Satan Get Thee Behind Me
A Scary Night
This is a true story that happened to me a couple of months ago. At first I was scared, very scared. There are (or were) some skepticisms I had, not now!
I had never put much thought into dreams, or the ever present spiritual world. I also never really thought dogs could actually feel or be aware of the spiritual world. All that changed on a cold winter night in February of 2010.
I was up late studying my Bible College class on Spiritual Warfare preparing for the final test. This class intrigued me greatly as I studied and became more aware of the spiritual world. I learned about missionaries not sticking it out because of the spiritual warfare that is ever ongoing. Realizing it was nearly midnight I turned the computer off and headed to bed.
I slept well for a couple hours then had a dream or nightmare unlike anything I had ever had before. This would be a good time to review the second paragraph. As I said, I had always been skeptic of the spiritual world. Can animals really feel the presence of evil? Does the spiritual world really have an effect on the born again Christian, the child of God?
As I slept I started having a dream, a bad dream. My wife and I were out in the middle of nowhere and came upon a house we thought was an evangelists. Not long we were in separate vehicles knowing we may never see each other alive again. I saw her lunge toward the window and I mouthed the words,"It's ok, for greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world". End of dream I woke up.
Hearing her breathing was such a relief. I thought I would move over and snuggle up to her, but I could not move. I was face down on the bed and could not move. Was I still sleeping and thinking I was awake? What was up? I thought ok stretch out my arm and rub her shoulder, but I could not move my arm. Then I heard my dog starting to softly growl, it grew in loudness and in fierceness. I tried to turn my head towards him but I could not do that either. One thing I knew for sure, I was awake. This was no dream! I felt as if I were being forced down into the bed and as I tried to move I felt the pressure even more. I felt a dark presence standing very tall over me and feeling like it was the very essence constraining me.
Gratis rrevival
My Prayer
What should I do? How do I handle this situation? I was almost in panic and then I felt another being there. Praise God! It said to me,"My son you know what to do, you know how to handle this. Just say the words and you will be free from this burden".
I closed my eyes and in power of the Holy Spirit of God I claimed His promise. I john 4:4 just what I had said in the dream, Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. I felt a surge through my body and the weight starting to subside. But, it was still there. I still felt it. Then in my prayer I claimed ,"Satan get thee behind me, the name of Jesus rebukes you".
The Psalm 119:114 says, Thou art my hiding place and my shield: I hope in Thy word. I claimed this shield, I claimed Jesus to be my hiding place.
His word, HIs promises His power had delivered me. I felt the evilness leave. I was safe from evil because Thou art with me.
Proverbs says, I will both lay me down and sleep, for Thou Lord only makest me dwell in safety.
Since then no re-occurences, no more bad dreams no more worries. My God watches over me and has my full trust. I give Him not only all my praises but also all my fears. I know through Him I am secure. I will never doubt His word, or try to live on my own without God being the head of my home. I place my trust in my risen Saviour! ( and I will not doubt my Springer Spaniel's awareness)
Bellefonte, Pa
ALL4JESUS from USA on June 03, 2015:
Beautiful! I found this very insightful and greatly appreciate the first comment from Pastor Kirk. Staying in the light is our job, calling upon Jesus is an important step in our spiritual progression. Your story is very enlightening from many different angles but especially in focusing our attention on praise and gratitude.
Evil exists but just like rewarding a child who is acting up, giving evil attention is both a physical and emotional drain.
If I might suggest adding some callout capsules to highlight the bible verses to further strengthen the focus on the light and calling to God for guidance and support, I feel that would lend focus in the right direction.
You did a wonderful job on this hub. Very well written, very memorable, very important messages. Thank you!
Blessings to you and your family.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on February 21, 2014:
Thank you for reading and leaving a comment, yes all happens to the Glory of God when we are strong in our prayer life and claiming the blood of Jesus. Simply quoting text blindly is nothing it is living it by faith and KNOWING we have the answer in our Savior Jesus Christ.
Faith Reaper from southern USA on February 18, 2014:
Hello Michael Adams1959,
So glad I saw one of your comments on another hub and click on your profile. I saw this hub and just had to read it. I, too, have been in spiritual warfare and have things happen that others would not believe or understand. As long as we stand firm and pray in the mighty and precious name of Jesus, the Name above all Names, the enemy has no power over us. I claim all of His promises each day of protection over my family and healing when necessary. I have been healed of breast cancer in 2011 and was in a strong spiritual battle concerning my son and addiction to alcohol, and that was when he was just 18 and has been sober since that age and now is 25 years old with three children. He was sober before his children were born. It was the answer to prayer and I knew the enemy want to kill him, but with the Lord's strength, that did not happen.
