Ten Titles for Christian Women to Wear
Women love to certify their relationship status with titles. One of the following may be exactly fitting for a certain woman, based on how she envisions her relationship with God. Whichever title a woman chooses, it will improve her relationship with Him, and influence her attitudes and her interactions with others.
Choose one title, see yourself in the role, and affirm it daily. It will give you a spiritual posture to reach for, and a reason to rely on God for the strength to succeed. All quotes are from the New King James Version.
(1) Royal Daughter
"The royal daughter is all glorious within the palace." (Psalm 45:13)
Psalm 45 celebrates a royal wedding. This verse describes the princess bride who is dressed and waiting for the procession which will take her to the king.
The portrait of a royal bride-to-be is a perfect metaphor for the woman transitioning from a life governed by worldly permissive standards to a life of virtue governed by her Heavenly Father. "Royal Daughter" is a title she receives when she receives God as her Father, Savior and King. "As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12). Celebrate the relationship!
(2) Chosen
"He chose us in Him . . . that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love." (Ephesians 1:4)
Matthew Poole’s Commentary states: “I [God], having chosen you out of the world, have given you new hearts, new frames and dispositions quite contrary to theirs; therefore the world, disliking you, and seeing that your principles are quite opposite to theirs, abhor and hate you.”
Despite their hate, we do not just want to, we have to be godly. He chose us and He sustains us (Isaiah 41:10). Believe it and live it!
(3) Fragrance of Christ
"For we are to God the fragrance of Christ." (2 Corinthians 2:15)
The Christian women is an atomizer of the sweet nature of Christ. The influence of His grace lingers like the scent of perfume after she has left the room. People benefit from her fragrance. God Himself is pleased that she maintains His influence. She shows it in her smile, her speech, her deportment, her actions. This title describes her spiritual legacy.
(4) God's Masterpiece
"For we are His workmanship." (Ephesians 2:10)
Masterpiece is borrowed from the New Living Translation. This title motivates the woman who is purpose-driven, and encourages the one who doubts her value. God made us, designed us and equipped us for excellence. Despite the heat during the process of refinement, by His grace, His masterpiece endures (Job 23:10).
(5) Loved
"The Lord has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love." (Jeremiah 31:3)
Here is the title every woman longs for. No better source than God to supply it. He loves first, continually and unconditionally.
The confident Christian woman writes her name in the blank: “_______________, loved with God’s everlasting love.” She can repeat the phrase whenever thoughts of low self-esteem, self-doubt, hopelessness, or any other self-defeating emotion surfaces.
(6) Holy and Beloved
"Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies." (Colossians 3: 12)
Any woman will gladly respond to the title of Beloved, with probably a blush and a feeling of being special. She may not respond so promptly when God adds Holy to the mix, but if she is willing to answer to Holy, God will qualify her for the title.
He will help her maintain the kind of connectedness with Him which will facilitate a display of His holiness in her life. She can evaluate her progress by how consistently she wears the kindness, humility and other virtues listed in verses 12 and 13 of Colossians 3.
(7) Temple of the Holy Spirit
"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?" (1 Corinthians 6: 19)
Many women spend time and money on the upkeep of her physical features and physique, primarily out of concern for her outward beauty. That is no reason to condemn them, but the genuine Christian woman has additional motivation. God dwelling within her is the primary reason for keeping her body in good shape.
If she maintains her body with proper nutrition, exercise, water, air, sunshine, temperance, rest and surrender to God; if she refuses to abuse her body with excessive drugs, with alcohol, tattoos and illicit sex, she can honestly and humbly wear this title.
(8) Private Garden
"A garden enclosed Is my sister, my spouse." (Song of Solomon 4:12)
The love story in the Song of Solomon features a lover (male) and a beloved (female) who also represent the love between God and His people. The term “private garden” refers to the fact that God loves His people to commit to Him alone, in the same way that morally-minded couples want exclusive relationships.
