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Satan's Last Stand - The Battle of Armageddon

Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn -  1876

Custer's Last Stand at the Little Big Horn - 1876

Most of you know of the terrible defeat that Gen. George Custer experienced at the Little Bighorn. It was horrendous and brutal, but what I am going to describe next will make Gen. Custer's final battle look like a day at the park.

The final event for our present day earth will literally destroy our planet beyond recognition and end existence as we know it. What will take place is no dream or fantasy. It is going to be a real event just like any war we have had, except this one will be on such a scale as to be beyond imagination.

The final event in the history of our present world will take place here!

The final event in the history of our present world will take place here!

Megiddo - aerial view of the Battle of Armageddon site.

Megiddo - aerial view of the Battle of Armageddon site.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has returned!!!  He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!  This is called the Second Coming of Christ!

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has returned!!! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! This is called the Second Coming of Christ!

The War That Ends ALL Wars! The Final Battle - Battle of Armageddon

Hello friends and visitors! I hope you have been following me for the last several days since I have published many hubs about the book of Revelation. If not, I would suggest going back and reading the 3 hubs on Judgments that occur before this event takes place.

Well, here we are, almost to the end of the Tribulation period. The survivors of this 7 year ordeal are so bitter and angry with God, that they are probably going to be lost forever and spend eternity in Hell. Even after all the supernatural events they have experienced, first hand, most will not repent and turn back to God for forgiveness. Arrogance, stupidity, insanity...who knows why they can't see what they are doing. Sin is out of control, global death and destruction has hit every corner of the globe. Satan is almost mad with power and is massing his forces to attack Jesus.

Even though God has been trying to reach these lost souls and get them to change their wicked ways, most have and will continue to ignore Him. It is true that some have repented, and accepted Jesus' free gift of Salvation during these horrible 7 years. But they too have endured indescribable hardship just trying to survive. But, thank the Lord, their eternal destiny is assured and after this last event, they will be with God during Jesus' 1000 year reign on Earth. These Tribulation Saints will have an active role in this upcoming battle, fighting with Jesus and his Heavenly army defeating Satan's rule on Earth and creating a new heaven and earth.

This is God's last offer to mankind. He is almost out of patience, but not quite. It is mankind's last chance to avoid eternal death and eternity in Hell to suffer in agony for all time. God will give them this last opportunity and that will be it. Time is almost up and when this battle is completed, the Gates to Heaven will be closed forever to the people that rejected Jesus!

The unholy trinity, Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet.

The unholy trinity, Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet.

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

The entire area will be one massive concentration of destruction

The entire area will be one massive concentration of destruction

Satan forces attack and Jesus releases His omnipotent power!

Satan forces attack and Jesus releases His omnipotent power!

Evil demonic forces join the fight with Satan.

Evil demonic forces join the fight with Satan.

Jesus, descending from Heaven to start the Battle of Armageddon.

Jesus, descending from Heaven to start the Battle of Armageddon.

Earthly armies will be fighting with Satan.

Earthly armies will be fighting with Satan.

More of Stan's arsenal.

More of Stan's arsenal.

Another artist conception of Jesus leading the Heavenly forces.

Another artist conception of Jesus leading the Heavenly forces.

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The Euphrates R. dries up allowing God to lure Satan's army to the battleground!  The trap is set!

The Euphrates R. dries up allowing God to lure Satan's army to the battleground! The trap is set!

Bodies by the millions will be strewn all over the battlefield.

Bodies by the millions will be strewn all over the battlefield.

As in any war, there are two major opponents, each with several allies that join them. This final battle is no different. The winner, which we already know from the book of Revelation, will then clean up this massive destruction, create a new heaven and earth, and will reign for 1000 years.

On one side are the forces of evil, Satan, the Antichrist, and the False prophet. These are pictured as beasts where Satan is a dragon, and the Antichrist, the beast. Along with these 3 are demonic forces and also a massive earthly alliance of earth’s armies. Millions and millions of people will be obliterated!