Up and more and sharing.
God bless you,
Faith Reaper
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on September 04, 2012:
Another follow up, if you know others that may have had some type experience please share this article on your facebook or where ever else you are able
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on September 04, 2012:
Sorry I have not responded before this. Yes we actually invite satan into our lives whether it is mental or physically. I was studying at the time on demonic possession and spiritual warfare. I believe it was a study satan did not want me to do and learn. It was over the spiritual warfare many missionaries face in areas around the world. But, greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. satan has no grasp on us if we truly are believers in Christ, he has no power over us and cannot harm us in any way. StAy in your Bible, daily! Pray daily asking God for the hedge of protection only He can give. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God He continually will keep His hand on us His arm around us, Jesus Christ is constantly pleading our case before God Jesus is our advocate, HE knows all about us and will keep His own.
Yes satan knows when we truly turn o Christ that he has lost a battle and will do all he can to bring down the weaker believer that our testimony is useless. We need to continue in the faith putting Jesus first in our lives and giving Him the glory for all.
Maria Henderson on July 23, 2012:
I am going through this now. I was searching for verses to help me fight Satan and the evil he is bringing into my dreams. I had the same dream from the time I was very small until I was about 22. I will never forget one night the dream started as it always did, a very large black creature with glowing orange eyes and a voice that brought fear unlike any I have ever felt, but when I awoke this creature was still sitting on my chest with his hands around my neck laughing. I starting begging God to make it go away and it disappeared. I didn't go back to sleep and I was at the church I went to at the time, as soon as the office opened. I am now 41 and he has come back to my dreams, but it is different this time. I dreamed last night of a young boy on a bed and his arms were being stretched out and tied to the bottom of the bed posts on the bed, when he turned and looked at me there was blood coming from his eyes and I heard that voice, that I have heard in my dreams before, laughing and asking if he was ready for more pain. I cannot tell you the fear I felt and the helplessness for that boy because I couldn't help him. When I woke up I felt sick and in a panic, I have felt this way all day and cannot get the image of that boy out of my head. Let me just say that I have given my life to God and my husband and I are trying to get our relationship's with God where they should be and working on our marriage. I know that Satan comes at us the hardest when we are getting closer to God, but not all people have to fight Satan or his demons on a physical level and it's scary. I have armed myself with verses and will do lots of praying tonight before I go to bed. I know that we are not supposed to be afraid of Satan because if God is in us then nothing can hurt us, but I know what True Evil feels like and I don't want to feel it ever again. Oh and about the animals I do believe that they know and see, both demons and angels. My cat I had at the time would hiss and growl at the dark corner in my bedroom at night until I started reading my bible and then he would stare at the bedpost right over my head and purr. Thank you for sharing your story, it makes me feel better that other's fight satan's demons in a physical way and that I am not crazy. I also had another instance but I was not asleep when it happened. I had what I believe was a demon grab me in my bed and hiss at me, I had bruises on my hip the next morning. When it hissed it sounded like a possumm hissing. Why is it that some people are attacked on a physical realm by satan or one of his demons? Is it something that we do to bring that about or that there is a very special purpose for us and satan doesn't want us to be close to God and to know what that is?
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on June 12, 2012:
Thanks for your reply! Yes, I had to take the class Spiritual Warfare, It is such an eye opener, yes this exists and we cannot look away, not as prevalent in our country as others but yes it is there. I agree, I think the studies may have opened me up to that attack but the studies and faith also allowed me to know how to handle it also.
William Kovacic from Pleasant Gap, PA on June 11, 2012:
Quoting from one of your comments, "The direction of your study in many ways opened you up to this attack. I continue to direct people away from any systematic study of the evil one."
Although I don't believe we ought to make demonology a focal point of Biblical studies, it seems to me that it was your study that allowed you to know how to handle the situation. If it's in the Bible, it's worth studying.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on February 19, 2012:
Sky, thanks I appreciate the referral that is always nice to have hubs passed on to others. I have done that a few times in the last couple years as well.
Sky9106 from A beautiful place on earth. on February 19, 2012:
I referred your Hub to another Hubber, the lyricwriter. He had a dream of a different sort but I believe and am quite sure that everything happens for a reason.
Hope you see the possible reason, but God is great .
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on February 19, 2012:
Thank you sky glad you enjoyed
Sky9106 from A beautiful place on earth. on February 19, 2012:
It's amazing how life truly works; I go up about 3am. and decided to describe what "IT"is.
