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How to Use Coconut Oil for Getting Rid of Age Spots Naturally

What Are Age Spots

Age Spots are a kind of skin condition in which spots appear on different parts of your body especially face. The other name of age spots is liver spots and sun spots. n this post, I am writing about how coconut oil can help in reducing these age spots as well as various natural home remedies for the same.

Use Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally

Use Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Age Spots Naturally

What are the Causes of Age Spots or Liver Spots

These are bound to occur due to excessive exposure of the body to sunlight. Yet another factor for these sun spots is aging skin. The prime age group which is bound to suffer from these age spots is 40 and above.

They might be dark brown in color but sometimes red and black too. Since harmful rays of the sun are the prime cause of these liver spots so you will see them mostly on your hands, face, neck, or shoulders i.e. the areas which are mostly exposed.

However they are not harmful and thus not to be feared about. For those who wish to remove these age spots, they can resort to various natural treatments or skin bleaching creams. They are likely to change the appearance of a person's skin.

Know the causes and remedies for Age Spots

Know the causes and remedies for Age Spots

How Coconut Oil Helps In Reducing Age Spots

Coconut oil has been considered to be useful not just for your health but it is also a beauty oil too. Yes it is one of those oils which has tremendous benefits for your skin as well as hair. The world over it is regarded as one of the most popular oils for beauty care.

Coconut oil is regarded as one of the best natural remedies for getting rid of age spots. It helps in not just reducing but also prevents the appearance of age spots if it is used regularly. Coconut oil comes packed with various antioxidants which help in fighting against these age spots.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Age Spots

If you want to use coconut oil for getting rid of age spots then go ahead with using virgin coconut oil since it is considered to be rich in antioxidants.

In order to apply the oil, just clean your face and then pat dry with a soft towel. Now take some drops of coconut oil and apply it on the age spots. Gently massage the spots with this oil. It is better for your skin if you go for upward strokes on the face. Coconut oil should be applied for age spots not just on face but even if they exist on your neck or hands then too you may apply it.

In order to prevent age spots from occurring it is best if you apply coconut oil immediately after you have came back from outside and have been exposed to sun rays.

Continue applying coconut till the age spots disappears completely from your skin.

Yet another effective way to use coconut oil on the age spots is to mix 4 tbsp of castor oil and 4 drops of vitamin E in around 2 tbsp of coconut oil. Now apply this mixture directly on to your age spots. Apply this mixture twice a day to get the best results. After repeated usage, you will see your age spots getting fade away.

Use Yoghurt for Age Spots removal naturally

Use Yoghurt for Age Spots removal naturally

8 Natural Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Age Spots

Apart from coconut oil there are various other natural home remedies for age spots too which can work wonders if applied on the person suffering from these liver spots.

Lemon Juice: Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and can go a long way in reducing age spots. Owing to its bleaching properties lemon juice is considered to be a dark spot corrector too. Just take out some lemon juice and with a cotton pad apply it on your age spots. Doing it on a regular basis will help you get rid of these liver spots naturally.

Yoghurt: Yoghurt is known to whiten your skin naturally. Just apply some plain yoghurt on your brown spots and massage gently. This will not just fade away the spots but also make your skin brighter and even out the skin tone too.

Get Rid of Age Spots with Papaya

Get Rid of Age Spots with Papaya

Papaya: In order to naturally get rid of age spots, you can apply papaya too. This is so because papaya contains an enzyme called as ‘Papain’ which helps in evening out the skin tone, removes freckles, liver spots as well as dark spots caused by acne. Just rub the papaya peel on your spots regularly.

Read: Benefits of Drinking Papaya Juice for Your Skin and Health

Aloe Vera: It is one of the best natural remedies when it comes to skin care and hair care too. Apart from this it is antiseptic in nature as you can use it to heal minor cuts and burns as well as skin rashes. In order to use aloe vera for age spots, just apply the aloe vera gel on the spots and leave it overnight. In the morning just wash your face.

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Tea Tree Oil: It is a herbal natural product which not just helps to get rid of dark spots from acne but also reduces age spots too. Apply tea tree oil with a cotton pad on the affected region.

Apply Onion Juice to Say Goodbye to Liver Spots Naturally

Apply Onion Juice to Say Goodbye to Liver Spots Naturally

Onion Juice: In order to use onion juice for age spots, just slice up a piece of onion and squeeze some juice from it. Now apply it on the affected spots and leave, do this at least thrice daily. Over a period of time you will see the spots getting fade away naturally.

