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Trump Wins and World Is in Shock and Awe



The result is well known, and I need not repeat it. Donald Trump will be the 47th president of the United States. He has created history and would be the second incumbent in the White House who won re-election after losing one election.. These are small issues, but he has trounced the Democratic candidate, Kamala Harris by a convincing margin as well as the popular vote.

Trumps victory has many repercussions as he is a man with revolutionary ideas. He has promised so many things and one can be sure that during his tenure of four years, he is going to implement them. This has led to concern and worry in the capitals of the Western Allies and Japan as he charts out a revolutionary new path. In fact, there was a need for a man like Donald Trump to come to power in the United States so that he could clean the Augean stables that had been created by successive, American president since 1945..

One of the policies which is bound to be implemented is the end of fruitless wars, which America fought and generally lost after 1945 from the time of HarryTruman to Joe Biden. The deep state in America, which consist of the military and socio- economic complex under the guise of the left had decided that Trump needs to be stopped and by God, they tried their level best; framed over 88 criminal charges and made three attempts to assassinate him.

But all this has failed and Donald Trump has won, and in the next paragraph, we will understand why the western capitals are scared at his victory and why the enemies of United States are breathing, their last in the oxygen tent.

The way forward

Many people have asked me why the leader's sitting in Paris, London, Berlin. Kiev and other places are numbed and worried. In addition, the opponents of the United States like Iran and China who were earlier treated with kid gloves without a clear policy, have now to face a man at the helm of affairs, who has clearly articulated that he would destroy the enemies of the United States.

A bigger commitment he has made is that he will find a solution to the Gaza war as well as stop the Ukraine conflict. I have repeatedly mentioned earlier that the war in Ukraine was instigated by the United States from the time of Clinton under the guise of projecting American power but had led Europe to the brink of World War III. Donald Trump has seen through the game and I am sure the war will be stopped and the man to be worried is Zelenskii, who was fattening, not on only his personal purse, but also using his population as fodder in the battle with Russia.

You can also expect an opening from Donald Trump to India and it is on record that the first person he has spoken to is his friend, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Donald Trump is also committed to reduce the taxes, in particular the income tax to raise, the lifestyle of the American people. He does not want that the American tax money should be used for funding fruitless wars like Joe Biden, and the democrats were doing in Ukraine.

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All along, I had said that the Russian state had been forced into the hands of China by the actions of Joe Biden and Obama. This will change now and President Putin has welcomed the victory of Donald Trump. The policy to expand NATO Eastwards will be stopped, and the danger of world war three averted. I am sure about it, and this by itself is a great contribution.

During his last tenure, Trump had brokered the Abraham Accord, which were signed by the UAE, Bahrain, Morocco and some countries with Israel. Saudi Arabia was perhaps on the verge of signing when Donald Trump lost the election. This is the best bet for the Middle East and I'm sure more and more countries, will sign the Abraham accord and accept the reality of Israel,

Donald Trump has been heavy on Islamic terrorism and I think he's going to pursue it and no wonder the Iranian leadership is petrified. Also, petrified are the leaders of Pakistan and Bangladesh who now would be counting their days. Donald Trump clearly come out against the genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh, while the Democrats were doing the tango with Mohammed Younas, the leader, who replaced Sheikh Haseena.

Donald Trump has gone on record to say that NATO is an obsolete organisation. He will not disband it, but definitely the financial liability will be greatly reduced. No wonder the French president Macron is petrified and has made a statement that we have to rely not on America but ourselves. The problem is demographic which cannot be solved, and the Islamists they had brought into their, society are actually like poison, undermining the European states. I do not see how they can manage without the Americans, but best of luck to them if they can.

We will have a breath of fresh air against China, which is the real enemy of the United States. We will have to wait and watch how Trump deals with China, but the fact is the Chinese economy is stalling and desperately needs American help to stay afloat.


Trump has only four years at his disposal because after that, he will not be able to stand for election again. All the talk by the Democrats that he will usher in a dictatorship and change the constitution is a lot of BS and should be dismissed. The question is whether the deep state, which is all pervading in America, will allow Trump to carry out his agenda during the four years he is in power. Four years is very short-period in a historical cycle, and that I believe will be the constraint to what Donald Trump wants to do.

However, there is no doubt that the victory of Donald Trump has brought a breath of fresh year into the Morbid American political scenario. The best part is the Republicans are also going to have a majority in the Senate and if he can work and frame his plans properly, there is a good chance that he will be able to usher, in a new era in American history.

There are a lot of people crying wolf at the victory of Donald Trump, but I think they don't have a leg to stand on. The best part is that Donald Trump will bring peace and at the same time destroy fundamentalism in particular in the Middle East, which is the only way forward.

© 2024 MG Singh

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