Give thanks , and here you are explaining how to get away from it.
A beautiful piece Michael.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on February 11, 2012:
I see that people are experiencing this type of thing lately and in unbelief that it can happen. We hear of this from cultures like in Haiti and those with a demonic lifestyle but it is unexpected here in America a Christian nation. My thought is we are not just in the last days but the VERY last days and Satan is out in all his force to discredit and deceive as the Bible says the very elect, I believe this will occur more and more until we see the return of Jesus for His people in the rapture. We need to be on guard for Christ!
Karen on February 10, 2012:
Hello, Michael - So glad to hear of your victories with Jesus! Seems like a lot of us are having similar experiences! I have had several encounters with bad spirits and each time they had to leave when the mighty name of Jesus was spoken. I also have been having many disturbing dreams that have come true, warnings, which reminds me of the prophesy told in the Bible about God's people would be having dreams and visions in the last days before His coming! God bless you!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on August 05, 2011:
Thanks again for your reply no he didn't get a steak but did get cheese after we went and got a paper in the morning. ( I take him to get a newspaper and he carries it in and gives it to my wife and he gets a piece of cheese so he had 2 pieces that morning)
Jo_Goldsmith11 on August 05, 2011:
A-men! I am glad you trusted in God and he saved you! Did you give your dog a steak? voted up! awesome/beautiful
Judah's Daughter from Roseville, CA on April 17, 2011:
Yes, our salvation is faith in Christ; He does the rebuking and the fighting for us (which is really no 'fight' at all, when faith is present) ~ demons flee! (Zech 3:2; Jude 1:9 and 1 Pet 5:9; James 4:7) Hallelujah!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on April 17, 2011:
Yes God is so faithful, praise His name, and He delivers. I believe my experience was sort of His way of saying HE delivers and not us. Thanks so much for the testimony.
Judah's Daughter from Roseville, CA on April 17, 2011:
Yes, and AMEN! Years ago, when I prayed that God remove anything that was keeping me from knowing Him fully, I too went through a 'dream', which was certainly a deliverance from those forces hindering my relationship with Christ.
I won't go into all the details, but I will share what the experience with demons was and how the Lord brought me through. In the dream, there were six or seven demons that would invade my head and cause a great internal pressure (it felt like my head would explode). I clenched my teeth, which is the natural, human response. They would then exit my head where I could hear them screech and laugh. They would then enter my head again and I would clench my teeth. After about three or four times, my heart cried out to God. He identified them and said, "This is Satan. Use scripture."
I said, "Get thee behind me, Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ!" It didn't work. They kept coming in and out of my head and I got to the point of my cheek muscles shaking, as I could no longer clench my teeth. I was too weak. The demons screeched, "Make her speak; make her speak!" My jaw dropped open and out came the most horrible roar. I was terribly scared and helpless. I felt like a gonner. My heart cried out to the Lord again.
The Lord then asked me, "Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose from the dead on the third day?" It's as though the eyes of my mind looked into my heart and I had to really KNOW whether my 'faith' was mere head knowledge or real FAITH. I knew I had real faith! I answerd the Lord, "Yes, I believe." He then said, "Now, say the scriptures with that FAITH." I said those words once more and those demons left, never to return.
I, too was incredibly exhausted and as I awoke and wanted so much to tell my husband what had just happened; I couldn't. I had to go to sleep. It wasn't a remaining presence, as you had, but it was nonethess a very real, faith-building experience. I was set free!! God is so faithful!!!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on March 05, 2011:
Thanks fore the wonderful comment SKYE glad it helped you through your day
skye2day from Rocky Mountains on March 01, 2011:
Brother, Blessings in His name Jesus Christ. What a story. The Name of Jesus is above all names Praise God.
I picked this hub because I have been having a bit of turmoil inside. I believe I was jumping ahead of Jesus tying to fit the square peg in the round hole. In my zeal I need to rest in Him and not jump ahead. The enemy tried to use this to catch me off guard. He can take a hike off the hill He is doomed and knows it. I was in turmoil for two days and this am I had a revelation. 'DO not let your heart be troubled' so for me it is like stop letting your heart be troubled Gods timing is perfect. It is so simple but I can trip. I thank God He is God on the throne.
Your story is so powerful what a beautiful testimony for the Name above all others Jesus Christ. I pray this many are led to your pages. I am so grateful I was here led to read today. I just love ya brother In Christ. Many Blessing to you and yours. Keep on brother, riding those wings of the eagle. You are so special in Christ and to many. Hugs.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on January 01, 2011:
Blessed Hill, Yes we do have the victory thanks for stopping in, glad to know this was inspiring.
