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What Is Eating You


How Does the Worm Get in the Apple?

What's Eating You?

Is there something that is bothering you? Something that you can’t talk about? Has someone hurt you that you can’t forgive? Has someone said something to you that you can’t shake loose? Has someone taken something away from you; or wronged you in some way? Do you crave acceptance? Do you feel rejected? Are you, impatient, frustrated, fed up, and just plain angry? Does the slightest little thing set you off?

What’s eating you? Whatever the case don’t let it continue to hold you a prisoner. If you don’t do something about it, you will only allow the seed of bitterness to become rooted and develop deep within. Slowly but surely it will cultivate and grow! Think for a moment the chances are great that whoever has wronged you has probably moved on and not even given the matter a second thought. They may no longer even be living on earth? However, you are stuck!

Each time you dwell on whatever it is without letting go, it grows. The longer you hold on to it, it will slowly but surely begin to eat away at you from the inside out. Unattended it will cause you to become depressed, physically ill, have much anxiety, panic attacks or possibly migraine headaches. The end of possibilities goes on… When you allow whatever, it is that is bothering you to grow, fester and internally aggravate you, it will eventually make you bitter. It will continue to impact you, your marriage, your friendships as well as your working relationships.

What’s eating you? Although you have tucked it away for no one to see. Pushed it to the back of your mind only to silently gnaw away at your joy. As each year passes it is still there. The bitterness surfacing from time to time like a virus. The slightest little thing will trigger it. and allow it to emerge to the forefront. Someone will be able to push your button like pushing a remote control and set you off! You allow your emotions to get the best of you. You in turn lose control and you react.

Did you know how the worm gets into the apple? Did you think it gets in from the outside in? Well, it doesn’t! It has scientifically been proven. What happens is an insect actually lays an egg on the apple’s blossom. At some point the egg then hatches within the apple. As it grows, it eats away the apple and gradually burrows its way through to the outside. When you allow bitterness to nest within you, it like the worm begins to grow and erode the fiber of your being; it will eat away at your happiness and inside it will grow and tunnel its way out and manifest itself as sin!

How do you stop what’s eating you from eating away at the core of your being? Periodically take a personal inventory. First keep in mind you cannot undo what has been done! Allow whatever has been sitting in the warehouse of your mind, to come to the forefront. You cannot change anything that has happened. But you can change how you respond to it now. As anything resurfaces hold it up to the Light of God’s Word!

There are marvelous benefits in the Word of God!

The Word of God for it is a marvelous Library of Wisdom! By the way you can read it all day long but if you don’t actually implement it in your daily life, then it's just mere words. There are marvelous benefits from actually embracing God's Word. It can lead you to a whole new level of living. Ask the Lord to help you and to open up your understanding. Begin to acknowledge any ill will or bad feelings you are having. Move towards letting go of the pain by, forgiving the offense, the offender, and forgiving the deed.

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By the way forgiving does not mean forgetting unless you have amnesia. It does mean that you give up the resentment. Resentment means to feel the pain of the action over and over again. When you hold on to the resentment it too turns to bitterness, that only continues to further hurt you. You must surrender your right to get even. Allowing any anger to slowly come to the surface helps you gain self-control, you can then rise above it.

By letting go of what’s eating you, you begin to strengthen and discipline yourself from continuing to let it hurt you. Let this encourage you to have more compassion and self-discipline. If you have an addictive nature, it will be somewhat more difficult for you to move forward. You have a tendency to obsess over things and it is harder for you to let things go. Learn to speak up for yourself and place restraints on yourself when necessary. Instead of escaping into whatever calms your addictive nature. As you practice this you will begin to make healthier decisions and you will be less impulsive. No, you do not have to let anyone disrespect you. Nor should you disrespect anyone else. This is how you now begin to move towards healing and wholeness. Don't go into denial. Confess to the Lord however you are feeling. Seek His direction.

Check yourself!

