Trout Fishing Techniques for Rivers and Streams
Trout Fishing Setup
The trout fishing techniques I will cover today are aimed at those fishermen plying their art in small rivers and streams: people who enjoy simply being in nature and will enjoy their day along a clear cold mountain stream whether or not they actually catch fish. Sure, it's a lot of fun to catch a good-sized wild rainbow trout—that's what this article is about—but it needn't ruin your day if you get skunked and go home with nothing.
If you're one of the people who feel they must catch a monstrous fish every time they go fishing or want to sit in a boat and guzzle beer more than they want to fish, you probably won't be very interested. If you enjoy nature, camping or fishing, then read on; I will introduce you to some trout fishing techniques you probably haven't considered before.
Where to Go to Fish for Trout
I spent some 22 years living in Virginia and fished extensively for bass, bluegill, perch and other warm-water fish. I have made more than a few trips deep-sea fishing for bluefish, flounder, salmon and sea trout and have even caught a shark. I've pulled a five-foot sturgeon from the Snake River in Idaho, and I've enjoyed it all immensely, but nothing can compare to wading a small mountain stream trying to hook a wild rainbow trout.
I look for a stream shallow enough and narrow enough to wade across. Water temperature needs to be cool to cold; trout thrive with high-quality water in the mid-50-degree range. If my feet don't get rather numb, it's too warm. I want a stream where chest waders are a waste of money, and even hip waders are not a great deal of value; I can usually find a wide, shallow area to cross.
There must be rapids in the stream to oxygenate it well, but there must also be small, quiet holes with rocks and logs for the trout to congregate in—they want hiding places as well as open water. There must be good access to the river, with frequent open areas in the underbrush where I can actually enter the water. Because I usually take my family camping with me, I want a place to park my RV.
Rivers and streams of the size I have described do not produce two-foot trout, but fortunately, I am quite content fishing for trout in the 12" to 18" range. Wild trout of this size will give quite a fight and are a lot of fun to catch, but as much as anything, I simply enjoy the peace and beauty of such a setting. A large, dirty river cannot provide this, and even a mountain lake does not provide the peaceful feeling and sounds of water rushing downstream. No matter the season, a rushing stream always seems to remind me of springtime.
Equipment for Trout Fishing
Number one on the list is, of course, a valid fishing license. Not even taking a header into the river can ruin a fisherman's day, like not having a license when the game warden shows up.
Next on the list would be a rod and reel, and here I depart from all the other fishermen I have seen. I use a ten-foot fly rod with a normal fly reel. This need not be of the highest quality (or cost), as I do not fly-fish, but it does need to be a decent setup. My father, until his death in 1994, used the same bamboo rod he taught me with some 50 years ago, coupled with an "automatic" (spring loaded line retrieval) fly reel of the same vintage, and seemed happy with them both. My own current setup costs about $100 for the rod and somewhat less for the reel.
Although I practice catch-and-release, I do carry a small canvas creel as a convenient way to carry extra hooks, leader, weights, pliers, and other gear. These creels are small and cheap, which is a good thing because they live in my RV and eventually rot out. A few dollars will provide another one.
I use floating fly line on the reel, along with about a six-foot leader of usually 6# to 8# weight. A lighter leader might be nice and increase the "feel," but there are inevitably a lot of snags on the bottom of a moving stream that you can easily pull off of with a little heavier leader. Standard for me is usually a #4 hook on the end. A good supply of small crimp-on weights in various sizes is necessary as well.
Polarized sunglasses are a must, and make sure they are polarized. The polarization is necessary as it eliminates most of the glare from the water and makes it much easier to see down into the stream. Without polarized lenses, you are merely making uninformed guesses as to what lies under the surface.
And last but not least is a dozen nightcrawlers. I have tried lures, salmon eggs and flies but have had the most success with worms. Some of my bug-tying friends make fun of my worms and me, but they seldom catch more than I do, and they seem to spend half their time playing with a new fly to put on. I prefer a worm.
Fishing Techniques
Trout fishing techniques for rivers and streams are mostly a matter of common sense and learning to think like fish. You must understand what the fish wants, where he is likely to be found, and how not to spook him so that he refuses to feed. Your intent is to present food at a reasonable distance and in such a manner that it looks natural to the trout.