Blessed Hill on January 01, 2011:
It is so awesome to see so many brothers and sisters in Christ walking in the overcoming power of the name of Jesus Christ. Michael you have inspired me to write about one (or more) of my own experiences. Keep an eye out for it (them).
One thing me and the devil agree on: I hate the devil and the devil hates, but I (we) already have the victory. Hallelujah!!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on December 07, 2010:
Carrieg,But the key to deliverance is...Knowing who you are in Christ Jesus. What a great statement thank you for the comment
Carrie Garcia from Utah on November 11, 2010:
Hi Michael Adams, I enjoyed reading this post, thank you for being opend to the rest of the world about this subject. In my younger days (child)I would have bad dreams and see shadows in my room at night, and being touch to wake me up(long story) I will have to post my testamony soon about that. I know all to well how real the spiritual realm is. Do animals sence the spirit realm? absolutly. I have several storys on that also..I am in the deliverance minstry and have prayed with demon possessed ppl and have seen God's glory and goodness set them free. I would like to add that we as christian don't need to fear demons, You may think me crazy but I believe in the scriptures and the scriptures say Luke 9:1-2
1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and Mark 16:17, 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;
But the key to deliverance is...Knowing who you are in Christ Jesus. Knowing and believing in that authority. And knowing the demons are subject to you...not you to them. But I do know that not everyone has the calling for a deliverance minisrty and if not just remember the name of Jesus. I agree with Pastor Rick, we need to focus on God and what his words tell us, But I also believe we need to be awear of Satans attacks. I will tell my story soon and how I got into the deliverance minisrty. I hope you will read it.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on November 02, 2010:
Am-Cho, thanks for the comment. My Springer is such a blessing. He is the smartest dog I have ever had. Glad this is helpful!
Ken Kline from USA on November 01, 2010:
Dogs I feel are one of the closest things we have in this world to a small window on God's love. God's love is unconditional. Us - humans, oh, how we add conditions and the gulfs we create in relationships - so sad.
Very helpful - extremely beautiful! Very well stated. Great Hub!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on July 06, 2010:
Thank you pastella, and thanks about my dog he is a joy
pastella13 on July 06, 2010:
What an awesome hub. It seems you're not alone with the experience you had. Good and evil are all around us.I too, will be carrying with me the prayer you used.
Our pets do sense things, I have absolute faith in that.
What a beautiful dog you have. God Bless You.
heavenbound5511 from Under the shadow of the Almighty God! on June 28, 2010:
Hi Michael! You are right animals sense the presence of evil spirits & respond like an intruder just came in.
We were sleeping one night & my house guest/ friend woke up because his service dog "Randy" a rot started growling up in the window next to his bed.
He sat up & looked out in the back yard & there was a evil spirit of a man with sunk in eyes wearing a old looking suit. It was the spirit of death. He told it to leave in Jesus name & it left.
I had been already warned about the spirit of death trying to attack the church with in that week. So when he told me I wasn't shocked.
So this happened with my dog one night also & I woke up & the holy spirit told me cast the spirit of death out & I did & my dog and went back to sleep. Dogs also since darkness on people.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on June 17, 2010:
thanks vogue, I appreciate the kind words, I try to be ever mindful of scripture sometimes I fail but keeping an eye on Jesus gives us victory
vogue4us from USA on June 17, 2010:
This story shows that you are true disciple of Jesus. If you remember to say your scripture verses in your dream, it's an indication that the word of God is carved into the tablet of your heart.
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets but on tablets of human hearts." - 2 Corinthians 3:3
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on June 15, 2010:
the power of Jesus, just the mention of the name, wow!
Sky321 from Canada on June 15, 2010:
Hi, I've had similiar experiences. Thankfully, the name of Jesus is so powerful.
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on June 14, 2010:
Brenda, I stand amazed at the awesome power of The risen Christ and His Word.
Brenda Durham on June 14, 2010:
Thanks for this hub!
I've had dreams that were dreams and a few that I term "visions". Yes the spiritual/Spiritual world is real, and almost tangible sometimes.
Isn't the power of God and His words awesome??! Amen--trusting in our risen Savior is where our only power comes from!
brotheryochanan on May 29, 2010:
I sleep really well, thanks. Before i was saved i never used to dream at all. years went by, notta single dream. I can only recall two dreams and they were when i was young and youngish. Since being saved, i dream all the time, i almost remember some of them, portions, not the whole dream, but i am never bothered in my dreams or by my dreams. Often I wake up and laugh out loud at the humor of my dream. Startles my cats, lol. I enjoy a good guffaw first thing in the morning. :)
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on May 24, 2010:
cjv once again thanks for the kind words, yes it is by Christ Jesus we have victory over satan and all his wicked ways.
