The 10 Most Common Signs From Deceased Loved Ones
Signs of Deceased Visiting
According to my beliefs, a loved one who has just passed away will be quite anxious to let us know that they're okay and aware of what's happening in our lives. If we aren't able to feel them around us, they'll often give us a "sign" that we can't ignore. The person who has been given a "sign" often knows the message is coming from the other side. Even if we dismiss it, that little voice inside will make us wonder.
Here are the 10 most common "signs of spirit," or signs from the deceased, that people receive from loved ones who have passed away.
Top Ten Signs From the Deceased
Sign | Manifestation | Message |
Electricity | Flickering lights or appliances that switch on and off | Spirit is present |
Fragrance | Familiar to deceased, including perfume or cigar | Spirit is present |
Animal | Insect or bird, including ladybug, butterfly, or bird. | Loved one is not alone |
Object in path | Feather, coin, rock, or clothing | Possible symbolic message |
Number | Repeated on clocks or billboards | Contact through anniversary or special number |
Dream | Vivid, logical dream | Words, objects, or telepathy |
Thoughts | Spontaneous thought | Personal, meaningful words |
Watchfulness | Feeling of being watched | Ongoing love and protection |
Songs | Music playing in visited places | Lyrics that convey a significant message |
Buzzing | High-frequency sound in ears | A signal to look at surroundings for message |
1. They Love to Play With Electricity
Playing with electricity seems to be one of the most common "signs of spirit." It is an easy way to grab our attention. Spirits like to flicker lights, turn the television or radio on and off, or make appliances beep for no apparent reason. Our loved ones have the ability to interfere with light and electricity because they're now pure energy. They can manipulate appliances, TV, microwaves, etc. Most of the time, they just want to make us aware that they're with us.
If your television turns off or on for no apparent reason, start investigating the reason behind it:
- What show or channel is on? Is it a favorite show of your loved one? Is the radio playing their favorite song?
- When the lights flickered, what were you thinking about? Were you thinking about your loved one? Sometimes that thought can be an acknowledgment or even confirmation that your loved one is near.
2. They Give Off Fragrances
We can often tell our deceased loved ones are around us when we smell their scent: perfume, flowers, cigar or cigarette smoke, or any other smell associated with them. There may be no logical explanation of why the smell is there. This "sign" can sometimes seem confusing. As humans, we remember how our loved ones smell. We remember a distinctive cologne or perfume they enjoyed or even the scent of an activity they performed. If your loved one used to work with cars and, out of the blue, you smell motor oil, try not to be scared. Instead, say "Hi!"
3. They Visit Through the Energy of an Animal
Our loved one is able to use their energy to go inside an insect or animal—such as a butterfly, ladybug, bird, or dragonfly—for a brief period of time. The animal will do something it usually wouldn't do, such as land on us, peck at our window, look at us, or scream at us. Unfortunately, this is a sign some people ignore. Our loved ones may try to communicate with us in every unimaginable manner. By using these symbols, they're sending us a message without trying to scare us. They're letting us know, "I'm with you. You're not alone!"
4. They Place an Object in Our Path
Our loved ones like to place objects in our path that are significant to just them—perhaps over and over again. Coins, feathers, keys, and rocks are a few of the most common objects they might leave for us. How can we find the meaning in these small gifts?
- If you find a coin in your path, look at its year and see if that year is important between you and your deceased loved one.
- If you find a rock lying in the middle of your bed, or you find your loved one's shirt in an odd place (that's not where you placed it before), this could be a sign from the other side.
- Try not to be scared and instead, say "Hi!"
5. They Show Us Numbers
Our loved ones might show us numbers that are relevant to them or you. It could be a birthday, an anniversary, the date of their passing, the time of their passing, or even repeating numbers such as 111, 222, 333, etc. These numbers may appear on clocks, billboards, or any other familiar place. They can also come from family, friends, or even strangers.
- When driving, pay attention to license plates in front of you and billboards you pass by. Some of the best signs of numbers can come from bumper stickers sitting right in front of you. If you detect a pattern and believe your loved one is communicating with you, take comfort in knowing that they are with you.
