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Planets: the Sun - the Principle of the Will

Sun symbol

Sun symbol

What is will?

The Sun represents the principle of the will. However, the question of what the personal will is and what is dictated by the influence of others, yet subjectively experienced as the personal will, is not a simple one. We can demonstrate initiative being under the influence of other people as well as social conditions. Astrologically, will can signify some desire that emerged from subconsciousness, thus referring to the emotional domain of the Moon or Venus. Will can also signify intention and refer to the Sun. The Sun influences us when we say "I will" meaning our intention to do something. But this initiative can be the result of circumstances that make us behave this way.

It is important to distinguish the principle of the will from that of action and energy revelation, provided by Mars. The Sun initiative may not reveal itself in any way. But then, the person is not able to develop his or her personality.

The actions of the person on this level are dictated from outside

The actions of the person on this level are dictated from outside

Mastering of the Sun

One's personal evolution depends a lot on understanding of the principles of the Sun.

On the first level of mastering of the Sun we perceive ourselves as one whole thing and cannot differentiate our Sun will from our Moon will. We cannot perceive our psyche. We are not able to highlight our own initiatives in life. On this level we are marionettes of our karma and subconsciousness. We are not aware of what we do.


On the second level of mastering of the will principle, we can tell different kinds of influences. We distinguish the Moon will and the Sun will. We are able to put an accent on certain initiatives in our lives. This helps us approach the question of our place in this world in a more conscious way. Also, we face the problem of the proper behaviour in certain situations of our life, because we can partially control our will and restrain some of our needs if they contradict our intentions. This way, we balance the Moon and the Sun principles. However the external influence is still very strong.

On the third level of mastering of the Sun, we are usually very happy that we fulfil the will that is dictated from outside

On the third level of mastering of the Sun, we are usually very happy that we fulfil the will that is dictated from outside

On the third level of mastering of the Sun we become aware of our lower and higher motivations and we are able to interpret them psychologically. At least, we can feel them. We are also able to interpret them religiously.

We can choose the place where we work and where we serve contributing to universal evolution. Above that, we can distinguish the acts of will dictated from outside: and we are usually proud when we can be initiative.

We believe that we fulfil God's will.

On the fourth level of mastering of the Sun we are able to foresee the consequences of our deeds. We start to understand the principles of karma.

On the fourth level of mastering of the Sun principle we direct our attention to a problem thus influencing it

On the fourth level of mastering of the Sun principle we direct our attention to a problem thus influencing it

We begin to master our subconscious mind. We become powerful enough. Alongside with that, we are more sensitive as to the exactitude and subtlety of our own initiatives. At some moment, the quality of our willful actions changes. In fact, our actions become more and more actions of pure attention. The choice that we then have is the choice of our attention's direction.

Thus, the mastering of the Sun is closely linked to the growth of the personal freedom of will, which is only an illusion on the lowest levels and which becomes more and more real as we evolve. Then, we participate creatively in the evolution of the Universe.

 The levels of power of a person are interrelated and are defined, in many ways, by one's vision of oneself and the world.

The levels of power of a person are interrelated and are defined, in many ways, by one's vision of oneself and the world.

Inner life of a person is invisible and the vision of the external world is illusionary.

Inner life of a person is invisible and the vision of the external world is illusionary.

On the second level of mastering of power we get some control over ourselves.

On the second level of mastering of power we get some control over ourselves.

The power and the will

The Sun principle of the will naturally leads to the principle of the power. The power should be understood in two ways: power over others and power, control of oneself. The levels of power of a person are interrelated and are defined, in many ways, by one's vision of oneself and the world. This vision is also narrowly related to the emotional level. There are four levels of power that we acquire as we evolve and that are related to our mastering of the Sun.

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On the first level we are slaves of our desires. The level of self-control is really very low and the idea of any subconscious motivations of one's impulses is totally absent. Accordingly, the power that such a person can execute is very small, because one cannot take any serious decisions. Such people are not able to resist the chaotic movement of their subconsciousness that will most certainly bring them away from any conscious course. These people are totally controlled from outside and do not take any serious karmic responsibilities. Inner life of a person is invisible and the vision of the external world is illusionary.

On the second level of mastering of power we get some control over ourselves. In the first place, the most odious subconscious programs are subdued. Thanks to this, we can set goals and perform complicated programs that last in time, the execution of which gives new possibilities of creation and gives a mystical feeling of having power over this world. Very often, the hierarchic position changes. We are able to separate egoistic inner programs from the external goal which is perceived as a kind of destiny. We start to have an intuitive feeling that some of our actions are required to fulfil a certain mission, maybe difficult at times.

On the third level of mastering of the power principle, we become aware of what power is. We begin to realize that our psyche is real, and that in its complexity the lower programs are necessary for the functioning of the higher programs. When it comes to the goals and ideals, they are not real ones but certain stages on the way to the general evolution of the society.

Gradually we become aware of the power of thought

Gradually we become aware of the power of thought

We realize that we are surrounded by multitude of external influences and karmic programs. We can also try to generate our own ideals and goals. We get the hit of the power that we can incarnate. Alongside with that, we start to be aware of the connexion between our inner reality and the external world, thus we get the keys to control the external reality through inner work. Gradually, the idea of magical power of thought is formed.

