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How to Tell Real Astrologers From Fakes

Don't waste your money on fake astrologers. To get the best results, know what to look for and research your choice of astrologer before spending any money. Here are ways to gauge who is probably fake and who is worth your time and money.

What Are the Differences Between Real and Fake Astrologers?

  • Real astrologers do not claim also to be psychics and mediums. Astrology is learned. It is not "psychic," nor can it contact the dead.
  • An online astrologer who always goes by just one name is fake. "Celeste" is fake. "Mary" and "Padre" are fake.
  • A fake will tell you about "your stars." A real astrologer will tell you about "your planets."
  • Real astrologers doing real readings will ask for your birth time, date, and place. They also need a birth date, time, and place for anyone you are asking about, such as a spouse. They will tell you truthfully that they can't give you accurate information without these facts.
  • A real astrologer will tell you that sun-sign astrology is very simplified astrology, and that accurate horoscopes are custom-made for individuals and are much more involved.

It's Best to Meet Your Astrologer in Person

If you can make an appointment with and meet an astrologer in person, he or she is probably a genuine practitioner. If the meeting will be online, ask first for the astrologer's references, or to see a certificate (proof the astrologer has taken a standardized test or graduated from an astrology course). Note: Many astrologers are self-taught or have studied with experienced teachers, but might not have taken the tests. Real ones will still give you references. Here is a link to the American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) list of their certified professional astrologers. You will notice there are relatively few.

It is not easy to become an astrologer! The tests for certification are extremely demanding: No computer calculations are allowed, and the candidate might have to travel cross-country to the few cities where supervised tests are given once or twice a year. Legitimate certification tests are also given by the organizations NCGR, ISAR and Kepler College. But an astrologer with good local references is probably fine.

"Intuitive" or "psychic" astrologers might not be lying when they say they think they can "intuit" or use psychic power to "do astrology," but real astrology is never a matter of intuition or psychic power; it's about math and skill.

  • A real astrologer will be glad to give you references.
  • A real astrologer will give you his or her contact information.
  • A real astrologer will never tell you what you "must" do, or that you are "cursed," or that your fate is "written in the stars." It's not.
  • A real astrologer or Tarot reader does not have an offer online for a free introductory reading.
  • A real professional astrologer charges money and will not cut the price.
  • A real professional astrologer does not try to lure you back for more readings with phone calls or by sending tons of emails or texts.
  • A real astrologer does not say your one big chance for love or money is coming up in the next few weeks.
  • A real astrologer does not sell clients "magic" or lucky coins, "healing" crystals, amulets, and so on.

Appropriate Behavior and Rates

  • A horoscope reading cannot solve your personal problems. If your situation is overwhelming, or involves bodily harm, a real astrologer will refer you to counseling or other resources.
  • An astrologer who has been in business only a short time, or is very young, might be the real thing but might not be experienced at interpreting charts for clients.
  • An astrologer who pushes you hard to buy a reading, or sends repeat e-mails, or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, is probably fake.
  • An "astrologer to the rich and famous" is a fake. If his clientele was really the rich and famous, he would be making a good living and not needing to advertise.
  • A real astrologer will take at least a day or two, or even longer, to create your chart and study it before setting up a meeting to interpret it for you and answer your questions.
  • A real astrologer prefers not to give readings over the phone, although sometimes it can't be helped.
  • A real astrologer will give you an hour or a half-hour in which to discuss and answer your questions about your horoscope.
  • A real astrologer charges professional rates for consultations. $100 per hour is about right; some charge as much as $200. Remember that they have worked on your chart and its interpretation before meeting with you. If they are real astrologers, you will not have to have this same reading done over again.
  • Real astrologers often record the session for you, or will let you record the session.
  • Today's astrologers commonly use computers to calculate astrological charts, but proper chart interpretation can be done only by a human astrologer. It's like your doctor: She gets the results of your lab tests, but she has been specially educated as to how to interpret what the numbers mean for you.
  • No real astrologer will ever tell you that horoscopes are "spooky," "shocking," or "scary." Real astrologers don't want to scare people. They want to help people.
  • An astrologer who says you have a terrible chart and there's no hope for your business, love life, or whatever, is fake or very sick in the head; even more so if he suggests your future success depends on buying more readings.
  • A husband and wife team, or parent and child team ("I can't meet you Thursday, but Bob can") who claim that they are both mediums/psychics, is fake.
  • A real astrologer will not be so specific as to say, "You will meet a tall dark stranger," or "Yes, he is having an affair with your best friend," or "You will lose your job in two weeks, then go work at Walmart." They will talk about planetary conditions and likelihoods, saying something like, "Saturn is entering your tenth house, and for the next two years job or career matters may be challenging. It may be help you in this area of your life to become serious and organized."
  • No real astrologer will speculate about your lifespan.
  • A real astrologer cannot tell you the exact date, time, and place you will meet your "soulmate," or what his name is, and what he will look like. To answer those questions, you really need a fake.