On the other side are the forces of good, Jesus, all believers from Creation until this point in time, Tribulation Saints, angels and others from Heaven. These two massive forces will meet in battle.

This event happens at the end of the 21 Judgments, specifically after the 7 Bowl Judgments. The earth has endured almost 7 full years of death and destruction as Satan ravages the earth for power and God pours out his wrath on a sinful, wicked world. The death toll is unimaginable and the earth is unrecognizable due to the global devastation. Satan is now indwelling the Antichrist’s body and is now a world dictator in control of the earth. He has total rule and power at this time. He controls what is left of the economy, who the people worship, etc. He continues the death and destruction up to the very end. The people still alive on the earth are beyond reason for the most part. Even though they realize much of the destruction is a direct pouring out of supernatural power from God, they still continue to curse and defy Him! These people are about to reach the maximum state of their madness. Satan’s only focus now is to utterly destroy God and His people! His armies are massive. At first they resisted Satan as he rose in power, and refuse to attack God’s forces, but eventually Satan mislead them and they join his evil army. Nothing this huge has ever been assembled. Satan keeps control of his evil forces by his Mark of Loyalty, or Mark of the Beast as it is called. This mark, if taken, will doom that person to eternal death when the battle ends. His fate is sealed forever. Satan, the Father of Lies has so conned his allies that they believe Satan will do as he said…defeat God with their help! This will be their last mistake!

Any Christian is put to death immediately, if discovered. There are some believers living on the earth, but most are in hiding or just trying to survive. The persecution to these ‘new’ Christians is unbelievable and many are martyred. These people were saved sometime during the Tribulation period, after the Rapture, and are protected by God, though they will still have to endure the horror yet to come, including possible death. They have suffered long and hard, but these Tribulation Saints will take part in the final battle as part of Christ’s forces if they live long enough. God has set His Seal on these saints, but unlike the Mark of the Beast, God’s Seal offers them some kind of protection and of course, are now declared children of God. God, all during the Tribulation has been trying to convince the people to repent and follow him, but they refuse. This battle is the last chance God will give these lost people to turn from evil and ask for forgiveness.

God has created a huge trap for Satan and his forces. After the last Trumpet Judgment, Satan has been gathering his forces and bringing them to the battleground. God even dries up the Euphrates River in one of the Judgments to make it easier for some of the forces to join the rest of Satan’s army. When all of Satan’s forces are at the battle site, which will be a place called Megiddo, Armageddon will begin…the Final Battle!

The battle will start with Christ coming down from Heaven with the armies of Heaven following. This army will consist of angels, other Heavenly beings, believers that died from the very beginning after Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden, the saints, all our Bible heroes from the Old and New Testaments, the people that were raptured before the Tribulation started and the believers (Tribulation Saints) that still live on earth.

Naturally, Satan when he sees Christ will probably lose control and try to annihilate Jesus on the spot. Unbelievable power will be released by Satan as his demonic forces and human armies attack. Bombs, missiles, guns, planes, tanks, you name it and also supernatural attacks by the demons he has! All of this firepower is directed at one target…Jesus Christ, who is riding on a white horse. The resulting chaos is indescribable and I am just guessing as to what this will truly be like, but knowing how armies fight, this is a likely scenario. The noise, smoke, flying lead, fire and missiles will be everywhere. People will be dieing by the thousands, millions. The attack on Jesus and His forces will have no effect. No matter what Satan and his forces hurl at Jesus, it does absolutely nothing, possibly just inciting them to commit more violence!

Jesus takes action after the attacks by Satan. Now, the end will come quickly. The Bible states that from Jesus’ mouth, comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may smite the nations; and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. And on His robe and thigh, His name is written, ‘KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS! (Revelation 19:12-16)

After Jesus releases His attack, the Battle of Armageddon ends quickly. Millions and millions of dead bodies litter the battleground. Those that are still alive from Satan's army, are crying in pain and the smell of battle fills the air. Any left alive will be struck down too in some fashion. The carnage is everywhere...nothing like it has ever been seen. Birds will be called to feast on the flesh of the dead bodies. The massive amount of dead would take 7 months just to bury! Victory is God’s and now, the healing will begin!

