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10 Most Annoying Things Christians Say to Pagans and Witches

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Christian and Pagan beliefs often clash.

Christian and Pagan beliefs often clash.

An Online Witch Hunt Against Pagans, Wiccans, and Witches

To those of you who read the title and are thinking, "Hey! Why are you picking on Christians?" the answer is rather simple (though "picking" on anyone certainly isn't my intention). Since coming out of the "broom closet" (and coming out of the closet as a bisexual woman long before that), I've noticed that the most vociferous attackers of Paganism online are Christians.

I don't have anything against the Christian faith, but the simple truth is, it's not people of the Jewish faith quoting off-topic passages of the Torah on our message boards, it's not atheists telling us to turn away from our "evil ways," and it's not Hindus who spam our websites en masse by proselytizing. The Christian call to evangelize combined with the rampant bigotry towards Paganism and witchcraft in general within the Christian Church has led to what often feels like a witch hunt online.

Unwanted Evangelism in Online Pagan Communities

When I first began researching Paganism, I wanted to reach out to others in the online Pagan community to ask questions and gain from their experience, but I was intimidated by the slew of Bible passages and all-caps rants about the "evils" of "devil worship" that seemed to plague every YouTube comments section, message board, and Tumblog on Paganism. It's one thing to share your beliefs in a respectful and intellectual manner on a website that is dedicated to the discussion of inter-faith topics. It is entirely another to go into someone else's "territory," which is what a niche website is, and force your beliefs down people's throats.

One recent example of this is a specifically Pagan blog I was reading recently. A relatively new witch was asking for advice, which she clearly solicited from other Pagans and witches. She was met with a barrage of Christians spamming the comments thread with lengthy and out-of-context Bible passages, e-shouting all myriad of ignorant and bigoted comments. She never asked for their opinion.

10 Things That Pagans Are Sick of Hearing

In light of what seems like an ever-increasing epidemic, and understanding that there are Christians who truly don't realize that their online behavior towards the Pagan community is both counterproductive and just plain rude, I want to put this list out there to illustrate some of the worst (and unfortunately common) things that many Christians say in an attempt to "convert" Pagans. These are personal pet peeves, and I don't pretend to speak for the whole Pagan community, however.

  1. "You Just Hate Christians/Christianity."
  2. "You Just Haven't Read the Holy Bible! Let Me Share This Verse With You . . . "
  3. "If You Were Open to God's Word, You'd Turn Away From Paganism/Witchcraft."
  4. "But Witchcraft Is Devil Worship!"
  5. "Your Gods Are Just the Devil/Demons/Evil Spirits in Disguise!"
  6. "You Pagan Satanist Wiccan Witches . . . "
  7. "Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism Is Just a Phase."
  8. "I Made a Witch Mad, and Now I'm Afraid He/She Is Going to Curse Me! Help!"
  9. "I Don't Believe in Witchcraft—Witchcraft Is Just Made Up/Imaginary/Silly."
  10. "You Don't Look/Act/Sound Like a Witch."

For Pagans

1. "You Just Hate Christians/Christianity."

I dislike some Christians, just as I dislike some Pagans, Deists, Atheists, etc. It has nothing to do with the fact that they are Christians, though, but rather who they are as people. In fact, I grew up as a Christian. Literally my entire family is composed of Evangelical, Charismatic Christians who belong either to non-denominational or Assemblies of God churches. I went to a Christian college, so a good majority of my friends are Christians. In fact, I'm ENGAGED to a Christian. Yes, I'm a Pagan engaged to a Christian, but that's an article for another day.

Admittedly, there are some of us in the Pagan community who have unfair animosity towards Christians. It's not an excuse, but it doesn't exactly come out of a vacuum. Most of us deal with attacks on our spirituality, morality, and sometimes our very physical safety on a daily basis, especially in the areas of the world that are very predominantly Christian. While most Pagans try to judge people on an individual basis, you have to understand that the moment a Christian inquires about that "star" hanging around our neck, there is going to be a moment of nervous pause while wondering if they're going to try to "witness" to us by randomly quoting Scripture, suddenly look at us like we're possessed, or worse.

Bringing a Bible to a Pagan debate is NOT effective!

Bringing a Bible to a Pagan debate is NOT effective!

