There are so many cartoon cats you can tattoo. Felix, Tom, Garfield are all popular in the tattoo world. I have found you do not have to find a picture you like hanging on the wall or in the book at tattoo parlors. Many tattoo artists will make you a picture if you can show a sample or explain it well enough.

There are many versions of the "Lucky Cat" tattoo. The "Lucky Cat" is supposed to bring it's owner, you guessed it, good luck. The "Lucky Cat" is Japanese in origin, but the Chinese like the "Lucky Cat" so much that many people mistake it's origin to be Chinese. One of the origin tales tell of a poor shopkeeper who takes in a stray cat. The cat, in return, sits at the door and encourages people to enter. This may be why it is said that when a cat washes it's face visitors are coming. No wonder you see it in so many businesses.

Fun Cat Tattoos

This "Lucky Cat" looks so happy.  (I wonder why he has an axe?)

This "Lucky Cat" looks so happy. (I wonder why he has an axe?)

Ahhh yes, Hello Kitty and hearts...what else could a girl want?

Ahhh yes, Hello Kitty and hearts...what else could a girl want?

I find this cute and cheery.

I find this cute and cheery.

This cat looks so sweet, you just know she's up to no good.

This cat looks so sweet, you just know she's up to no good.

Find Out About Cattoos

Tattoo Acceptance

I got my first tattoo before tattoos were considered "cool". In those days, most people thought the only females to get tattoos were biker chicks or "women of the night". I was neither. I was just a nurse with a love of tattoos. A love that continues today.

Although tattoos are not for everyone, it seems they are for more and more people lately. Body art has become a form of personal expression and adornment. Gone are the days that tattoos were only for sailors, bikers or hustlers. Personally, I am glad to see tattoos gain some social acceptance.

What to Know Before Getting a Tattoo-Part 1

What to Know Before Getting a Tattoo-Part 2

Connect With Your Tattoo

If you are thinking of getting your first tattoo, watch the videos above. You will be happiest if you know and connect with your tattoos. I think it is very important to have a connection of some sort with the picture. Do not get one just because it is pretty or funny, wait until you make the connection. It should have a meaning that is personal to you.

I waited 15 years to get my first tattoo. Granted some of those years I was under aged. I did not find my first tattoo until I was 30. I have had it for 25 years and I still love it. I know I made the correct choice waiting.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2009 Kari Poulsen


Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on September 13, 2017:

Thanks Nell. I have a tiger face cut in the shape of a butterfly...looks like a butterfly at first glance. I love these tattoos also. I keep wondering if I'm getting to old for a new one, lol.

Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on September 13, 2017:

Love them! I have a dreamcatcher tattoo but that's all. but yes I do love these!

Laurel Rogers from Bishop, Ca on January 10, 2015:

K@ri, did I pick at random a wonderful hub? I did, indeed! What a trip...I do believe you have grown up to be a mountain lion. Power is evident in your writing as well as in your photos.

Fabulous job, Kari,


White01 on July 13, 2010:

that was very cleaver, I love tattoos, I have 22+ , great post!

brina on June 24, 2010:

it's cool to see my little hellokitty tattoo on this web site!!!!!!

BJBenson from USA on June 19, 2010:

Phoenix and I loved the pictures of the cats. Some of them seem to jump right out at us! Wonderful. I plan to come back and look at them again!

Gigi2 from UK on June 04, 2010:

Love it, the tatoo's, the video, all brilliant, thanks for sharing. I feel the urge to get another tat :)

kesharox on May 29, 2010:


Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on May 16, 2010:

osci, Well then you certainly don't want to put it on your d....oooops....well then you will still be sold in the USA!

mikicagle, I don't understand...I, personally, do not go for face tattoos.

mikicagle from Oklahoma on May 14, 2010:

the lion tattoos are amazing-face tattoos? not a good idea-will look like hell when you are 60

oscillationatend from a recovering narcissist. on May 12, 2010:

I love your tattoo. I still want to get one--somewhere small...will say "Made in China" and then "Assembled in Mexico."