Satan and his henchmen are not killed in the battle, but are captured. The Antichrist and False Prophet will be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan will have a different ending. His eternal fate will come after Jesus' 1000 year reign on earth. For now, he will be bound and sealed in the Abyss for1000 years, the same amount of time as Jesus will set up His Kingdom on earth. He cannot do anything to the earth during this time.

Jesus binds Satan and throws him into the Abyss for 1000 years.

Jesus binds Satan and throws him into the Abyss for 1000 years.


If you have been following my hubs on the book of Revelation, please continue to follow this. You may think this is the end, but it isn't. Now the Battle of Armageddon is over, there will be created a new heaven and a new earth. Jesus will begin His 1000 year reign on earth, face Satan one last time, and some other wonderful events.

I will be covering everything in the Revelation, from the Rapture to Eternity.  I realize that I published these out of order, and ask you to forgive me if it confused you.  I don't want to confuse anyone!  This is God's Word and want it to be as accurate as possible so you will all hear God's Truth. 

Thank you for reading and God Bless each of you!

Knightheart's Korner


Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on October 14, 2014:


Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! I sure do appreciate it! Be well!


Lybrah on October 13, 2014:

Excellent hub. I enjoyed it immensely.

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on July 31, 2014:


It is funny how you said you were one of God's favorite actuality, we ALL are His favorites, even sinners that have not realized it. His Love is no more or no it total for ALL. Now that is an awesome thing to think about!


Rayne123 on March 11, 2013:

Oh trust me I am with God, as a matter of fact God speaks to me all the time. I wish it was audible, but its not. It usually is through pages he leads me to or he actually writes stuff down for me on my notes.

He even has put marks on the bible for me. I know God speaks to us all in different ways. In ways that each one of us will understand.

However I am not sure that he uses me to give out messages to anyone as of yet, but he knows what is going on in my life. He knows sometimes I can be a little confused, poor God he has to explain to me over and over. He actually makes me laugh sometime.

I do know that this day will not come until the lawless one is revealed and that is now. God knows who he/she is.

I ask him questions all the time and he always leads me to the answers. Just like the "mark of the beast" I asked him if this was the real thing from the bible (the chip) that everyone talks about and from what I can tell by the sign from God , it is.

The sentence actually was and I always know its an answer because for some reason I will forget every other thing in the article except the part where I am led.

Anyway the sentence said........Lets not fall short of the "mark" of our works.

I am very close to the angelic realm, one of my hubs is a true story on my experience with Angels before/during/after my car accident.

I think I may be one of Gods fav people. (just thought I stick in a little humour)

Have a good day

Thank you


Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on March 11, 2013:

Hi Rayne!

I hope that is true, that is, about God speaking through me to you. What an honor that would be! Actually, God speaks to all of us through the Holy Spirit, the Comforter Jesus told the Disciples about before he died on the Cross. The Holy Spirit is within every Believer and is constantly with us, helping us to be obedient to the Father and also helps us to talk to Him . Once we are save, we are children in God's family and NOTHING can take that away from us. All of Heaven rejoices when a person finally realized that we all are sinners and without Jesus, we are doomed to an eternity in Hell. What a gift that is to know we all can approach a Holy God without fear. Jesus paid the price that literally open the Throne Room of our Creator to all of us! When all Hell breaks loose on Earth during the Tribulation, I am glad I will be with God in Heaven and not have to see or endure the horrible things that will happen to those on Earth. But we will be with Jesus when He comes to fight the Final Battle against Satan...we know He already will win, so we will actually witness the end of everything as we know it. Thank God for His mercy, love, and protection!

I am pleased God is reaching out to you. I do not know your heart, only God does and if you are not saved, I implore you to do so before it is too late. Once you die, your eternity is sealed forever. So, now is the time to accept God's gift of Salvation and be 100% sure of your eternal destiny...either it will be total joy in Heaven or absolute misery and pain for all eternity. The choice is yours! God Bless You and thanks for stopping by.


