What It Feels Like to Meet Your Soulmate
In our culture and society, it is common to hear the word soulmate. Almost every woman who has ever fallen in love has called the object of her affection her soulmate. But is it really that simple? Is everyone we fall in love with a soulmate connection? What is the difference between "the one" and your soulmate? Is it the same thing or is there a significant difference? Let's find out.
I believe finding your soulmate is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You only get one soulmate. They are literally the other half of you. You only get one other half, you don't get five halves. Sometimes they can be your better half, but either way, together you are whole because both halves have been joined.
When you find your soulmate you are literally fitting two halves together to make one whole. You feel a sense of finally being complete and finding your missing piece.
Finding your soulmate can be both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing if you meet and stay together, but a curse if you meet but the timing is wrong or other obstacles get in your way and you are forced to be apart.
Once you feel that soulmate connection you are never the same again. It is a powerful invisible force that only you and your other half can feel. I feel it is almost better to never meet your soulmate at all than to have to meet them and then be forced to part because that can prove to be almost unbearable.
Recognizing the Soul Connection
So how do you know if you've met your true soulmate? If you have to talk yourself into it or even have to think about it, then you know they're not your soulmate. When you feel a soulmate connection, it's instant, and you couldn't be more sure about it in your mind. It's like you just know deep inside that this particular person was meant for you and no one else in the world. There's no doubt or fear in your mind; in fact, you have never been more sure of anything in your life like this.
When you meet your soulmate for the first time, it won't feel like you're just meeting; you'll feel like you've known them forever but just haven't seen each other for a while. Your soulmate will feel really familiar to you even though you've just met. If you had no prior knowledge of soulmates, this might be an almost awkward feeling because you're thinking to yourself, "Why does this person feel so familiar if we've only just met?"
How can this possibly be happening? Is this real life and not a fairy tale? The thing is—you just know. Something inside of you recognizes them way before your mind can fully comprehend them. Your rational mind wants to find an explanation for it, but your soul already knows what it feels because its other half is found.
After you meet your soulmate and feel all these feelings toward them your mind starts to catch up with your heart and soul. Suddenly, you feel like you can take on the world as long as you have this person by your side. You can do anything and go anywhere as long as they are there with you. You suddenly see your whole life ahead of you.
If you've never wanted to have a family and children before suddenly you can't wait to get started with your soulmate. You start to see the world in a different and better way.
If you were a pessimist before, suddenly you see life as the glass half full instead of half empty. You feel this sort of magnetic connection to them that you have never felt in your life before. You're no longer thinking of your ex-boyfriend or that guy who got away because they no longer exist to you.
Your true soulmate connection makes you forget every other relationship you ever had because they no longer matter to you. It's like your heart and soul have been asleep all this time, and they're finally waking up. This is what love really feels like and it is truly the best drug around because it's the human soul on fire.
Souls Connect
The connection between you and your soulmate is unlike anything else you have ever experienced. Sometimes you don't even need words to convey your feelings. When words are used, you finish each other's sentences. You seem to know what the other is thinking even before you say it.
You have many things in common, of course. The different talents you each have come together and fulfill one another. The things you lack in are the things he excels in, so you can learn from him, and the things you are good in, he may not know much about, which means he can learn from you.
Between the two of you, together, you have everything you need to be truly happy. Everything suddenly makes more sense about the world, and it truly feels like it's meant to be. This is the way love is supposed to feel like, and everything else is just fiction.
Your soulmate is your best friend and your biggest fan. They love you with their whole heart and soul and would gladly give up their life for yours. It is an unconditional sort of love. The kind where you know you can make mistakes and mess up but they will still be there for you always.
Your soulmate doesn't play games or make you chase him. There is no room for such foolish things when it comes to a connection this strong and real. You never have to wonder about your soulmate's feelings for you because they will let you know every day and in every way possible.
There is no lack of trust or communication in a soulmate connection. Your soulmate cheers you on through life and is your biggest supporter. They help you become the best possible version of yourself and if you happen to fall they will pick you up and carry you. They will fight your battles for you and defend you to the moon and back. Your soulmate is the definition of the best partner a person can have.
Soulmates vs. "The One"
So what's the difference between a soulmate and "the one"? Well, I believe there's only one person that is truly meant for everyone, and that is their soulmate. This is the only person who you will be the happiest with out of all of the other people on the planet.