2. "You Just Haven't Read the Holy Bible! Let Me Share This Verse With You . . . "

Well, actually, I have read the Bible, many times. The NIV, the KJV, the NLT, and the Message, to be precise. I've also studied the Bible in its original languages and cultural contexts. I've written papers on the Bible, debated with some of the foremost Christian scholars, and I even have a degree from a Christian university. I think I've given the Bible a fair shake and, unfortunately, I find that I know the Bible better than most of the Christians who quote it at me.

3. "If You Were Open to God's Word, You'd Turn Away From Paganism/Witchcraft."

No. I was open. In fact, I was so desperate to be a "good Christian" in my earlier years that I went so far as to perform self-hypnosis in an attempt to make myself "feel it." Assuming that you know a Pagan's spiritual and life journey and that just because they didn't come to the same conclusion as you, that Christianity is "the truth," is about as prideful as it gets and it's certainly not going to build any bridges.

All Pagans work at 666 Devil Worship Street, according to some Christians.

All Pagans work at 666 Devil Worship Street, according to some Christians.

4. "But Witchcraft Is Devil Worship!"

The irony with this common comment is that most of us do not even believe in the devil, at least not in the way that Christians think. Most sects of Satanism don't even worship an actual devil and the ones that do view him very differently than you do. Trust me when I say, worshiping the Christian construct of the devil is not a part of any typical Pagan belief system.

5. "Your Gods Are Just the Devil/Demons/Evil Spirits in Disguise!"

I think this one comes from the fact that many gods/goddesses in various pantheons seem at times to be amoral or, at the very least, capable of actions that would generally be perceived as immoral. The thing is, Paganism has a much more nuanced view of morality than the Abrahamic faiths. It's not that we don't have morals in our personal lives, but divinity is not linked intrinsically to "good" or "evil" in most schools of paganism. There are some deities that air more on the side of one than the other, but Paganism regards balance between light and dark as a good thing, not a band thing.

By contrast, Christianity embraces only light, and many of us feel that such a belief system is limiting to both the human and divine experience. Our deities are complex. They have individual personalities, stories, and yes, sometimes flaws, but that complexity is why we are drawn to them. YOU may see them as demons and you may feel the need to make everything black or white, but in doing so, you negate one of the primary elements of pagan philosophy and prove that you really don't understand our faith at all. Don't be surprised when we don't respect your assessment of it.

6. "You Pagan Satanist Wiccan Witches . . . "

Yes, some of us are pagan Wiccan witches, but assuming that all pagans are this or that is an automatic giveaway that you haven't really researched what you're talking about. Some pagans are witches. Some pagans are Wiccans. Some Wiccans are Witches. Not all pagans are Wiccans or Witches, and not all Witches are Wiccan or pagan. It just doesn't work that way. Paganism is a philosophy and a spiritual path that encompasses many different religions, Wicca is a faith that is also pagan, and witchcraft is a practice. There are atheist and agnostic witches, Jewish, Hindu, and Buddhist witches, and even Christian witches. A witch is just someone who practices Witchcraft. That's all, really. Some of us identify as Mages, Sorcerors, Ceremonial Magicians and Alchemists, and each label comes with its own meaning.

Within paganism, there are a variety of pantheons which a pagan may ascribe to exclusively, or along with one or more other pantheons. Before you label someone, get to know them. Ask them questions if it's appropriate in the context of your relationship, and don't assume you know what they believe just because you watched a documentary on witchcraft.

Unless you can see into the future, don't accuse someone's faith of being a phase!

Unless you can see into the future, don't accuse someone's faith of being a phase!

7. "Wicca/Witchcraft/Paganism Is Just a Phase."

For some people it is. But those people are not truly Wiccans, pagans, or witches. True faith is not a phase, and it does not rely on a label. Sometimes people latch onto paganism because they believe it's trendy and, once they realize that true paganism requires in-depth soul searching, study, and spiritual devotion, they back out. Oftentimes they back out because they weren't expecting the amount of persecution that often comes with being open about one's pagan faith.

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It's one thing to be persecuted for a faith that is an intrinsic part of you, but it's another thing to be persecuted for a fad that you only latched onto for social points in the first place! That doesn't mean that paganism is a fad any more than Christianity, and believe me, there are plenty of people who claim to be Christians because the vast majority of the population is, or simply to avoid being judged by Christians at work, school, or home.

8. "I Made a Witch Mad and Now I'm Afraid He/She Is Going to Curse Me! Help!"

