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Adam & Eve Probation Called Life Out of Eden's Garden Episode Ten

After moving out of the home, children can learn to appreciate the home from which they came if it was a good home that they did not recognize at the time. What person appreciates the good situation in the moment who does not appreciate it better when that moment is over in comparison?

One of my oldest children moved out reporting back his gratitude for the environment provided for him. Until he moved out, he did not appreciate the responsibility that parents have to nurture and provide for children.

The wonderful thing about life is: good parents have the opportunity in their old age to hear their children, if they are blessed with gracious ones, tell them how now they understand their parent's reasoning behind actions taken on their behalf. The rumbling of teenage and young adulthood turns into the understanding of mature men & women and mothers & fathers.

This article is about how the first people experienced this "teen and young adult rumbling" and "mature men & women and mother & father understanding" when leaving Eden's Garden. Experiencing the ability to die was one of many things that Adam and Eve learned from mortality as recorded in the article "Adam & Eve On Death Row Death by Natural Causes and Disease Episode Eight." This article covers how the new temporary life became like leaving the Eden home.


Just like the young teens and adults who move away from home to learn how to live as do their parents, independently, Adam and Eve could appreciate what they had to give up to possess the knowledge of good and evil.

Out of the Garden

Adam and Eve experienced this. Yes. Adam and Eve did not appreciate the Edenic state of existence until they experienced the lone and dreary world. It was lonely because the procession of heavenly beings did not attend them in the same manner as in Eden's Garden.

It was dreary because things did not grow as quickly and as perfectly as in Eden. Life outside of Eden's Garden was an eyesore! If Adam and Eve wanted the beauty they remembered from life in the garden, they had to work for it.

They had to prune and dig weeds away. They toiled and ached over the ground--trying new ways to grow things. They failed along the way and succeeded measuredly.

The most damaging part of the experience without Eden is the looming memory of God the Father and Jesus Christ vividly in their minds, yet they could not see them anymore.

Just like the young teens and adults who move away from home to learn how to live as do their parents, independently, Adam and Eve could appreciate what they had to give up to possess the knowledge of good and evil.

Speaking to His Son, who live as the Word with Him before the world was created along with the rest of humanity as spirits, God said,

Behold, the man is become as one of us to know good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand and partake also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, Therefore I, the Lord God, will send him forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. Moses 4:28-29

God extended a promise to the couple upon leaving the Garden. The promise was of work. Just as the youth may not appreciate all that occurs to give them the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed in the walls of their parents home, Adam and Eve would not work in a manner they heretofore had not known.

"Cursed is the ground for thy sake," informed the Lord God to Adam and Eve. "In sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground," Genesis 3:17-19

Leaving the Garden was entering into the unknown of hard work. No more flowers and fruit instantly appearing. Out of the Garden, fruit grew if the conditions were right. It was up to Adam and Eve to make that happen, or they would not eat.



Pain in Life

Leaving Eden's Garden did not mean they left Eden--the land of Eden, but it did mean they left the beauty and protection of that paradise. In the Land of Eden, Adam and Eve could see the Garden of Eden most likely. What they remembered most acutely was the lack of pain there. With mortal life came pain and suffering. Eve bore children in pain.

The misconception about the cursing or supposed cursing placed upon Eve is that no curse was given. God simply pronounced what occurs during mortal childbirth. There never was another way to experience mortal life that excluded pain and suffering.

Knowing pain and suffering allowed them to appreciate peace and prosperity--an understanding that their children would learn quickly since they were born into mortality--so that they would know ease and progression with appreciation when it occurred.

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For Adam and Eve. life became a place of probation, a time to prepare to see their Father again. A time to instruct their children to meet God.

The lyrics of the song Believer by Imagine Dragons may capture the beauty of mortal life:

I was broken from a young age

Taking my sulking to the masses

Write down my poems for the few

That looked at me,

Took to me,

Shook to me,

Feeling me

Singing from heartache from the pain

Taking my message from the veins

Speaking my lesson from the brain

Seeing the beauty through the


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer


You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer


Oh let the bullets fly, oh let them rain My life, my love, my drive, it came from


You made me a, you made me a believer, believer.

The misconception about the cursing or supposed cursing placed upon Eve is that no curse was given. God simply pronounced what occurs during mortal childbirth. There never was another way to experience mortal life that excluded pain and suffering.

What better way to describe the experiences that the first couple would go through. This new experience of pain outside of the Garden would help them to know that ther is an opposite to everything.

Humanity was also to subdue themselves to be like God.

Joy of life

Knowing the sorrow and pain of life allows an acute appreciation for the happiness and pleasantries of life.

The joy of intimacy with a spouse was also one of the joys of life that Adam and Eve were blessed to experience, an experience not known to them in the Garden.

Entering in the Land of Eden after the fall brought with it the pleasant feelings of life that the two had to learn to bridle so that the experience would not overwhelm them. True, there was a limited amount of experience with pleasure in the Garden that dealt with tasting the fruits of the trees there. Physical intimacy was a new experience which held with it strict penalty if ever that intimacy left the bonds of matrimony. Humanity would learn that pleasure to the body came in many ways as does pain.


Humanity was also to subdue themselves to be like God.

How unfortunate it would be to have a God that does not know how to control anger. No person would be left alive on the planet! Humans must learn to control the biological wants of the body as it is the purpose of life to become like God, perfect.

Casting out eyes on the smooth waters of a lake and regarding its serene beauty is a joy that comes in life's joy. Capturing the loveliness of a flower in a fragrant bouquet of sweet perfume is a joy of life. In contrast to what could be, the turbulent waves of a stormy sea or the pungent odor of a dunghill, joy comes in experiencing the spectrum of both good and bad, deciding to choose the good.

Lehi, an ancient American prophet said it best when he taught, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." The purpose of life is to learn to have joy. In "Adam & Eve: Probation Called Life: The Test Episode Eleven," exploring how life's test helps bring joy to humanity will give perspective to the challenge in life.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Rodric Anthony Johnson


Rodric Anthony Johnson (author) from Surprise, Arizona on December 05, 2018:

Thanks, Bill for reading. I want to say I figured it out, but I learn each day and with each trial, I have a long road to go until I understand the message that pain brings to my heart. Intellectually I get it. I just need my heart to get it too.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on December 05, 2018:

Great message for us all, my friend. Appreciate all we have. It took me a long time to come to this realization.

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