It doesn't mean that just because you don't find your soulmate that you can't be happy. I believe you can be happy with a lot of people. You could fall in love with someone and be truly content and happy with that person, even if they're not your soulmate.
Sure, your connection may not be quite as strong as with a soulmate, but nonetheless, you could still be in love. You would call this love "the one" because out of all your other relationships, you chose this particular person to marry and have a family with. For you, this is your happily ever after, and you stop searching for anyone else.
The truth is, you can't really know what a soulmate connection is unless you've felt it. It's not something that is easy to describe. But once you feel it, you will know what I mean. It's a feeling that is unlike any other. That's why I said before that sometimes it's better not to meet your soulmate if you can't be together because it is way too hard to move on from that, impossible in fact.
If you do meet your soulmate, it's best to do whatever possible to end up together for good. This type of connection only happens once in a lifetime, and you simply can't let it slip away because it will definitely not happen again. I think you can even know if you've met your soulmate from a photo you see of someone who seems extremely familiar to you.
If you see a person's photo and you just can't get them out of your mind because it's like you know them or recognize them and feel an undeniable connection, then it might be worth it to check it out and see if you can meet them in person because this could be the soulmate you've been waiting your whole life for. In this modern world of technology we live in, our soulmate could be just a click away! I think when it's time for soulmates to meet and they are meant to be together, nothing can truly stand in their way.
Distance is never an obstacle. Circumstances could never interfere. Other romantic interests could never stand a chance against a soulmate connection. It's like it was written in the stars. An example of a soulmate connection that I can think of is the movie The Notebook. I think this is about as close to a soulmate connection as you can see in the movies these days.
So why does a soulmate connection feel so familiar to you even if you've just met this person? I think it's because souls can recognize each other from other past lifetimes. Your mind may not remember it, but your soul does. When you meet your soulmate, you're feeling like you're finally coming home. It's like you've been away for a while, but you're home now.
Soulmates usually know each other in other lifetimes and have probably planned to meet in every lifetime, possibly even this one. Your true soulmate is the same age as you within a year. If you're female, and they're male, they need to be older, even if it's just within a few days, but it's still within a year. So if my birthday is October 1, 1990, my soulmate's birthday would be within one year of that, so anywhere from October 1, 1989, to September 30, 1990, works. The male needs to be older because it has to do with how God created Adam before Eve, and so the woman is created from the rib of a man, which means the man needs to be created first.
So what happens if you meet your soulmate and it's just not meant to be and you don't end up together in this life? Well, that's a tough one. Like I said, it's better not to have met them than to have met them and had to part. You can't miss what you don't know but if you already know what a soulmate connection feels like then it's impossible to forget.
I don't think anyone really moves on from a soulmate connection. Sure, they can get married to someone else and seem to have their life in order but they will always remember what true love felt like with their soulmate.
Losing your soulmate is like the one who got away times 100. You will always compare every guy or girl you meet to your soulmate. You'll look for qualities in that person that you had in your soulmate. Sometimes, it even goes so far as looking for people who physically look like your soulmate that seem attractive to you simply because it's like a piece of your soulmate is in them. That's why it is much better to stay with your soulmate if you meet them or not meet at all, because the other option is simply too much to handle.
Experiencing Bliss With Your Soulmate
If you've met your true soulmate, life is pretty amazing for you. You have your best friend and your true love all in one package. Being in love is good for your health, but being in love with your soulmate is amazing for your health.
What can you look forward to in the coming years with your soulmate? Great health, many long years together, and fulfillment in every aspect of your life. Are you a creative type that needs inspiration for your work? Well your soulmate provides that and much more. You will never be uninspired or lack motivation again. Writer's block? No such thing with your soulmate around.
Every day you will wake up and be excited to live life. It won't really matter where you live because as long as you have each other that's all you really need. Nothing seems impossible or out of reach. If you have met your soulmate and you end up together in this life, you can consider yourself one of the luckiest human beings alive.
This is a blessing that very few know about and even less actually get to experience it. It's truly a once in a lifetime type of thing. And really, if you're going to fall in love, who better to fall in love with than the only person who was truly meant for you?