Sylvia does not select or endorse the ads that might appear on this website.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

© 2010 Sylvia Sky


Caryblake on February 02, 2020:

What about Cynthia aka The Psychic One? I've had several online readings from her over the years and I'm still unsure what I think about her accuracy. Do you have any info or opinions on her?

Tyreesha A Wilson on August 17, 2019:

I got a reading from Cecilia and it seemed like an accurate one but I'm seeing on here that shes a fake?? Is this really true because the information was accurate?

Kris1234 on August 05, 2019:

I did forget to mention in my message that I was also offered her free books as well with my purchase. I just wanted to write back and confirm this. I am completely positive she is posing as 2 different people both with the same first name of Dawn but one as Dawn Anne that is almost impossible to find from, and Dawn DelVecchio whose pictures totally resemble the one that Dawn Anne sends in her emails. I’m so sorry I cannot add it to this link. I do not trust at all.

Kris1234 on August 05, 2019:

Wonderful article thank you so much!

I am going to comment to L76’s post actually which is pretty funny that we’ve both found the same article only my writer is Dawn Anne with astrology

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She includes a picture with her free mini reading that she gives you requesting payment that she continually discounts emailing you constantly. It’s everything listed in this helpful article thank you. Funny though I cannot seem to find any listings for a Dawn Anne anywhere as a astrologer anywhere, but when I found Dawn DelVecchio which did come up as well for some strange reason she resembles this exact same woman!! I cannot upload the photo from my computer but I can clarify this is her and she’s using both names so be careful everyone if you are contacted by either. I did not pay her of course because the emails are non stop and she kept reducing the price. It stopped and now she’s back again so I will block it. I obviously do not trust at all now if this is coming from there and they allow this to happen. What a shame people exist out there like this to get money from anyone when it isn’t legit.

Thank you Sylvia, it’s wonderful honest people like you that bring awareness out there and help to ones that do not know.

maaria77 on July 23, 2019:

Hey, all of you keep telling me that Cecilia is fake. However, I have bought two tarot readings from her, and I have never been more satisfied! I have received answers that no-one could have known, not me myself, not Cecilia before the readings. Despite Cecilia has noticed on her messages or web page that she does not answer medical issues/questions, because she is not doctor, I still asked tarot cards twice about my 2 different medical issues, without telling that to Cecilia, and the answers seemed to be true after my doctor s tests :) So I trust Cecilia very much. Let s see what answers I will get in the future.

Tee Barron on July 17, 2019:

Hi, loving your page.

I saw where someone asked about Sophia Loren, Tarot and Prophet.

I couldn't find anything about her good or bad. The question asked to you didn't receive an answer, or if it did it went right by me. Can you please elaborate on Sophia Loren; real or fake... Thank you

L76 on July 08, 2019:

Nice article that's explained well, thank you. I was looking for something like this and glad I came across it. Recently, I saw an ad for a reading online and thought it would be fun to 'try' - done by a Dawn DelVecchio (name ring any bells to anyone here?). After the reading I was given a 'special' offer to receive her books digitally for free. Long story short, I took my Email off their list anyway. I know a professional astrologer usually charages you for consultation, but after reading this article it pretty much cleared up any doubts. Just good to know more about astrologers and how they conduct their readings.

Carmen024 on May 13, 2019:

I found you because, as a reader i have been accused of cold reading. This is the practice of giving such a generic reading it applies to literally everyone. I was aww on one of these emails i got. For 10 seconds. Far out they know how to hook, so many hooks- ans they probably have a bit of NLP in there. And whats with making someone feel special? So urgent. It is so cruel becsuse people who would want that information would be feeling a need for it and likely not the money to afford it.

