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Hair Color Ideas: Dark Honey Blonde Hair

If you are looking for hair color ideas, consider going for dark honey blonde hair. This hair color is easy to achieve for redheads, brunettes, and blondes alike. Actresses Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore, and Amy Adams all have sported dark honey blonde hair, and you can too!

Scarlet Johansson in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Scarlet Johansson in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Scarlet Johansson in Dark Honey Blonde Hair (above)

Although Scarlet can usually be seen wearing very light blonde hair, she is also known for doing the occasional hair color change.

She has perhaps the most beautiful hair color example of the three women on this page. Some women who have brown hair find they can achieve a honey color with a spray-in hair lightener.

What is Dark Honey Blonde Hair Color?

It is the warmest of all blonde hair colors, and in fact is one step away from being strawberry blonde.

Suitable for Redheads

If you are naturally a redhead, switching to this hair color to go blonde should suit you well since this shade is so close to red.

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Drew Barrymore in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Drew Barrymore in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Drew Barrymore in Dark Honey Blonde Hair (above)

Drew, a natural brunette, looks stunning with this color on. It looks much better on her than the very light blonde color she has worn over the years.

Suitable for Brunettes

One of the reasons this shade is such a great hair color idea is because it is so adaptable. Dark honey blonde hair is great for brown-haired gals because you can achieve the color with a one-step dye.

If you take the pictures on this page to your stylist, he or she will likely agree that this color blonde is do-able for you. It is also a perfect color for brunettes because the honey color gives you a golden halo of warmth around your head. This is especially important if you have brown eyes.

Hair Color Ideas. Amy Adams in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Hair Color Ideas. Amy Adams in Dark Honey Blonde Hair

Amy Adams with Dark Honey Blonde Hair (above)

Stunner Amy Adams looks every bit the box-office bombshell in this haircolor.

Suitable for Blondes

If you are a blonde and want to go darker than your natural color but still remain a blonde, consider this color. It will look different without being a drastic change. Natural blondes sometimes make the mistake of going too dark without realizing they won't be comfortable with the results. You shouldn't have that feeling with this shade!

To get This Shade of Hair Color:

It is best to go to a professional colorist, but if you want to purchase a box dye, try Loreal Feria #72. Remember to work with swatches of hair before applying to your whole head.

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