We can get the magical power over other people

We can get the magical power over other people

On the fourth level of mastering of the power principle we get access to the depths of subconsciousness and we begin to understand the interlacing of the karmic programs that surround us. On this level we are able to perceive the principle "knowledge is power", or rather, authority, because being able to see the structures of subconsciousness and karma allows us to bring significant changes on both subtle and physical levels. In so doing we apply insignificant efforts. In other words, we get the magical power to interfere into the life of other people, groups of people and we can also change subtle structures. However, the back blows of karma strike us much harder in case we are inattentive.

Leo and Aries: the Sun signs

Leo and Aries: the Sun signs

The Sun signs

The Sun rules Leo sign: the will manages energy and represents the source of the force. Supremacy in Leo gives to the Sun the direct influence on the surroundings. When the Sun is strong, it is difficult to resist the will of the person. Leo also makes the Sun stable, even if there are obstacles inside and outside.

The Sun culminates in Aries: this means that developing of the Sun principle gives to a person new possibilities that require mastering and awareness. One has to learn how to manage them from zero. Otherwise, the energy quickly disappears. Managing of powerful forces requires a lot of attention, subtlety and flexibility.

The Sun person

The Sun person

The Sun person

The Sun person, whose Sun is stronger than other planets, is distinguished by authority. When a child, this person is already very authoritative, respective towards people of power and probably studies biographies of powerful people hoping to become like them one day. This ambition does not stay unnoticed. Even if this person does not attain any high social position, the others feel the inner force and treat this person respectfully. At the same time, the Sun is the planet of exterior revelation, and all the activity of a person is related to practical tasks in the exterior life. Even if the Sun is placed in a water sign, and the person works as psychiatrist, then the efforts will be directed at bringing the patient back to social life, while inner changes in the patient's psyche may stay neglected.

The life of the Sun person can be scheduled with minute's exactitude. Anyways, such a person always participates in very rough karmic programs. In case of lower evolutionary levels, this person would feel like always being the victim of the circumstances. And if the person is evolved enough, then this can be a rather rough dictator, even if it is a writer or a psychologist. You either will follow this person or you will leave. No compromise is possible...

The situation of the Sun is, for example, an arrested person in prison

The situation of the Sun is, for example, an arrested person in prison

Kingdom of the Sun

The situation of the Sun has this specialty that its participants are under circumstances that seem to be very oppresive. These circumstances make them act this or that way. There seems to be no choice, but it is not really so. Accents are placed and attitude is adopted by the person.

The situation of the Sun of the lowest octave is presented by the war theater. Other examples are: an arrested person in prison, an accused at the court, a student at a desk. Situations of higher octaves are related to the pressure that is applied to people not only externally but also from inside. Then people feel inspired and share their inspiration with others. The surrounding people may fall under this hypnosis and start to behave in an unusual way. Also, the group situation of the Sun reveals itself in a very colorful way. If a scandal is destined to take place, then it will. Someone will start the quarrel and others will make it big.

Sun situations of the higher level are very difficult to describe, but we can feel that even though nothing changes materially, our time becomes very filled with events and we may guess that everything that happens to us is not a matter of chance. Anyways, we have a strong feeling of responsiblity for everything that we do.

The choice between good and evil in case of wounded Sun is very critical

The choice between good and evil in case of wounded Sun is very critical

Weak, Harmonious and Wounded Sun

Weak Sun means that the person does not have to take part in serious karmic programs, but feels free to choose whether to participate or not. If the one participates, the role of this person is not so important. Also, weak Sun means more freedom of choice when it comes to personal destiny and creativity. But, again, the pressure from outside is low. Still, if the person is evolved enough, then he or she does not need to be pushed towards collaboration with Cosmic and karmic energies on the path of spirituality.

Harmonious Sun makes one favorite of the bosses, subordinates and life treats this person in a very mild way, creating a lot of lucky situations. The Sun is quite a firm planet, so there is no threat of passivity of a person with harmonious Sun. However, if circumstances are hard, this person will rather wait when the trouble ends.

Harmonious Sun can give huge creative abilities that are realized during the whole life. When this person is interested in something, then his or her activity is full of talent and skill, and even divine presence.

Wounded Sun means destiny's great trust towards the person. Actually, this person is included in a rough and disharmonious karmic program and is expected, on the one hand, not to get offended, and, on the other, understand this program and make it more harmonious. This means trouble and problems starting from childhood, absence of a father or a fatherly figure. One of the possible results can be bitterness towards life. Another variant is when the person tries to resist the cruel destiny by juxtaposing kindness and softness to roughness and by paying good for evil. Furthermore, working hard, this person may understand that in any difficult situation a certain kind of behaviour is required and though the personal will is different from this requirement, it's good to find some rational grain. This person needs to learn how to control the unnecessary initiatives and how to make them more adequate. To do so, it is important to evaluate the situation from an objective point of view, to become impersonal, which is quite difficult considering the ambition of wounded Sun.


Anna Sidorova (author) from Russia on June 14, 2012:

Angela, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate.

Angela Brummer from Lincoln, Nebraska on June 14, 2012:

Really beautiful hub I will share this!

Anna Sidorova (author) from Russia on June 09, 2012:

sandrabusby, you are very welcome! The Sun is such an important planet. Thanks for the feedback.

Sandra Busby from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA on June 09, 2012:

Thanks, avorodisa, for such a comprehensive, well-written description of the Sun in astrological terms. I enjoyed it very much.

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