The first problem is finding the trout. While fish can and will be found nearly anywhere there is water, trout tend to congregate in quiet pools with some depth and a hiding place. This does not mean standing water; trout are active fish and want moving water to linger in (much different than lake fish, and I believe it makes them stronger and better able to fight). If you throw your line in and it travels downstream 20 feet in 10 to 20 seconds, that water speed is about right. Likewise, a pool does not mean 20 feet of water. I find most trout in six feet or less and often in only two feet if there is good cover.
Trout will usually be found in places you cannot see, either due to covering rocks or brush or possibly moving water. Consider that if you can see him, then he can see you as well and probably won't bite. You must decide where a hidey-hole is likely to be without actually peering into that hole. Alongside large rocks or downstream from rocks and logs are good places; the water is usually quieter, and the area not easy to see.
The next step is to present the bait in a natural manner. I almost always fish downstream from where I stand because I can control the line better, but not directly downstream. I am not a biologist, but it seems reasonable that trout can smell (you are standing in their atmosphere, after all) and might detect your odor. Instead, pull out a few feet of line (a fly reel is not a casting reel), and, using an underhand flipping motion with that long pole, put the bait a little upstream and out from where you stand. With a 10-foot pole, it is quite easy to reach out 20 feet or more, and by wading in the stream, you can reach almost anywhere.
Overhand casting is also possible when needed. Allow the bait to float past the fish you hope to find at home without guiding it any more than necessary. If you do need to provide some guidance, do it well before the bait is where you think the fish might be. Repeat until you are convinced that no one is home there.
A word on weights. I carry a variety of small crimp-on weights and change weights frequently according to the speed of the water I am fishing in. The objective is to have enough weight, perhaps 18" or 2 feet from the hook, to be able to control the location of the hook. If water is swirling around in the spots you want to fish in, that water will carry the hook in all different directions without you being to control it at all unless you have some weight on the line. Worms on the end of a floating line tend to float too high, and a little weight will carry the bait deeper into the water. At the same time, you don't want too much weight because if the hook doesn't move at least somewhat with the currents, it will not look natural and will probably not be taken.
Setting the hook in stream fishing is a little different than in lake fishing. The fish are usually a little smaller, and the long, limber fly pole has a different feel to it. When the fish bites—and only experience will tell you what is a bite, as opposed to a bump as the when the hook or its weight passes over a rock on the bottom—give a sharp tug upwards on the pole to set the hook. The pole will mostly just bend as the line tries to move quickly through the water, so it may take more or less effort than you are used to. That doesn't mean to whip the pole back over your shoulder in an effort to disembowel Mr. Trout, just a sharp tug. Unlike in lake fishing, once the fish is hooked you can usually tell what shelter or obstruction the fish is trying to reach, and keep him away from that direction. Don't let a hooked fish get too far downstream if possible; it can be a long and difficult fight to get him back upstream to where you are and it is not always possible for you to go to him.
Stream fishing in moving water is much different than lake fishing or deep-river fishing. You don't want the hook right on the bottom (would you live touching the bottom with escape cut off in that direction?), but inevitably hooks and weights will touch the bottom, as well as larger rocks higher up. Hooks and weights will snag on the rocks as the current carries them past, but usually not very hard. The trick is to pull the line in the opposite direction from where it was going when the hook snagged. This direction is not always obvious, because moving, swirling water can carry the hook in unexpected directions, but you will usually be able to get the line off without much trouble. Nevertheless snags are a way of life in the river; I often let the current carry my bait into and under log jams and such. So carry extra hooks, leader, and weights.
Enjoying Your Fishing Day
Time of day can play a large part in whether you catch a trout or not. Usually, but not always, the best time of day is just before the sun hits the water and just after it leaves in the evening. I have occasionally found the best fishing in the middle of the day; it doesn't make much difference to me, as I am up and moving around the campsite before daylight and, if the fishing is poor, I'll return for breakfast and wait a while before going out later.