God will never lead us to do anything that goes against His Will & His Way. Your feelings need to be validated! Take time to "Know God and His Word for yourself!" Accept responsibility for whatever it is by acknowledging it for whatever it is. "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you." Ask Him to help you change any unfavorable behavior. Your desire now increases to live to please God, so you "Walk in the Light!" Check yourself! Police yourself! When you find yourself going in the wrong direction or acting out in a way that is not right, don’t allow pride to keep you in bondage. God really does have a better purpose and a path for your life. But it is your choice. You need to connect up with Him in prayer. Get in the Word. Now allow yourself to be put on the Potter’s wheel so He can continuously mold you and shape you into a usable “vessel of honor” for His Glory! God did not make us to be robots. God really does have a better way. The Word of God is so powerful! You really can be “transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

Once you admit that life is difficult it becomes easier! Sin is pervasive and has taken root in this world which we live in. So many things have become greatly impacted. This only further encourages and nurtures any bitterness you are harboring. Don’t be deceived. Yes, just about anything goes! "This world is on a slippery slope!" Seeking acceptance often becomes an Enabler; Tolerance often has been labeled Unconditional Love. TRUTH more and more has been pushed to the background. The LOVE of GOD is quite often misconstrued. A part of God's love is correction.

Lord Help Us!

What is sin? Sin is anything that separates you from God! Like the worm in the apple sin begins to grow and works its way out! Jesus said that this would happen. But don’t be alarmed. God knows all of us from the inside out. Praise God, this only further proves that His Word is TRUE! You cannot really transform your mind apart from the Lord. He is the Giver and Sustainer of life. Remember to give credit where it is due. Then you know He made the mind! “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” God’s Word can renew and wash your mind when you sincerely embrace His principles and hold them dear to your heart!

What’s eating You? Do you want to experience the transforming power of God's Word? For it is TRUTH! You do not just simply read it over and over, but you actually digest it, embrace and implement it within your daily life! Remember Believing, Knowing and Implementing His Word is key. Bitterness, will not be able to stay rooted or if it has it will have to go! Ask the Lord to “Create in you a clean heart and renew the right Spirit within you.”

As God's Holy Spirit within you is activated it will cleanse you from the inside out. God will shine His Light on the things that are not of Him! But you must take quiet time to "Be still & Know!" Listen to that still quiet inner voice. You will actually feel, be and respond better. In the midst of unfavorable situations you will be able to also see clearer with your spiritual eyes. The results will be evident to you. Each day as you invite His infilling PRESENCE you can become transformed from the inside out!

The Fruit of God's Spirit then begins to take root internally instead. It begins to manifest and abound within you. “But the Fruit of HIS SPIRIT is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control!” Your actions, words, thoughts and emotions can be transformed! Your pray life is also enhanced. You can become more secure in knowing you really do matter to your Creator! Each day becomes a day of discovery... "Praying without ceasing" is a state of mind that keeps us connected to God. This transformation process is lifelong. But with Jesus Christ as your personal Savior you have all the time you need! Now daily commit to begin to "Walk in the Light!!"

DeBorrah K. Ogans Profile background image.


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on November 17, 2011:

JesusmyJoy! GOD BLESS YOU!

Betty Bolden from Bucyrus Ohio on November 14, 2011:

just amazing

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 22, 2011:

noni seo, You are so welcome! Be encouraged! No doubt you have a dilemma... The new technology is great! However, it also makes it a lot easier for many to impose upon your privacy! There is no need to worry when you KNOW that you are not doing anything wrong! Just report it to the authorities that may or may not confirm if it is so…

There is no power greater than The LORD so continue in prayer and meditating on His WORD and seeking HIS direction! 1st chapter of Ephesians is where you can find Great Encouragement! GOD is with you & despite whatever goes on KNOW GOD has EVERYTHING and EVERYONE under His control! In HIS time HE WILL work this out! TRUST GOD! Don’t give the enemy the satisfaction of frustrating you…. “Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world….”

