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The Ohio Exotic Pet Ban: What Animals Are Now Illegal as Pets?

The Exotic Pet Ban in Ohio

The Exotic Pet Ban in Ohio

How the Ohio Zoo Massacre Contributed to the Ban

The Zanesville, Ohio, "Zoo Massacre," which ended with the deaths of 18 tigers, 17 lions, six black bears, two grizzly bears, three mountain lions, two wolves, and a baboon after they were allegedly set free by their suicidal owner, Terry Thompson, sent legislators into a frenzy to amend previous bills that were said to be far too lenient on what exotic pets could be legally owned in Ohio.

Prior to the incident, the governor's task force, which was composed of organizations like the HSUS and the American Zoological Association, was examining the state's lack of regulations when the Zanesville incident propelled the issue into the spotlight and largely contributed to the support of the finished bill.

The new Ohio Dangerous Wild Animal Act had widespread approval and was passed by the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee in an 87–9 vote (the previous S.B. 310 was approved by the committee and was sent to the Senate floor for a vote, passing in the Ohio Senate 30–1; it was later signed into law by the governor).

People Who Owned Banned Animals Before the Law Change

If you lived in the state of Ohio and possessed a "restricted species," you could acquire a permit for the animal(s) by a certain date, but there was a catch:

  • You were required to meet strict new regulations including registration.
  • You were required to obtain expensive liability insurance coverage (a one million dollar insurance policy was required of those that possessed a restricted species for educational purposes) and facility standards were enforced.
  • The registered animal had to be microchipped.

Owners who could not meet these new standards had to find new homes for their pets or turn them into the state. No new animals could be purchased when the ban took effect on January 1, 2014. In the years after the ban was enforced, many owners were forced to give up their animals (some were euthanized).

Animals That Are Banned as Pets (Excluding Zoos and Sanctuaries)

The following animals are banned as "pets" with the exception of zoos and sanctuaries:

  1. Hyenas
  2. Gray wolves, excluding hybrids
  3. Lions
  4. Tigers
  5. Jaguars
  6. Leopards, including clouded leopards, Sunda clouded leopards, and snow leopards
  7. All of the following, including hybrids with domestic cats unless otherwise specified: cheetahs; lynxes (including Canadian lynxes), Eurasian lynxes, and Iberian lynxes; cougars, also known as pumas or mountain lions; caracals; servals, excluding hybrids with domestic cats commonly known as Savannah cats.
  8. Bears
  9. Elephants
  10. Rhinoceros
  11. Hippopotamuses
  12. Cape buffaloes
  13. African wild dogs
  14. Komodo dragons
  15. Alligators
  16. Crocodiles
  17. Caimans, excluding dwarf caimans
  18. Gharials
  19. Nonhuman primates other than lemurs and the nonhuman primates specified in division (C)(20) of this section.
  20. All of the following nonhuman primates:
  • a) Golden lion, black-faced lion, golden-rumped lion, cotton-top, emperor, saddlebacked, black-mantled, and Geoffroy's tamarins
  • b) Southern and northern night monkeys
  • c) Dusky titi and masked titi monkeys
  • d) Muriquis
  • e) Goeldi's monkeys
  • f) White-faced, black-bearded, white-nose bearded, and monk sakis
  • g) Bald and black uakaris
  • h) Black-handed, white-bellied, brown-headed, and black spider monkeys
  • i) Common woolly monkeys
  • j) Red, black, and mantled howler monkeys.

My Opinion

While large carnivores should be regulated with common-sense legislation, an outright ban is unfair. Many people have the money, space, and experience to successfully own larger carnivores. Medium-sized carnivores such as lynxes, servals, and caracals pose no more threat in society than similarly-sized domestic dogs (and in many cases, less).

A cotton-top tamarin, an animal now banned as a pet in Ohio and considered dangerous.

A cotton-top tamarin, an animal now banned as a pet in Ohio and considered dangerous.

Primates and Nonhuman Primate Bans

Many of the monkeys on the list are smaller species, so it is confusing why they are specifically banned while even lemurs are not. Also, the code in section 20 is confusing because it appears that primates that are not named on the list are unregulated.

Ohio strangely bans many primates, including small ones, but allows a few species such as marmosets and lemurs with the requirement that the owner registers them.

Species That Are Not Represented in the Pet Trade

Many of the above species are typically not owned as pets or are non-existent in the pet trade (rhinoceros, hippos, cape buffaloes, Komodo dragons). Elephants tend to be owned privately for exhibition purposes. Dwarf caimans are smaller crocodilians that are in the reptile trade, and I believe that they pose no threat to public safety. Other large crocodilians present more danger to the owner, but with a little research and experience, even this risk is not high.

