Celebrities with Chocolate Brown Hair Color
Are you looking for a brunette hair color that is deep and dark? If so, check out our gallery of celebrities with chocolate brown hair color. Beyonce, Reese Witherspoon, Khloe Kardashian, Scarlett Johansson, Audrina Patridge, and Kim Kardashian look sexy with chocolate brown hair. Maybe this will be your next shade too!
Beyonce in a Chocolate Brown Wig (above)
Beyonce normally looks best in blonde hair colors, but this full, lustrous chocolate brown wig had her name on it.
I am hard-pressed to come up with a picture where she looks more fantastic than this!
Reese Witherspoon in Chocolate Brown Hair Color (below)
See how brunette celebs add the perfect makeup routine to their beautiful brown tresses.
Reese Witherspoon is definitely a girl we rarely see in brown hair. But here she looks every bit the natural brunette.
I never thought she would look good with brown hair, but it is quite fitting to her baby blues, and it makes her skin just glow.
Khloe Kardashian with Long, Chocolate Brown Hair (above)
Khloe is a woman who looks her best in brown hair, and this cocoa hue is just perfect for her. Her hair looks especially glowing because it is straight, which allows light to shine along the entire surface,
Recommended Chocolate Brown Hair Dyes
Scarlett Johansson with Straight Brown Hair (above)
Of all these celebrities with chocolate brown hair color, I think this look suits Scarlett the least. She is best in her normally beautiful blonde hair. Her stylist, however, has wonderful taste in hair colors.
Audrina Patridge with Cocoa Colored Hair (right)
Audrina Patridge wears her hair in a side bun. This shows off the amber highlights throughout her tresses. This hair color also works great against skin with warm-colored makeup. Notice Audrina's peachy blush and red lipstick.
Kim Kardashian in Chocolate Brown Hair Color (below)
Kim takes a break from her normally black-colored hair to show off these cocoa locks. I definitely like her better with this color than with the black. The brown gives instant warmth to her skin -- from her face all the way down to her decollete and along her arms. This is because Kim has the chocolate brown color weaved throughout her long hair extensions
Celebrity Hair Poll
Life and Luxury (author) from South Beach, FL on January 02, 2014:
Hi FullofLoveSites, Yes, she definitely does stand out with blonde. And Reese is beautiful in any color for sure. So many options out there to make hair look its best! Thanks for stopping by!
FullOfLoveSites from United States on January 02, 2014:
That's a wig? God it looks so natural on Beyonce. I definitely like her look with the dark mane but I believe that she stands out with her usual blonde hair. Reese Witherspoon still looks good whether she sports blonde or brown hair