6. They Visit in Dreams
One of the easiest ways for our loved ones to communicate with us is through our dreams. A dream that is a true visitation will be very vivid, peaceful, and detailed. We will remember this type of dream many years later. There are a few characteristics you can analyze after having a spiritual visitation dream.
- It will be very vivid.
- It will be in color. Sometimes it can be in black and white, with color being in the form of your loved one's clothing or something they are holding for you to see.
- It will be logical and have some sort of message, either in the form of words, physical objects, or even telepathy.
- You may feel confused upon waking up. You will feel happy, peaceful, or even fearful about what you experienced. (Fearful maybe from never experiencing such a dream before.)
All we need to do is to ask our loved ones to come, and they will. We can also ask them to wake us after they visit and to help us remember the dream.
7. They Place Thoughts in Our Minds
Our loved ones don't have an audible voice because they are in spirit form. Therefore, they give us messages telepathically. Pay attention to thoughts that just “pop” into your head. If something your loved one would say just comes to you for no apparent reason, it's probably him or her speaking directly to you. This form of communication is a true blessing! Sometimes it doesn't have to be a particular thought; it can come when the lyric to a song "pops" into your thoughts. Songs and music, like dreams, are universal methods of communication. Listen for the thoughts or songs. You'll know when they're not yours.
8. They Watch Over Us
Many of us have felt this one! It is possible to pick up on spiritual energy, especially when we're relaxed. When we're in the beginning stages of grief, we have a keener ability to "feel" our loved ones around us. There's a good reason for this. It simply isn't true that death is final. We may continue to feel our loved one's presence after their passing because they are still very much around us. In the deepest grief, they will try to find a way to let us know they're with us. When we feel like we're being watched, we're being protected and watched over. Above all else, we're still being loved. We're never alone!
9. They Make Songs Play at the Perfect Time
We know our loved one is around when their favorite songs come on at just the right time with the exact words we need to hear. Often the same song plays in many different places.
- Train yourself to listen to the music overhead in department stores, grocery stores, or even when you're walking into a restaurant.
- When you're driving and turn on the radio, what song is playing?
- When you're watching TV, what song comes on at the beginning or end of a movie you're watching?
- When you're cleaning, turn on the music and see if a message is being delivered.
If your loved one loved music, this too can be an easy form of communication.
10. They Buzz in Our Ears
Because our loved ones speak to us using a different, higher frequency, we may hear ringing in our ears when they're trying to get our attention. This is a signal to look for a message.
- Look at your surroundings—is there something significant to notice? A sign on the side of the road? A bird flying by? A particular cloud in the sky?
- Are you reading a book or newspaper or searching on the internet for something? Did you get the ringing in your ear(s) as you read a particular sentence? Re-read that sentence and look for a message.
- Maybe the ringing in your ear is after a particular thought—this could be a sign of validation from your loved one.
Keep Your Eyes and Ears Open!
This list could certainly go on, but these tend to be the more common ways our loved ones let us know they're around us.
If you haven't received any of these signs, you can ask your loved one to come and let you know they're okay. Ask them to come to you in a dream or visit you in the form of a butterfly. Ask them to come to you in the form of an animal. Then be aware of the message when it's given to you. Remember, though, your loved one may appear in many different ways: books, newspapers, Internet sites, etc.
The more we're aware of the messages and acknowledge them when they arrive, the more our loved ones will continue to communicate with us. Be patient and persistent. As much as we want to communicate with our loved ones, they too want to communicate with us!
Blessings of peace & love!
Brenda on September 14, 2020:
My father recently passed away, I had a picture of him mother and father hanging up on the wall. The other day the glass and picture fell out. I found the glass but can't find the picture anywhere. What happened to it, who took it.?