Witch Hazel: Use witch hazel to cure age spots naturally. This is also effective in treating skin discoloration too. Apply it in the same way as you will do with tea tree oil.

Castor Oil: You just need to rub castor oil on your age spots daily, this will over a period of time help you get rid of age spots naturally. Just take a bowl, pour out some castor oil and with a cotton ball apply it on the liver spots.

So friends, this was all about how coconut oil can help get rid of age spots as well as various natural home remedies for the same. But it needs to be added that these should be resorted to for a long period of time only then they are going to be effective for you.You can also buy the beauty products given on the right side which are meant for correcting age spots.

Please do tweet, pin and like this post. Hope you would also enjoy reading these posts too:

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clementina osomobor on May 04, 2020:

thanks for the information I will give it a try

Maria on August 23, 2018:

I love using coconut oil it leaves my skin soft and hair

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on August 29, 2013:

@ travel man 1971 Yes this is a featured hub, and thank you so much for these beautiful comments about this hub, i sincerely wish it becomes hub of the day. Thanks again

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on August 29, 2013:

@pstraubie48 I sincerely hope that these natural treatments work for you, thanks a lot for pinning it.

@absinfo Good to know that

Ireno Alcala from Bicol, Philippines on August 29, 2013:

Is this featured? I hope HP staff would make it one of Hub of the Day. Extensive research you have here. I am also fond of using coconut at home, both in cooking and wellness as well.

Thank you for sharing such important information.

frteddref from India on August 28, 2013:

Very useful remedy to overcome age spots. Thanks for sharing.

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on August 27, 2013:

Hi I hope this works I have spent a fortune on products that have not faded the dark spots.

I am bookmarking this to try.

Pinned as well.

Angels are on the way ps

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on August 27, 2013:

Thanks Peggy and i really wish you get rid of those dark spots

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on August 27, 2013:

I have some spots on my hands and have coconut oil in the house so I'll definitely be trying this! Thanks! Up votes and will share.

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on August 18, 2013:

@Ms Dora Thank you so much for liking these remedies, i hope they help you out too

Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on August 17, 2013:

YoungHopes, thank you for these very good instructions. I have my share of age spots, so plenty of reasons to try your remedies. Voted Up!

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on July 17, 2013:

Thanks Shyron for voting up, sharing and pinning, coconut oil is one of the most useful oils for the skin and hair too.

Shyron E Shenko from Texas on July 16, 2013:

I don't see any age spots, and I protective hat and sunglasses..etc, etc. But I will start using the coconut oil to maybe prevent me from getting them. Thank you so much for the information.

Voted up, UAI, shared and pinned.

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on July 16, 2013:

You are welcome DDE for liking it

Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on July 16, 2013:

n this post, needs correcting, a great hub with helpful ideas in using coconut oil informative and useful to many readers. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

C E Clark from North Texas on July 16, 2013:

Very interesting. I had heard a few years ago that there was a remedy for age spots, but no one ever seemed to know what it was. Appreciate that you wrote this hub and now I can save the information for when I will need it. Voted up and useful, pinned to my Beauty & Skin Care board on Pinterest, and will share with my followers.

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on June 28, 2013:

thanks Rachna,

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on June 27, 2013:

@Rajan, Thanks, i am getting an ok traffic to beauty hubs not a good one and i am concerned about this aspect right now. i read updating hubs leads to increase in traffic, i did for 4-5 hubs, the traffic increased but lasted only 3 days. So i really don't know what am i supposed to do now

Rajan Singh Jolly from From Mumbai, presently in Jalandhar, INDIA. on June 27, 2013:

These are time tested remedies for getting rid of age spots but one has to be regular in using them, Shadaan.

I hope you are getting a good traffic to these beauty hubs.

Voted up, useful and shared.

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on June 23, 2013:

@Heidi, Oh Thanks for these beautiful comments, yeah i have been trying hard to build a niche and thankfully there are some wonderful hubbers who have really helped me. These days i am also trying to learn a bit on how to write amazon sales hub, hope it works out.

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on June 23, 2013:

Doing good, younghopes! I've been noticing that you're really building your beauty niche. Good job!

Shadaan Alam (author) from India on June 23, 2013:

Thanks Heidi, definitely being natural they will have a good effect, how are you doing? hope you are fine

Heidi Thorne from Chicago Area on June 22, 2013:

I'll definitely look into trying some of these. Thanks for sharing!

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