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on February 25, 2010:

healthgoji, LOL, Sorry to disappoint you. Tattoos can be a work of art if you find the right artist.

healthgoji on February 22, 2010:

When I saw the title of your article I thought it was something smutty. The tattoo artists are very talented in your pictures.

It is as interesting as going to an art museum. And colorful too.


Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on February 12, 2010:

Craftsmith, Your friend is has very good taste! I love that tattoo. I could see my daughter getting one of the "Hello Kitty" tattoos, but I must say, I love the wild cats. Thanks!

ateenyi, I love the color and vibrancy of these tattoos also! Thanks. :D

ateenyi from Chicago on February 12, 2010:

Great Hub!!!!!!!

The hub is simply effortlessly classic. Tattoos, which were displayed in the hub, are so much colorful, vibrant and dynamic. Picture contain the ambience of lion is worth to watch. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful peace of information.

Craftsmith from India on February 09, 2010:

Basically i did not like the lion, tiger and leopard tattoos, fun cat tattoos are so so sweet & the black cat tattoo is also veryy my frenz has just got it !

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on February 09, 2010:

Craftsmith, I really like some of them myself...which ones did you find awful?

Craftsmith from India on February 04, 2010:

some of them are just so sweet...and some of them are just awful !!

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on January 24, 2010:

David, LOL! Thanks :D

antonrosa, Cats ARE cool! I'm glad you liked it.

T R Upshur, The artwork you can find in tattoos these days is really beautiful. Thanks

T R Upshur from United States on January 20, 2010:

The title is irresistible! I don't think I'll ever get one but I do appreciate great artwork.

antonrosa from USA on January 18, 2010:

Great Hub, thanks for sharing! Cats are cool!

David Alan Carter on January 18, 2010:

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Who would have thought so many men would have been so attracted to an article on... cats? I can just see each of 'em now, clutching their mouse with both hands, racing past other topics, knocking over the occasional hubber. Just to get here to read about... cats. Ah well. Guess it just goes to show you how sensitive and warm hearted us guys can be when it comes to small cuddly animals.


P.S. I see I've got to follow you now, k@ri.

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on January 11, 2010:

Sorry Joe! LOL

ladyjane1, Thanks, I'm glad you liked them. Good luck with your betty boop!

Springboard, LOL...the things we do for love!

Jim Bauer from Illinois on December 31, 2009:

I must say I much prefer these cats over the four-legged furry ones I have running around my house. As luck would have it, they were a package deal with the wifey. :)

ladyjane1 from Texas on December 28, 2009:

Cool hub and great tats. I don't like cats however because they don't like me, Im allergic but not to tats. I have 3. I am getting a betty boop on my leg sometime in the future when I can find someone that will do an awesome job for that kind of money. Great job.

Joe on December 28, 2009:

This ... is NOT what I was looking for.

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on December 22, 2009:

Tom, You too, huh? I'm always looking for my next. :D

Tom Cornett from Ohio on December 22, 2009:

Wow...I have to get out more...these were cool! Thanks! :)

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on December 22, 2009:

mercon, I love tattoos! :D

mercon on December 11, 2009:

i dont like tatto :)

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on December 06, 2009:

motricio, Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I hope you get time soon to get your tattoo. In my life it always seem I either have time or money...hardly ever both. :D

Mauricio Rodriguez from Bogota DC, Colombia on December 04, 2009:

Nice hub about Tattoos!!!!!

I'm going to get one on mi back =)

Still haven't time, too much work :S.

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on November 27, 2009:

Vizey, I love tats also. I must have a high pain tolerance...but then I only have one. :D

Playathome2, Thanks, I'm glad you liked them!

janiek13, There are capsules for videos and I go to youtube to find the music. The lion on fire is probably my fav also. As to the title...who knows...just got lucky?

mercon, Thanks!