While learning tarot i considered offering free readings, or those for donation but gee you quickly learn that people will abuse you so much in return for that freebie. Plus you would get absolutely swamped with requests. You never offer for free. At least not online. Maybe if you are at a local shop oen day a month and say to people i need experience. I learnt about nasty people through biddytarot freetarot readings, when you are learning these people exchange feedback for readings. But even when knowing you are learning you will get ppl who dont bother with feedback, or give something stupid, or complain because... things they expect what they expect and didnt know what a tarot reading can and can not do.

Nicola Fraser on March 22, 2019:

Syakirah I received the same reading as you from cecilia I receive them everyday she always wants payments of £29

I also receive emails from one of padres side kicks an old women with white hair keeps telling me I’m going to win a lot of money but have to pay her first I emailed her back to tell her if she was interested in helping people who she knows has nothing and is penniless why not help those people make there lives better

Then a couple of days ago I received an email from her telling me that she had the lost talisman of sulieman the magnificent that makes people rich and she traveled the world to get it but it also made king Louis the fourteenth rich in Versailles and the last person to have it before her was Rockefeller before a friend brought it to her hmmmm I studied the ottomans I know the only rare peice of jewellery sulieman the magnificent was a gold ring passed down from his father sultan selim but this astrologer reckons she now has five talismans but there’s only one left for me that will make me as rich lol

If she has the talisman she wouldn’t be trying to sell astrology readings for rip off prices because she would be loaded in her bank

After digging a little deeper about padre and his side kick they are based in Hong Kong and the address is a private mail box where a young Chinese girl goes weekly to collect her mail

And all payments that get paid to her go into a Spanish bank account

And when people make payments to her she then ignores them and people don’t get refunded

As a psychic in training my self I had a message from my higher self telling me the small team they use are loaded with money they have the very best of clothing high end Hermes handbags Louis Vuitton clothes and handbags and they carry and wear the very best of stuff. A vision I had showed me a young girl very pretty in her 20s with long straight her: she wasn’t the old women she perceives to be so I would like anyone who reads this under no circumstances give them your bank details or your PayPal address you will be ripped off and won’t be refunded

They send out the same computerised astrology readings to everyone you will only be disappointed

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on March 08, 2019:

All "free introductory readings" are computerized, with only your name slotted in, and fake. They say that if you pay them, they will reveal more, of very great importance to you. No real psychic or astrologer withholds important information in order to try to gouge you. Also please see the sites' "Terms and Conditions" pages. On those pages every one of these sites confesses they are "for entertainment only." Not real. I am surprised you are fooled.

Kyruusko777 on February 25, 2019:

So uh Sylvia you mean to tell me that Mary ATOLL, Padre, Christin are all fake? wow and here I thought they were here to help out but luckily I wasn't too quick on buying their forecasts well I bought some of Mary's with some left over money no biggie right? I usually buy her character analysis readings something that relates to me and it's uplifting y'know I love reading kind things about myself it's encouraging but I try not to get anything more than that but I've noticed for some reason she's been constantly emailing me all of a sudden and begging me to buy like my life depents on it

now with Padre I didn't know too much about him I just got him and I was tempting to buy his reading on my guardian angel with his spiritual angelic ritual he says my angel Nathael has spoken to him on my good fortune thats suppose to come and that I've been in this karmic dept in my life for sometime now and that I didn't deserve to be in it and Christin she tells me about good fortune with money that's suppose to come my way I never really looked into her as much I'll post you some readings from Mary if you like Sylvia and give me you thoughts on it is she real

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 22, 2019:


Tania Mark on January 21, 2019:

Hey there Sylvia Sky. I received an email from I would like to know if she is fake. I feel that she is after reading your write up about only having one name. Would love to know please and thank you :)

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 01, 2019:

Syakirah, everyone receives this exact same letter with only a name change and different Sun sign according to the birthday. It's all computerized. Try it; put in another email and birthdate and see.

Syakirah Nasser on December 31, 2018:

This is my free reading. What do u guys think of this astrologer

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 30, 2018:

Stella, simply google "2019" plus your Sun sign. You will find several readings just as good or better than "Mary," and just as free.

Stella Ofogba on December 27, 2018:

I came in contact with Mary, now I know she is fake. But I really want to get true readings,especially for the year do I go about it? Please Sylvia

Scarlet Ang on November 04, 2018:

Hi Sylvia, do you know about astroteam? Is it trustworthy?

