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How To Get Beautiful Skin In Ten Easy Steps


Natural Beauty Care

Achieving beautiful skin is sometimes elusive to most of us but can be attained with natural beauty care. We often spend quite a lot of money trying the various products on the market. At the moment I have so many half used jars and bottles I could open my own store. I discovered that the products I have been using irritate me either as soon as I put them on or within a few weeks. I decided to try an organic skin care regimen and found that my skin responded better them, felt lighter and looked more natural. Some of the products I used before felt heavy and gooey on my skin and clogged clog my pores. The organic skin care products that I made right there in my kitchen set my skin free.

Here are my guidelines for organic skin care. These ten steps will give you the beautiful skin you deserve in no time. These steps are not limited to females but to men as well.


Your 10 Steps to beautiful skin

1. Cleanse:

Avoid using cleansers that will strip the skin of its natural oils. Keep away from products containing Sodium lauryl sulphate or Sodium laureth sulphate. They may lather a lot but they can irritate the skin and eyes and cause blackheads. It is best to use natural beauty care products like those with coconut oils. You won’t get as much lathering but they won’t irritate and they will get rid of the dirt and debris. It is important to choose the right cleanser as this is the most important step in achieving beautiful skin.

You will need to tone after cleansing. This corrects the PH balance of the skin. Natural plant extracts are best for this purpose as they also help to replace the oils you lose after cleansing and they also help to rehydrate the skin.

2. Slough:

Sloughing helps to keep away dirt and dead skin cells that make the skin appear dull. It also clears clogged pores which can result in breakouts. Exfoliates which contain apricot seed or walnut seed usually tear the skin resulting in blemishes or irritation. It is best to use Alpha hydraulic acid or glycolic acids to exfoliate as these are naturally found in fruits and foods, such as citrus, apples, grapes and sour milk. Glycolic acid is especially good for acne prone skin as this dissolves the build-up of dead cells in the follicles.

3. Fortify:

Otherwise known as moisturizing. Using natural oils will help keep in the moisture in the skin. Products with synthetic oils will irritate the skin and cause rashes and breakouts. Hexane is a synthetic ingredient found in many products on the market. Using cold-pressed nuts and vegetable oils are better for the skin as they are a more natural alternative. They contain a healthy dose of natural vitamins and minerals that the skin craves. Olive oil is good for the skin as it contains natural anti-oxidants which fight free radicals and help maintain the skin's natural appearance.

4. Balance of sun Exposure:

If you have to be out in the sun wear a sunblock that contains titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These acts as natural barriers that reflects UVA and UVB. Synthetic sunblocks irritate the skin and cause rashes. Some synthetic ingredients are Octyl Methooxynnamate and Parasol.

5. Facial:

Get one at least four times a year. You may choose a spa treatment or you can do one at home.

6. Sleep:

Sleeping not only rejuvenate your mind and body but also your skin. Get enough rest to keep your skin looking young and healthy.

7. Hydration:

Keep your skin hydrated by making sure your environment is not too dry. Keep your humidity under control. Mist your face regularly with rose water or chamomile to keep from drying out. Drink a lot of water to keep your system in balance.

8. Healthy Lifestyle:

A good diet packed with fruits and vegetables will cleanse the system and the skin. Staying away from foods that are full of sugar and fat will see improvement in your skin. Detox occasionally, keep away from heavy drinking of alcohol and smoking and your skin will benefit.

9. Exercise:

Exercise energizes the body and mind and the skin benefits from this. As we exercise our muscles get tighter and tones and in so doing our skin also tightens and tones, giving it a more youthful appearance. During perspiration toxins are released from the bloodstream through the skin making us healthier. Thirty minutes per day, three times per week is a good start.

10. De-stress:

Find ways to deal with your problems. Meditating, yoga, reading, picnicking, just general relaxation to get your mind in balance will reduce stress lines on the skin. Anxiety and stress play a big role in wrinkling the skin.