Spooking the trout is a very real concern; trout can be both extremely wily and incredibly stupid at the same time. Never allow your shadow to come anywhere near your suspected hidey hole. Move quietly both on shore and in the water, and do not allow the hook and weight to hit the water anywhere near the fish: if you plop that weight and worm over his head, he's gone for the day. As noted, fish can smell—don't contaminate the water with odors of any kind. Never jerk the line around the water (except to set the hook), as it will look very unnatural. At the same time, I have caught many nice trout by slowly raising the bait to the surface; I suspect that they think it's "getting away" and it's taken before it can escape. Likewise, I've hooked a few by pulling the hook upstream in slower moving water, for perhaps the same reason. If you catch a trout in a hole, try it again! I've had incredibly violent fights in a small hole only to return immediately and catch 3, 4 or 5 more out of the same hole. Sometimes they're stupid.
Lastly, have fun and enjoy yourself. I have a friend that fly fishes in the winter. He will take his float tube out into water filled with ice chunks, and sit in that freezing water all day while it snows on him and his hands become too numb to work the reel. That isn't fun—it's masochistic and not to be done by normal people. Yes, he earns bragging rights for stupidity, and may even catch fish, but it isn't fun in my book. If it's too cold to go out early in the morning, wait for a while! If it's raining cats and dogs, sit it out for an hour! The purpose of fishing is enjoyment or should be, not merely catching fish. If catching fish is all you want, go to the grocery store, jam a hook into one and drag it to the cashier. Lie about where you got it and no one will be the wiser.
If you ever get out of Idaho way, check out Ponderosa State Park; there is some excellent trout fishing in the Payette River along the road there. In the meantime enjoy your new trout-fishing techniques in a small mountain river or stream and may you limit out each time you go!
© 2010 Dan Harmon
Jeremy Richmond from Hubbard on August 30, 2019:
I've noticed both natural and stocked trout in my area seem to prefer minnows to other live bait offerings but fish using much the same presentation. Good article and great tips!
Wh on May 10, 2019:
I use regular bread balled around hook! Works great!
Frank Rushing on October 13, 2018:
Very good and interesting article. Living in the Ozarks of North Arkansas I spend a lot of time on White River, using a variety of methods for trout fishing. A favorite is kayak drifting (when river level is low). I have never considered nightcrawlers and short casts with a fly rod. I'm thinking this may work well in the kayak, now anxious to try it out.
Glenn on April 16, 2018:
Great article thanks, I live right outside of Philadelphia and fish creeks and streams that are PA stocked water. It's difficult to use fly rod here cause of the overhanging trees and close quarters streams. But there's nothing better than getting away from the city, standing in a stream and catch some trout. Or not!
JamminJamy on April 05, 2018:
Thanks for the article Dan. I'm really looking forward to trout fishing over here in Central PA. I like to use the crimp on weights as you suggested although I don't break out my fly rod as much as I would like. Here is some footage of me using a crimp on weight along with trout magnets which I seem to have had a lot of success with last May once things warm up a tad and I feel the stocked trout are a little more acclimated and active: ... thanks again for your article and good luck this season Dan!
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on March 28, 2018:
I don't know if it's true or not but it very well could be. I do remember sitting in a small stream in SW Oregon and playing with a crawdad swimming in a small pool while thinking I should get out the fishing pole. That crawdad was living in the same water I thought would be perfect for trout.
Rica on October 27, 2017:
You should fish Utah, assuming you haven't already.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on September 19, 2017:
Of course. I just find that long fly pole useful in controlling the bait, in putting it just where I want it. A casting rod will get it much further, of course, but lacks the control at closer areas.
Nick on September 19, 2017:
Can you use regular fishing poles in creeks and rivers?
Varun Thomas on September 19, 2017:
Hey Dan, this article is very informative and just what I needed for a starter course on stream fishing. I've been trying my luck at a mountain stream in this village in Himachal Pradesh, India. They do have trout here and I did manage to snag one out of what seems to be beginner's luck, attempts to get the same results today failed and I see why after I read this article. Thanks!
Susan Sears on June 02, 2017:
I am so excited to fish in Montana this year. I have heard a lot about some fantastic mountain streams. I typically fish close to home in the Rogue River where you will find brown and rainbow trout along with steelhead runs twice a year.