Rebecca Miner on August 20, 2018:

Cedric Grant Bouchard is a total fraud and fake, he uses the internet for sending countless email blasts until you give in and buy a reading with your credit card. He doesn’t deliver results and has no intention of doing so. Beware! He is out for money to make from the internet which is no place for a psychic that has decent human morals and ethics

Adebusoyetoyin on April 21, 2018:

Is astromary fake?

IslandDiva on April 19, 2018:

Hi Sylvia, do you have any information about Sophia Loren? The Tarot Prophet? She offered a "free reading." I must admit it was pretty accurate. Then, of course I got the typical email encouraging me to get an in depth reading and the price is only 19.00. I entered her name looking to see if she was a fraud or has scammed others but I did not find anything either positive or negative about her.

Nicholas De Smet on March 07, 2018:

Glad I looked into the reviews about the same people your all. Discussing! Thanks JD for the heads up and will be looking for true professionals . Thanks

Christine Brough on January 22, 2018:

Thank you so much Sylvia!

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 20, 2018:

Dear Christine, I couldn't find yearly readings on that site, but I did look at the dailies, and when they said the Moon was in Pisces, for example, that was a fact. The mini-reports, however, are generic, cleverly written so as to apply to 80 percent of the population. The site probably gets hundreds of requests per day for free mini-reports. The staff couldn't possibly customize each mini-report for each asker. And Adrian Ross Duncan told me himself in an email that AstrologyAnswers simply pays him to use his name. He did not write the horoscopes nor the emails that arrive "signed" by him.

Christine Brough on January 18, 2018:


Are the daily and yearly readings on that using Adrian Duncan's name accurate at least? I got the free mini report which you said is NOT accurate even though to me is was pretty spot on. I would be THRILLED if you said that the daily and yearly readings are not correct either. They tend to be similar to my Chinese Zodiac Horoscope (if I am even referring to that correctly, I apologize if I am not).

Charlie Fagiollo on December 04, 2017:

Hi Sylvia, very nice work for us who are in search for legit Astrologers, thank you for that!

I leave in peru and i havn´t been able to find a ¨confirmed¨ astrologer around here, would it be possible for you to somehow suggest one online? I know you have said that you don't recommend to search online astrologers but for some of us who have no choice it would be a great alternative, thank you, best regards!

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on November 25, 2017:

Shorty209: Fake and fake.

shorty209 on November 25, 2017:

Is Cédric Grant Bouchard legit or not? Is psychic txt legit as well?

Chiara123 on November 12, 2017:

Hi Sylvia and all, do you have any experience with Cedric Grant Bouchard's reports/any other services? Thanks!

Dale Bajorinaite on October 18, 2017:

Kirsten Dee, can you please forward me the details of the Chinese astrologer? Thank you!

Jesse Yali on October 11, 2017:

astro mary..calls herself she real or fake?

SissySueSue on October 02, 2017:

I wanted to find out more info on Extraordinary Chris, is there any new info?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on September 14, 2017:

Jessica, the article includes a link to a national astrologers' association listing certified professional astrologers who have passed intensive testing.

They will, however, ask for payment for their services. Any online fortuneteller offering free introductory readings is a fake.

All astrologers will say, though, that you have a very large part in determining your own future.

Jessica idahosa on September 04, 2017:

Please how can I get a good astrology who can tell me about my love life and what the future hold for me, can anyone help

Drsruthi Thomas on July 20, 2017:

Does the site exeptional fake.he calls himself a psychic..please reply

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on July 20, 2017:

That is correct.

Cathy Knight on July 20, 2017:

Amazing RON SAID I WAS CURSED....and for £30:00 Sale Price Istead of £70:00 he will Correct the Situation .....!!!!

PaigeM123 on July 20, 2017:

Is Cedric Grant Bouchard legit or fake?

Donna Rose24 on July 05, 2017:

Hello so your saying if we sent 29.95 to Cedric grant bouchard we wont be getting a real reading?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on June 08, 2017:

It's Adrian Ross Duncan, who has allowed the site AstrologyAnswers to sign his name to their emails, for a fee. He does not actually work for them or write those letters or the site's horoscopes. They pay him to use his name because he is known as a legitimate astrologer.

Chloe Combs on June 05, 2017:

a person named Adrian keeps sending me emails!

Prejit on April 18, 2017:

Hi nice article. What's your thought on Exceptional Ron, who talks about Karmic Debt, provide tarrot spreading, who requesst for donation for performing Talisman protection etc. Is he Fake or Real?

