Inspirational, Uplifting and Encouraging Bible Verses: 1st John 3:18 - Actions Speak Louder than Words
An Inspirational Book
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18NIV
We have all heard the saying “Actions speak louder than words.”. Today’s verse reflects that message, which is entirely applicable in instances where action on our part is required in order to help out those in need; to demonstrate love for others. Maybe we have to spend Saturday helping a friend move into a new apartment or house. Perhaps someone at church needs help, and we are led to provide it at our own expense. When love is characterized by sacrificial giving of time, money or otherwise; when action really does speak loudly.
Words in the above context can be considered empty, without impact. Something needs to be done as opposed to said.
Which is not to say that, in other instances, kind and encouraging words are the best way to help a friend or family member; even a stranger. Sometimes all one needs in a time of trouble are the right words of encouragement. So, we, at little expense to ourselves, can just make a habit of simply being nice. That is a good rule of thumb to start putting into practice. Take time to just be nice. Seems obvious enough that we should not even have to mention it. But, when caught up in our everyday busy routines, it becomes easy to turn ourselves off to much of what is going on around us. Which might cause us, for instance, to ignore an elderly person struggling to get groceries into their car. Who knows, they might also have a hard time driving, perhaps even live in your neighborhood. All it would take is for us to walk over, help load the groceries and find out. Have them call my house once a week from that point on, I’d send one of my kids with them to the store. Much could happen, just because we sometimes decide to act like the God we claim to worship and believe in.
Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk
We do not need to look hard or far for motivation in putting these words into practice. There are people in our lives who need kindness and help. There are friends in need. One of my friends, whom God brought into my life years ago, has come across difficult times. Family problems and severe health issues have left him in a bad way. Multiple heart attacks and diabetes land him in the hospital frequently, most recently as I write this. I work a lot of hours at two jobs, so I am busy; but the Lord has made it clear, not too busy to offer some help. We are to count our blessings and and take some action. That means visits to the hospital for prayer, encouragement and Bible study. I just left this morning, and could see it on his face and hear it in his words: "You are the only friend I have." Yes and no, I explained, as we both have a friend in Christ. He is the reason I am here. It is because He is good that I can do good. Anything good that comes from me originates in Him.
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on April 05, 2015:
And being a parent is not easy but we keep loving and waiting on them sometimes. I'm glad she came to see you, she knows that she is loved. PTL.
marlen cabada on April 05, 2015:
My daugter has not visited me in 2 years and I suddenly started praying for her daily.I don't like her boyfriend.He is abusive and has a criminal record so weve had some tense situations.Ive sent her care packages with bible verses and sayings.The week before Holy week this year she shows up at my doorstep with gifts for me, my mother, and my dog and she spends an hour visiting.I live 200 miles away from where she lives, so it is quite a journey.Her boyfriend stays outside in the car for an hour and a half.If this is not a miracle, I don't know what is.Praise the Lord! and his words the scriptures! Actions do speak louder than words!
NycNyc on September 19, 2014:
I appreciate your response, but I feel that you have side-stepped the issue at hand. Here's another one for you: if people have 'free will' as so often Christians say they do, it is a rather limited interpretation of the idea as you either love and devote yourself to god to receive eternal life, or you choose your own path that doesn't include god and receive eternal damnation, no? Seems a pretty manipulative idea of 'free will' if you believe that those are your only two options. And another one: If god is someone who doesn't change yesterday, today and forever (Heb 13:8), how is it that he no longer tells people to slaughter whole towns, or to barbarically kill men women, children and livestock. I suppose the only people who really are still doing this in god's name is a certain religion, but I think it is agreed by the rest of the world that it is a disgrace and completely sub-humane treatment. Does this not suggest that god has indeed changed?
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on September 05, 2014:
OK that clarifies your viewpoint, I understand. One thing to consider in what I hope you see as a friendly and non-combative response: You may have children as I do, if not then still worth consideration. We had no guarantee in having them, that they would love us back as we love them. Fortunately, mine do. Yet, we took the risk, in that we wanted to have them and a loving relationship with them. We learn, as parents, that a genuine relationship requires participation from both parties. Much the same with God, as He knew full well that we, as prospective children, could not be programmatically fixed to love back. Thus, the requirement for installation of free will in our design. That aspect/quality would in turn require a choice to participate in said relationship. Hence the statistical probability for defiance, and the requirement for compensation on His part. If anything, I suppose we could consider Him selfish for putting the whole thing in place; as we might consider me as the same for bringing my kids into this mess. But I do love them, and it is my hope He loves me as well. Planet earth has been, and is, in a somewhat sad state. At least we can agree on that. Again, I take no offense at all in your response and point of view. I would rather have you as a new friend.
NycNyc on September 04, 2014:
The god you are talking about chose to send himself to the earth he created and die to save his creation from himself. He hasn't been seen since nor has his existence been verified. Do we take this god at his word that he is a god of love or do we judge him by the actions he wished to have recorded about himself in his book; the first opportunity he could he condemned every single living thing ever to exist to die. From perfection to infinite death all because of one persons mistake (remember, he designed this perfect system). Follow this by roughly 3000 years of genocide and ethnic cleansing, honorable child sacrifice, and loving the smell of burning fat. At any stage, it would seem right for a god of love's actions to be one of intervention. If our actions do indeed speak louder than our words then god's supposed actions are horrendous. But in truth his actions are non existent, as he is.
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on August 31, 2014:
I do not understand. Can you explain for me? I'm not challenging you at all, just want to understand.
NycNyc on August 30, 2014:
If actions speak louder than words, God has made it pretty clear that he is not coming back.
Chris Reed of AR on July 20, 2013:
Too many times have people said they WILL go do something to help Gods ministry, instead of actually doing it. If you believe this as much as I do, I encourage you to talk to your pastor or youth pastor about starting a collection or mission to help those who need it and follow through with the steps god puts in your heart. And please don't wait for someone else to start it themselves, because someone might be waiting for you to.
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on February 28, 2012:
Not sure I understand, seems you are taking a negative view of this hub. No problem on my end, as you are entitled to an opinion. I take no offense at all, not looking for a battle.
Brad Masters from Southern California on February 28, 2012:
Bible got your tongue.
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on February 28, 2012:
Appreciate your viewpoint as well.
lucabrasi (author) from Greensboro, NC on February 28, 2012:
Appreciate the kind words.
Brad Masters from Southern California on February 27, 2012:
God hasn't acted in two thousand years, if ever.
P. Thorpe Christiansen from Pacific Northwest, USA on February 27, 2012:
Awesome, well done.