Burmese python at a reptile demonstration held at a library.

Burmese python at a reptile demonstration held at a library.

Restricted Snakes and Snakes That Are Permitted

Section L addresses "restricted snakes," which means any of the following (legal only with a permit over the length of 12 feet after 2014).

1. The following constricting snakes are twelve feet or longer:

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  • a) Green anacondas
  • b) Yellow anacondas
  • c) Reticulated pythons
  • d) Indian pythons
  • e) Burmese pythons
  • f) North African rock pythons
  • g) South African rock pythons
  • h) Amethystine pythons

2. Species of the following families:

  • a) Atractaspididae
  • b) Elapidae
  • c) Viperidae
  • d) Boomslang snakes
  • e) Twig snakes

My Opinion

The threat of "constricting snakes" is largely exaggerated. States that ban certain reptiles almost always name the largest members of the python family as prohibited. However, fatalities from these species are rare, with negligent handling often being a factor.

Is This Bill Fair?

The strong support of this bill by legislators and the public is the result of the actions of a single individual. In addition to any animals listed, other animals can be added based on a decision made by the Director of ODA, which only needs to be approved by the General Assembly.

The list includes many highly advanced "pets" that should never be kept by a typical person. (However, the few exceptions to this rule should be granted the opportunity to state their situation and privately own a "restricted species" without being a zoo or so-called sanctuary.)

However, the list includes a few species that likely do not pose any kind of threat to "public safety," such as smaller cats and nonhuman primates. Cases of these animals spreading viruses and disease to the public in pet-owning situations in recent history are non-existent.



The bill does not give any consideration to the fact that domesticated animals could easily cause similar or worse damage than these unfairly stigmatized animals. It is obvious that in time, more non-threatening species will make their way onto this list due to ignorance, and these bans will spread to other states that haven't enforced them already. The ban could inevitably affect smaller businesses, such as those that present animals for educational purposes. This will force many owners to give up their animals.

Such inflexible bans on the rights of the population should be considered as a last option, and this ordinance is far from necessary. Animal ownership is not being taken seriously as pertinent to the livelihoods of pet keepers by Ohio's legislators. Clearly, this law, having been empowered by a single incident caused by one allegedly irresponsible or mentally ill individual, is not a valid reason to end lifestyles, businesses, and freedom of choice.


This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


blank on July 04, 2020:

the reason you cannot have some snakes is because they will damage the ecosystem like in florida with burmese pythons or hawaii with cane toads

Church on May 22, 2020:

Am I allowed to have capuchin monkey they’re really cate and I want one ,but don’t know if it’s legal

Roz on May 07, 2020:

Am I able to own a Czechoslovakian Wolfdog? Is it considered one of the hybrids? I really want one but I'm not sure....

:) on May 07, 2020:

I didn’t see armadillo lizards on there soooooooooooooo

Taylor Swift on May 06, 2020:

And you can have otters

Jaz on January 23, 2020:

No the Department of Agriculture follows laws just like the public has to. The laws are voted on. They don’t “ do what they want”. That’s not how it works.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 22, 2020:

Jazzlynn Cotton: You're not being 'effected' by being forced to ask if the code written right on Ohio Laws and Rules website: "935.041 Registration of certain marmosets, monkeys, capuchins and lemurs." is true or not, anyone who wants a primate should call anyway! The laws change all the time and sometimes the DOA does whatever they want anyway!

Jazzlynn Cotton on January 16, 2020:

You stated in your article- Ohio strangely bans many primates, including small ones, but allows a few species such as marmosets and lemurs with the requirement that the owner registers them.

This is FALSE. Capuchins, lemurs, squirrel monkeys and marmosets do not have to be registered in the state of Ohio. Call and verify with the Department of Agriculture Wildlife Division. You should probably verify laws with the regulating authority before writing about it and effecting all of us with misinformation. How irresponsible!

Darkstar on January 03, 2020:

I wouldn't recommend buying any exotic animals except maybe domestic mixes like the Savannah Cat. These animals belong in the wild, and its better not to mess with their lives, and to just let them be in the wild. Bringing them into society puts them into captivity, and puts others in danger, even if the animal(s) don't intend to harm anyone. They don't want to be bothered so lets not bother them.

Jason Wise on January 01, 2020:

Are Gila monsters (Heloderma suspectum) a banned or permitted species in Ohio?please let me know.

Spenser Hill on December 24, 2019:

I want to know can I own a Kinkajous in Ohio

Nippletwist on December 21, 2019:

Is it legal to own a panther in Ohio? Cuz I've been doing research on the legality of it

Linsey on October 21, 2019:

Can I own a Hognose snake in Ohio? I know they are venomous but they’re venom is like the venom from a bee, so not extremely dangerous.