Pam Murphy on August 26, 2020:
My 25 year old daughter died on July 26, 2020. Since then I've seen her reflection on the ceiling of my bedroom. The sunlight was reflecting through a rhinestone from her shoe onto the ceiling and the leaves from the tree outside the window were forming her face and as the sun moved her face would change to different expressions. It was her hairline, her eyes, nose, cheeks and jawline, absolutely her. I made sure to be there the same time the next day, and she was there again, looking sad at times, mad, scared, but mostly at peace, I hope. At one stage her lips were moving, and I was listening for what she was saying, but I could not. It didn't happen again, just the two times. We took our granddaughter to the beach about a month after she died. I heard a high pitched whine in my ears, so I stopped and looked around. There was a gentleman playing a guitar dressed all in white. I wouldn't have noticed him if I hadn't read this article about high pitched whining in your ear. She loved music and her boyfriend is a guitar player and musician. I went over to him and he was playing a very sad love song. I know she is reaching out to me.
Brenda Gomez on July 11, 2020:
What does it mean when you find dimes facing up I found ,,,5 dimes on the ground my husband pass away 1 yr ago
Julie on June 12, 2020:
My parents died a few months ago within a day of each other. My daughter dropped her watch on the floor a couple of months later and the face cracked, and a couple of days after that, my watch, which I have had for 20 years and has not so much as scratched, dropped and cracked on the floor as well. Symbolic?
Don on June 09, 2020:
My aunt passed away last Thursday. She was only 7 years old than myself and was like my older sister. She fought a hard fight as she had double pneumonia and was running a fever. They automatically placed her in a Covid-19 unit for days and put her on the Ventilator then later moved her to an ICI unit. My uncle and nieces and myself where in the room when they took out the ventilator. She soon took her last breath; and within 2-3 seconds I was the only one that saw a small star floating up from her body. I started crying but no one else saw the star slowly floating upward. I prayed to GOD and my grandparents to please help her and make her well. My wife said that the STAR was a gift from heaven to let you know she is OK.
When I am in my office upstairs at home; I often feel someone touching my leg or arm; but nowhere else in the house do I feel this. My mother also died in this house 10 years ago on Jun-10th. Has anyone else ever experienced such things.
Loretta on April 23, 2020:
My dad passed six years ago I dreamed I was at his house and my current cat got out and was being chased by a dog It was night I went into his bedroom woke him up and asked him to help me he got up to help me get the cat what does this mean?
Tina on April 11, 2020:
My mom died on March 6 2020 after she died I accepted it with grace and passion after that I still really miss her
Michael on April 11, 2020:
I am 80 years old and I still think about my mum every day she gave her life for me and i wish I had told her how much I loved her
C.M Vivi on April 05, 2020:
In 2015 i had a near death experience when i coded and had to be intubated. I remained in a coma for 2 weeks. This is not a final stop here on earth. We are spiritual beings and life continues after our bodies die. Our energy lives on just as it lived before we were born. I have been able to see loved ones and hear their messages for as long as i can remember. Not truly understanding when i was young but knowing something was different at times. Later as a young adult grief from life itself brought them to me when i cried out the need for them. I will tell you this.... They look so very young in afterlife. No wrinkles. No pain. Just love, peaceful love.
All of the means of contact in this article are real. I have seen repeating numbers for as long as i can remember. I always know that angels are around at that moment. God Bless. And stop and listen to those thoughts in your head, that very well could be a loved one trying to tell you something. Peace.
Madeleine on March 19, 2020:
I've been dreaming about my grandmother lately and I've been having raining in my ears for no reason and I've also been hearing my mean ful songs about her in my house in the perfect time.I really miss her and I really wanna talk to her
Kathy on March 04, 2020:
My mom past away in 2011 she always chewed juicy fruit gum - to this day I still smell it - just at different times - no special time just out of the blue ..also I see the numbers 616 constantly comes up ..meaning- consider yourself blessed to receive this number I never thought of number being sent by my mom
Diane on January 27, 2020:
My Dad died suddenly at his home two days before Christmas. I always prayed to the Lord please never let my Dad suffer. I had surgery later that week. I have been in constant pain for the last few months. I prayed so hard, I didn't even feel that he left this earth. I prayed and asked if he I did a good job taking care of him. I prayed. I prayed.
