Was Jesus' Father Really a Roman Soldier Named Tiberius Pantera?
Who Was Jesus' Father?
The story of Jesus Christ is ingrained within us. We all know when he was born, where he lived and who he traveled with. But there is so much more to His story that is never told.
In fact the Church holds onto this information for whatever reasons they choose. Why? Are they scared they will lose credibility if the truth comes out? Or is it just the fact that they would rather hold onto the real mysteries of the Bible?
That is one question that I doubt will be answered anytime soon.
What I am about to reveal is actually not a very well hidden secret. If you know where to look you will see that others have already discussed and discovered the background story, and its a pretty amazing one at that.
Read It Here!
The Pantera Bloodline.
Around 177 AD Celsus a Greek Philosopher wrote a book called The True Word. In it he describes the belief of many Jewish scholars, and in fact the thoughts and memories of many people back then who came from the Holy Land.
The truth, as was told back then, is that Jesus' parents were Mary, and a Roman Soldier named Pantera. In other words, Jesus' father was in fact human.
The name Pantera was quite common back then, but we do have his first name too.
He was known as Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera.
This was recorded not only in the Jewish Talmud but also in other Jewish writings and Roman records. In it Jesus was referred to as Jesus (Yeshu) ben Pantera, Son of Pantera.
Jesus is a fairly modern take on his real name. He was mainly known as Yeshu or Yeshua, which makes sense as there was no letter J in the Hebrew or Greek alphabet around the time of the Jesus story.
Who Was Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera? 'Panthera'
And was he the alleged father of Jesus, or Yeshua?
Tiberius was an Archer in the Roman army around the time of Jesus birth. He was born in Sidon Phoenicia, which today is in Lebanon, approximately 25 miles south of Beirut.
The first Cohorts of Archers left Palestine and went to Dalmatia in 6 AD and then onto the Rhine in 9 AD.
Pantera was enlisted locally, and served in the army for approx. 40 years. Which was by this time, in the reign of Tiberius. When he was discharged he would then have been granted citizenship by the Emperor and thus added the Emperor's name to his own, which was common back then.
There is speculation at that time from Jewish Scholars and Roman soldiers that Tiberius could very well have raped Mary, but of course it could have been a romantic liaison between Mary and Pantera.
Either way there is speculation that the Catholic Church is aware of the alleged beginnings. The belief is that Joseph arrived to collect Mary to marry her, only to find her already pregnant. He forgave her and they became man and wife.
There is also a rumour that Joseph was going to back out of the marriage, purely because back then it would have been regarded as adultery. In fact it was alleged that the reason why Mary and Joseph left, was to escape persecution because of the adultery, along with the documented reason that Herod was going to kill all the male babies.
To stir the pot even more, we have a tombstone which is evidently the tomb of Tiberius Julius Abedes Pantera as you can see below.
The gravestone is residing in the Romerhalle museum, Bad Kreuznach, Germany.
Pantera Tombstone.
Pantera Gravestone.
In 1859 a gravestone was found in Germany. The name on the stone was Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera. He was a Roman soldier.
He served in the unit Cohors I Sagittariorum. He had served in Judea before going to Germany.
The name Abdes is Jewish for (Servant of God). Therefore stating that he had a Jewish background.
'Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera Sidonia annorum LXIIstipendiorum XXXX miles exsignifer cohorte I sagittariorumh situs est'
Translated as:
'Tiberius Iulius Abdes Panterafrom Sidon, age 62 years served for 40 years, former standard bearer of the First Cohort of Archers lies here'.
- The Emperor Tiberius ruled from 14 AD to 37 AD so.....
- Pantera's 40 odd years of service would have been between 27 BC and 4 BC which means that.....
- Pantera would probably have been about 18 when he enlisted, so he was probably born between 45 BC and 22 BC. This means that........
- Pantera could have been between the ages of 15 or 38 when Jesus was conceived in the year 7 BC *
*The year of Jesus' birth is a stone of contention among Biblical Scholars, the latest reasoning is told that it was earlier than they thought. For further reading and to understand how the timelines worked back then, check out this link:
The Real Jesus Bloodline?
Whether we believe in Jesus as the Son of God, or whether we look at him in a purely historic way, there is no denying that there is more to the story than we know. The Church has taken over our way of worship for two thousand years, and to my mind has left out some of the most important parts of the story.
I don't know whether this story is true or not. It seems that its been hidden in Jewish Law and the Talmud for centuries, along with Roman scholars and their writings too.