While I'm sure there are days all of us feel like putting a hex on that jerk who cut us off in traffic or took credit for our ideas at work, that's not how it works. We don't just go around cursing people left and right. In fact, Christians are much more likely to curse you. What, you say? Christians cursing people?? Yes, indeed. Remember the last time you prayed for God to "teach someone a lesson," or keep someone from doing something? Well, that's technically a curse. A curse is simply casting your intentions to some power outside of yourself in an effort to impede someone's free will. Christians do this all the time through prayer, and it takes nothing more than closing their eyes and sending a thought to their God.

The practice of cursing and hexing in witchcraft, however, is usually much more involved. Many (not all) of us use tools known as correspondences to work our crafts. Even a simple curse typically involves the use of one or more correspondences, and it must be done in a peaceful environment in which the witch is able to fully focus her intentions into the curse. Cursing is not something that is done on the fly. It takes a great amount of energy and, very often, the curse causes at least some negative repercussion to the witch, the least of which can be a drain of energy.

Another important aspect of cursing that most non-witches fail to understand is that many witches believe in something called the rule of 3. The rule of 3 states that whatever you put out into the universe comes back to you threefold. Some witches believe this to be a literal return of the curse multiplied by 3, while others feel that it's a more symbolic repercussion of negative actions taking place in the mind, body, and spirit. Not all witches believe in the rule of 3 by a long shot (myself included,) but many Wiccans do. The Wiccan rede also states, "An it harm none, do as ye will." For many witches, this is a prohibition against black magick, such as cursing, in all but the most extreme circumstances.

That's an awful lot to contend with just because someone cut you off in traffic, don't you think?

9. "I Don't Believe in Witchcraft—Witchcraft Is Just Made Up/Imaginary/Silly."

Strangely enough, I'll often hear 8 and 9 uttered within minutes of one another. Often those who put the least stock into witchcraft are the ones who fear its effects the most! You're certainly entitled to your opinion that witchcraft is not effective, but to claim that you don't believe it or that it's made up is a bit like saying that you don't think prayer exists. I may not think Christian prayer works, but I still acknowledge that Christians pray and thus, Christian prayer does in fact exist. Witchcraft is much the same. It works for us, just as your prayers work for you. No two Christians pray in exactly the same way (at least, I hope not!) and no two witches practice the Craft in exactly the same way. It's a personal experience. I, for one, believe without a doubt that magick is a real, natural, and powerful force in this world, even if we don't empirically understand all the laws by which it works and manifests.

Either way, just because you don't see the evidence that witchcraft is effective doesn't mean everyone has to agree with you. Much of witchcraft manifests internally, and helps us to meet our personal and spiritual goals. You wouldn't go up to someone and tell them that they're silly for praying or meditating, so refrain from making the claim that someone's Craft is ineffective just because YOU don't see the results that you EXPECT to see on the outside.

Stereotypes about witches run rampant!

Stereotypes about witches run rampant!

10. "You Don't Look/Act/Sound Like a Witch."

Just as there is no one type of Christian, there is no one type of witch. Some of us practice in traditional garb, while others practice the Craft in jeans and a t-shirt. Some of us have high-pitched, enthusiastic voices while others of us have deep, husky voices and speak in formal ways. Some of us are goth, some of us are preppy, some of us are rockabilly, retro, or vintage, and others of us just do well enough to leave the house in matching socks. There is no "right way" to look or act like a witch, but that being said, there is nothing wrong with attempting to dress or behave like a "traditional" witch, either. For many people, wearing the traditional garb of their ancestral heritage helps them to get in touch with the cultural aspect of their practice, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I myself lean towards more formality in practice as a Ceremonial Magickian, but some of my best practicing witch friends prefer to practice in jeans and a comfy sweatshirt.

The media perpetuates plenty of stereotypes about what a witch is supposed to look like. From the lovely ladies of Charmed and Buffy to the wart-laden crone in Snow White, everyone seems to have an idea of what a witch looks like. The simple truth is, a witch looks like your next door neighbor whose subtle pentagram necklace you probably haven't even taken notice of while chatting about your gardens. A witch looks like the guy at the checkout counter who strikes up a conversation with you about the price of groceries these days. A witch looks like that soccer mom you sit next to at your kid's game. Witches are everywhere, just like you. Get to know us for who we are, and you'll learn a lot more than any movie or TV show will ever tell you.

The Pagan Quiz for Christians

For each question, choose the best answer. The answer key is below.