Natural Skin Care Recipes

Here are some organic skin care products and natural skin care recipes that you can make right there in your kitchen.

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First we make a herbal infusion. Your choice of green tea, chamomile, rosemary, calendula, lemon leaves, orange peel and rose petals.

2 oz fresh bruised herbs (or 1 oz dried)

1 cup purified water

1 quart-sized jar


In a saucepan bring water to boil then pour over herbs. Let it steep for about ten minutes then strain and pour into jar.

Now for the cleanser: The oats contain salicylic acid which soothes irritated skin and the baking soda makes the skin silky soft.

¼ cup of the infusion

¼ cup oats

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp honey

2 tsbp superfine sugar

Combine oats, baking soda, sugar and honey in a bowl, pour infusion and mix well. Set aside for five minutes before using. Makes about 1 cup.

This cleanser is ideal for the following skin types:-


Stress reactive

Hormone reactive


Environment reactive

Now for the Toner

Ideal for the above list of skin types. Here goes:

1 tsp dried peppermint leaves

4 tsp green tea

4 oz purified water

2 drops lavender essential oil

2 tsp aloe vera gel

A 4 oz spray bottle

Bring the water to a boil and pour over herbs. Add lavender oil and let stand for ten minutes. Stir and let cool. Pour the Aloe Vera gel in bottle and fill up with infusion. Shake well. Keep refrigerated. Spritz face liberally as needed.


Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on July 16, 2012:

Hi Dwachira thanks for stopping by. I tend to sleep better at night when I take a nap during the day. Sleeping is very good for us, it prevents us aging prematurely and yet it makes a child mature really fast.

Danson Wachira from Nairobi, Kenya on July 16, 2012:

Great tips Cardisa, i liked the one about sleeping, i like day sleeping a lot when i have time. Thanks, Voted up and useful.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on July 01, 2012:

Hello Allaboutbeauty. Yoga does help to balance our mind and body. It's a great way to relax and de-stress so I recommend yoga to help maintain beautiful skin.

allaboutbeauty from Singapore, Singapore on July 01, 2012:

Great advice, Cardisa. I recently started yoga and I agree with you that yoga should be included in our skin care regime.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on April 11, 2012:

Thank you Anglnwu, I hope you like them. Have a great day.

anglnwu on April 10, 2012:

Love your homemade beauty help. I'm going to try some of these. Thanks for sharing.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on February 25, 2012:

Thank you Savanahl. I hope the natural stuff works for you. Natural is better. I say if you can pronounce it then don't use it. Many skincare products on the market contain ingredients that are not easily recognisable so I say no to those.

savanahl on February 25, 2012:

Awesome hub. I love the recipes for skincare. I will definitely be trying it out, and great info. I think we all spend so much time finding the right skincare that we forget the other steps, i.e. diet, sleep, exercise. Great reminders.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 26, 2012:

Colleen, the same thing happens to me too. The toner will help but you must meditate and stay stress free.

Thanks for visiting. Have a wonderful afternoon.

Colleenmt from Milwaukee, WI on January 26, 2012:

Great hub - I agree about the stress. EVERYONE can tell when I'm having a stressful week, my face breaks out like crazy. I'll have to try the toner, that's something I don't do and maybe it would help.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 23, 2012:

Hello Brian, one of the best things that you could do for your skin is use olive oil. It is a natural antioxidant and it helps fight aging. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 23, 2012:

Melovy, thank you. I hope you daughter get help from the recipes. There is another hub about skincare from the kitchen, that might be of help to her also. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 23, 2012:

Vinaya, thank you. Most men beleieve that they need different remedies than women for their skin, of course store bought stuff might be different but when it comes to natural or organic skin care the same ingredients will suffice.

BRIAN SLATER on January 23, 2012:

Very useful information here. I'm a firm believer that what you eat is reflected by your skin tone. As a man who is now middle aged lol. I don't add or do anything to my face, except clean water. I do use and have quite alot of olive oil in my diet and my skin I think is all the better for it. Voted up-awesome.

Yvonne Spence from UK on January 23, 2012:

This is very useful. I love that you have included the recipes for cleanser and toner. My teenage daughter has outbreaks of pimples and I think this would be good for her. I recently wrote a hub on protecting kids from xenoestrogens and this would be a great resource, so I will link to your hub.

Voted up.

Vinaya Ghimire from Nepal on January 23, 2012:

We all want to look good, irrespective of our sex, cast, creed and race. Your home remedies are very useful. Thanks for sharing.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 18, 2012:

Mljdgulley354, Olive oil is one of the best thongs you could use on your skin. Many herbs offer moisture and toning too. Thanks for reading and commenting.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 18, 2012:

Thank you Kelly. I am honoured you like my work. Thanks for the link.

mljdgulley354 on January 18, 2012:

Great hub. I have used olive oil and herbs for years. Not only do they help your skin but the are refreshing and rejuvenating depending on what herbs you use also comforting.

Kelly Umphenour from St. Louis, MO on January 18, 2012:

Ahhhh I have been hoping you would say yes! Lol. I found a few more I'd love to link too! A few of your skin care for my beauty info! You have such beautiful work and I'm sure everyone will love them as much as me!!

Thank you so much:)))))

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 18, 2012:

Hi Kelly, of course I don't away! Thanks for stopping by.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 18, 2012:

Nifwlseirff, you are right because it makes no sense using topical stuff if you are not healthy from the inside. thanks for reading and commenting.

Kelly Umphenour from St. Louis, MO on January 18, 2012:

This is beautiful Cardisa! Do you mind if I link it to my web page?? Thank you!

Kym F from Germany on January 18, 2012:

Fantastic recipes - thank you! Exercise, water and diet play more of a role in skin care than most people believe!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on January 18, 2012:

Thank you Tammy. I am happy you liked it. I hope you like using the recipes too.

Tammy from North Carolina on January 18, 2012:

I have heard about going organic, I am glad to finally see a recipie for the facial scrub. Excellent tips and well written. Thanks!!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 25, 2011:

Cabmgmnt, thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

Happy holidays!

Corey from Northfield, MA on December 25, 2011:

Great advice. Commercial products can be so harsh on the skin. It is great to find easy and organic skin care methods to make your skin glow. Great hub.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 05, 2011:

Hi Billy, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Billy on December 05, 2011:

Love the tips! I also believe it is what we have to do to get the most beautiful and attractive skin! Thanks a lot for this awesome hub!


Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 02, 2011:

Bless up!

Marvin Parke from Jamaica on December 02, 2011:

thanks for the info. I love this type of ital expert information. I get it now.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 02, 2011:

Just cut the green lime and rub it on, leave it for 15 - 30 minutes. Don't wash with soap.

Maybe you also need a natural scrub. You can use cornmeal for that but you have to wait about 3 days after the lime treatment.

Marvin Parke from Jamaica on December 02, 2011:

I have a teenage face, yeah it bumpy. Its the second time now, somebody refer lime juice. Me going do that.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 01, 2011:

Rasta, whey yu mean seh yu face bruk out? It get bumpy? You can use lime juice to get rid of pimples and acne.

Marvin Parke from Jamaica on December 01, 2011:

I am bookmarking this hub, because my face just bruk out

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 01, 2011:

Jennifer, thanks! I remember when I was a little girl we used to wash our face with the "rice water". Thanks for reminding me.

Jennifer Essary from Idaho on December 01, 2011:

Excellent Hub! I'm adding this link to my hub about the skin. I've also heard rice is excellent for the skin as well. Supposedly Asian women keep their youthful appearance by washing their face with the same water they clean the rice with. Voted Up!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on December 01, 2011:

Thank you Plinka, have a wonderful day!

plinka from Budapest, Hungary on December 01, 2011:

Super hub, voted up!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 24, 2011:

Maggie, I really hope these recipes help. I will research some more recipes and let you know.