Do I believe it? Its possible. I tend to sit on the fence with this one. Why? Because there are a few buts that I would need to verify first.
For example:
Its possible that Celsus was a Christian hater. He was a pagan, and its said that he disliked the Church.
This would make sense. If he was, then he would do anything to discredit Jesus, Mary and the whole story.
But where did the Jewish Talmud get hold of the idea? Well, evidently it was Jewish Oral Law way back at the time of Jesus. It was taken for granted that Jesus was the illegitimate son of Mary and Pantera, or as some called him (Panthera).
And there is the fact that Scholars for centuries have always asked the question, why was Jesus called Ben Panthera or Pantera?
I will leave you with this to mull over. I actually found this to be the most disturbing part of the story. And just goes to show how the Church manipulates our thoughts and beliefs.
Does it Matter?
Hidden Secrets and Church Lies.
Adamantius Origen, was an early Christian historian, and church father. He recorded the following verses about Mary.
'Mary was turned out by her husband, who was a carpenter by profession, because she had been convicted for unfaithfulness.
Cut off by her husband, she gave birth to Jesus, who was a bastard. Then Jesus, because of his poverty was then hired out and told to go to Egypt. There he acquired magical powers, which Egyptians all pride themselves on, believing they all possess the power'
In passage (1:32) Origen agreed with the Jewish records, and confirmed the fact that Jesus was the son of a Roman soldier called Panthera, or Pantera. He then went on to repeat the verse in 1.69.
But like all secrets, during the 17th Century, all of those sentences were erased from the ancient Vatican manuscripts and other codices books under the Catholic Church's control.
The Church writings of St.Epiphanius, who was the Bishop of Salamis from 315 to 403 AD once again confirmed the ben Panthera story. What is startling is that he was a Catholic orthodox and a high Saint of Roman Catholicism. So his statement concerning Mary and Jesus is pretty hard to ignore. He says:
Jesus was the son of Julius whose surname was Pantera (Panthera)
This is an amazing and extraordinary declaration that was written in a simple way, and recorded in those ancient records. Even more extraordinary is the fact that the early Church accepted this as real history. It was written in such a way that everybody believed it as fact. The ben Pantera story was so far reaching that these early followers of the Christian church inserted Pantera's name in the written geneology of Jesus and Mary.
Now you can't beat that can you?
Phew! Hard pill to swallow eh?
But I have to add that to me, it just makes Jesus more human, and much more real than the distant Jesus in the Bible. The Catholic Church does know the story, so why did they change it originally? I often wonder if the Church was founded on lies and power.
Would they ever tell the World if it is real? Of course not! And more to the point, if the Church did say it, would people believe it? No I don't think so. Which is fine.
But let's be honest:
Does it really Matter?
I mean if you think about it someone had to be the father of Jesus. Nobody these days really believes that you can have a virgin birth.
So, if we believe Jesus was the Son of God through his Spirit and not literally his DNA, then someone had to be his earthly father. And we know it's not Joseph.
I actually think that in this day and age, people will accept Jesus with his more colorful history, and see him as a real person. I know I do. Whether this is based on truth or not.
Jesus was a flesh and blood man. His Spirit was much much more. Simple as that.
As a last thought I would like to share one thing with you. I recently went to Cyprus and spent a couple of hours in the Church of Lazarus. Yes THAT Lazarus!
Evidently Lazarus went to live in Larnaca Cyprus and died there many years later. The Church was built over his tomb.
I have stood in the church looking down at the tomb. (Photo below) And like many people who come face to face with the Bible's reality it took my breath away. I could feel the reality of history folding round me as I touched the tomb of Lazarus.
So, yes Jesus was real. If he wasn't then there wouldn't be a tomb of Lazarus, or at least a revered tomb of Lazarus.
Jesus is mentioned in many gospels and new found scrolls.
And Jesus had a father. Who, we will never really know.
There will always be people and religions who try to say He wasn't real. This evidence just makes Him much more than a few words written on old parchment.
The story of Pantera (Panthera) is not my opinion. This is based on historic and religious books that have been around for centuries.
Its up to you to decide if you believe it or not. Thanks for reading.
Well, What do you Think?
Research and Sources:
Calender and Times BC and AD
- Priceless Christian relics found The most important ...
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© 2015 Nell Rose
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on May 03, 2020:
Thanks Tim, I don't think anyone will ever really know who his 'earthly' father was. But I don't think it matters really, good to see you, and take care okay?
Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on May 03, 2020:
I don't remember if I've read this one before, Nell, but it brought something to mind. I watched a program about the Knights Templer and how they were persecuted for having documents which could have destroyed the early church. The persecution was ordered by the French King, and that's why this order has nearly disappeared. Your article makes me think: what are they truly hiding? Besides, Jesus Christ was really on Earth, and that's not debatable. Thanks again for a great read. Love ya, and you and your family stay safe.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on April 06, 2017:
Thanks Lizzy, I quite agree with you! I have always said the same, especially a certain religion that is causing trouble as usual! I do believe in Jesus, but not in the way that they showed him, thanks as always. And I will check the photo.
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on April 05, 2017:
Interesting, but hardly surprising. As an atheist, I hold the position that religions were created in the first place to wield power and control people. In fact, it was in the news recently that a catholic bishop admitted as much in so many words.
I don't capitalize god, because I don't regard it as a name, but a job description; likewise the word catholic: it's original definition is "universal."
My husband holds a degree from a legitimate seminary school, and refuses to practice because of what he learned therein. During the infamous 'council of Nicea,' the church removed from public view more biblical texts than now exist in the current versions.
That lends nothing to the credibility of churches, but destroys it instead.
(BTW--your Pantera gravestone photo is not displaying...)
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on April 03, 2017:
Hi PinoyWitch, I am not sure to be honest. When I wrote this I just took the info and thought, Wow! I will try to look it up more and see where the info came from, and thanks for reading.
Ian Spike from Cebu, Philippines on April 03, 2017:
wow Nell, quite a turn out. Like most people I've never heard of this.. lets go ahead and call this a theory, because as much as there are evidence presented, there will always be people trying to discredit it. What I would like to ask is, how did they know for sure that Panthera was the biological father of Jesus, aside from the information that he served in Jerusalem around the time Mary conceived Jesus?(this is not an attack on this, I'm just really curious) I mean, do they have historical accounts Tiberius and Mary briefly dated or at least know each other?
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on March 16, 2017:
Thanks for your comment Justin.
Justin Fowler on March 16, 2017:
Yes He was a son of God .. his name known as Yeshua means a Joshua.. a prodigal Son of God . And the Godhead is the body .
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on December 25, 2016:
Thank you Ralph, yes I do believe in him. this is about his earthly father? maybe he didn't know or wasn't told who his earthly father was? either way I do believe in him, and thank you.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on December 15, 2015:
Thanks Greenhouse, glad you liked it, nell
Aimee on December 15, 2015:
Great Article! Now I have a new topic to read up on! Thank you!
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on November 15, 2015:
Thanks lizzy, that's great! I will go take a look, nell
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on November 14, 2015:
I just found another site that goes into great detail. It's very lengthy, but also thorough in its explanations and analysis.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on November 14, 2015:
Thanks snowsprite, yes its one of the theories, I don't think anyone will ever really know, thanks for reading, nell
Fay from Cornwall, UK on November 13, 2015:
This makes more sense than the Church version. I am surprised I hadn't heard of it before though. From what I remember Jesus had never claimed to be anything other than a man anyway and it was years later he was given a higher status. But that is just from memory. Although I do not believe for a minute that it was a virgin birth, I guess technically it would be possible these days with our technology and artificial insemination etc.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on August 05, 2015:
Thanks Cornelia, yes you may well be right there, I just love the historical value of it, thanks so much for reading, nell
Korneliya Yonkova from Cork, Ireland on August 05, 2015:
I have heard about that Panthera speculation and this does not surprises me. Both Romans and Jews extremely hated Christians and Jesus so they invented this case to discredit the truth. :( Very interesting hub, by the way, learned many new historical facts from it, keep the great work, Nell :)
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 28, 2015:
Hi lawrence, yep that is so true! I don't like the 'holier than thou' attitude of religion, I like the real man behind it, thanks for coming back, nell
Lawrence Hebb from Hamilton, New Zealand on July 28, 2015:
Yeah. Sometimes "being more like Jesus" means getting angry! We've just got to try and do it for the right reasons!
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 28, 2015:
Hi lawrence, lol! yes he certainly had a temper! but good for him! thanks for letting me know I will check it out some more, we always read the bible but never READ it!
Lawrence Hebb from Hamilton, New Zealand on July 27, 2015:
Its in John chapter 8 and Jesus is having one of his frequent arguments with the pharisees.
In verse 19 they ask him where his father is? They knew Joseph was dead and maybe the story of the virgin birth had already morphed?