Al from Australia, Hong Kong, USA on March 25, 2016:
Nice Hub and thanks for the advice.
collegedad from The Upper Peninsula on December 23, 2012:
There's nothing better than a day spent on a stream with an old fly rod. Just can't get enough of it. Great hub!
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on August 14, 2012:
Glad you enjoyed it. I love fishing the moutain rivers around Boise and north.
And yes, "Tight lines to all". I like that!
BeaverC on August 13, 2012:
I am in Idaho fishing the Big Wood, silver creek and trail creek. I enjoy the articles on Hub. They are very helpful. I have been fly fishing for many years but my 10 year old has just picked up the hobby and she loves to research everything online. Plenty of info on hub. Tight lines to all.
spod on January 07, 2012:
Hello from Australia,
I really enjoyed reading your article on worm fishing with a fly rod. I live and work in a largish country town about 60kms northeast of Melbourne in Victoria. There's quite a few local small creeks that hold brown trout and I like to use a fly rod with worms to catch them. Much like how you describe in your article. The fly rod is great for casting or poking a worm into a tight spot that would be almost impossible with a spinning rod and reel. The soft action fly rod also really cushions the trouts fight.
Thanks again for a great article.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on December 07, 2011:
Perhaps it is a man sport (although my daughter-n-law and grandaughter enjoy it, as does my mother and sister) but that's all right - I'm male!
Mae Williams from USA on December 06, 2011:
I was surprised to find you like fishing. WOW! I always thought it was a man sport. I love water. I love eating fish. Thanks for sharing.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on October 30, 2011:
I've fished a little in both the Atlantic and Pacific and enjoyed it immensely. It's a different kind of fun, though, and I wouldn't trade it for my own little mountain stream. Guess I just want both! lol
Yep, I've forgotten and left my license at camp when heading down the river. It makes for a shaky day, always looking over my shoulder and I usually find some excuse to go back to camp and collect it.
John Sarkis from Winter Haven, FL on October 30, 2011:
Great hub. I enjoy fishing as well. I do mostly ocean living in California, when I have the time that is. - Agree on the license 100%! I wouldn't dare to show up fishing anywhere without the proper license....
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on October 27, 2011:
Those surroundings are half the reason I'm there; as you can see from the hub I seldom find monsters in the areas I fish in. Small mountain streams just don't support large fish very well - they move downstream to larger rivers and lakes.
I love the beauty and solitude, though. I very often see deer and other wildlife, while finding few people. Larger rivers can be wall to wall people, and lakes are full of other boaters and jet skiiers. Neither one is my idea of a quiet day communing with nature.
Holle Abee from Georgia on October 27, 2011:
I don't really like any fatty fish. I eat trout sometimes, but I much prefer grouper, flounder, seatrout, redfish, cod, and sharks. I hate salmon, and freshwater trout tastes similar to me. Trout fishing, however, is fun, and it's usually done in beautiful surroundings!
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on October 27, 2011:
I haven't done much saltwater; some for bluefish in the Chesapeake Bay and a little for salmon off the Oregon coast but that's about it.
Wish I could get more, but Idaho is a long ways from the ocean.
But how can you turn up your nose at trout? One or two, caught at daybreak, make a wonderful breakfast with some eggs to go with it.
Holle Abee from Georgia on October 27, 2011:
Cool hub. I'm an avid angler, but I prefer saltwater fishing. I've done a little trout fishing in the Blue Ridge Mountains, but we don't really like to eat trout. Have you done much saltwater fishing? Voted this great hub up!
WD Curry 111 from Space Coast on October 15, 2011:
Don't forget the "Mepps Spinner".
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on September 13, 2011:
It is a type of fishing I really enjoy. My son has just purchased a boat, however, so I suppose I'll have to learn to lake fish now.
We get a few brookies around here, but mostly it's rainbow. We have bass and other warmer water fish in the lakes, along with some trout, but I much prefer a quiet mountain stream.
