Warning to America About Obama!
Puppet Master
The Five Pillars of OBAMA
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Obama must be exposed for being the "Puppet Master" behind the White House and Democrat Party.
When OBAMA took the Presidency 16 years ago:
1. He opened the border (and why it's STILL OPEN). It baffles me how the media touts the deportations under Obama, yet Trump won in 2016 with the "Build the Wall" campaign!
2. He promoted Islam (sent pallets of CASH to IRAN, exchanged five Taliban terrorist leaders for an American traitor that converted to Islam, taught the five pillars of Islam in public schools, etc.)
3. Because he is a closet Gay (listen to Larry Sinclair) he started the forced LGBTQ movement through your television shows, Drag Queen children's story hours, men in women's bathrooms and locker rooms, men in women's sports, etc. I think the reason he won't tell the world he's Gay is because Islam wouldn't allow him to live. There is a sect of Islam that allows a homosexual to choose a gender and live according to the rules for that gender (i.e. Michelle Obama). Also listen to Joan Rivers (she was DEAD two weeks later)!
4. He idealizes Marxism/Communism (his book: Dreams from my Father)
5. He had Arizona Sheriff Arpaio jailed for proving his birth certificate is a FRAUD. Even Hillary Clinton said Obama was not born in the U.S.!! Trump should NEVER have succumbed to the LIE that his birth certificate was authentic.
The Fall of the GREAT SATAN (America)
Permitting Obama to run for President was the beginning of the fall of America aka, "The Great Satan" in Islam. Islamic holy books allow for deception to accomplish the will of their god through the practice of taqiyya (lying/deception) such as, "I am a Christian" (see video below), "You can keep your doctor," and a full glass of Obamacare deception. Muslim converts sometimes change their names, such as Mike Tyson to Malik Abdul Aziz. No matter what the media states in defense of Obama, he was known as Barry Soetoro, then established his birth name of Barack Hussein Obama.
To learn MORE about why Islam is so critical to the End Times I invite you to read my hub entitled Islam and Revelation!
My Muslim Faith
DECEIVED VOTERS elected Obama and America suffered the entire eight years of his term. When Trump ran against "Obama in a dress" Hillary Clinton (remember Benghazi) and WON, Obama who set up office IN WASHINGTON D.C. continued to sabotage Trump the entire four years of the Trump Presidency. Obama continued his THIRD TERM through dementia-ridden Joe Biden the last four years and NOW, OBAMA is STILL on track to further destroy America through word salad Kamala Harris with her VP pick, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who is endorsed by Squad member, Ilhan Omar (D-MN). This pair is pandering to the Islamic "uncommitted" voters in MN and other swing states with large Muslim populations such as MI. Of course! That's why OBAMA CALLED THE SHOTS to REMOVE JOE BIDEN and is running Kamala's campaign. Could Obama be connected to the Iranian assassination plot to kill President Trump?
Since Biden took office, the Taliban is armed with U.S. weapons left behind in Afghanistan, the Biden-Harris Administration is being exposed for sending an unvetted $239 Million in aid to the Taliban, billions of our taxpayer dollars were exchanged with Iran for release of hostages - sanctions on Iran lifted, enabling Hamas to attack Israel, "aid to Palestinian civilians" was more important than aid to Israel (aka "the Little Satan"), anti-American and antisemitism is rampant throughout the Nation, and terrorists have entered our Country through the open border! Look at the Squad in Congress, University protesters screaming, "We are Hamas," and what Dearborn, MI has become!
FYI - I do not endorse any ads within video links.
When it comes to identifying true believers in any religion, the key factor is whether or not they obey what their holy book(s) command. For Christianity, we follow the New Testament gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ and obey the Ten Commandments given by God. These commandments include #6 Thou Shalt Not Murder.
Because religions other than Islam are typically unfamiliar with what Islamic holy book(s) command, any reservation labels them "Islamophobic." Nothing could be further from the truth. Here are just a few commands in the Qu'ran to be aware of:
(2:191) Kill the disbelievers wherever they find them.
(8:39) Fight them until there is no more Fitnah (worshiping others besides Allah), and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world.]
(8:65) Fight with them.
(9:123) Murder them and treat them harshly.
(25-52) Strive against them with great endeavor.
(47:4) Strike off their heads; then after making a wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives for ransom.
(66:29) Be stern with them because they belong to hell.
Christianity and Islam do not serve the same God. Beware of movements such as Chrislam (Rick Warren) and keep your eyes on Catholicism cozying up with Islamists.
America - you either accept the TRUTH and FIGHT NOW, or YIELD to the rise of Islam, Marxism and Communism = the ongoing destruction of the Republic, our Constitution, and this GREAT NATION! And YES, Islam wants non-Muslims to KILL AND MAIM THEIR OWN BABIES, while they multiply like rabbits. Speaking of multiplying, I now have a hijab-wearing OBGYN doctor!
Muslim Demographics
This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.