Jesus returns the compliment later and that results in them wanting to kill him!
Also earlier the man born blind that Jesus had healed had resulted in another argument where the pharisees had thrown the poor guy out of the synagogue effectively ostracising him!
We think of Jesus as being "Gentle Jesus, meek and mild" but the truth is he was anything but and had frequent "bust ups" with the authorities!
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 27, 2015:
Hi lawrence, I never knew that about the gospel of john! Wow! and yes I totally agree with you, how would we ever know the truth? thanks for reading, nell
Lawrence Hebb from Hamilton, New Zealand on July 25, 2015:
This is interesting! The stories about Jesus' father have been around almost as long as Jesus himself! In fact in the gospel of John he's accused of being illigitimate.
A good hub well written but the reality is that after so long even if there was any truth (I don't believe there is) there would be no way to prove it.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 24, 2015:
Hi Flourish, me neither, I have never trusted the Catholic church especially after the way they acted in the middle ages! lol! thanks for reading, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 24, 2015:
Hi LS Bailey, thanks for reading, yes it may or not be true, but its certainly different from the bible version! lol!
Elaina Baker from USA on July 23, 2015:
Fascinating topic, Nell, and I, too, had not heard of this. You certainly do not disappoint. I don't trust that 2,000 years of church politics accurately reflect what happened.
LS Bailey from Los Angles, CA on July 23, 2015:
Thank you Nell so much for providing truth. Although, the truth is suppose to set one free, it can scare others who are religious instead of spiritual.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 20, 2015:
Thanks Faith, I am a bit of a religious historian if I care to admit it! lol! so anything new that comes along I get interested in it, but to be honest I am not sure about this, you are probably right! thanks for reading, nell
Faith Reaper from southern USA on July 19, 2015:
Hi Nell,
I don't belong to any particular religious denomination or anything, but I am a Christian for I am in a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, the Son of God and Man. I think this here is a lot of gossip as you stated in a comment. I don't believe it for a second. He has revealed Himself to me. The name Jesus was common back in that day for sure, and there may have been one who is the son of a Roman solider, but not Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
In Luke 22: 69-70 Jesus states He is the Son of God, "But from now on THE SON OF MAN WILL BE SEATED AT THE RIGHT HAND of the power OF GOD.” 70And they all said, “Are You the Son of God, then?” And He said to them, “Yes, I am.” 71Then they said, “What further need do we have of testimony? For we have heard it ourselves from His own mouth.”
As Jesus states while on the cross, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."
I am glad you are searching.
Peace and love always
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 19, 2015:
I totally agree with you Genna, its who he was as a man not where he came from, thanks so much for reading, nell
Genna Eastman from Massachusetts, USA on July 19, 2015:
Hi Nell...
Fascinating article. I don't think it matters, and I happen to believe in God. It was through the gifts of Jesus, and His message, wherein lies the true spirit of Christianity.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Hi Lizzy, I totally agree with you! so much of the bible is about what is going on around and about, history at its best, getting it wrong sometimes at its worse! I will go and read your link thanks, but I do have to say that I do believe there was a man called Jesus, purely because of the Nag Hammadi scrolls found in 45, thanks as always, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Hi Deb, I totally agree with you, get rid of all the rubbish surrounding religion and just believe, but don't knock other peoples religions, thanks, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Hi Ben, yep I love the Pope too, he is a good guy! and as for the word Ben it really is ben, meaning son of! LOL! but nearly right, and yes it would be great if there were more references from Roman history, thanks as always, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Thanks Kiss and Tales, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Hi Suhail, lol! yes I remember the Metal band called Pantera! thanks for reading, I didn't know about that history, but it just proves its as made up as the rest, thanks nell
Liz Elias from Oakley, CA on July 17, 2015:
Personally, I don't believe in the bible as anything more than a collection of fairytales. Allegories at best; pulp fiction at worst. It may present something of a snapshot of the times, nothing more.
Recently, though, I came across something that for me, holds more evidence of the truth of my opinions:, and that is the fact that there seems to be no mention of the man Jesus by any one of the people who would have been his contemporaries:
Your article is interesting, and paints a more realistic picture than any supposed virgin birth, that's for sure. But I find the reference I've cited as pretty compelling evidence that the whole thing is a fabrication.
Voted up and interesting.
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015:
Hi quicksand, lol! no I don't think it will happen to science, at least science changes everyday, its not stagnant! thanks so much for reading, nell
Nell Rose (author) from Buckinghamshire UK on July 17, 2015: