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'I Like You' Poems: Short Rhymes and Messages for Guys and Girls

Here are a wide variety of poems to show someone that you like them.

Here are a wide variety of poems to show someone that you like them.

Put Your Heart Into It

Use these 'I like you' poems as cheeky text messages, emails, or notes to tell someone that you like her or him. Whether it is the girl who sits next to you in class or the cute boy on your college campus, pen a few romantic lines to ask her or him out on a date. Don't be afraid or shy; say 'I like you' with all your heart and have a rose and a fun date at the ready—he or she just can't refuse.

On this page, you will find:

  • Classic lines that say 'I love you'
  • Famous, classic love poems
  • Original 'I like you' poems
Forty-five poems that say 'I like you.'

Forty-five poems that say 'I like you.'

Classic Lines That Say 'I Like You'

  • 'To me, you are perfect.' —Love Actually
  • 'Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly at your service.' —Shakespeare
  • 'Yours will I be, and with that only thought
    Comfort myself when that my hope is nought.' —Petrarch
  • 'You have bewitched me, body and soul.' —Pride and Prejudice (BBC film)
  • 'Some people are worth melting for.'—Frozen
  • 'It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.' —John Green
  • 'I think I'd miss you, even if we'd never met.' —The Wedding Date
  • 'You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.' —Margaret Mitchell
  • 'I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.' —A. S. Byatt
  • 'My blood approves, and kisses are better fate than wisdom.' —e. e. cummings
Classic line that says 'I Like You': Some people are worth melting for. —Frozen

Classic line that says 'I Like You': Some people are worth melting for. —Frozen

Famous Love Poems

  • "Peaches, Six in a Tin Bowl, Sarajevo" by Sandra Cisneros

    If peaches had arms
    surely they would hold one another
    in their peach sleep

    And if peaches had feet
    it is sure they would nudge one another
    with their soft peachy feet.

    And if peaches could
    they would sleep
    with their dimpled head
    on the other's
    each to each.

    Like you and me.

    And sleep and sleep.
  • "Pocket Poem" by Ted Kooser

    If this comes creased and creased again and soiled
    as if I'd opened it a thousand times
    to see if what I'd written here was right,
    it's all because I looked too long for you
    to put in your pocket. Midnight says
    the little gifts of loneliness come wrapped
    by nervous fingers. What I wanted this
    to say was that I want to be so close
    that when you find it, it is warm from me.
  • "Valentine" by Carol Ann Duff

    Not a red rose or a satin heart.

    I give you an onion.
    It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
    It promises light
    like the careful undressing of love.

    It will blind you with tears
    like a lover.
    It will make your reflection
    a wobbling photo of grief.

    I am trying to be truthful.

    Not a cute card or kissogram.

    I give you an onion.
    Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
    possessive and faithful
    as we are,
    for as long as we are.

    Take it.
    Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding-ring,
    if you like.
    Its scent will cling to your fingers,
    cling to your knife.
  • "Sonnet XVII" by Pablo Neruda

    I don't love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,
    or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:
    I love you as one loves certain obscure things,
    secretly, between the shadow and the soul.

    I love you as the plant that doesn't bloom but carries
    the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,
    and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose
    from the earth lives dimly in my body.

    I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
    I love you directly without problems or pride:
    I love you like this because I don't know any other way to love,
    except in this form in which I am not nor are you,
    so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,
    so close that your eyes close with my dreams.
  • "Sonnet 43" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

    How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
    For the ends of being and ideal grace.
    I love thee to the level of every day's
    Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
    I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
    I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
    I love thee with the passion put to use
    In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
    I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
    With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
    Smiles, tears, of all my life; and if God choose,
    I shall but love thee better after death.
Line from a famous love poem: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. —Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Line from a famous love poem: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. —Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Original 'I Like You' Poems

  • I have a big crush.
    Talking about it makes me blush,
    But enough is enough.
    I'm tired of living this bluff—
    I want to end this friendship between us two
    And start something new:
    I like you.
  • Your eyes kick-start my morning.
    Your smile lights up my life.
    Your call gets me buzzing.
    You help me let go of my strife.

    Your text messages keep me alive.
    Your sight keeps me awake.
    Your scent sends me into a tizzy.
    I come to school only for your sake.