Thanks for stopping by.

Nadine M AuCoin from Fort McMurray on October 24, 2011:

Hi Cardisa,

I am going to use your recipe--I sure hope it works--I've always had problem skin--bumpy lumpy..stress related for sure, if you know of another more suitable recipe please point me in the right direction--I am so very tired of my problem complexion, in the meantime this sounds fabulous and i will let you know how it works for me, thanks for sharing..hope you are happy and well..

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 21, 2011:

Thank you Stephaniedas, I hope you find them useful.

Stephanie Das from Miami, US on October 20, 2011:

What a beautiful hub. I love the recipes for cleansers that you've included. Voted up and useful.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 17, 2011:

Jenifer, natural is better especially for sensitive skin such as yours. I hope you find this solution better. Thanks for reading.

Jen from Couch on October 17, 2011:

I just love this hub! I can't wait to try making the cleanser in just a bit. Just helpful and true information for having beautiful skin. I never know what to get because my skin gets irritated SO easily. I have been using the same old Clean and Clear face wash, toner, and moisturizer since forever. I'm anxious to try something better and I love that I can make it myself! Thanks Cardisa! I voted up and all across. Great Hub!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 17, 2011:

Natural is better for sensitive skin. In most cases, plain water will do, especially first thing in the morning.

Cresentmoon2007 from Caledonia, MI on October 17, 2011:

Love going as natural as I can. Thanks for sharing this information with us. I have very sensitive skin that reacts with stress and a lot of different washers will cause me to break out.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 08, 2011:

Thank you Fucsia. The best formula for sensitive skin is the natural formula. Chamomile is great for you skin. Keep away from the acids. The recipes above are great for sensitive skin. Glad I could help.

fucsia on October 08, 2011:

This is a Hub very informative, thank you.I have a sensitive skin and these kind of advice are very appreciated.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 08, 2011:

Thank you Tan in a can. I appreciate the sentiment coming from someone with the credentials and experience.

Tan in a Can from San Diego on October 08, 2011:

great hub, i have over 12 years in the spa industry and I must say you have summed it up nicely.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 07, 2011:

Hi Ruchira, I too get lazy to do things like this for my skin, but the pay off is always worth it when I do.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on October 07, 2011:

Thank you Savingfaceserum.

Ruchira from United States on October 07, 2011:

loved your hub...although gotta admit I am not the patient sort to do some work on my face..but will keep it bookmarked when i grow old and wrinkled...that might just motivate me...LOL

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 18, 2011:

Right again Novascotiamiss, many people don't even realize what they are using or doing to their bodies when they use these chemicals on their skin. I stopped using store bought stuff on my face a couple of years ago and do not regret that decision.

Novascotiamiss from Nova Scotia, Canada on September 18, 2011:

Cardisa, I'm sure that hubs like these will increase your hubscore tremendously. It definitely receives my thumbs up. Nowadays, there are so many beauty products on the market which promise miracles. However, most of these products contain toxins which are absorbed through our biggest organ - the skin. Most people seem to be totally unaware of that.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 18, 2011:

Thank you Made!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 18, 2011:

Thank you YiMin.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 18, 2011:

Hello Raciniwa, thank you!

Madeleine Salin from Finland on September 18, 2011:

Great hub!

YiMin from Malaysia on September 18, 2011:

Great advice.

Raci Niwa from Talisay City, Cebu on September 17, 2011:

wow...i find this very useful...thank you...

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 17, 2011:

Anglnwun, thank you for stopping by.