Rayne123 on March 10, 2013:

Your response is like God talking to me through you, Kinghtheart, thanks

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on May 27, 2011:

Definitely! The humans that were following Satan are going to have a 'hot' time in the old Lake tonight! How sad!

Dave Mathews from NORTH YORK,ONTARIO,CANADA on May 27, 2011:

Let's not forget the weiners we can have a weenie roast.

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on May 27, 2011:

Dee: I appreciate you following my hubs, especially with the mess in my Rapture article with our misled friend there. What a week! LOL My teacher was great and he still teaches at our church. He spent a lot of time getting his lesson ready since it was such a huge topic! I am almost finished with The Millenial Kingdom, got sidetracked a bit. Thanks for your support and encouragement.

Dave: I am not a violent person either, but this is different. This violence is totally justified and necessary. I am sure all of Heaven will be shouting in joy when Satan bites the dust and admits Jesus is Lord. I would love to be part of the binding of Satan, but Jesus has more than earned that right! I hope we have marshmallows we can roast when Satan gets thrown into the Lake of Fire! And I am not sharing with those losers.!!!! LOL

God Bless you both!

Dave Mathews from NORTH YORK,ONTARIO,CANADA on May 27, 2011:

Knightheart: I will be by Jesus side to bear witness to all of this and although I abhor violence and destruction I will take joy in seeing the final blow when satan is finally hurled into the lake of fire with the rest of his followers.

Deidre Shelden from Texas, USA on May 26, 2011:

What a valuable experience with that teacher! Oh, yes, hope you do those others. That will be interesting to read :). I will certainly let you know if I have any questions, as a fellow Bible student.

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on May 26, 2011:

My church is a fundamental Baptist Church whose doctrine states the Bible is the Word of God, all of it is true and was recorded by men, directed by the Holy Spirit and contains no error. One of our adult teachers did a lot of research and study on Revelation and taught is for months, providing a lot of handouts, timelines, etc. Much of the information I used in these hubs was obtained from his lessons and of course the Bible and other studies we had. I haven't done anything on the Old Testament...still have the Millenial Kingdom to finish, and Eternity, and believe I will do one on the 7 churches at the beginning of Revelation. Will have to see about that. LOL Thanks for your support and if you ever see something I post in error, let me know since I sure don't want to mislead anyone. Thanks!!!

Deidre Shelden from Texas, USA on May 26, 2011:

Wow! I've not been in a church that teaches the end time prophesies. I've had to read and study them on my own. This is great that you have this have this to share with others. (I am a visual type person, too.) I'll go look to see if you have any on Daniel, yet. :) God bless you as you post more and more of the prophetic teaching from the Bible, brother!

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on May 26, 2011:

Thank you Ms. Dee: I was a little unmotivated the last couple of days as you probably have guessed, but am getting past it. I am a very visual person so know there are others like me that learn that way. I am a classroom teacher so know many are that kind of learner, and since that is my style of teaching, endeavor to write that way. These hubs on prophecy are very difficult to organize, and am grateful to the men and leaders in my church that taught this to me in a visual manner..especially the book of Daniel and the timeline of the events in Revelation. I just want to pass along what I learned and continue to learn on this topic...millions of peoples' eternal destiny will depend on what they think of all of this! I am glad I and a lot of people like you are grouping together to present God's Truth to an unbelieving, misled, and confused populace! Thank you for your support and God Bless you always!

Deidre Shelden from Texas, USA on May 26, 2011:

Another great overview description in plain English of the prophesies in the Bible. Really helps with visualizing it in my mind. Great pictures you've included too! Thanks so much for posting this.

Knightheart (author) from MIssouri, USA on May 24, 2011:

Stars439 - Thanks for taking a look...been really cranking these out. Take care now!

stars439 from Louisiana, The Magnolia and Pelican State. on May 24, 2011:

Wonderful Hub, And Your Faith In God Is Awesome. GBY.

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