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Leo Moon Children

Learn all about Leo Moon Children.

Learn all about Leo Moon Children.

What are Moon Children?

Moon Children are individuals born with their moon on the cusp of two houses. These individuals have a deeper understanding of humanity and some form of metaphysical ability, such as premonitions, psychic visions, mediumships, and many other gifts.

How do I know If I'm a Leo Moon Child?

To figure out if you are a Leo Moon child, the first thing to ask yourself is if you were born with your moon on the cusp of two houses. If you answered yes, then you need to figure out if your moon sign degree falls between 0 - 3 or between 27-29. You can do this by making a natal chart. Look at where the moon is at the exact time of your birth. What constellation is it in? This is your moon sign.

Now take it a step further, what planets were close to the moon when you were born? These planets hold the key to what you are truly capable of doing. Take the time to make your natal chart, and it will guide you and give you many answers to your life. There are many places on the internet where you can create one for free.

What does Virgo and Cancer Have to Offer Leo?

Moon Children are the ones who help heal others and the world. The more you understand about yourself, your inner world and your natural abilities, the more you heal others. Leo Moon Children have Virgo and Cancer's gifts wrapped up inside of them, just waiting to be discovered.

Before we go into the deep soul of Leo Moon Children, understanding the comfort zone for all who were born with their moon on the cusp of two houses will be helpful. For Moon Children, comfort zone and grounding are one in the same. It's the ocean's energy that keeps them feeling balanced, this includes anything that can be associated with the ocean. The calming effect of its energy keeps Moon Children on their path to enlightenment.

Leo Moon Children puts their heart and soul into everything they do, as long as they are truly interested in what they are doing. By doing this and being their authentic self, they bring healing to those around them. Even though they love attention, when they give openly to others, they don't want recognition for it. They do this naturally because they understand what others need, without them asking.

If you are a Leo Moon, comment below and let me know what your inner self struggles with.

The Natural Gifts of Leo Moon Children

Leo Moon Children seem to have the hardest time understanding their inner abilities and gifts, because at some point in their lives they were taught that these gifts weren't real. What they don't realize is that they have been using their gifts their whole life. Having an open heart has put many in their path that needed healing. Leo Moon Children, intuitively feel and know what to say to make others feel important. They see these people on a deeper level than others do. Leo Moon Children can make you laugh and smile, and that is the best healing medicine there is.

One thing that Leo Moon Children don't see is that this natural ability, that comes without any thought, is the special gift to the world. But because they don't see it, they keep searching for what their gift is. These Moon Children accept people just as they are with no judgement involved.

Leo Moon Children naturally have a high self-esteem that is affected by the emotions of those around them. Separating their feelings from others causes their outside world to play tug of war with their inside world.

If you can relate to this, comment below and tell me how this has helped you in the past.

The Self Growth of Leo Moon Children

With Moon Children, the sign before and after and the sign their moon is in, become blended together. Leo Moon Children have Virgo and Cancer surrounding them. With Virgo and Cancer's low- key influence Leo Moon Children will feel a balance in their lives when reaching out and helping others. The blended traits make these moon children become more focused on the small details around them. When they see someone getting frustrated because their pen quit working, Leo Moon Children will simply hand them one and walk away. This is the deeper side of these Moon Children. Its these small details that help make the bigger picture in others' lives. Leo Moon Children just react without being asked.

Leo's greatest challenge though is to let go of what society has taught them about their gifts and abilities. This is their path to enlightenment.

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If you're a Leo Moon Child, comment below what society has taught you about your gifts.

Leo Moon Children

Fire, Earth and Water Elements in Leo Moon Children

Virgo is an Earth element and Cancer is the Water element, while Leo is a Fire element. Combing them gives Leo Moon Children a natural ability to understand the needs of others based on these elements. This is the true Leo Moon influence over their thoughts, dreams and desires. Their Saturn influence shows them the areas they need to find a balance within their truest self. The chart below shows how, as a Leo Moon, to ground themself and to find the peace within them.

Unlike other Moon Children, Leo's struggle with accepting their spiritual abilities to help heal themselves. They are leaders on the outside, but Leo Moon Children are healers on the inside. They naturally know what someone needs to start healing their wounded soul, but when it comes to their own, they just can't seem to figure it out. Thats why grounding using the elements are so important for them to find their own healing.

Comment below with other ways each of the elements can be expressed.

Fire Element

Leo Moon Children's deep passion is how they demonstrate the fire element in them.

Leo Moon Children

Moon Phases: How to Use Them to Heal

Leo Moon Children can learn to heal themselves by following the moon phases. Each phase has a lesson to learn by doing each of the following:

  • Full Moon- They need to ground themselves with work that requires extreme focus.
  • New Moon- They need to stay centered and grounded by setting intentions according to their deepest desires for the life they truly want to be living.
  • Waxing Moon- They need to set standards for themself by being open and honest with those close to them.
  • Waning Moon- They need to be open and willing to listen closely to others. They need this time to declutter and to retreat and relax by grounding with the elements.

The moon phases affect each and every living thing in many different ways. Even Moon Children are affected and need to ground and center themselves. Flowing with the moon brings peace into Leo Moon Children. Their grounding is different than other Moon Children, they need to use creativity with the above suggestions.

So which phase of the moon do you feel more relaxed during? Why do you think this is? Feel free to share your story in the comments below.

© 2024 Joanna Blackburn

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