    My heart beats with a rhythm new;
    Finally, the mystery ends.
    Without you, a day turns blue.
    Now that you know I like you, I don't have to pretend.
  • Today, I am going to create a bit of a flutter
    On my Facebook and Twitter
    As I ask you and also let everyone see:
    Will you go on a date with me?
    I like you; I really do.
    You will be my date, won't you?
  • Group studying for college and help with homework,
    Let's stop all this before I go berserk.
    I have a confession to make:
    All of this was just for the sake
    Of meeting and spending time you.
    I hope you get the clue—
    I like you.
  • If I could tell you how much I like you,
    I would a happier girl.
    If only I could tell you how fond I am of you,
    So much more happiness would unfurl.
    If I could tell you how much I care for you,
    You would be touched.
    If only I could tell you how much I long for you,
    You would have me in your arms, tightly clutched.
    If I could tell you how much I fancy you,
    I would say it right away.
    If only I could only tell you how scared I am to show my feelings for you—
    It's why I wrote this poem for you today.
An original poem that says 'I like you': Fresh like a daffodil, cool like a cucumber—what's not to like about you, girl?

An original poem that says 'I like you': Fresh like a daffodil, cool like a cucumber—what's not to like about you, girl?

  • The aroma of my morning coffee,
    The tingle of my afternoon toffee,
    The swirl of a vintage wine,
    The taste of a delicacy fine—
    None of these interest me any more,
    Because I like you in a way that I never have before.
  • If I had a buck
    For every time I was struck
    By cupid's arrow,
    I would be a millionaire in sorrow
    For I still wouldn't have you in my arms,
    So I think it is time I stopped rubbing my lucky charm
    And mustered the courage to tell you
    That I can't stop thinking about you.
    I like you.
  • There is no other way to say this
    But to tell you that I like you, miss.
    I hope, to you, this sounds right.
    Will you be my lady and take me as your shining knight?
  • Ever since you caught my eye,
    I felt my heart picking up pace.
    Today I sit here, nervously chewing my tie,
    Waiting to see the expression on your face.
    It is now or never, the time is nigh
    To tell you that reserved in my heart is a place
    Just for you. I like you, cutie pie.
  • From the beginning of time,
    I was destined to fashion these lines
    Into this cute little rhyme,
    So my feelings for you can shine.
    No longer can I act like a mime
    I am for you, like red is for wine.
  • Birds and bees
    Remind me of you and me.
    We are meant to be,
    Why can't you see?
  • Sweaty palms and twitchy fingers,
    I can't wait to hear my iPhone's ringer,
    I hope it will be you with a reply
    Saying that you like me too, else I will sigh and cry.
    I like you, dear.
    I hope your reply brings me joy and cheer.
  • Tiramisu, muffins, and gooey cake,
    Sugary, spicy things that are baked,
    I am a foodie, and I like my food,
    I am taking the risk, but I don't want to sound rude.
    Cookies, jelly, and fluffy torte,
    Sweet things like you are my forte.
    If I were bread, you would be fondue.
    There is nothing left to say but that I like you.
  • Like, love, lust:
    My fondness for you comes first.
    Kind, cute, just:
    For being in my life, I thank you must.
    I like you.
  • Gooey like chocolate,
    Warm like a fireplace,
    Cuddly as a sweet kitty,
    Tangy as marmalade candy,
    Fresh like a daffodil,
    Cool like a cucumber,
    Hot like a sizzler,
    Crazy like a yo-yo—
    What's not to like about you, girl?
  • I am sick of saying lines to convey,
    I am exhausted from trying to find a way,
    I am tired of looking for hope, at least a ray,
    I am flustered by emotions constantly at play—
    'I like you,' is all I wanted to say.
  • When I wake up, I think:
    When will I see you?
    When I go to school, I think:
    Am I looking too blue?
    When I play ball, I think:
    I hope I bump into you.
    On my way home, I think:
    Lonely days like this one should be few.
    But then I turn my chin up, and I think:
    Did I just see you?
    My day turns amazing, and I think:
    Now that's why I like you.
  • I like you, super super you,
    I hope you like me, too.
    I want to kiss you, super super you,
    Kiss me back, dear, won't you?
  • What gift will it take to get you to like me?
    An iPhone cover, a cool tee, or a cupcake sweet?
    When will you start liking me?
    When our eyes meet, when our hands touch, or when I send you a romantic tweet?
    How will you start liking me?
    Love at first sight, slowly and steadily, or through stolen glances?
    Why will you end up liking me?
    Oh, there are so many reasons and so many chances.
  • In a land far, far away,
    There was a boy named me who liked a girl named you.
    What a coincidence, I must say;
    I like you, too.
  • Like Mike and Molly,
    Like Rachel and Ross,
    Like Marshall and Lily,
    Like Meredith and Derek,
    Like Hal and Lois,
    Like Jesse and Rebecca,
    Like Leonard and Penny,
    Like Eric and Donna,
    Like Homer and Marge,
    We were made to be.
    I like you, let's go on a date, shall we?
  • I like everything about you,
    From the way you twirl your skirt
    To the way you frown,
    From the way you wink and flirt
    To the way you clown around.