About three weeks after I asked my girlfriend to drive me to lunch to one of my father's favorite place to eat. When I was in the parking lot I looked down at a license plate "DAD 1025 " It was my Dad's birthday date.
I knew he was with me. I felt so good. I knew things were OK.
Carol on January 18, 2020:
My son died in February 2019. I had become sick in January and was super sick when he died. I was in bed most of the year sick and grieving as well. One day I was sitting up in bed coughing for hours and depressed. I said to myself, what's the point? My quality of life is gone and my son is gone. No point anymore. Suddenly a beautiful swirl of light came in my room and swooped around the room in the dark. It was beautiful, purple, black, yellow and white swirls. I felt immense joy and love so powerful, I could not explain it but it made me cry. I heard a voice saying I'm free, I'm free. And then the swirl of light went into a little urn of his ashes I keep on my dresser. After that I started getting better. When I saw the light I said, Cure me. Then I remembered something I read in a grieving book. It said never approach the dead with need, but with love. I'm still grieving for us, not for him. I truly believe he is in a better place and has some peace as he had a troubled life. So I'm happy for him but me and his sisters continue being sad and having a hard time.
Shirley Mort on December 30, 2019:
My adult son was shot 3 times and killed 05/04/2018. He was sitting at a friends house playing his guitar. The guy evidently was on drugs that shot him. We are still going to Court for the guy to be sentenced for the murder. I went to the cemetery a few weeks after my son's death and it was almost dark. I took a few pictures with my iPhone from my car to see if the solar lights were bright enough. When I got home the next day I looked at the pictures again and there is a grey mist above his grave that shows his face and he looks about 20 years old and his hair is long as he wore it then.Several months after that I did the same thing and the picture shows a large grey mist of an angel over his grave. You can see the wings, halo and outline of her. I have had other signs but these two were just unbelievable for me. I know he was trying to let his Momma know he was okay! I miss my son so much and sometimes feel helpless but these signs from him have helped me so much.
brian from uk on November 24, 2019:
Yes you can over analysis things this is the ego taking command your soul spiritual psychic self does not analysis things that's not to say the ego can be bad it just does not want to loose control of you but we are also spiritual beings its normal to miss the people we love it's just hard knowing there not going to be there
Dean on November 24, 2019:
Responding to Paigeturner1128...
Stop overthinking... The more that you analyze, the further you will go from understanding the truth. Keep your channels open, and let your first thought as things like this occur explain what's happening in the moment. I've had and do have regular occurrences day to day, of all sorts of communications from the other side, so don't be afraid, and remember always to pray and be respectful toward these types of communications...
brian from uk on November 02, 2019:
From my experience i def say that was a presence you find the air density changes almost heavy aĺl the other rooms or areas feel normal for me it was like i was walking into a time warp it makes you feel theres more to this life then we can see
Paigeturner1128 on November 01, 2019:
I’ve been contacted two times by my Father after his passing. Through a caress on my cheek after his funeral; and, a phone call during an especially stressful time in my life about 18 months after he died. I heard a familiar phrase. I cherish both memories of his love.
But I’m writing today, and sharing with your forum because I can’t stop thinking about an incident that happened recently. I’m not sure if its paranormal, spiritual or, maybe nothing but strange. And, whether anyone could know, what it means. Or if someone has had something similar happen to them.
I live in a small, one-story house. It has four rooms, a half-basement, but no attic.
It was mid-afternoon on July 28, 2019. Three years after my sister, Suzanne, died.
I’d been feeling depressed, and was watching some program on cable.
The air conditioner was on.
The sound of something weighty, like a body, sliding across an even wooden floor filled the room. It startled me. There is no attic in this house, absolutely no access to the rafters beneath the roof. As the sound progressed across a small portion of the room, I could picture its maker. Gender-less, but firm. On its side with grayish fabric, forming deep folds as it was pulled smoothly across the “floor.”