Jaiden on September 07, 2019:

Is it legal to have a pet raccoon in Ohio

Pranav on June 17, 2019:

Don’t own exotic pets, lots come from irresponsible breeders and some have been taken from the wild. I fully support this law and I hope more animals like big cat hybrids and apes are completely banned and stop buying exotic animals. Just get a dog or car from a sanctuary rather than allow a baby tiger to torn from its mum. Also never participate in cub petting or canned hunting.

Kendall on March 06, 2019:

I’m am looking at owning a capichin monkey are they legal in Ohio?

Macayla on November 26, 2018:

Can I own a Pygmy marmoset monkey?

Anonymous on November 15, 2018:

Can I have a pet leech?

Markh0530 on November 01, 2018:

Why would anyone want to own a snake over 12 feet. It could kill an adult with no problem. I love snakes but i would not want one that big.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on October 04, 2018:

ReptileDrew: most of them are legal.

ReptileDrew on September 17, 2018:

I love animals that are studied in herpatology. Are there any lizards, tortises, frogs, toads, or turtles that are illegal in Ohio??? I live in Ashtabula County.

Allison on September 04, 2018:

can i have a capuchin monkey in ohio?

ally smith on August 21, 2018:

can i have a green monkey in ohio

Zayy Zayy on July 31, 2018:

Can I Own A Capuchin Monkey In Ohio??

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 19, 2017:

Primater, I think lemurs are legal. Don't quote me on that.

primater on December 19, 2016:

so what primates can you own? Its a little confusing and confusing on how to own them? Just registration? No permit? certain tamerins illegal ? Can you own a capuchin but not a tamerin or only tamerins listed?

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 02, 2016:

Neerdy cee- yes

Amanda Baker on November 18, 2016:

I don't know why these people don't think this through. What do they think happens to the tigers, bears, and exotics when they get banned? Especially if there are no sanctuaries or zoos that can take them. They will more than likely get put down.

neerdy cee on November 18, 2016:

can u own a wallaby in ohio

Gary on May 25, 2016:

To the idiots that think this law is OK only because YOU don't "think" people should own them have no right to say anything when some government entity wants to ban something you like for no other reason then the ones doing the banning are uninformed idiots. You know ferrets are banned in California. All because ONE idiot in charge personally doesn't like them. We stand together and demand lawmakers use there brains on ALL laws or we lose everything one by one.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 10, 2016:


gene on January 08, 2016:

What about a black bear ? I guess I cant own one as a pet in ohio correct

timothy on November 04, 2015:

Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness If I can afford and want a Tiger who is to say I cant

Nick on September 08, 2015:

So as far as having a pygmy marmoset??

AthanasiaJoker on August 17, 2015:

Why just kill all those animals rather than tranquilizing them and sending them to zoos and/or animal preserves? Tigers are endangered and they just kill them?? I mean wth man???

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 16, 2015:

I've never heard of sharks being illegal anywhere.

Tyler on August 15, 2015:

I didn't see anything about sharks (correct me if I'm wrong though)

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 29, 2015:

As long as there's no ban on venomous reptiles.

AaronB on June 27, 2015:

I just spent the last hour searching through Ohio DNR for regulations and came across this rule on their page. Im moving there in a couple of weeks for work and eventually hope to get a gila monster. It seems as though they never listed it as "dangerous". So it should be possible for me to get one, right? Though with my luck someone will let them know that they missed Heloderma and it will show up magically on the list.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on June 15, 2015:

You're happy about a law that dashes your future dreams? How foolish is that?

danesha on June 14, 2015:

I just want to own a fox one day. But I know I can't take care of it now so im waiting. But most people don't wait and realized how serious it is to have the funds and proper things to take care of any animal. Irresponsible people buy animals because they think they are cute and are thinking of the now and not the future. I have a dog hamster and mouse and im going to buy two birds and another mouse because I can afford to take care of them. Irresponsible owners don't think about whether they be able to feed the animal when they have to or buy a proper house for them. That why I am happy about this law. I know everyone not a bad owner but I feel bad for the animals that get stuck with one and then are abandoned.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2015:

Chadeh, Ohio is obviously not Florida. No tropical snakes can survive their winters.

Chadeh on May 26, 2015:

I can see why snakes are on the list. Here in S. Florida snakes of all kinds especially Boa's (any kind) are being killed by the thousands. These snakes are killing the natural environment and disrupting the other species balances

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 08, 2015:

You can't rationalize insanity.

lookalilcloser on May 08, 2015:

Tell me this, why would a person with as much experience with exotics as Terry Thompson had release the animals he loved and was fighting to keep ? I lived 15-20min from where the incident took place. I've been told that Mr Thompson was being targeted by animal rights activists and a lot of people believe that when Mr Thompson begin making his rounds to care for his animals that day he found that they had been released and the shock of finding his animals loose was the final event that drove him to commit suicide. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if the good ole boy cops out there decided to open the cages for some target practice . You see if Mr Thompson was the one who released those animals then why didn't he release all of them and why did he focused on the largest and most dangerous ?