Both witch hazel and rose water are natural and great for the skin. I use rose water too. I recommend them to everyone.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 17, 2011:

Thank you Free4Articles, I hope you get a chance to try them out.

anglnwu on September 17, 2011:

I like all things natural and thank you for showing us how to make the organic cleanser and toner. What do u think of witch hazel or rose water as a toner? Thanks.

free4articles on September 17, 2011:

I agree with your article, in Indonesia such things is very useful, because we put everything here is very natural

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on September 12, 2011:

Hey Rasta girl, thank you for stopping by. I hope you like using the stuff as much as I do. No chemicals and no residual effect.

Rastamermaid from Universe on September 12, 2011:

Great hub Cardisa,certainly going to give it a try.

I love natural products that I can make myself!

Voted up!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on August 07, 2011:

Thank you KBurns, am glad you finally found a way to make the facials you need. I think I will post more recipes soon.

Kristen Burns-Darling from Orange County, California on August 07, 2011:

My sister and I used to do homemade facials with our mom when we were small, and I have been thinking about that a lot lately as the economic crunch doesn't seem to be letting up, the problem being that I have a lot of recipes, but none of them came with the instructions to put them together, until now. Great hub filled with lots of detail, voted up, useful, interesting!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on August 07, 2011:

BB, you fit in perfectly here on HP. No matter your heritage you can have naturally beautiful skin, it not too late to start caring for it.

bbnix from Southern California on August 07, 2011:

My skin has not only been abused by years in the sun, but being German/Latino, an odd mix to begin is white just under the first layers and brown on If I scrub too hard I change into a goofy white guy....otherwise I'm a goofy latino..who doesn't speak any spanish, no wonder I don't fit in anywhere...

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on August 07, 2011:

Thank you Blondey girl!

Rose Amrhein from USA on August 07, 2011:

What a cool hub! Thanks

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on August 07, 2011:

Thanks Msdee, you are so right. If you can't eat or drink it then don't use it. Our skin is a sensitive organ and very absorbent, whatever we use on it will be absorbed into our bodies.

msdee115 from Stone Mountain, GA on August 07, 2011:

I've heard you shouldn't use anything on your face that you wouldn't put in your mouth to eat so this hub is perfect! thanks Well done!

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on July 16, 2011:

Yes, the olive oil used for cooking is purer, without fragrance or additives. I find that it is lighter on the skin too.

ankita on July 16, 2011:

hey..i was just wondering can v use the same olive oil which is used for salad dressings??

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on July 04, 2011:

Our complexion is the first thing people notice about us. No matter how beautiful or flowing our hair be, bad skin will always stand out more.

Olive oil is a natural antioxidant and one of the simplest skin treatments you can find.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on July 04, 2011:

Great hub, I love anything natural and wow is that Lavender oil expensive but I just happen to have some, will try some of this, thank you. I was always blessed with a good complexion and never got a zit, unless there was a special occasion, then one would pop out between my eyes or tip of nose, lol.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on June 22, 2011:

Thanks Sunnie,

I hope you get a chance to do the infusions, they really work.

Have a blessed day!

Sunnie Day on June 22, 2011:

Thank you Cardisa,

As we age and even when we are younger so important to take care of our skin. I have never used soap since my early thirties as I had heard it was not good. Very good hub and advice.

God Bless,


Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on May 15, 2011:

Thanks for visiting Shajjad and leaving such positive comments!

Best Skin Care Products on May 15, 2011:

Now a day’s organic skin care are more powerful then the other types of skin care.

This is awesome tips which are prepared step by step. I love this...


Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on April 21, 2011:

Thanks Iriegirl, am so happy to meet another Jamaican on hubs.

Thanks for the visit and comment.


Iriegirl on April 21, 2011:

Hi Cardisa. Your hub has very useful information. I noticed that you are from Jamaica. I am too.

Carolee Samuda (author) from Jamaica on April 13, 2011:

Thank you Pamela99.


Pamela Oglesby from Sunny Florida on April 13, 2011:

I like your organic skin care instructions. This is a very helpful hub.

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