It stopped.
I stared at the blank ceiling. Waiting. I wasn’t frightened. But I was curious. ‘Who are you?’ ran though my thoughts as I continued staring at the spot where I heard it come to a rest.
Three times a bell rang. Not a deep church bell, but rather like a 'Downton Abbey' servants’ bell, or a store counter’s bell. It didn’t echo. It just rang. Three times and stopped. I wanted to hear more. But there was only silence as I continued to wait and stare.
Only seconds had passed since the incident began, but it felt so much longer. Then the sound of a door. I couldn’t tell if it was opening or closing. But I pictured not wood but rather metal. Not a heavy metal door that would ‘clank’, echo or reverberate upon shutting but more like … an elevator? It was the shortest sound. And I can’t be sure if I’m embellishing or subtracting from its memory as I’ve tried to replay it in my mind since its occurrence. It is the most mysterious and unclear portion of the audible incident.
But it seems to have the most significance, and I don’t know why.
I had some initial 'immediate' thoughts after the incident. I immediately thought of my Sister. We had always promised IF there was a way to contact the other after our passing, we would do so. It was shortly after the third anniversary of her passing that these sounds occurred. And I do so desperately miss her. But it's the door....The bell...the body sliding on the floor, as if moving to look through a window on the floor. To stare into the room I occupied.
It didn't make sense. If anything like this really does make sense in the final analysis.
My other thought, although to be honest took longer to reach than the first. Was anti-spiritual... driven by my insatiable curiosity surrounding the least understood sound - the "door". If I were Stephen Hawking or Neil deGrasse Tyson or their ilk, perhaps I could justify such thoughts of parallel universes and other diverse planes and reasonings.
If any of you have had a similar experience or can shed any interpretations to this experience. I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Thank you for stopping by.
Ybab86 on October 30, 2019:
My childhood bf passed away 2 weeks ago. We were together for 5 yrs. We have not seen each other for 28 years. He never had a gf after me. He always tell our friends that im his one true love. I thought about him a day before he passed away of what life we could have had and how old would be our kids now. The next day i found out that he died from a heart attack. I was driving to go to work that day and there was this red car behind me driving really close, so i let him pass me but when we got to the stop light it was that same red car and i was kinda upset and look at his lisence plate to see what county is he from. I was so shock the first 4 letters of his plate is my bf name. Coincidence or what?!
WildKatWrangler on October 29, 2019:
I was wondering if the camera on iPhone 11 Pro Max, would Be considered electrical. My dad died in June, and I had been making vintage suitcase shelves, each one themed. I decided to make one for him as we were very close. So I put vintage luggage stickers of all the places that he like to go to and the things that he liked it he liked to do, on it. When I went to take a picture something happened that never happened before or since then.. my iPhone camera just started wildly spinning and I could not focus on the suitcase shelf which was sitting on top of a beautiful antique buffet. I would tip the phone one way to try to level it and it would spin wildly the other direction… Just back-and-forth for about five minutes. So I just started snapping pictures, Hoping to get it level. I laughed and said you still have it Dad... you are still funny as heck! So I got to the pictures and started deleting pictures that were going every direction when something caught my eye. There is a lady, dressed in Victorian clothes clothes looking into a antique secretary that I have that’s behind me, but she is not really there. You cannot see through her… You can’t see my nightstand or the bottom half of a painting that I painted that is behind me from where I’m taking the pictures from. So what is later one of my friends why should the picture to the edited it and I had never even thought of it. So I went home and played with filters and things and even more detail showed up. Each time I saved the original picture and went back to it. Since then, a few times there is thumping up in the other suitcase shelves... like a reminder I’m not alone. I feel that she’s peaceful and that she likes me. I feel like my dad has a friend? Are iPhone cameras Electrical?
brian from uk on October 09, 2019:
Yes that's interesting I have a story about that but it's not applicable to this article and really has nothing to ourt existance as been been in a human form
DH on October 08, 2019:
My dear friend died last week and already a big butterfly was in my path and a large dragonfly flew right into my workspace. It flew all around for a minute and then left through the door it came in. That has never happened before.
