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The Art of Astral Projection Soul Travel

The actual origin of "astral" is derived from "astrum," the Latin word for "star."

The actual origin of "astral" is derived from "astrum," the Latin word for "star."

Astral Projection: The Art of Letting Your Soul Travel

Astral projection, or astral travel, sounds (and is) awesome. It's a cool method of leaving your physical body and letting your soul travel through astral planes.

To help imagine such a concept, think of a world where spiritual beings and paranormal bodies live. Likely, an image of something you have probably read in a fantasy novel comes to mind. However, the concept of astral projection is close to that world. It is also referred to as an out-of-body experience (OBE). Some may think of it as an uncomfortable or frightening idea, but that would be the wrong impression. If anything, astral projection could be described as a bit sci-fi.

The Out-of-Body Experience

Willpower: Let It Happen

Astral projection separates two parts of our bodies: the physical and the spirit. The spirit part is astral and considered a star because a star is heavenly—as is your soul.

However, astral projection means releasing your spirit and letting it wander into the metaphysical world. It is believed that since everyone has souls, they already take part in astral projection, mostly during their sleep; but of course, if you're sleeping, you may have no idea what is happening.

Many extreme incidents are those stories you hear of people seeing themselves on the operating table and doctors trying to bring a person back to life after moments of clinical death. That, too, is an out-of-body experience. When people take part in astral projection consciously, it is not like they will be transported to a world of faeries and spirits; sorry to disappoint. That world only hints where spirits live, and your soul does not travel there.

Your soul, however, travels to where you will it. For example, imagine you are on the beach, with calm and quiet all around you, and you see the waves crashing onto the shore. You start thinking of playing in the waves. If you will it hard enough, and learn to master astral projection, you can almost feel as if you are playing in the waves without physically moving from where you are. It takes willpower and energy, but your spirit is like a child wanting to go out and play. All you have to do is let it! Will it!

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience

Religion and Metaphysics

When it comes to out-of-body experiences, religion and spirituality are never left behind. While concepts among different religions vary, the ground concept of astral projection remains the same. Many religious books tell tales of prophets and other incidents that describe the modern-day conception of astral projection, so it seems to be a widely held belief in religion and metaphysics.

As to the question of whether or not it really is true? The plethora of stories you can find about astral projection seems confident that it does happen, and if you see it from a religious point of view, then the concept is also possible. If you have an OBE, it can be determined as a "religious" experience or a "spiritual" experience.

A True Story of Astral Projection

Many years ago, in my early 20s, before I even knew what astral projection was, I experienced an out-of-body experience (OBE).

In Nashville, Tennessee, I was invited to a young couple's home who had a dog tied up to a very short chain in their backyard. It looked like that animal was suffering to me, and it weighed heavy on my mind even after I had left.

That night I had a dream that I went back to their home. Although I had sight and sound in the dream, I did not see my body as I rose up the stairs leading to their back door. As I peered into their kitchen window, the light was on and I could hear the young couple arguing about something.

I looked behind me and saw the dog chained, not responding to me in any way. The dog did not acknowledge my presence. I turned again toward the window seeing nothing through the closed curtain but continued to hear loud voices.

When I looked back at the dog, he was gone. The chain was laying on the ground in a figure-eight position.

Suddenly, my phone rang and it woke me up. The young girl was crying. She told me that someone had let their dog loose. I remember feeling sympathy for her but was relieved about the dog. I expressed my concern, hung up the phone, and went back to sleep.

The next day, I ran into the young lady again and she told me someone had let her dog loose. I replied that I knew because she had called me last night and told me. She looked at me, questioning my response, and stated she didn't call me. She couldn't have called me because she and her boyfriend had been arguing all night.

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The only explanation I could come up with was that the dog tore at my emotions so much that I astral projected that night and let the dog loose. I heard their argument, I was there.

I invented the telephone call and the conversation with her so my brain could accept the knowledge of knowing what happened—so I could have mental reasoning to explain the situation. But I didn't really receive that phone call. I just had to justify it somehow in my mind.

I was there that night. I didn't see myself travel there; I was just there. I didn't see myself physically unleashing the dog, but the dog was set loose. I didn't see my feet as I climbed up the stairs to their back door, but I peered into the window and heard the argument. Then I abruptly woke up in bed, to what I thought was the phone ringing. An imaginary conversation to settle my mind into accepting a paranormal experience.

OBE Poll

Have you ever had an OBE?

Have you ever had an OBE?

Explore Other Paranormal Concepts

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


Blake on September 16, 2020:

Its so good when i was in my cousin i teleport

I on September 04, 2019:

I have been projecting most of my life. Over time, through research, study and trial and error, I have learned to control it most of the time.

TL Stahling on October 21, 2018:

BB - Thank you so much for sharing that. I am trying Lucid Dreaming. It has happened, but the moment I say, "OMG, I'm lucid dreaming..." I wake up.

BB on October 20, 2018:

I’ve soul traveled, had out of body experiences, seen ascended masters, astral project, lucid dreaming, channeling and meditate daily. It doesn’t always happen but if you keep trying the techniques which are basically all of the same for soul travel AP you will succeed don’t give up. We are living in a time of mass ascension and spiritual uplifting. I recommend read the books by Dr Joshua David Stone to further your knowledge. No matter what practice and patients is what you need for Astral projection of soul travel.

TL Stahling (author) from US on April 16, 2018:

Aren't the mysteries of life fascinating?! Whenever I have a "paranormal" experience, it reminds me that there is so much more than we realize. I leave myself open for such things, and, at times, try to induce them. But it really seems to happen when I least expect it.

Patricia on April 09, 2018:

I had traveled and also expirenced paralysis when I was pregnant with my daughter. I saw a young girl standing next to my bedsmiled and vanished. She had long blonde hair and fair skin and green eyes. When I went to find my birth mother, I was given the exact discription and to find out she had a twin sister that past away at age 17.

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