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Do Girls Like Guys Who Are Skinny? Here Are Reasons Why Women Will Definitely Go out With Thin Men

Justin Bieber is not the most muscular guy around, is he? Yet he cuddles up with one of the most hot and upcoming diva of our times - Selena Gomez. So much for the notion of 'girls like muscular guys' Are we on the same page now?

Justin Bieber is not the most muscular guy around, is he? Yet he cuddles up with one of the most hot and upcoming diva of our times - Selena Gomez. So much for the notion of 'girls like muscular guys' Are we on the same page now?

Would a girl go out with a skinny guy? Do girls like skinny guys at all? Would she like a thin guy? Does body size really score over personality? Would a girl prefer a muscular guy over someone with a thin body? Do girls like skinny guys or would they prefer a beefed up hunk better?

Let's answer these and stay away from cheesy Skinny vs. Muscular comparisons. Here are practical reasons why a beautiful and hot woman may still fall head over heels in love with a skinny guy.

1) Skinniness has nothing to do with intelligence

The 21st century woman likes her man to be well endowed between the ears too and nothing in popular culture or science suggests that skinny guys are any less intelligent than the average joe.

In fact if Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory is anything to go by, it would be the opposite. Not that Sheldon's character is the ideal guy a girl would like to go on a date with, the point is that skinniness has no relationship with the intellect of a guy and how he thinks.

So if you have a skinny guy on one hand who is witty and a beefed up fella on the other who is dumb as a rock, there are really no prizes for guessing who a woman likes more.

3) Skinny guys can be uber fashionable too

It is a myth that only muscular guys can carry off all the hip fashion trends. The world of fashion caters to virtually all body types. From skinny to bulky to obese, there's something trendy and hot for every body type in retail stores.

There is nothing that suggests that skinny guys can't look good because their body types make it impossible for them to carry the latest fashion trends. In fact, if the runways of Paris and Milan are anything to go by, a sleek body frame is an asset to have in the world of male fashion.

If you are a skinny guy, you need to remember that all you need to do is pick the right clothes to impress the ladies and carry off a killer attitude. Here is a killer buying guide for Levi's Jeans that you will love and will help you pick an uber cool pair of the legendary denims for your slender body.

2) Muscularity has nothing to do with a caring personality

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Girls like guys who are caring and show heaps of concern. After all, it's only human nature to crave for the companionship of a partner who takes genuine interest in your life, don't you think?

And you really don't need to be a rocket scientist to assume that a guy with big muscles does not necessarily make for a caring lover and neither does a skinny guy. So if a thin guy is indeed caring and shows genuine concern along with heaps of other things, he may very well be walking away with the hottest date in town. Girls will like a skinny guy over a muscular guy if the former is more caring than the later, get it?

6) What women look for: It is the person and not the body type

Give any woman a list of requirements that she would like her guy to have, and things like confidence, personality and good looks will come way before things like bulging biceps. Pick any school, high school, college, workplace or bar and you will notice that even skinny guys who have a great personality have the hottest dates by their sides.

Gentlemen, here's something that you must always remember – a woman will like you for your personality and attitude in life. It is who you are, rather than your body size that depends on whether you can impress a girl or not.

4) Skinny men can be great in bed

If you thought that bulging biceps, large forearms, big thighs and large shoulders make a man a god in the sack, go fix yourself a hot cuppa and give yourself a wakeup call. Personality traits like confidence and comfort in own skin added with the abilities to know a woman's sweet spot make a man great in bed.

This absolutely dispels the notion that women don't like skinny men in bed and the myth that girls only like guys with a bulging body. So if there are any skinny guys reading this post, remember this and reclaim your confidence inside and outside the bedroom. You will please your woman regardless of how big your biceps are.

5) Liking is individualistic: Girls have preferences too

Some girls may want to go on a date with a singer so that he can rock the karaoke while some may want a dancer so he can do the salsa with them. Some girls may like a man in uniform while some may crave a banker in the flashy Gucci suit.

Some women may fantasize about a guy with a thin body frame while some may dream about going out with a beefed up body. Bottom line is that deep down inside, we all have a particular perception of how we want our partners to be. So if a girl sees herself not going out with a muscular guy, well, a skinny dude may very well be her knight in shining armor.

Do girls like skinny guys?

Selena Gomez had the world at her footsteps. But who did she pick? Justin Bieber. Is he a big muscular guy? Absolutely not. Is the message loud and clear now? A woman will any day pick a skinny man over a muscular giant if the skinny dude has a better personality. A grumpy beefed up fella is no fun to hang out with, while a skinny yet charming, witty and handsome hero is a delight to have around.