brian from uk on October 01, 2019:
I be leave you this happened to us we just from the funeral of my brother. my nephew was sitting at the end of his dad's bed who had we was talking I was standing by the bed about two feet away when his bed light started flashing off and on like a signal to say he guys I'm still here we looked in amazement his was wife was over the side of the bed cannot remember all the words but it's always a test of your faith when loose somebody esp if there younger then you but I experienced mediumship so I know they are still alive but on a higher vibration
sue wright. on September 30, 2019:
3 months after my nan died my husband and I were watching tv when my lamp came on,it wasn't even plugged in,
Vossie271 on September 23, 2019:
My grandmothers phone number ended on 1914 and where ever i am i always seem to look on the clock on 19.14 (24 hours scale) or i see a building built in 1914 or i calculate something wich either becomes 1914 /191.4 or any variation from it , i thought it as being really odd
Missing you on September 21, 2019:
My mum passed away 3 months ago just before my 60th birthday I know she wasn't ready to die. I miss her terribly and have found something of hers in the doorway of the washer. My husband says it must have been stuck to some th8 that went in the. Am I looking for something that is not there
nellienell61 on September 10, 2019:
My daughter passed away a year ago I dreamed that we were at a house I had been in when I was young and I was dressed and going out she grabbed me and I couldn’t get a loose from her until I told her to let me go and she did and then she sat down and just stared at me I asked her why did she do that but she never answered me she just stared at me like she was really angry with me.
brian from uk on September 09, 2019:
Yes that's it moat people ignore it an think nothing of it. It's the most easy way for them to contact you through dream
Paula on September 08, 2019:
My 17 year old niece just died from an automobile accident, she fought hard for two weeks and we laid her to rest 2 days ago. I dreamed of her last night. Very vivid dream, colors were so bright, I was standing in a grove of trees and I thought I saw her in my peripheral, but as i turned to look a light breeze blew past me and as it did I could hear her voice saying See, then again behind me and then the the left I could barely see a faint images in my peripheral, but could hear only the word see as the breeze brushed by me. Her presence was so strong. And as I woke I could smell flowers. ??? I can’t shake the feeling she wants me to see something or look for something.
brian from uk on September 06, 2019:
a lot of the ten signs stated by lyn are true although you have to rule out the logical things first another sign can something entering your aura by your solar plexus area it feels electrical in nature this may not be not be of an a once earthly nature as human soul is very subtle in nature been born of a sensitive nature i pick things from time to time not always pleasant one morning nearly a year ago i was waking to from limbo when i suddenly had this dream i walking with the love of my life through a bridge archway arm in arm we started to pass this really old building there was this blimp or balloon that was pointed to i suddenly woke with tears in my eyes. i got dressed and washed i noticed a black ambulance in the crescent i thought thats not good usually only for people that have died at first i thought it was the lady below opposite my flat as she been ill for a long time and there was her relatives there, it turned out the ladies exe above had suddenly passed away, the thing is i remember telling him i sometime see or feel things that are not in our visual or physical range he must have remembered this and came into my dream state although i did not know who it was at the time as the dream was not very clear only the atmosphere which was one of a loving nature
Joy Newcomb on September 04, 2019:
A friend of mine looked out his window last night. And seen his dead mother. Wearing the clothes she was buried in. Holding a white candel. And he wanting to know the meaning. Or message that she could be trying to send
John McWilliams from Connecticut on August 16, 2019:
What if they are not a loved one? He just haunts the house. He shot himself on the front porch. Will burying a clear quartz crystal
under the porch make him leave?
Wendy on August 14, 2019:
I had him come to me threw my son why he was sleeping to talk to me I say him raise his head in the clouds and signed me with I love in sighn language he sent me a dragon breathing out is nose in the clouds
Deborah on July 16, 2019:
My brother past away he loved aniamals...he saved his cat from a fire he was a cat pees on my door...and smtimes it smell like cat in my it him?