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2015 GreenEyes1607
Leila on August 30, 2020:
How about when they are 1 year old and some months older than you, for example: they were born on March 4 2000 and I was born on September 24 2001... Also, we were both women but she has a tomboy style
sia on August 19, 2020:
Hey. i think i met my soulmate in a holiday many years ago but we were young (we have 1 year difference) and far away so it was difficult to be together but talking for a while,, and many times that i got there, i saw him from far away. recently i saw him in my place and say hi and we were both extremely nervous, but now still do not have any contact. Is it possible to meet again?
Kate on August 15, 2020:
I think I met my soulmate as to when I first met him I felt a connection as to it normally takes me two weeks to like them and he said it normals takes him a week to like them and he like me the first day we met and he like two years older then me
The Very Truth on August 14, 2020:
Meeting your soulmate was very easy back in the old days with no trouble at all for the men back then. Women were very different in those days since they really didn't have much at all, and had to struggle to make ends meat as well which is why it was very easy in those days. So the men back then really had it made when they found real love since it was the women back then that had really made this world grow very much in population along with the men. Now that the women today are very different which really does make it very difficult for many of us single men trying to find love now, and unfortunately the women today aren't like the past at all which really adds to the problem. Women today are very high maintenance, independent, since they really don't need a man anymore, very selfish, greedy, spoiled, picky, cheaters, since they just can't stay committed to only one man anyway, gold diggers, since they love going with much older men just for the money as well. So these are very excellent reasons why many of us single good men can't find our soulmates at all. Very sad how the women today have really changed, and the ones with their careers are the worst altogether since they really think they're all that which their not anyway. And it is these type of women that will only want the very best of all, and will never ever settle for less because of their greed and selfishness that is everywhere today unfortunately. Very obvious why so many single men are going MGTOW now because of this.
megsofram on August 10, 2020:
Like @salva below, I am 8 months older than my soulmate. Everything else in this article jives with us, but the age one does not. That doesn't bother me because he feels like home, our connection and chemistry is off the chart, and I don't ever want to lose him. Thanks for the article!
Isaac Braunei on August 01, 2020:
Hey pleasee answer, i met my soulmate in a different country, where i dont live, but i couldnt talk to her and i’ve never seen her again, its been 6 months, will i meet her again?
Laura B on July 14, 2020:
This is a beautiful article, but unfortunately, you lost me by saying "the man is always older" in response to a question asked above.
My soulmate & I are both women. We both knew within seconds of meeting that we recognized each other and needed to be together. It was a new, scary & beautiful experience that neither one of us had ever experienced. We are a year & 5 months apart.
Soulmates are soulmates, love is love.
chinitagirl on July 13, 2020:
i met one man again by chance thru a dating site..i already met him 5 years ago only one time.then we lost communication..but this time i can feel the connection.he is oldee than me by 1 year and 4 mos..is it possible that he is my soulmate?thres smething i cannot explain..weird feeling but nice..unexplainable
Sneha on July 08, 2020:
Why only less than 1 year or 1 year matters in soulmate. Why not more than that?? Please, explain..
Corrie on July 02, 2020:
I've met my soul mate and agree with most what you say we are separated at the moment one of us is married one in a long time relationships painful heart ache being apart my be we will get together will have to wait and see but the only thing is the age im older being the woman and more than a year in our ages but that never bothered him Nothing bothered him he wants a future with me always has he said its destiny but we are doing what we need to do to be together again unconditional love
Honey Love on June 29, 2020:
whoever wrote this article is right once you meet your soulmate it's like no one can compare I met mines 4 years after I had gotten married and it is hard to part from my soulmate now
Salva on June 23, 2020:
I met my soulmate last year but i'm 8months older than him.
The Lion Queen on June 20, 2020:
I think I love these comments as much as the article, thank you. I was a believer in "twin-flames" and "soulmates" all my life until I realized I was putting this impossible, ridiculous standard on finding the right person. I believed there was "one" man for me and we would just "know," and while my husband and I fell quickly for each other (we were engaged 4 months from hello and we didn't meet in person for the first two months we were dating), he isn't the only person that I could have a strong, deep, amazing connection with.. Don't get me wrong, he is one of a kind, and by far the best man I met in my dating years, but I truly think in my case that believing there was only one person for me in a world of billions of people was unrealistic, avoidant and maybe even an intimacy problem. I could have had an amazing connection and relationship with more than one person in this crazy world and that's a good thing! But I readily admit that finding a deep, and truthful connection with someone is rare. To me it's not about finding your soul mate which mounds an incredible amount of pressure on you when you're dating, but rather finding soul-mate love. A love that's honest, deep, passionate, and obviously mutual :P I also think it happens quick. I'm a person who can grow to love someone, so when my husband and I were at "I love you" so quickly (6 years ago) I actually trusted myself and US so much more, as crazy as that might sound.