  1. True or False: All witches worship the devil.
    • False
    • True
  2. T or F: The pentacle is an evil sign.
    • True
    • False
  3. T or F: Most witches see no problem with cursing someone.
    • True
    • False

Answer Key

  1. False
  2. False
  3. False


Dale Anderson from The High Seas on September 14, 2020:

I have a wide variety of friends of all kinds of beliefs so it's sometimes a little tense when we all get together. Funnily, each 'sector' of friends somehow believes that I share their beliefs too. No idea how that happened. I keep telling everyone my religion is sailing.

aliyah alexander on September 08, 2020:

I have studied ,looked at this and it still tickles me to hear the same 10 remarks. Usually by people who think they know more than I do.

Autumn FlameRaven on December 12, 2019:

Boy this article brought out the bigots and evil Christians in the masses. Paganism is a life path, a journey. You dont wake up one day and say you're no longer a Christian. I'm going to be a witch. It's a calling like many Christians hear from their path choice. The fact that after you wrote this, you "became" a Christian tells me all I need to know about you.

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on December 05, 2019:

I met with a number of the Glastonbury 'wyches' who given me a secret name, only to be used in their circle.

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on December 03, 2019:

Living here in Glastonbury it is never very far away from a practising 'wyche'.

I presented myself to one, a Wise Woman and enquired into her powers. The Lady told me I had a destiny to fulfil.

Chelsea on November 30, 2019:

Yikes on that update.

Menuhin on November 17, 2019:

Can I make a wand using a long toothpick?

DonnaDunnCochran on November 04, 2019:

Hi, I was browsing to try an find some advice on how to minister to someone that was a wiccan and agnostic when I came across this page.

I decided as a female Christian Pastor that has a relationship with God. I wanted to throw my two cents worth in.

In 99 God spoke to to meand said, you have been saved for many years but have never had a relationship with me. Right then and there God changed me yet again and saved my marriage!!! Not only that, when you have a relationship things change. It really changes the way you reach people. I love everyone. I can listen to anyones views. Now as a Christian of course I believe The Bible to be the Truth. However, there is a way to minister in LOVE. If the posters are not posting in LOVE then I would delete them. Please know that not all that claim to be Christians are Christians. You will definitely know the ones that are. The one thing that makes me sick is that the true body of God has to clean up the mess of those who claim to know him. Before I leave. I want to say that God does love everyone. He doesn't love our sin. The only way to go to hell is if you never except Jesus in your heart. Hell wasnt made for us but for Satan and his angels. Bless you and so happy that you found Jesus!!!❤❤❤


W. Joseph Kollar on October 23, 2019:

STEPY 333 "God is everything." -Yes! At least in definition, there is nowhere in God's creation where God is not. ANGELA MALONE: Please do not credit Charlemagne with calendar changes. It started way earlier, second century with the quatrodeciman debates. Justin Martyr, Polycarp, later Constantine, and Eusebius were major players in this. Initially, Messianic Jews were attacked for observing the Passover. After Christianity was legalized under Constantine, pagan holidays were supplanted by Christian ones. I feel it is wrong for Christianity, aka "the Truth" to hijack winter solstice for Christmas, Samhain for All Hallows eve/Saints Day, etc. A God who is both sovereign and true would not need/nor want to resort to this.

Joey (author) on October 10, 2019:

Also @ChristianWitch, in regard to Roman Catholics being the only Catholics, that is a very common misconception, even among Catholics! The Roman Church tries to convince people of this misinformation in order to maintain control, and to avoid the consequences of the heresy that has been introduced by men claiming to speak for God. Fortunately, Jesus will never let His Church fade away, and he's sustained us through the broader umbrella of Catholic faith!

Joey (author) on October 10, 2019:

@God-loved witch First, I just want to say that you are absolutely right that God loves witches every bit as much as he loves Christians! There's not a person on this earth Jesus wouldn't have died for individually, or to whom He hasn't extended the offer of salvation. God's love for us is unconditional, and when we enter into a relationship with Him, we're given the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will always guide a person toward obedience to God's will, and we may disagree, but while I considered myself a "Christian witch" for a long time, Scripture is very clear that practicing witchcraft is not in obedience to God's will. When l started living a full Christian live inside the Church as Jesus intended, I realized that it satisfied all the longings that led me to pursue witchcraft. The modern mainline Protestant church has stripped away so much of the richness of faith, so people understandably go looking for it in other sources. I found that the spiritual satisfaction witchcraft once provided me was incomplete and unnecessary, and I definitely didn't start out thinking that way! I'd encourage anyone else who identifies as a Christian witch, as I did for so long, to really dig into Scripture and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

As for Anglicanism, you're partly right! Mainline Anglicans are both Catholic and Reformed. That's why Anglicanism is known as via media or the "middle way." Catholic because we can trace our line of bishops back to Peter, and Reformed because we aren't under the authority of the Papacy of Rome. There are many (like me!) who are Anglo-Catholics as well.