Thank you for sharing, in HIS Love, Grace, Joy, Peace & Blessings! GOD BLESS YOU!

noni seo on October 19, 2011:

thank you for posting it..i have to say that lately,im involve with something i call teroris..someone has hi-jack my Pc, my hanphone,even my if they wanted to find out how we live our daily live..and i can't believe it when they mocked at God..i feel like they are watching me, i felt like they controlled my electronic tools..that made me so upset and could someone dare to tresspass my private teritory..i can't even pray in my own room,sometimes i have to go outside and sitting alone in a quite place to pray..i call them antichrist..and i pray for them..and it's not that all,they attacked me with somekind of voodoo..some relatives pray for me and told me to fight it..i need some support in prayers that they will soon leave me alone,so i can continue live my normal live..

i really appriciate ,that you gave the topic,i want to end it..i can't let this things eat me..i pray and i forgive and that help me so much..

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 10, 2011:

HealthyHanna, You are so welcome! Your "AMEN!" is welcomed and appreciated! Thank You for stopping by to share, Please do come again! Peace & Blessings! God Bless You!

HealthyHanna from Utah on October 08, 2011:

I must add my "Amen" to your article. Thanks you, and God Bless.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on June 12, 2011:

Sweetie, Welcome & God Bless You! Thank You for sharing your thoughts! So glad that you enjoyed this! As always, Thank You for stopping by to share! In HIS Love, Peace & Blessings!

sweetie1 from India on June 06, 2011:

Hi deborrah, to be accepted, appreciated and all those emotions are with every living being with brain, even your dog wants it. I liked your it up and clicking beautiful.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on April 20, 2011:

Marliza, So glad that this was helpful in helping you discover the meaning of your dream... The Lord knows what we need and when. We never know who will be touched when we write. Thank you for the confirmation! You are so welcome! Thank you for stopping by to share! In HIS Love, Grace, Joy, Peace & Blessings! God Bless YOU!

Marliza Gunter on April 16, 2011:

I had a strange dream and understood some of the meaning, then I saw this I know what the dream was telling me... and you also gave the answer on how to handle the situation... thanks for your timely hub, it's like you knew someone out there needed this clarification.. :)

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on February 18, 2010:

Fits4life, YES! Forgiveness is very important to one's wellbeing! YES! again you are right it is "the only way to move on!" You are quite welcome and Thank You for visiting and sharing, Blessings!

Cherri Brown-Jett from Richmond on February 18, 2010:

This is an important hub because many of us do not realize that forgiveness is healing for us. It sets us free, and makes us feel a weight being lifted. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves for things,as well as others. It is the only way to move on. Thank you for this powerful hub.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on November 07, 2009:

TimeHealsAll, Yes, through forgiveness we can become better instead of bitter! Thank you for stopping by and do come again! Blessings!

Vicky Gentry from Las Vegas, Nevada on November 07, 2009:

Your actions, thoughts and emotions can be transformed from bitterness to forgiveness. This is a wonderful hub DeBorrah! God is so good!!!

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 17, 2009:


Thank you for your heartfelt comments as well. I am so glad that you took the time and stopped by to visit. Please come again!


myownworld from uk on October 17, 2009:

very moving and heart felt. one can really feel your passion in this....and the hope you give to people in their weaker moments. thank you for sharing...

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 14, 2009:


Thank you! I am glad that you have enjoyed this. Your heartfelt opinion is appreciated. Feel free to add your comments. Perhaps, next time? LOL Thank you for taking the time to stop by and please come again. You are welcome!!


vanderhaven on October 14, 2009:

Wow, I must say -- I thoroughly enjoyed reading this hub. I usually have a lot to say when I comment and when I write my own hubs and this time I am still just sitting here dwelling on your words so much that mine have become silent! (That's prob. a good thing -LOL ) I feel that this is a very inspired hub and your words are boldly spoken with such TRUTH. I can't wait to go read more of your hubs. Thanks !!