Dawn on May 20, 2020:
I’m just gonna put this out there. I went to school with a boy Called Paul and we were boyfriend and girlfriend at primary In our Naivete. Then his mother moved house and moved him schools we never saw each other again until we were both in our 20’s and I was in a relationship. He was in the army but it just seemed that every time he was home we would bump into each other randomly but nothing ever happened until a a few years later in the year 2000 We stubbled upon each other on one of his leaves from the army, we spent the night together and a few stolen hours over a weekend as I was married and my husband was away for that weekend. Then I ended contact with him and got back to married life. He was always in my thoughts and dreams. My marriage ended in 2005 and I drifted from one bad relationship to an even worse bad relationship until I managed to free myself 2 years ago and have been single since. At the beginning of April 2020 I decided to look him up on Facebook and there he was I added him and he was in touch within a hour and has moved back home with his mum after another failed relationship in his many lists of relationships. We have been dating since mid April and it’s been great. He inspires me, compliments me, etc etc. Through taking we have found our paths have crossed many times but we never new. We worked in the same supermarket for years but never meet even though I new lots of his friends at work. He was also in the army with my brother which we later found out. The only downside is his ex, she is constantly on the phone to him and badgering him and he feels obligated to talk to her as she’s on her own through covid. She doesn’t know about me but he says he has his reasons. Our sex is so intense and magical that we both feel it, he said he’s never experienced anything on this level before. I am more guarded but feel I need to be due to the ex and my past relationships. It’s took me a 20 years of soul searching but I think he’s my soul mate or is this just euphoria?
Champagne on May 03, 2020:
It a curse, because I already have someone when I met her, it was an intense feeling that I have never felt in any woman before, its the feeling of familiarity and comfort. Its unreal like majic.
Rae on April 30, 2020:
30 years ago I met my soulmate when we were kids. 2 weeks ago my engagement to another man ended. 2 days ago my soulmate and I commented on the same random blog within a few minutes of each other. We found each other after 20 years of no contact. We live in the same city and didn't know it. I used to be religious, but have been an atheist for years. This was magical, my destiny, and the only explanation is that finding each other again is a gift from God.
Meka on April 15, 2020:
Thank you very reaffirming...
Shanaya on April 13, 2020:
I met someone on FB...he is 12 years older than me...but after meeting him, I can feel that I m motivated ...I m no more inactive and I always try to do something new...to know something new...My dream ,my goal is clear to me now...I don't know he likes me or not...but I like him so much...whenever I talk to him,I feel anxious..He always makes me feel happy ..is he my soulmate????
Rainbow on April 03, 2020:
What if the female is Nov. 1972 and the male is Oct. 1973 - obviously female is older than male so they’re not soul mates yes? Even all the other aspects you have mentioned does exist in the situation now (after 35yrs. from grade 10 of being classmates)
VNK on February 20, 2020:
I always thought that the word soulmate was just a word people threw around, almost like a new fad. From what I am reading I guess it is really special. I don't hear that word to often though. I am 55 years old and never been in love(never had a serious relationship actually). I feel depressed and my life really has no meaning, I don't know if a soulmate would help, because I have often heard it said that Happiness begins on the inside and works to the outside. I do envy people that are truly in love, it is special and does not happen to everyone. I think some people think they are in love and try to force the issue. I think my time has come and gone and it makes me sad. I think if everyone had a "soulmate" the world would be a lot happier and peaceful. Thanks for reading. 2-20-2020
Hleketa on January 23, 2020:
I believe I've found my soulmate. I think we both felt it. I can not describe the feeling, the feeling is so strong. The only problem is he is 3 years younger than me.