Carol from Michigan on May 23, 2010:
Michael - I believe your experience and I know some scientists claim this is some sort of waking "state" the mind is in - but I - like you - knew absolutely i was not dreaming.
I had been witnessing to a young soldier on-line who was being lured into a cult. The Holy Spirit was working in him and I could tell he was beginning to believe the Word of God rather than the person who was leading him to their cult and cult teachings.
Right after this "breakthrough" I went to sleep and woke up face down on the bed, paralyzed. I tried to lift my head, but could not. Then I too was being pushed into the bed, face first. My whole body was being pushed. I could not move, I could not cry out. I was only able - in my MIND to say "JESUS JESUS JESUS" three times like a command. And instantly it stopped and the presence pushing me went away. I wasn't afraid, I knew what it was because I knew my witnessing to that young man was stirring up evil spirits - they did not want to let him go. I was grateful the Lord kept me from being fearful - but still - I will never forget the experience.
I'm absolutely certain you dog sensed the spiritual wickedness that tried to frighten you - I believe it totally.
You are courageous to put yourself out here like you have - and boldly write about the things you do. Good for you! Good for JESUS!
Isaiah Michael (author) from Wherever God leads us. on May 17, 2010:
Enlydia Listener it is a spiritual force at least with me, as I said I did wake up completely and could not move
Enlydia Listener from trailer in the country on May 13, 2010:
similar experience happened to my husband and son...people sometimes call it sleep paralysis...but I do think it is a spiritual force
Dave Mathews from NORTH YORK,ONTARIO,CANADA on May 11, 2010:
Thanks be to God you remembered some scripture as well as to rebuke in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. No demon can stand up to Jesus, for He has total dominion over each and everyone of satan's followers, including satan himself.
jerami from Houston tx on May 10, 2010:
Good hub Welcome to HP Scarry story. I can believe it.
I have never had these kind of nightmares.
I use to consistently dream dreams of a precognitive nature. having lots and lots of Dejavu moments through out life.And remembering the dream just before the events were unfolded.
Sometimes I would avoid the forewarned conclusion, and sometimes couldn't do a thing about them. A few vivid dreams have never happened?? Just don't know?
AshBeeZo on May 03, 2010:
WOW!!! I can honestly say I had the same thing happen to me in 2007.. I had all of a sudden fallen asleep in my home and the same dark force came over me,but I was so in the world I didn't know to recite any body was very stiff as if it was a corpse.I fought it because I told it "NO" with my mind,I couldn't move at all,Once it left.I was terrified,I couldn't sleep for months until my friend's mother prayed for me and that night on it was released. The enemy try to distort our faith in God and his power. he tries to confuse Us by attacking Us in different ways to make Us believe He can over power God...God has really delievered me from allot of things that were over clouding my life.
tadams58 on April 28, 2010:
I agree with Pastor Kirk. Sometimes we unknowingly invite demons into our life. We need to stay focused on God and let HIM lead us! When you do that, you are truly safe.
salt from australia on April 28, 2010:
great prayer, thankyou, I have been sensing something like a gravestone around my head and a dream yesterday with a tank in it.. then someone rang and I realized the tank was a symbol of their battle. I am ever grateful of uplifing thoughts and prayers and thankful.
JPowers83 on April 28, 2010:
I remember when mom told me about this! I was amazed AND scared. I wrote down the prayer you said and have carried it in my wallet ever since. (you just never know) Didn't Murray also give you kisses when the "evil" left? It truly was amazing how he knew what was going on and even through all the growling he did, mom never woke up...
Pastor Kirk on April 27, 2010:
I do not doubt your experience nor your explanation of it -and I applaud the solution. I have had multiple situations of working through this with individuals I have had contact with. Satan is real. Demons are just as active today as in those of old. Our modern sophistication has not diluted their power.
I would like to make one observation. The direction of your study in many ways opened you up to this attack. I continue to direct people away from any systematic study of the evil one. It is always better for us to focus on truths of God, salvation, etc. and visit demonology, etc as an aside to these far more valuable studies. It is not out of fear of satan I say this; but it from an understanding that we should meditate on things that are noble, just, good, etc. (Phil 4). Opening your thought patterns to this information in a focused manner can be an invitation to just such oppression.