This concept encourages the single woman to reserve herself for someone who deserves her. It insists that the married woman shares physical intimacy only with her husband.
(9) Valuable
"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:30, 31)
The Christian woman's value is not attached to her possessions. Her value is anchored in the eternal qualities of the One who made her and sustains her by His love and care. This sense of value prevents her from lowering her moral standards or engaging in illicit behaviors to gain a feeling of importance. This title comes with the guarantee that her value cannot depreciate since the Source of her value is permanent.
(10) Conqueror Plus
"In all these things [tribulation, distress . . . ] we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." (Romans 8:35,37)
When a Christian woman comes through her struggles with her soul in tact, she is a conqueror. When in her struggles, she gains more than she loses—more strength, more character, more hope—she is more than a conqueror. And her victories are empowered by God’s love for her, a love from which she will let nothing separate her.
This title encourages us to testify that God’s favor can take her from behind the starting line and push her past the finish line—in record speed; that His grace can change her status from unknown to a significant status of honor—above some who expected to rule over her. It happened to Queen Esther. God is still the same!
© 2017 Dora Weithers
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on September 23, 2019:
Tori, you did the right thing to leave an abusive situation. You are God's Masterpiece, designed for good works, not for abuse. Your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. It is sacred. I am sorry that your husband neglected to get counsel, but if you maintain a Vine-Branch connection with God, He can turn anything that was meant to destroy you into something that can prosper you.
H-O-P-E. Hold On Pain Ends. Meanwhile get some professional help if you need to or speak with a wise, godly older woman. God will walk with you through this, if you let Him and bring you through beyond your wildest imagination.
Victoria B on September 23, 2019:
I really like your article. It gives me peace in that God is my true comforter and love. I have been married for only 2.5 months, and a month of that, I have been separated from my husband. He verbally abused me and was super attached to his mother. I told him I wanted him to get counseling and that I had only left temporarily to clear my head, but since I left, he has not responded to any of my messages or phone calls and a few weeks ago, he sent me divorce papers. I am desperately praying for him, but at this point, I'm really struggling to have any hope.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on October 21, 2018:
Tim, I appreciate your kind encouragement. Thanks for sharing. Best to you and your family.
Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on October 20, 2018:
Thanks, Ms. Dora,
Such a beautiful article. I really liked: love, temple of the holy spirit, and more than conquerors. These I shared with my wife and daughter. They enjoyed your article. But this article transcends gender, as you correctly pointed out. I always learn something when I visit your article which enhances my walk with Christ. There is always something in your work I can share and help others as well.
Much respect and admiration,
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on January 10, 2018:
Happy New Year to you also. Glad that you are inspired to consider yourself valuable.
Rochelle Ann De Zoysa from Moratuwa, Sri Lanka on January 09, 2018:
It's so encouraging and inspiring :) It reminded me to appreciate and value myself more :) Thank you for sharing and caring :) God bless you! Happy New Year!
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 26, 2017:
Frank, it's great that men too appreciate these titles for women. Thank you.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 26, 2017:
Thanks, Dianna. There are so many honorable positions which God intends for women.
Frank Atanacio from Shelton on December 19, 2017:
what an interesting concept.. It is inspiring I bet to women and fathers too...:)
Dianna Mendez on December 18, 2017:
I am inspired by your article. My favorite is the fragrance of Christ. But I will wear each title with honor.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 17, 2017:
Thanks Tamarajo. Glad you shared how Psalm 45 helped you; that was a great choice for inspiration. You encourage me.
Tamarajo on December 16, 2017:
This is beautiful Dora! The first one "Royal Daughter" was reminiscent of my return from prodigal living. It was Psalm 45 that I meditated on for quite a while.
My favorite takeaway quote from your article is this one:
"We are not required to prove our holiness; but we are expected to maintain the kind of connectedness with Him which will facilitate His Holiness covering our unholiness until that practice becomes the norm"
Loved it
God bless!
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 06, 2017:
Thanks, Chitrangada. You are all those titles and I'm glad that you accept and appreciate it.