    I like everything about you,
    From the way you sit with your legs crossed
    To the way you pull your hair away,
    From the way you read Robert Frost
    To the way you always have something to say.

    Do you like anything about me?
    Maybe the way I smile,
    Or my heart so true,
    Maybe the way I waited a while,
    Before saying that I like you?
  • Jazz, rock-and-roll, and blues,
    I would listen to this music with you.
    Museums, cafes, and bars,
    Let's go hang out somewhere that's not so far.

    Writing, singing, and painting,
    I know you love, because I have heard you saying.
    Comedy, thriller, and romance,
    Let's watch a movie today and not leave it to chance.

    Kisses, whispers, and pecks.
    We may graduate to that next.

    I like you. xoxo
  • I see you in my future,
    Like a box of beloved treasure.
    In life's entire measure,
    You are like beautiful weather.

    Like a koala, I want to cling
    To happiness and joy that you shall bring.
    For you, I have a special thing.
    I like you, and in your arms I want to sling.
  • For you, my vote is cast.
    You are my reason to have a blast.
    Let's join hands and leave everyone aghast.
    We are similar, but we also slightly contrast.
    Forget about the past;
    Say you like me quickly and fast.
    The possibilities are vast,
    Our bond is sure to long last.
Scroll to Continue
  • After meeting you, I have never frowned.
    In my happiness, I have also put on a few pounds.
    Oops, I said too much, I must calm down.
    Thinking about you makes my mind spin round.
    I must stop now before I sound like a clown.
    Are you wondering if my mind is still sound?
    My fondness for you knows no bounds.
    My lost soul with you I have found.
    I like you, in your thoughts I have drowned.
  • I know you have just turned eighteen;
    Today I want to come clean:
    You bring me the joy on which I lean.
    To you I could never be mean.
    The water in my eyes reflects your sheen.
    School, college, and everything in between—
    Nothing matters until together we are seen.
    I like you.
  • You must have noticed that I have been glum.
    I am sad, depressed, and lonely.
    To beat the blues, here's a roll of the drum
    As I announce that I like you and you only.
    On a date with me, I hope you will come.
  • Dear beautiful neighbor,
    I see you walk by my house every day.
    Why don't you stop by and make my heart say, "Yay"?
    If it is morning, I'll serve you brekky in a plate.
    If it is afternoon, we can sip on a tea latte.
    If it is evening, maybe nibble on a slice of cake.
    If it is raining, stop by for a hot chocolate.
    If it is sunny, a chilled cocktail shall await.
    There's something for every occasion; shall we call it a date?
  • As you read this email,
    Get ready for a surprise.
    Your beauty, I want to hail.
    Lost, I am in your eyes.
    Afraid I was, but I'm not going to bail.
    I no longer want to be in a friend's guise.
    My heart for you is true; I know I won't fail.
    Come with me on a date, won't you, my girl superfly?

Further Reading


That Gucci Girl on January 09, 2020:

Thank you. He likes me!!! Anyways y’all should add

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I like this special someone

And that special someone is you

I created that By Tee Dee

This is so love poem and beautiful too on January 21, 2019:

This is so love poem and beautiful too

savage on May 24, 2018:

this is so simple make it very short and with more care

Diana on December 09, 2013:

Absolutely beautiful poems

Sharon Condet on November 05, 2012:

These poems are creative! I enjoyed reading each fact could not wait to get to next one. Well done!

Eiddwen from Wales on November 05, 2012:

A brilliant hub and thank you for sharing.


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