TammyK, I'm not a Leo, but I do love cats! I like how you describe sammy...some-timing. That is such a cat trait. I love the lines on that black cat also.

TammyK on November 25, 2009:

like you i like cats. i have two now, sadness and sammy. their mother got hit. a brother got ran over and one ran away. sadness is more friendly, sammy is some-timing. sometimes she wants love from me, sometimes she don't. the tattoos were nice, don't know if i could ever get one though. it looks too painful. the black one with the blank eyes is the bestone to me. it looks sexy. and i am a leo, i have wondered if that's why i like cats so much

mercon on November 25, 2009:

hmm... it's cool

Zen Albert on November 24, 2009:

interesting huh, exploring all of those sweet tattoos for her...

Mary Krenz from Florida's Space Coast on November 23, 2009:

Awesome Hub! How did you get the music on there? I love the lion on fire and the lol cats. Btw, how did you slide that title past the editors?LOL

Playathome2 on November 20, 2009:

Love the tats.. I just got a pussy on my back last week.

Vizey on November 18, 2009:

This is looking very beautiful and cute tatoo. I simply adore tattoos but I am afraid of the pain it involved.. nice hub..

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on November 17, 2009:

Mighty Mom, You caught me! LOL, I was in a naughty mood when I thought up this title. I'm glad you enjoyed the art! :D

Clark, So...your leopard is currently a panther? LOL I vaguely remember a story by Kipland about how the leopard got his spots...maybe that would help. on November 17, 2009:

great pictures

Clark Grizvold from Minneapolis, MN on November 17, 2009:

Great pictures and great topic. It reminded me that the leopard in the jungle themed tattoo on my leg still needs his spots, too funny! Thanks for sharing!

Susan Reid from Where Left is Right, CA on November 16, 2009:

Hi Kari -- You've showed the beautiful art that is tattooing. So many different interpretations on the theme of cat.

I myself don't need a tattoo as I am covered head to toe with cat already. Cat fur!

Good hub and clever title. You are a naughty nurse indeed!

Kari Poulsen (author) from Ohio on November 16, 2009:

T.A. Northburg, Thanks, I'm glad you think so!

Jess, You'll have to talk to your cartoonist...I'd love to see your tattoo!

The Sablirab, LOL, I'm glad you got a good laugh!

marcofratelli, Allergic to pussies?! How dreadful! :)

mistywild, Glad you liked them! Does your cat look like any of the ones shown?

Vizey, I love tats myself! Thanks!

scarlett black, I loved your hub on tattoos! Thanks!

Thanks rizrulaan!

rajagiriworld, I'm glad you like them!

rajagiriworld on November 12, 2009:

Wow! it's interesting to see. good work on November 12, 2009:

doin a good job

scarlett black on November 11, 2009:

Great hub. I have written a couple of things on tattoos here and elsewhere and an working on a new one now. Great title.

Vizey on November 11, 2009:

nice hub i like it. Tattoos are all time my favorite and the pics of cat on tattoos are lovely. I enjoyed a lot.

mistywild from Houston, TX (Proud Texan) on November 10, 2009:

Very nice pictures, I have a tat of a cat on my hip.

marcofratelli from Australia on November 10, 2009:

Very nice! I've got some pics of pussy body art, which is less permanent but equally entertaining :) I like pussies but they make my eyes itchy in close proximity...

TheSablirab on November 10, 2009:

I saw the title and I about fell over! I about died laughing. Thank you so much for this Hub! I enjoyed reading about Pussies, really.

steven on November 10, 2009:

I like your article so much.My honor to share cheap ugg boots.

Jess Killmenow from Nowheresville, Eastern United States on November 09, 2009:

My cartoonist gave me a tatoo, but I think she doesn't like to draw it because she always draws me fully clothed. These are spectacular, K@ri!

Tim Northburg from Colorado, USA on November 08, 2009:

Those are some crazy, cool tattoos!