Chitrangada Sharan from New Delhi, India on December 06, 2017:
Beautiful article and I loved all those titles. The chosen one, the loved, the valuable—makes me feel, how precious each individual is.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 02, 2017:
Thanks, Bill. It feels great to write for women and receive approval from a male. I appreciate your affirmation.
William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on December 02, 2017:
Woman or man, the titles are beautiful, and I'll wear them proudly with all my sisters. Thank you, Dora.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 01, 2017:
Nikki, so glad you enjoyed it. I enjoyed writing it too.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 01, 2017:
Lori, I like the titles you chose as favorites. Really, any of them will inspire us to improve in our daily walk.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on December 01, 2017:
Thanks Flourish. I appreciate your encouragement.
Nikki Khan from London on December 01, 2017:
Very interesting and informative Dora,,really enjoyed reading it.Thanks for sharing dear.
lambservant on November 30, 2017:
You never cease to amaze me Dora with the topics that you choose. This was a goodie. It's hard to choose just one but my favorites wee the fragrance of Christ and holy and beloved. God bless you dear friend.
Elaina Baker from USA on November 30, 2017:
You have such a warm and loving Christian spirit. I know that others will find joy in this lovely article. Who wouldn't want to be deemed valuable or loved or a royal daughter?
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 30, 2017:
Devika, glad that you like the article. The more we recognize our rights to these title, the more confident we become.
Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on November 30, 2017:
You greatly expressed these titles with confidence. A lot to take heed to here. Loved it!!!
manatita44 from london on November 29, 2017:
Yes, great book. The poem with the same name is inside the book. Hope you find it.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 29, 2017:
Thanks for the introduction to "Discipleship" by David Watson. Read some reviews and it seems like a book I should get my hand on. Your comment was super-encouraging. You know that sentiments like these coming from you, have very special meaning for me. I appreciate you.
manatita44 from london on November 29, 2017:
I must say, Dee,
That you are walking up my street more and more. That's loosely speaking, of course, for we all walk our own streets. But let us say that you are walking with the swing of Maya Angelou. (I just made that one up) I'm trying to portray a picture of Grace, majesty, wisdom ...
I'm very proud of you. You explain with such insight! These things usually take time and God's mercy. So perhaps your mother's situation helped, as well as your own life of diligent sacrifice and assiduous service. Or you have this 'cry' of which I speak. Prayer also and perhaps these heavy burdens you mentioned, were teachers too. Praise be!!
For me, you write exceptionally well on these topics and the pitch is just right. So important!! I heard a black poet last night who was awesome. Still, he had this way of returning to the word 'wicked' from time to time, which made him just a touch 'preacy.' We are all trying to serve, after all, and humans are our brothers and sisters in similar boats.
I like how you went about the third one. Reminded me about 'Discipleship' by David Watson. It's a cute poem. Much Love.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
Robert, you are blessed to have a wife who means so much to me. She is also blessed to have a husband who sees her as God's Masterpiece among other titles. Glad that this article gave you to the opportunity to express that. Best to your marriage going forward!
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
Thank you, Tamara. We can never over emphasize God's love for us. Women show their need for affirmation more than men, and we do well to learn from His Word, how much He loves us.
Robert E Smith from Rochester, New York on November 28, 2017:
Hi MsDora, What a powerful article to remind me that I and all others that are in Christ are special to Him. It was powerful to me also because I see my wife as God's Masterpiece, Beloved of God, Jesus' Precious Vessel. It refreshed my crisp view I has of her on our wedding day. That day all was clear to me that I had been given something priceless to care for and to love.
Tamara Yancosky BBYCGN from Uninhabited Regions on November 28, 2017:
Yes, and a humble and immensely grateful “Amen” that our Father loves us so very much! Your words glorify Him.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
Thanks, Peg. Your quote actually came to my mind. It's all about connectedness. I guess "Branches to the Vine" is also an acceptable title.