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 13, 2009:


Thank you! Yes it is very important to "get better instead of bitter." Anger and rage really only work against you and causes inner conflict. Finding healthy ways to relieve and resolve anger issues is so much healthier.

Life is precious too much time wasted holding on to anger instead when a person could really be enjoying life! The beautiful thing about God is; He really does already know. He really can make all the difference in the world. Thank you so much for visiting.


stars439 from Louisiana, The Magnolia and Pelican State. on October 13, 2009:

What a wonderfull article and so very important to understand in our lives. Letting go of ingrained inner feelings of anger or rage would be a good thing, a great thing. Very thoughtful article designed to help people to cope with a serious problem. God Bless You.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 05, 2009:

Gwennies pen,

Thank you for visiting!


gwennies pen on October 04, 2009:

good analogy about the worm growing from the inside...such as bitterness, etc.:)

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 03, 2009:

NoBody ,

Thank You, Now That’s funny!

I am glad that you enjoyed it. Over the years I have counseled with many people from all walks of life concerning many subjects and very serious issues! This has really freed me to just be! Bitterness is not good.... So I try to address possible issues in a way which hopefully provokes thought?

My husband says I have this invisible sign on my back that says; “Ask her she will try to help you!” I have learned that Sometimes helping means not helping. Sometimes you have to step aside and say okay, but…. it also means saying, No! I believe as an adult you have the right to be wrong. But that does not make it right! I have learned that nothing gets by God before it comes our way! So I try to live by keeping Him as a part of my conversation. He knows what has happened, what is happening and what will be? So why not run it by Him first. God really does or can make a real difference in your life!

Nobody it is always a pleasure! I talk to you the same way I talk to one of my many brothers. It is always a pleasure. Hugs as well! Love & Blessings!

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 03, 2009:

Lady E,

Thank you! That's the whole point I write "FOOD For THOUGHT" each morning so I will keep the proper focus! Life is precious and short.... It is my prayer to encourage others to live better Quality lives. Again Thank you; It is always a pleasure!


Robert E Smith from Rochester, New York on October 03, 2009:

Sister DeB, I can't imagine anyone holding resentment against you. You'd just smile and tilt your head like you do and completely make them forget what they were mad about. Seriously, this is a great hub. You had so many valid points. Tolerance mislabeled and unconditional love mislabeled are real eye openers. I don't think I do that but I if I look there may be times I do. Now look what you made me do - some work! Boy now I resent you! Oh I love you anyway. See how tolerant I am? Hugs hugs hugs!

Lady_E on October 02, 2009:

It gives me Food for thought. Thanks for all the lovely messages you write for us. Regards, Elena.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 01, 2009:


Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you as well!

Come again!


Erin Bower from Georgia on October 01, 2009:

awesome hub! Thanks for putting in Biblical truth! :D

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 01, 2009:

Ken R Abel,

Thank you and stay connected and encouraged as well!

Your open and honest comments are always Welcomed!


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on October 01, 2009:


Thank you and thank you for visiting as well! Please come back again!


Ken R. Abell on October 01, 2009:

Well done, DeBorrah. It is great to get connected. Be blessed & encouraged in all your ministry efforts.

Jacob from Delhi, India on October 01, 2009:

Thanks for this wonderful hub.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:

Cari Jean,

Thank You. Admitting to yourself that there is some bitterness is a Big step towards your Freedom. Just think about the Apple! Thank you for your honesty and your comments. Please come again


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:

Gicky Soriano,

I wanted to present enough scenarios since it is different for each person. I wanted to provokde thought? I am glad those questions were helpful and you were uplifted. Thank You and come again it is always a pleasure!


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:

Tina Irene,

Thank You!

