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Did Racism Motivate the Siege On US Capitol and What Hope of a Perfect Ruler Through Jesus Christ

The Changing Faces of Communities In America

A graphic on CBS Mornings of the decrease of White Americans which motivated attack on US Capitol January 6, 2021.

A graphic on CBS Mornings of the decrease of White Americans which motivated attack on US Capitol January 6, 2021.

An Ideal Ruler Reigns and Reaches Out as Human Governments Crumble

A friend named India explained how she was at work when the attack on the US Capitol occurred. India mentioned with an inquisitive tone, “l heard other employees at my job talking about a #siege on the government. I turned and asked, what country was that in? The other employees immediately responded, here in the United States.” India was shocked. My daughter Jaleesa and l felt the same way as we watched on television the chaotic scene unfold. Byron Pitts of ABC News Nightline revealed, “The US Capitol today descended into chaos as a mob of Trump supporters stormed in. This breach in security now sparking serious questions. How did this happen? Earlier l spoke with ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas. Pierre continued, “We knew there would be trouble today. Law enforcement knew that. Why was law enforcement so unprepared? “

How and why did this seizure happen? Pierre Thomas goes on to explain, ”The bottom line is that there was concern that there would be violence. And the fact that those #protestors, rioters were so easily able to breach those initial barriers outside of the Capitol. Then use chemical irritants and then forced their way in. Usually they have so many law enforcement officials available and visible that people no not to try anything. That didn’t happen today. And there will be lots of investigations going forward to see why this happened.” Finally control of the US Capitol was regained. Anchorman Pitts asked, “Why were they able to finally get under control and what happens next from the law enforcement perspective? Pierre expressed, “Sheer manpower Byron. At the end of the day we had over 1,200 D.C. National Guards sent to the scene. Hundreds of Federal Law Enforcement officials were sent to the scene. So they simply built up the numbers, got control of the building and then proceeded to move around the Capitol to force the people out.”

Words such as domestic terrorism and incitement of insurrection were used. One official explained, “Well this was a dark day for democracy. Our country has withstood all kinds of challenges but never before seen an active domestic terror perpetrated in the Capitol of our country. It was a who’s, who today of Right Wing Extremists. From members of the Proud Boys to Oath Keepers and other armed militia groups... Some of the worst elements of society.” These are horrific times we are living in. But there is genuine hope for the future as guaranteed in the Holy Scriptures.

The Solution for man made governments: After careful and prayerful research of God’s word the Bible, it is vital that as a writer l give clear, precise and reasonable solutions. While Jesus was on earth he proved that he is the ideal ruler to supply all humans with everything that is needed. The following publications have proven time after time to millions all over the world the absolute truth, based on research and a promising hope for the future. The Watchtower, No. 2 2020 brought out this powerful point, how Jesus was “Chosen by God. Rejected by men and executed. Raised from the dead and glorified.“ Psalms 16:10,11 states, “You will not leave me in the Grave. You will not allow your loyal one to see the pit.... There is happiness at your right hand forever.” (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures) Within this article it perfectly explains how, Jesus is the only human in the history of the world to heal the sick, raise the dead, feed the hungry miraculously and control weather conditions through Jehovah’s holy spirit. We have choas in the world today because mankind no longer put trust in and rely on their Creator but have decided to chose humans to rule over them. These humans are imperfect and will never be able to fulfill what Jesus can do as King of God’s Kingdom. Go to your copy of the Bible with its beautiful accounts of the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John feature who Jesus is and why he is our perfect ruler now and in the future.

“ABC News” Featured a Powerful Story on the Siege of the US Capitol. This video is from YouTube.

Was the Attack On the US Capitol Motivated By Racism

Racism can motivate humans to react angrily because they feel threatened by people of another race. Racism is described by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as, “A belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” Tony Dokoupil of the news program CBS Mornings featured a powerful story entitled, The Changing Face of America How Communities Like Allentown, Pa Are Adjusting To Demographic Shifts. He revealed that, “The select committee investigating the January 6 considering the simmering questions about who participated in it and why participants were motivated not only by the false idea of a stolen election or was there something deeper? Something that won’t pass as quickly as a single campaign cycle. Researchers at the University of Chicago have been looking into these questions. They found evidence of a conflict here in America. A conflict smoldering underneath all the other conflicts. And it begins with the simple fact. More than ninety percent of the people arrested for the attack on the Capitol were white. And the key characteristic according to the researchers uniting these attackers was not idealogy or geography but race. They come from counties where the white share of the population is declining fastest...”