Your Caramel Moon on December 22, 2019:
When your soulmate is far away, check the place where you can clearly see the moon and stars, in a place where even a cat and dog can be friends. In that place, under that clear sky, you will discover clarity like you have never seen it before.
Londen on October 25, 2019:
I believe I found my soulmate tonight. I think we both felt it. It was such an intense feeling. I felt it in my soul and bones. I noticed how I and he had a staring moment. When he creased my cheek I felt warm despite the cold nipping my ears. I knew it was so wrong considering we both have significant others but, it felt right. I felt comfortable with him. I felt like I knew him my whole life. Like it was meant to be.
Crystal jaketo selassie on October 21, 2019:
I know for a fact that your soulmate can be much older mimes is 12 years older I meet him first in my dreams ,when we meet In the physical it was the most mystical feeling ever ,he new me it was magical without words we connected automatic ,it's been 16 years sense ,I still feel exactly the same way even tho we have not had a relationship he is a musician an writes about our encounter ever sense it like we bout know we are ment for each other we are just waiting for the universe to brings us together he is my true inspiration I love him I just can't explain to any one I know we were born just for each other .
Anne on October 18, 2019:
He is born 5th January 1983 and me 2nd July 1983 and have an incredibly strong connection. Could we be soulmates?
Andas on September 26, 2019:
I know i have met my soulmate but he is 4 years younger than me. Could this be possible?
Bee-me on August 13, 2019:
Why can't the guy be younger?. I'm dating a guy I believe is my soulmate yet he is four months younger than me. I always thought that the order of birth didn't matter but the age time did.
Jutt on August 10, 2019:
I work with a tall (I'm 6'2" she's 5' 10"), beautiful, bubbly, blond, athletic, witty, smart, wonderfully positive woman for the past 6 years who's name is Mary. I've never pursued Mary because I was married.
She divorced around 3 years ago and I'm going through a divorce (married 10 years) with a woman that I have never really been physically or spiritually attracted too, much less a "soulmate". Why did I get married to her in the first place you ask?! Exactly.
Back to the present and on a whim, I was chatting with Mary at a work related happy hour and FAR too many drinks later we hooked up. Even during drunken sex and hanging out afterword, there was something there that I've never felt before.
I pursued her further. She then pursued me and explained that I was the cute guy in the office and she has long been attracted to me but she held off due to my marital status. I explained basically the same thing in reverse. So she has a moral code that matches mine. Check.
We got back together on a Friday and connected in the most powerful yet comfortable of ways. We talked for hours and realized we're compatible on attraction, intellectual and political/moral lines. We then had the most powerful sex I've ever, ever, ever, ever experienced. It was like being on another planet. But the sex was only 10 out of 10 great because of a powerful chemistry between the 2 of us. We stared into each others eyes during sex and the connection was unmistakable. I've NEVER experienced that before and have had plenty of sex with plenty of other women prior to being married.
We've since hung out another night and I truly feel like I've found my soulmate. Mary feels the same.
For context, I'm 42 now and have dated around 25 plus girls throughout my life. Hooked up with others. Had a couple of those I was "in love" with. Almost married one after 2 years of dating. Married another as mentioned above. But NONE of those relationships and flings even approach what I feel with Mary.
We'll see where this goes but I truly feel like my soulmate is the wonderful woman I've worked with for the past 6 years. Go figure, we've essentially known each other for 6 years.
Debi Shoemaker on August 04, 2019:
My husband died 9 yrs agoib I've
hey on July 22, 2019:
so how do I know I've met my soulmate? How do I know that if, I have met my soulmate, that it was someone I've never thought about, or someone who I like currently? People are saying that yu have to have no doubt in your mind, but that's like having a crush!!! How do I know???