We are on the same page here. The self examination is good because it keeps us in check. There is always room for improvement! The Holy Spirit does have cleansing power. Most believers don’t realize that the Holy Spirit is actually within them. Knowing this really makes all the difference in the world! You have a built in Comforter to Help you!

I am glad you enjoyed the apple analogy...

I am excited because its wonderful that you can see so clearly where I am coming from. Its been a pleasure! Thank you for taking the time to share as well


Cari Jean from Bismarck, ND on September 30, 2009:

Excellent Hub! Resentment has been the one thing I've really had a hard time letting go of. But when I do let go -total freedom!

Gicky Soriano from California on September 30, 2009:

DKO, the searching questions you field at the beginning of this article is truly helpful. I just love the "worm in the apple" illustration and the application you put forward is spot on solid. This hub is loaded and uplifting. Thank you.

Tina Irene on September 30, 2009:

DeBorrah K. Ogans,

This is an excellent hub article, from start to finish!

For example:

(1) "Periodically take a personal inventory." Nothing can replace this action. As a Catholic (not that this is "only for Catholics"), we are taught to conduct a daily self-examination, which I conduct during nightly prayers and in which I ask God for Ways to improve. And it never ceases to amaze me the Way(s) He has in store for us to improve. All we have to do is ask Him--"Ask and you shall receive"--as I'm sure you know.

(2) "As the Holy Spirit within you is activated, it will cleanse you from the inside out!"

He Will, absolutely!...and from the inside out, because the Kingdom of Heaven is within.

Also, the analogy of the apple and what's eating you is perfect!

In addition, I think ConstructionHero's comment is right on! well as Philipo's mention of my favorite prophet Jeremiah! In addition to Jeremiah, Christ says in The Lord's Prayer, "...forgive us our trespasses (debts) as we forgive our trespassers (debtors).

Bottom line: This is one heck of an excellent hub article! Thank you for writing it, DeBorrah K. Ogans.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:

R Burow,

Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed this, it is always

a pleasure!

Thank you for visiting


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:


You are right! GOD is a forgiving God! Remember

"HE gave HIS only Begotten SON for US!" What a POWERFUL demonstration of HIS LOVE!

You just need to be ready to give whatever or whoever it is to Him! Repentance Frees You to become the New Creation God wants you to be!


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 30, 2009:


Thank you and remember God KNOWS your Heart! He is your JOY!


R Burow from Florida, United States on September 30, 2009:


Good writing, and I love the picture of the apple tree. I did not know 'how the worm gets in the apple.' What a great object lesson.

Philipo from Nigeria on September 29, 2009:

Very nice hub. In Jeremiah 36, God showed such magnanimity to man. Even though, He had passed judgment on the people of Judah, He still sent Jeremiah to give them a second chance to repent. Like He said in the text, God is ready at any point to forive any repentant sinner. We should also learn to forgive ourselves so as to be able to forgive those that sin against us.

Betty Bolden from Bucyrus Ohio on September 29, 2009:

Deborrah thank you for this, very good.

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 29, 2009:


Thank you for visiting. I am enjoying your wonderful hubs as well! Thank you!


atomswifey from Michigan on September 29, 2009:

This was an amazing piece of work and I thank you for it!

God Bless You!

Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 29, 2009:


Thank you and Thank you for visiting.


Elder DeBorrah K Ogans (author) on September 29, 2009:


Thank you! Self control is a Fruit of the Spirit. I think its a good idea to pray before you read the Word. I often hear "I don't understand the Bible." I often wonder did you "ask" the Lord to open your understanding? I hope you Enjoy your next reading...

Thank you for visiting.


Benny Faye Ashton Douglass from Gold Canyon, Arizona on September 29, 2009:

Thanks Deborrah, for a very true hub, I enjoyed it. creativeone59

ConstructionHero from Washington on September 29, 2009:

I love - "You must surrender your right to get even." That is very powerful. I will try and remember that, next time I am angry with someone. I'm also going to pray before I read next time. I very often forget to do that. Thank You for a great article.

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