WanderingFisher from The shore of Lake Erie on September 12, 2011:
Excellent hub! The fishing for trout around me in the northeast is equally fun on small streams however we mostly have brook and brown trout rather than rainbows. I just made a trip to washington state a few weeks ago to fish for rainbows and cutthroats and it was a blast.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on March 04, 2011:
Like you, I learned from my Dad, and those are memories I cherish.
I am fortunate enough to have all kinds of fishing near me (except salt water). Bass and other warm water fish, trout, both lakes and streams. Even sturgeon. My favorite, though, is a small cold mountain stream looking for native trout.
KJS411 on March 04, 2011:
Excellent and informative hub and enjoyed the pics as well. I grew up fishing for native brookies and brown trout in small New England streams and rivers mainly in CT. Like you said the peace and serentiy of the remote streams was as much enjoyable as pulling a few native brookies from the stream. I also fished lakes, ponds, farm ponds, and salt water. It is a passion and a great way to spend time with friends and family. Living in Dallas now I fish mainly lakes for crappie and various bass and make the occassional trip to the gulf to fly fish for red fish. Your hub brought back many great memories of my youth fishing with my Dad which I will always cherish. Thank you.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on February 01, 2011:
I grew up in the northeast corner of Oregon; that's where I learned to trout fish. It was all small mountain stream.
Although I've heard stories of Crooked River fishing and always wanted to go there, I never have.
I like the fly tackle for the longer rod and floating fly line. Nearly all of my fishing is in small streams; between wading along both banks I seldom need to cast out more than 20' or so and the fly tackle gives me more control in the shorter casts around brush, rocks and logs in the water. The longer rod also gives more control in many situations of directing the bait around underwater obstacles. I get a better idea of exactly where my bait is with the floating line. Not perfect; 4 or 5 feet of leader gives the bait lots of room to move around, but better than if I couldn't see the line at all.
Edwin Brown from Oregon, USA on February 01, 2011:
Really nice hub! I live next door to you, in Oregon, but on the western side of the state. For good trout fishing, I go to central Oregon. We've got some dandy streams. My favorite is the Crooked River upstream from Prineville. Have taken some big trout there.
I was surprised that you use fly fishing tackle for bait fishing. Never thought of that. I like spinning gear. What advantage do you see with your setup?
Granny's House from Older and Hopefully Wiser Time on December 18, 2010:
I also am a trout fisherman(woman) we take our grandsons every year.
I think you will enjoy this hub.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on September 27, 2010:
Thanks for the compliment. I grew up on venison and elk, but haven't hunted in years and years. I doubt I'll ever go back to hunting, but I surely enjoy my trout fishing.
Granny's House from Older and Hopefully Wiser Time on September 27, 2010:
I go trout fishing all the time! Love it. It is now time to get ready for hunting. Great hub
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on August 20, 2010:
Thank you. I have fished for bluegill, crappie, bass and some salt water. I've tried for salmon, steelhead and a couple of times for sturgeon.
I've enjoyed all of it, but my favorite remains a peaceful, lonely mountain stream looking for trout.
tthudium on August 20, 2010:
Great article, voted up. I always loved trout fishing. I fish in Bennett springs, Missouri. The water is 55 degrees in the summer. In fact, we went down 2 weeks ago!
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on July 13, 2010:
As a fly fisherman you have the equipment; if you can find a suitable stream give my odd and unorthodox methodology a try. It's a great way to spend a day.
Thanks for the comment; I'm glad you enjoyed the hub.
As a fly fisherman mayself and an avid trout fishing dude, your Hub is Excellent and most Informative. Enjoyed reading this hub.
Dan Harmon (author) from Boise, Idaho on July 12, 2010:
Thanks, Randy. I've fished a little in Georgia around Brunswick many years ago. You're right - I'm not sure I would care to wade around much, especially further south.
Do try to get to a mountain stream, though. Perhaps NW of Atlanta? It's worth the trip.
Randy Godwin from Southern Georgia on July 12, 2010:
Always wanted to go trout fishing in a mountain stream. The closest I ever came was fly fishing for shoal bass in the flint river here in Georgia. If you wade in most of the other rivers you take a chance of encountering stumps, snags, cottonmouth moccasins, not to mention, alligators! But I still plan to go sometime! Enjoyed the great info!