During this featured segment of Good Mornings there was a discussion on how this has caused some white people to blame other races for the decline and changes within their communities. Tony interviewed Emely Minaya who came from Dominican Republic as a child. She and her family has a store in Allentown, Pa. She revealed a theory about why tension exist within her area, “White has always been equal to superior on top. And so when you have such a long time coming with that lifestyle, with that mentality with that notion. To just see it slip out of your fingers in like a few years or whatever. It’s like wait a minute.”

Tony Dokoupil acknowledged during his news interviews why Allentown, Pa was the focus of his story “...The reason we went to Pennsylvania is because it sent the second highest number of rioters there on the hill from there on January 6. And also almost each county has seen a decline in the white population there. But again this really is a national story. Most Americans about 80% live in a county where the white population has declined. Ed Frack a resident of Allentown was interviewed by Dokoupil who explained, “My mother grew up a couple blocks away. Back then you could walk around. You could leave your doors unlocked...The problem is the neighborhood began to change. Sad, very sad.“ Tony continued, “As for Ed Frack by the time his mother passed in 2020 at 90 years old, it had been at least a decade since she felt at home. Frack said he often doesn’t see the same level of pride or consideration. What’s changed is not only culture or economy but the people. In the 1970’s Allentown was 97% white. By 2020 the white share of the population had plunged to 31%.”

Nate Burrelson, who also serves as an anchor on CBS Mornings presented his opinion concerning the issue of racism within this world, “Since the ‘Discovery of America‘ this country has been built on change. Regardless of race, religion, social economic class that change around you looks like it’s up to us to adjust. We’re all in pursuit of this American dream. Roof over our head, clothes on our back, food on our table. We all want our kids to be raised in a harmonious society. We have to accept what change is. I once heard of something and l will leave everything with this: ‘Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. And its up to us to grow with change. You don’t have to like love but coexisting that’s something we all can do.’”

Why Is Jesus the Perfect Ruler for Mankind?

Jesus is the perfect ruler because he is the only human in the history of the world that healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the hungry miraculously and controlled weather conditions through Jehovah’s holy spirit. We have chaos in the world today because the majority of mankind no longer put trust in or rely upon their Creator. But have decided to chose imperfect humans to rule over them that will never accomplish what Jesus can do as King of God’s Kingdom.

— Angelladywriter

Jesus Was Chosen By God as the Perfect Ruler

Spiritual Food for the Proper Time was Presented at a Previous District Convention

Our 2022 convention is entitled “Pursue Peace”! It is filled with outstanding Bible based talks and videos that inspire true peace in this world today. Program highlights include three sessions. The first is the Friday session: where you can “Learn how love leads to inner peace and peace with others. See why the Bible’s advice for marriage mates, parents, and children can be called ‘the road map to family peace.‘“ The Saturday session ask the question, “Is it possible to enjoy peace if you suffer from illness, economic problems, natural disasters, or other difficulties? Watch an uplifting video that shows what people around the world are doing to enjoy peace.” On the last session which is Sunday, it discusses the question, “Can we really become God’s friends? Is friend-ship with God automatic, or is something required of us? Hear the answers to those questions in the Bible-based talk ‘Friend-ship With God—How Possible?’”

A few years ago millions of people throughout the world, received a personal invitation to a convention based on the theme, #Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom! Individuals who attended this event, wholeheartedly acknowledged, "Earth's new ruler," Jesus Christ-qualifies as King of Jehovah God's kingdom and New World Government. ln order to survive wickedness that exist in the world today. This 2014 convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, was a free public event that was divinely enriching for people of all nations. A 2021 District Convention, will be held next year. It will free of charge. For more information, go to

Human beings are in dire need of a government that will fulfill what Matthew 6:9,10 teaches us to pray for; Jehovah God's Kingdom to come, so that his will be accomplished on earth, "as it is in heaven." Stunning evidence was presented with in-depth scriptural solutions regarding these critical times. If each of us Keep Seeking First God's Kingdom in our lives, Almighty God will bless our efforts.

More than 195,138 attended, with more than 1,329 baptized. Video tie-ins from Atlanta, Georgia which included such areas as Florida, Texas, New York, Jamaica, North Carolina and Arizona. The convention information was translated in numerous #languages such as Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Russian. It had to be compelling, for our Grand Creator Jehovah, to hear and observe all these languages singing praise to his magnificent name.

