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European Beauty Secrets

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Plautus, a Roman philosopher once wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without salt." I'm not sure he could get away with that today. Women have tried to enhance their natural features throughout the ages.They have also experimented with different beauty treatments to slow the aging process.

In the Middle Ages, European women would even bleed themselves to appear pale, which was fashionable at that time. Thank goodness that fad passed. Some European women plucked the hairs at their hairline so they would have a higher forehead. Oh, my!

Today, many European women look to their pantry for natural beauty products. Here are a few that have stuck:


To exfoliate rough skin, some Greek women use a body scrub made of olive oil and sugar. They take one fourth cup of sugar and mix it together with 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil to form a thick paste. Then they apply it liberally and massage it in using a circular motion. Then shower it off. The oil is effective in loosening layers of dead skin and the sugar sloughs them off.


For an intensive moisturizer, some Polish women apply a thin layer of honey to their face regularly. Honey retains moisture and slows the aging process. It also is effective as a sun block. Some Polish teens use honey to plump and soften their lips.


Clay is used by some French women as a mask to improve circulation and detoxify. It does not dry or irritate the skin. It can be found in powdered form at grocery or health food stores. It is mixed with water to form a paste and smoothed over the face and body. After it dries, it is rinsed off.

French women also use almond oil to remove their eye makeup. This hydrates and smooths the eye area. Some also use thermal water to help relieve irritation and dryness. Thermal water contains selenium which is a known anti-inflammatory which is effective in decreasing redness on the skin. Tap water can strip away lipids in the skin and cause redness.


Belgium's dermatologists condone the use of mink oil as an anti-aging solution. They found that is is the most compatible and absorbable oil on human skin. It is effective on wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, blemishes, scars and stretch marks. It can also be mixed in with foundation to set it. They also found it is effective in revitalizing thinning hair.

Beer is more than a drink in Belgium. It is also a final rinse to tame thick, frizzy hair.

Polish Beauty


With whipping winds and harsh winters, Englishwomen get glycerin from their local chemist to soften chapped lips, hands and other problem areas. They also use witch hazel as a natural astringent. It dries out breakouts and reduces oil on the face. You can make your own astringent with one part witch hazeland two parts rose water.


Hungarian women dab carrot oil to cleanse oily skin and to relieve unsightly blemishes. Carrot oil has been used since the sixteenth century. It is ideal for nourishing new cells since it is rich in Vitamin A and beta-carotene.


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Spanish women are aware that stress and depression can speed up the aging process, so they elevate their mood by taking a bath that includes three drops of the following concoction: a quarter cup of sesame oil, six cloves, two cinnamon sticks, one bay leaf and a dash of dark rum. Combine and allow it to steep for one hour in a dark glass bottle.


Romanian women share their secret for amazing eyelashes. Use castor oil to strengthen and stimulate lash growth. It also helps regenerate thinning hair.Brunette Romanianwomen also use steeped walnut tree leaves to maintain their tresses.


Russian women realize that daisies can help to beautify blond hair. They steep a handful of these flowers in a pint of hot water for thirty minutes. After straining, they use the water as a final rinse to bring out bond highlights.

I am sure there are many more, and your are welcome to share if you know any. Thanks.

© 2011 Elayne


Katie Adams from Midwest on August 04, 2013:

This is interesting info. I like to make my own skincare products, but am still learning. Thanks!

Elayne (author) from Rocky Mountains on April 24, 2011:

So glad you enjoyed the beauty secrets from Europe hub KoffeeKlatch Gals. Yes, we need all the help we can get. Time stops for no one! Aloha!

Susan Hazelton from Northern New York on April 24, 2011:

Great information. I knew about the clay but never heard of honey on your face. I do believe that it does make sense, they have the most beautiful skin. And I'm all for slowing down the aging process of the skin.

Elayne (author) from Rocky Mountains on April 07, 2011:

You are welcome LianaK. Hope you will be able to use some of the beauty tips in my hub to take care of your skin.

LianaK on April 07, 2011:

What a wonderful hub. I need to learn to take better care of my skin for sure. Especially because I live in such an arid climate. Thanks for the wonderful tips.

Elayne (author) from Rocky Mountains on April 04, 2011:

Why thanks Mentalist acer. Glad you enjoyed it.

@drbj - I appreciate your remarks.

drbj and sherry from south Florida on April 04, 2011:

This fascinating info, Ruth, and the photos of the models are gawjus!

Mentalist acer from A Voice in your Mind! on April 04, 2011:

This broad and enveloped detail is fascinating elayne.;)

Elayne (author) from Rocky Mountains on April 04, 2011:

Great quote - thanks for the addition. I don't feel totally dressed without a bit of paint. I might scare someone otherwise : )

diogenes from UK and Mexico on April 04, 2011:

Hi Elaine: Not really an article for this rugged old macho, although undoubtedly well done as all your work is.

I once heard this amusing ditty

"A rose in all its glory needs no adornment;

But if the garden gate needs a coat of paint, slap it on!"


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