God-loved witch on October 09, 2019:

Someone said some insane thing about witches going to hell.God HATES it when you say something offensive like that. To all witches:you will only go to hell if you have a religion that is actually bad, which does not include witchcraft.

ChristianWitch on October 09, 2019:

God loves witches just as much as Christians. Also I noticed that someone called Anglicans catholics. No matter how much alike they are, The Anglican Church is Protestant.

ChristianWitch on October 09, 2019:

This is not totally what witchcraft is. The Witch’s Way is for all, even Christians. Also, you don’t have to leave the Craft behind to convert to Protestantism.

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on September 18, 2019:


gibby on September 15, 2019:

@ Arianna

can u not... like u can believe hat you want but like can u leave us alone? like, we don't go around making people who practice different religions feel any less valid. Like...dude, its the 21st century no one cares if they're going to hell. and also, Wicca and paganism has been around longer than Christianity. it is in fact made up of the indigenous religions and histories that white Christians erased. it was like genocide but on religion. So can you please leave karen? no u may not speak to the manager.

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on September 10, 2019:


Sam on September 09, 2019:

I'm an atheist and I believe in the supernatural. Atheist just means you don't believe in any deities. Ghosts, spirits and whatnot aren't gods. Also, Arianna, your comment is exactly what she's talking about. The article literally just explains all this and you didn't pay any attention to it. You only thought about what you believe and what you think is real and truth. That's incredibly selfish and you said it yourself, Satan is selfish.

Sad on September 08, 2019:

I like how you only accept comments to be posted that fit your opinion. Lol

Arianna. on September 08, 2019:

It’s absolutely no wonder why CHRISTIANS are shaming you and not atheists because atheists don’t even believe in the supernatural! Jews don’t even believe the messiah came yet. These faiths don’t know the truth. Christians do. Are you mad that you’re being exposed? You’re worshipping satan. Do you really think he’s going to give you authority in hell when you die? He’ll throw your stupid stones at your face and laugh, ‘your rocks won’t save you now.’ I know you’re offended but it’s for your safety. But i guess some people are ok with learning that when they die, they’re deceived life on earth was a path to hades. You’re not serving The Lord you’re serving self. Which is all satan is. Selfish. You’re just like him, you just can’t admit it. One day, hopefully not though.. you wake up.

Random Wiccan on August 20, 2019:

Good article, yet doesn't catch ALL the annoying things they say

Pastor GS on July 14, 2019:

Very good article and well written. I'm so tired of reading Internet docs from people that don't use proper periods and commas.

I'm a Christian pastor and know that faith-filled prayer works. I also know certain spells and curses work too.

Again, nice article that makes some great points!

Brandon on July 02, 2019:

i myself am a christian (or so i think). i've actually got a lot of questions about wicca/wiccan. i think i'll start with 2 for now. my first one is; what are topics to completely avoid? my second question is; is the love between a christian and a wiccan wrong?

Helena Whelan on June 24, 2019:

No because we've tried that approach and mother attempted to kick me out

DW Davis from Eastern NC on June 24, 2019:

Helena, rather than hide your faith, perhaps you could educate your family about the fact that the passage allegedly referring to witches in the Bible is a mistranslation with the truth being vastly different from what Anglo-Europeans have believed for centuries. This article may be a good starting place.