Note: This post is aimed at dispelling false notions and insecurities that guys may have about their bodies, and how women perceive them. It does not promote unhealthy skinniness or extreme cases of frailness.


Diana on August 27, 2020:

This article is lowkey dumb. Like my type is skinny boys but its not for any of these reasons at all. I just think skinny guys r 10000x hotter than buff dudes. Lanky guys r sooo sexyyyyy. none of these reasons at all r even necessary. Lanky guys r just better.

****In my opinion, based on looks alone (obvs some exceptions)

Dorian on August 03, 2020:

Personally im a skinny guy with confidence and a bit of spice so glad to know I have a shot with some girls.

max on February 18, 2020:

1. I feel like all you’re saying is that thin guys are more intelligent than muscular guys. And that’s not true.

2.You also bluntly say that muscular men dumb and not fun to hang around.

3. You haven’t categorically told us why women find thin men attractive. A complete waste of my time.

Cambry Swillniey on December 31, 2019:

skinny guys are MUCH hotter than than the 'macho' type, and much healthier (sometimes)

Hasnat Saeed from Wah Cantt,Punjab,Pakistan on October 27, 2019:

Visit this link and then see who is more hot :

Warren Chris Bulime from Kampala, Uganda on August 09, 2019:

WOW! what a piece have come across

Gigi on July 22, 2018:

I've been a lifelong admirer of skinny men. Looks very sexy to me!!

Timothy Arends from Chicago Region on September 16, 2017:

I wish I had read this when I was younger LOL!

dina on February 07, 2017:

the argument goes to personality. i actually think lean, skinny is more attractive than puffy muscular.

idigwebsites from United States on May 30, 2013:

My boyfriend is not skinny nor muscular -- in fact he's fat! But I love him being fat. More huggable! And you're right, liking is individualistic. It depends on every woman's preference. Thanks for posting! :)

Xai Yang on February 21, 2013:

This article is very interesting I like it. :D

Jeff on February 16, 2013:

thanx this helps me more then you you'll ever know.

passthejelly from Lakewood Colorado on November 23, 2012:

As a skinny guy this really is a breath of fresh air. Thank you.

Rachael C. from That little rambunctious spot in the back of your mind :) on November 12, 2012:

Personally, I've always preferred skinny guys, maybe because the majority of them were either dorky or nerdy, which matches up with my own personality. I guess it boils down to the fact that for a lot of girls, looks really don't matter as much as society would like to lead one to believe. I have met unbelievably gorgeous girls who have dated and married and had children with ugly, fat guys or ugly, skinny guys.

I myself have been attracted to all the guys that other girls said, "Ew!" over. (: And I have never been called ugly.

So I think, as a woman, it really depends on what you are looking for.

You made this point quite clear in a very cleverly written Hub, I enjoyed reading voted up! --Rachael

tom hellert from home on July 03, 2012:


My gosh what is next- do women like chocolate?

Do men like breasts??

women like thinner guys.. hello??? that's why guys are trying to get thinner cmon princess thhis one is too easy like a 3-1 79 mph fast ball down the eart of the plate....only women who don't like thin guys are worried about their own image....or women who only want the monster muscle men...

SN Brown MEd from Jacksonville, Florida on June 08, 2012:

I love this! Very good Hub!

joe on May 27, 2012:

What about the not so strong, more rounded guys? This article suggests we don't exist. Are we to believe we don't stand a chance just because we're overweight?

Levertis Steele from Southern Clime on May 07, 2012:

Yes, more mature women certainly know better than to overlook good character. When I was a teen, my boyfriend was a 220 pound muscular, well-carved football player, in AFROTC and planned to graduate with a commission of second lieutenant. He was a cocky know-it-all, and I was so caught up with puppy love, and many girls hated me. I loved it. I eventually grew up and moved on. To make a long story short, I married a mild-mannered Slim Jim.

Phil Plasma from Montreal, Quebec on May 02, 2012:

You sure have the knack for writing things to help the guys out. I wish I could have read your hubs back in my youth.

Great hub for helping the skinny guys out, voted up, useful and again, awesome.

Ishwaryaa Dhandapani from Chennai, India on May 01, 2012:

An insightful and enjoyable read! You rightly dispelled all the wrong notions about skinny guys and girls' perception about them! The points listed by you are clearly stated and well-explained. Well-done!

Thanks for SHARING. Awesome & Interesting. Voted up.

ME Whelan from New England on April 30, 2012:

IMHO, too many obvious muscles are a sign of too much time and thinking spent on building up those muscles. Points off. Skinny is good, Slender but not skinny is fine. Kind of heavy, or even "pretty heavy" is fine. It's the "too much muscle" that makes me think "too obsessed with his own build". :/

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