Convention highlights included beautifully depicted Bible based dramas. Realistic modern day symposiums filled with tools to help us deal with family and friends on a daily basis. An abundance of Bible based talks, with dynamic speakers were presented. Immense scriptural information was featured that teaches each of us how to survive in this world filled with #immoral sex, violence, sickness, death and greed. We are living in a world full of anxieties because of these problems. One brother stated during his talk, "Anxiety is like static on the radio, it can ruin a beautiful song. Do not let anxieties over tomorrow, weigh you down today. Do not be anxious about the next day, take one day at a time." These statements can be utilized by each of us daily.

We are living in a world filled with debasing hatred inspired by racism and prejudices. How encouraging it is to see genuine love expressed between races. Before the program started, during breaks and after the #convention, people of different races embraced each other due to excitement. People of various age groups attended from the age of five months to at least a hundred years old. United together, they gave praise to their God Jehovah and his precious son #Jesus Christ. Under this rulership, it was explained that Christ is the perfect ruler because "he has profound knowledge about his Heavenly Father and understands human nature. Jesus, will be able to get to the heart and solve complex problems because he is especially fond of humans. He will help us live in a way, to bring benefits now and forever."

While on earth Jesus proved why he is the best ruler of this spiritual government. Through God's holy spirit, Jesus, healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the hungry and even controlled weather conditions. #Jehovah God and his appointed King Jesus Christ, will never die like mankind does. That is why, the majority of the people who attended this convention; without hesitation chose this perfect spiritual government. It has the ability to answer all mankind's problems whether it is solutions for our economy, elimination of disasters, #healthcare or safety from violence.

After the convention l interviewed Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, who serves in the Cambodian congregation, after leaving an English speaking congregation. Mr. Alexander, explained how much he enjoys serving in the Cambodian language. "I love it. I am so glad my wife and I did it and we will never go back to English. I do not regret this decision. I do regret that we did not do it earlier. The people in the Cambodian congregation are very pleasant. We all refer to each other as brother and sister because we are a family."

After the attendees received three days of an abundance of spiritually uplifting information; the convention ended. Tears flowed from the eyes of young and old, men, women and children. A stunning song was played at the end of the program on Sunday. It was one of the most beautiful songs, I have ever heard. It was based on Jehovah Witness' belief in the wonderful promise of a paradise earth in the future entitled, See Yourself When All Is New. Over 195,000 participants went on to sing such assuring words as "Think how you'll feel, how it will be. To live in peace, to be truly free. No evil one will then prevail; Rule by our God cannot ever fail." The chorus ended with, "Jehovah our God, how well you have done! All things are new by the rule of your son. The fullness of our heart overflows in our song; All glory and honor and praise to you belong." This song was produced by #Watchtower Bible Tract Society. “It was three days of a spiritual utopia,“ stated one participant. This government or rulership discussed at the convention will be a blessing for all mankind. May each of us continue to pray for it as Jesus taught us to do.


Disclaimer: Angelladywriter, is a volunteer journalist and is not responsible for the advertisements that surround this article. I do not write to be paid but for the love of God and neighbor. It is my desire to share a positive hope for all humanity in the future.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2014 Claudette Coleman Carter


Claudette Coleman Carter (author) from Media, Pennsylvania on July 15, 2014:

Thanks for the comment. We are living in a world full of turmoil and desperately need the solutions only this spiritual government can bring. Thanks for your discernment again.

GreenPrince on July 12, 2014:

Everyone has the 10 minutes to read this interesting and revealing it is to the soul. Well done Angelladywriter

Claudette Coleman Carter (author) from Media, Pennsylvania on July 12, 2014:

Hi words55,

Thanks for your comment. It is encouraging to see other people show a genuine interest in a solution to the chaotic world that we live in. It will be a beautiful world when all races can get along with each other. The best place to find others that are praying for a solution to the world's problems is at your local Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. To find the closest hall where you live, go on the website listed in the article above.

Thanks again and continue the good words.

Al Wordlaw from Chicago on July 11, 2014:

A spiritual government has yet to overrule otherwise, we wouldn't have the chaos that we have in it today. However, I agree with the concept of seeking first, The Kingdom of God. It would bring about the most beautiful world among people of all nations. I admire your spirit angle lady. You are doing what the Lord wants you to do. You are spreading His word. Keep up the good work.

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