SR8695 on June 20, 2019:
Hi there! I think I've met my soulmate. I waas born on 8 June 1995, he was born on 18 May 1996. Our birthdays are exactly 3 weeks apart. We were together for about half a year before we were forced to return to our home countries upon our graduation in the UK. we broke up in August last year, but carried on our relationship until December 18. Then we went our separate ways for good. We are not in contact anymore, basically blocked each other from social media. Out of sight, out of mind, right? But I think of him every now and then. And each time I do, I pray for him in silent. I want him to be happy and well. That no one would ever hurt him, ever. I want the best for him. However, I miss him. A lot. I wonder if our paths will ever cross again. Because our love story was magical. From the start, it feels surreal. I met him on a speed date, the night I met him was the night we first kissed and the kiss feels familiar even though it's the first kiss. We hit it off, obviously. He said I was the only woman, non-biologically related to him that he has ever loved and said he loves. And he was the first man I truly, truly love. We really shined each other and taught each other a lot of things to be better people. I hope one day our paths will cross again. Do you think it's ever possible? And do you think we are soul mates? I hope we are and I'm not delusional,
Namita on June 17, 2019:
Is it possible the soulmate is younger than me?
denise on June 08, 2019:
i met Robert. A few days then he was gone
Viviane324 on May 26, 2019:
I have met my soulmate, sadly he had passed away on April 16, 2019. We were together for 4 yrs and engaged for 3yrs. We were planning our wedding just before he passed as well as everything else most engaged people had plans for the rest of their lives together.
His birthday was Dec. 4, 1982 and mine March 24, 1983. From the moment we first met and locked eyes, there was a sense of familiarity. Just like what you said, it felt like I had known him from before. We were always in sync with each other. Our personalities were opposite but there was a sense of common ground and we balanced each other out. Whatever I lacked he had helped me get through it and taught me how to overcome my fears and insecurities and vice versa. He was the only person that understood me. We had a really good communication and never felt judged whenever we expressed how we felt towards each other. We had trust and love like no other. I always felt everything within the core of my heart and being when I was with him. He knew my every thought and feelings without me ever having to say anything. We were so connected in every possible way.
Although losing him is extremely painful, I don’t regret ever meeting him because I know we will find each other again and finally be together even if it’s not in this life but in another.
Sade on May 23, 2019:
Hello my name is Sade I want to know if it's normal to feel pain being apart from your soulmate I've been talking to my soulmate for 10 months and now we met in person I know he's my soulmate we live far apart and it hurts being apart from him I need an answer is it normal
MyNameIsNini on April 27, 2019:
I met this guy at my local Starbucks 2 years ago. Idk how to explain it but I'm sure he felt that spark too, like something clicked, and we both smiled at each other. Went back 3 more time and then stopped for almost a year because we moved. Fast forward to September 2018, I saw him again at the same coffee shop, and immediately my heart started leaping from what I can tell was excitement but also I was nervous! And the look on his face shows how he was shocked as well and then he smiled and I was way too shy to smile back(also I'm an introvert so my social skills are MIA). This went on everytime I visited to grab a drink and he would always say 'Hi' and act all stupid and shy but he's never asked me out. Not even my number. This year I tried to reach him through Facebook. Sadly, he could only be added through mutuals so I added a friend of his whom I knew worked alongside him in the same coffee shop. After that, he ignores me. I messaged him and he tells me I'm "malandi" (it's when a girl is too flirty) but I only said 'Hi'. What do you think happened?
Wendy on April 19, 2019:
I believe Matt is my soulmate, but may be the same Matt who felt 13 months ago he lost his 22 yrs. ago, and still loves her. He says his ex is his best friend and they get together twice a week due to their 17 yr. old daughter. So, although the connection was intense,unexplainable, magical and unlike anything else I have experienced in the early stages; it must be one - sided; for he would not have feelings for his ex.
Paulette Crawford on April 08, 2019:
I believe I have found my soul mate. He first started saying this to me, now I feel so much the same. We can talk for hours, however we are quite a distance from each other. He is in Malaysia and I am in U.S. but we love each other very much. are bithdays are November 16, 61 for me and june 12, 59 for his. are we okay?
Victoria on April 06, 2019:
My spiritual soulmate seems like years we parted due to and recently met up and it's like we never left.
I feel strongly in my heart knowing he's close and telepath within my mind we will see one another.
My heart leaps out of my mouth to want to cradle that love of expression and to never let go and the smile of a few words is enough to hold and take away with me.
I believe in strongly that two souls were meant to be no matter what soulmate slash the greatest friend.
Sugar Love on March 23, 2019:
My soulmate & I met 3 decades ago. We knew we were soulmates but he married. I married & am widowed. He reached out to me all of a sudden & when we met we felt it again. We’re lovers. He knows we’re meant to be together but is afraid. How can I help him? I know I will never find anyone like him again in this lifetime.