Helena Whelan from marysville, washington on June 23, 2019:

Any tips for trying to hide the fact you're wiccan. Because my family's christian

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on April 27, 2019:


Liza45 on April 27, 2019:

I was a former wiccan and my own experience i did believe that I was also doing good for the wellness of others but I was mistaken. I was being deceived by lies from an invisible liar who pretended to be a helper and a friend acting but he was not a friend he was darkness dress as light. Using my gut feeling and craving to feel wanted or that I belong to a religion that understood me since i did not believe that the devil was real. i believe at the time that people was the one doing evil nobody else to blame. So i rejected christianity. Crafty, tricky, smart, deceitful the invisible liar was he made me believe that I was doing good helping people but he lie to me. He gave me knowledge about herbs, spells, i was great as seen the invisible,telling the future and became one of his Highest Priestess in the covenant. I was known by many and had a lot of customers my reputation made some people fearful and others seek my help to resolve many life problems.But one dark day I cast a spell which I won't give details. He the darkest handsome tallest man like a dark shadow like one of the scenes from Ghost the movie appear before me he saids to me you have done well my servant and I shall now reward you with death. I froze cold. I was not ready to depart from this world yet. In state of disbelief. I ran in fear and pounder what door did I open since I cast a spell from an old ancient book out of print which nobody was able to find but my spiritual guide made sure I founded. I open the gate of the ancient one and got myself in deep trouble this spells was not known by many and I mingled with fire. It was the most powerful spell not known to Wiccans and I got in deep trouble. People witness the dark man and ran in fear. None of them who was there stayed with me. They all abandon me. I am about to die and alone. Well in my cry of desperation. I kneel down and remember a Christian prayer when a sweet voice from nowhere tells me I do not like that. You must get rid of it. I pay a higher price for you. That day forward i got to know Jesus the Savior of the lost and about to enter death.

jonnycomelately on April 23, 2019:

Angela Malone, a "relationship with god" is personally designed according to personal desire for personal benefit.

No god exists outside of those parameters.

For any god that is constructed for religious purposes, read political purposes....

For "church" read:



Use of

Religion for the

Control of


To the personal god, which benefits the life and human emotions of an individual, I can afford much respect, but not the religious one.

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on April 23, 2019:

I.T. server regards article as 'non mainstream' religion !

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on April 20, 2019:

Content blocked by 'web sense' !

Angela Malone on April 18, 2019:

Ok let us take a step back Mr.Sunday Christian. There is Westernized Christianity. It is a religion to relig is to restrict. But doesn't it say In the Bible if someone doesn't believe in what you do to leave them alone? Are we reading the same book? Easter is Ishtar a pegan fertility Goddess because Charlemagne took the Christian calendar and mashed it with the Pagen calendar. What about Neolithic Christianity? There are not 10 commandments there are 818. The point is God and Jesus are recognized in all religions just viewed differently. I can't force you to see the exact same thing I seein the exact same way. A relationship with God is personal

Gadfly from Olde London Towne on April 18, 2019:

Some I.T. servers block this article. Censorship on an infantile scale.

oblivion on April 09, 2019:

it is very dumb for anyone to say these when ever someone says anything bad about me being a wiccan I tell them to look it up because I am not telling you anything

STEPHY333 on April 02, 2019:

I consider myself pagan catholic. I practice both in conjunction with light and dark... not good vs evil but light and dark together. I have always talked to jesus and ask him questions/pray etc but I use pagan means and believe in nature first. God made nature, God made pagans, God made all the other entities that exist. God may be the entire universe which Is actually conscious. God is everything.

Anonomus on March 29, 2019:

I am an wiccan and I have been bombarded with the Christian people telling me that if I did not turn back to Christianity I was going to go to hell. My grandfather is a pastor and I just have to keep using the Bible against him. I know to do this because I went to pastoral school and found that a lot of things that the Christian community says the community always does not follow. People say that God is love but yet he will allow people to be hurt and abused what type of God is that. some of the things that are said make no sense because they completely disregard the bible

Aaris770 on March 19, 2019:

I was raised Christian and the thing I will never understand is that most Sunday Christians as I like to call them do not know what is in their own bible ? Because witches are in there as well as ghosts and spirits. Whole book is about them. God is a spiritual being. I got scolded by a Christian because I was a ghost hunter/paranormal investigator. Been scolded for being a witch but the only persons demons I have seen are his? I love him and he loves me but man the rude shit that comes out of his mouth. Witches are

jonnycomelately on March 13, 2019:

Shane, it seems like you have started thinking for yourself instead of blindly following those scriptures, which need to be interpreted by some "knowledgeable expert," in order for you to understand them.

Good! Keep going, Shane. Open your mind to infinite possibilities, because that is what Christians claim the scriptures and their god are supposed to do.

It can't do you any harm to look deeply into the corners of your self and your existence. It is what the heirachy of your church really don't want you to do: it might expose the shortcomings of what you have been taught.