Ericka Velasco on April 17, 2017:

Hello, is Cedric Grant Bouchard a fake? He told me something to make me believe in him but he hasn't responded so I'm wondering if he's real or fake

Littlelily1 on March 10, 2017:

Hi, what cedric grant bouchard from astrology kingdom? Is it scam or what?

Angelica from Dallas Texas on February 28, 2017:

I had made an appointment with Cedric Grant Bouchard a month in advance knowing I would be in Miami for a work conference. He requested my details early and in person we went over my astrological charts and I asked a lot of questions. It was a lot of information to take in and he provided me a recording of our session via email a couple days after. He's definitely eccentric in person and I will definitely be returning to him in the future.

kenzii on February 10, 2017:

Is Cedric Grant Bouchard fake

unown on January 30, 2017:

Does anyone has more stories about Cecilia psychic astrologer?

Kirsten Dee on January 13, 2017:

I think it is brilliant you are helping people to spot these fakes. It is a shame it is not more searchable though. I got here by googling Adrian Duncan just to check, and I am glad I did, have bookmarked Exemplore thank you so much! One year I was at a low ebb I ran across a site, thought why not, and ended up with 'Mary' It was so obvious it was computer generated. Top tip to anyone - if you can't write back to them it is obviously bogus! Check the threading through of key phrases which based on information YOU gave. YOU clicked the box for love, money, career, health, and that is why it is threaded through your 'free reading'. But most importantly - repeat emails with a 'you're missing out' 'you need this to make your life better!' approach. No real practitioner will do this. I use an astrologer trained in the BAZI Chinese astrology and his readings are very to the point. I first met him in Thailand, and he was able to manually read the chart, giving me much information he could not have known about my childhood, probable professions (the one I do and the three I have considered) and patterns in my life. He correctly identified my first major relationship before moving onto any predictive material. I contact him from time to time for a follow up reading. He NEVER contacts me. Even if I contact him for a follow up and he writes back and I don't respond for a while, he will not send a further email. It's up to me to decide I want input. It's the same with Tarot, whatever. If they are over marketing they are likely to be fake. I know an excellent psychic tarot reader who I met at Mysteries in London. She is a published author and renowned teacher. She does send out mail shots but they are beautiful sharings and are written as a newsletter not aimed at you as though you are letting yourself down if you don't sign up. Neither of these people offer 'answers'. They both maintain it is only insight and it is up to us to take the actions to manifest positivity in our lives. If anyone is feeling desperate they can leave me a message on this site, I am happy to send the contact for either of these people. The astrology chart helped me identify my life patterns and feel more confident about changes I need to make. The Tarot readings help me answer questions, but it is really just a check in, confirmation, like a healing chat. All blessings to you all

georgina on January 09, 2017:

many thanks for the info u provided or would have given money to Adrian .

thank you once again.

Leonora Epstein on January 07, 2017:

Thank you for this valuable information Sylvia!

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 06, 2017:

Any "seer" with only a first name is fake.

Maritza on January 05, 2017:

Is the astrologer Barbara from astro report fake?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 04, 2017:

Angelika, you have 30 days to ask for a refund. Go to the site and click on "Terms and Conditions" and find the refund policy.

Angelika Wolter on January 03, 2017:

I purchased this crap for over 100,00 Euro over Paypal, any chance of getting the money back?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on January 02, 2017:

Julie, Adrian Ross Duncan is a real astrologer allowing his name to be used by in emails and "readings" he did not write. will not give you real readings, even if Adrian's name is signed to them. He's there in name only and readings by Adrian are not available through See the site's Terms of Service which say its readings are for entertainment only.

Julie on January 02, 2017:

Adrian Ross Duncan real or fake?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on December 31, 2016:

Astro Mary is fake. Tara is fake.

Lisa on December 31, 2016:

Hi can you please say if Mary at Astro Mary and Tara medium is fake or real ..thanks

Mystery 07 on December 30, 2016:

HI does anyone know if mary astromary is real or fake?

Maria on December 20, 2016:


I was hesitating about Adrian -Astrology Answers. He constantly send emails that I don't reply but now I will , saying NO.

It is easy for people to believe in Astrologers, because they WANT to believe, but good things in life comes because a lot of effort and big quantities of love. That is all.

Margot Beale on December 02, 2016:

I have just been the victim of an online scam by Adrian Duncan & Astrology Answers. I lost approximately $600.I am warning people not to give their credit card details to this site. I live in New Zealand.