Peg Cole from North Dallas, Texas on November 28, 2017:
Wonderful words to remind us of our value to the Lord. In the first part, I answered "Loved" but I also cherish the term "Chosen". I also like the comparison made in this quote. "I am the vine; you are the branches."
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
Thanks, Linda. Whenever I think about women, I think beautiful. And in a relationship with God, it only gets better.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
That's great Jackie. Looking forward to the December article, and I'm happy that you received some inspiration from this one.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 28, 2017:
Thanks, Denise. I know that you are stronger and more deserving of these titles because of those experiences.
Linda Crampton from British Columbia, Canada on November 27, 2017:
You've expressed your thoughts very eloquently, Dora. There are a lot of beautiful ideas in this article.
Jackie Lynnley from the beautiful south on November 27, 2017:
I chose loved and valuable. I would have a hard time with a title I suppose but those could not take any of the honor from God I don't think. I know I am loved and it is my wish to be valuable. I would love to be just all those things though.
I have a Christian hub holding but waiting until December rolls around. In honor of Someone with a birthday that month! I could get inspired by one of your beautiful writings to come up with another I think!
Denise W Anderson from Bismarck, North Dakota on November 27, 2017:
These are beautiful sentiments. When we know and understand who we are in the eyes of God, we are much more able to withstand the difficulties of our daily lives. I know this from my own experience!
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Thanks Mary. I also find "Fragrance of Christ" attractive. This title makes us focus on being just that every minute of the day. You got the gist.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Tamara, it is because of His love that we can even have titles. He wants us to wear them as a credit to Him.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Kari, I like that you give the credit to God. Whatever good we become or do is all because of His love. Thank you.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Thanks, Jo. Hope you are able to wear whatever title you choose throughout this and every other day.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Eric, I believe that the women in your life receive your help and support in becoming the Masterpieces you see in them. Thanks.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Thanks, Shanmarie. Perhaps we can do some catching up by encouraging the women who did not learn these principles while they were girls. That is my passion.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Thanks Nell. I'm encouraged by your feedback.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 27, 2017:
Thanks, Bill. Always encouraged by your kind comments.
Mary Wickison from USA on November 27, 2017:
Hi Dora,
To tell you the truth, from your title I didn't know what to expect from your article. I've never considered any of those words as a title so thank you for setting me straight.
Although I love the idea of being God's Masterpiece, the one that struck a chord with me was 'Fragrance of Christ'. I've never heard the phrase before but I love that thought that the essence of all that is good in us, remains when we leave a room or this life.
We have an opportunity to do good every day and make a positive change for ourselves and others.
This is a thought-provoking article.
Tamara Yancosky BBYCGN from Uninhabited Regions on November 27, 2017:
This is lovely, Dora, and so uplifting. I like the idea that I “belong to Him”. It is a very fulfilling truth to know that each of his children “belong to Him”. He loves each of us individually.
Kari Poulsen from Ohio on November 27, 2017:
How beautiful! We women wear many titles of esteem from God. How wonderful and awesome is God!
Jo Miller from Tennessee on November 27, 2017:
What a lovely and inspiring article, Dora. Such a nice way to begin my day.
Eric Dierker from Spring Valley, CA. U.S.A. on November 27, 2017:
Very refreshing. I pondered each as a reflection of the marvelous women in my life. I kept going to Masterpiece.
Thank you Dora.
Shannon Henry from Texas on November 27, 2017:
I always enjoy reading your articles. They are refreshing reminders of the mindset we should have. This particular article is something I wish women were taught from the time they are young girls. It helps teach self value while teaching other very important lessons at the same time.
Nell Rose from Buckinghamshire UK on November 27, 2017:
What a lovely article Dora! so interesting and beautiful!
Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on November 27, 2017:
Such a beautiful testament to women. I loved your title and for sure the article did not disappoint.
Dora Weithers (author) from The Caribbean on November 26, 2017:
This article is the outline of a project I intend to expand on during 2018. Your suggestions are welcome. Thank you.