Margot Beale

Justin on November 12, 2016:

My email reply to CECILIA


I'm confused about your fees. It says one time only fee of $9. When I look at the fees that need to be selected it shows $9 month/every month. Not to mention, the selection already prompted was at the $79 special offer which I almost paid for.

Your website has no contact number for any issues related to the service provided. Weather you are really trying to help someone, it's a disservice to manipulate customers in total costs.

SCAM or No SCAM with many websites they have in the internet to make money is pretty sneaky. The lives of these website SCAMMERS maybe working out for sometime taking money from people, but never last as long as they think it would be. That is why there are so many SCAMS just to make a buck.

This is my reading for whoever reads this.

NumberOneFool on September 18, 2016:

you dont know how much better i feel. i am new to this and i thought because I pd Cecilia at astro-phycics $70.00 for a one year report that I was getting a professional report. I was concerned about what was on it, and stupid me called a phycic line. I dont know how in the world they got any personal information about my family and what they are like, hoe they act, good or bad but it darn near cost me my job and my family, not to mention there are no "laws" in astroligy only leads to committing crimes that was never meant to exist. i thought i was going to burn in hell. this should be illegal for them to generate such aweful reports!

Amini on September 14, 2016:

Be aware of Cecilia, she kept emailing me for a while and I really though she would help me with financial crisis as she promised on her emails, but what she sent me after a few days was a computerised, fake and worse ever report. I emailed her back straight away and asked for refund but she asking for more money.

Tata7 on September 11, 2016:

Hi all please be aware, that if you are not happy with provided materials you will never get refund. Adrian promised me to help to find out my life purpose and many other promises, but instead he send me useless advises suitable for anybody to brain wash. He is practising the money extortion from naive people who belives he is genuine one on recomendations made by his own staff. I paid only for 3 months of Transit period to test him. I totally disappointed, I ask refund money, but he and his staff pretend to be deaf to my request. They should know that dishonestly made money will not bring them wealth. Tanya

Dawn on September 02, 2016:

I had a reading from Adrian Ross Duncan about a year ago and it was the worst reading I ever had. He was condescending, judgemental, and extremely arrogant. When I played back his recording to other fellow astrologers they were in awe of his lack of professionalism. It's hard to believe that he continues to practice in this way, I can't imagine him getting a lot of repeat business with such demeaning tactics. After sharing my experience, others who knew of him remarked about how he didn't much care for female clients and that he did better working with men. I have to be honest, I've never heard of a sexist astrologer but apparently they do exist. on August 29, 2016:

I have had a computerised report from Adrian Ross Duncan and it is very obviously fake. If he allows these reports to come out in his name then he is not doing himself any favours - trust is a fragile thing. I also visited his site and was not able to relate in anyway to the readings. I love Oscar (and Jonathan) Cainers site as I think what they post is spot on, however I would not pay for reports anymore from them as these are also computerised and vague - no where near as patronising though.

Kween on August 23, 2016:

Is Tara medium a scam?

Sylvia Sky (author) from USA on July 29, 2016:

Any astrologer or Tarot reader who offers a free introductory reading to the whole Internet is fake. That includes TrustedTarot. Supposedly "she" shuffles her cards "once a day." A real reader shuffles for every reading. When you give your email address, emails come begging for "donations" in small amounts even before you get your "free reading."

Susan on July 28, 2016:

Thanks Sylviasky for your help with defining the best astrology site's,after reading your article's I now get it we all have a bright and dark side.

Susan on July 28, 2016:

What about Margaret Wells and trusted tarot real or fake?

Ien on July 23, 2016:

Excellent article, and thank you for clearing up what is going on woth Adrian Duncan. I am a serious student of astrology and a huge fan of Adrian Ross Duncan whose software I have used for years. His interpretations are excellent. I had been wondering what was up with him using that fake astrology answers thing! The tone of it was so completely off, not like him at all! He is among the best in the business. If you are new to astrology and have never had a reading, one of his reports can be quite meaningful. Just remember to preface each paragraph with:"this factor, considered in isolation, tends to have the following effect." You will find some paragraphs, detailing a major aspect that is dominant in your chart, to be quite meaningful, others less so. As the writer explains, only a live person can do the synthesis. With that in mind, Adrian's chapter on Moon square Saturn made me cry. That good. Also, his chapters on Mars, with the added sexual dimension, is superb. And he hits the nail on the head quite often with mundane astrology. Go to adtro wow and see what he had to say anout Donald and Hilary.