Victoria on February 15, 2015:

Amber, according to ODA (Ohio Department of Agriculture), tamarins (of any kind) are not legal in Ohio. Only marmosets, squirrel monkeys, capuchin and lemurs (although I don't get the last bit they told me, as lemurs supposedly can only be purchased in the state they were born in and or require a USDA license). That is what I was told in 2013 and have not seen any changes to anything thus far, so I'd think that's how it still stands (currently). You may still want to contact ODA or Ohio DWA. The others I don't believe require a USDA license, at this time.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 23, 2015:

Yes I've seen that, what a shame.

ZookeeperByNature on January 23, 2015:

And so now stories like this are happening:

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 20, 2015:

If you are in Ohio they might be legal, but you have to check.

Amber on January 17, 2015:

I am in the beginning stages of research of owning a cotton top marmoset monkey, not planning to purchase for 2 years. As of right now do you know what the rules and/or restrictions are on owning this type of primate?

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 11, 2015:

Colin, animals don't have rights. If I can raise an animal and kill it for food, surely I can raise and pamper an animal as a pet. Why does the species matter? If you are a vegan, great, but most of us aren't. And people shouldn't be able to sit there targeting exotic pet owners for literally no reason other than their discomfort and prejudice towards seeing something unusual. I don't think many states ban exotics because of animal welfare, just due to their ignorance about what 'danger' it presents.

Colin on January 11, 2015:

Whether the animal is a threat to someone shouldn't be the only defining characteristic. Even though public safety is important, we never see the welfare and safety of the animals taken into consideration. Most of the animals breed, sold and traded in the exotic pet trade are either poached from their wild habitats, or breed in cages and taken from their parents soon after birth. And few of thee animals ever really end up in good homes. I feel that when making laws, we should look out for the rights of the animals, more than the safety of the people, for even though people aren't that often injured or killed by exotic animals, they almost always pay the ultimate price for our contempt and greed.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 10, 2015:

Great "argument" you have there War Eagle.

War Eagle on January 10, 2015:

It is just as cruel and inhumane to keep any wild animal as a pet,as it is to kill one for fun or trophy.

Harrison on October 15, 2014:

Hi! I'm from Harrison County in Ohio, one county away from Muskingum county where Zanesville resides. This entire situation was a nightmare. The government and citizens handled this horribly. It was basically a manicure of those animals. None had attacked any humans yet they found it necessary to to hunt them down with live rounds like they were going out hunting to feed they're family's instead of using traq. Darts so they could be transferred to an appropriate animal care facility. And I do agree with Melissa some animals listed should not be listed. But as for the larger more dangerous animals they should be kept in a zoo or facility with open space or be returned to the wild. But not by any means be subjected to a full scale manhunt.

TopCat on August 30, 2014:

OK, I respect your wishes & will no longer post nor follow this article after this last & final post. I truly did not mean to target you & only you personally, and I do find this article very interesting. I will leave you with an sincere apology. I have a "tendency" to bring my job home with me instead of leaving it at work where it should be left, (and, you are not the only one that has pointed this out to me)... My job is to poke holes in the prosecutors case & to create reasonable doubt. I guess that I was using this approach in my comments & for that I am sincerely sorry.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 29, 2014:

I think you are a troll. You CLEARLY directed your comments at me.

"Who composed this article? Better yet, who let this article be released with such non-sense ideations? "

The word 'bolded' can ONLY refer to the act of bolding, especially in this context. I'm no longer accepting your comments on this article.

TopCat on August 29, 2014:

OK, lets back up for one second....A) I am not "stubbornly suggesting" that YOU personally claimed any animal on the list as being dangerous. I do not think that YOU personally had anything to do with the revised list of animals that are being deemed dangerous. I see on your info page that you have asked others to keep an open mind & that is what I am attempting to do...Keeping an open mind on both sides of the fence here. B) As to interpreting the sentence that you posted, "I have bolded animals that obviously pose little or no danger to the public, and/or are popularly kept"... I am a little confused as to how you are using the term "bolded"... To me, bolded means fearless & daring; courageous etc...So, I do not know how to answer that question. C) I do not comprehend as to why you keep stating that I am not reading or listening. Please explain to me what issues you are having with anything that I have posted. I said that I am on YOUR side with this matter. I just do not agree with the list of animals & NO I do not think that you had ANYTHING to do with the revised list, so I am not attacking you personally. You are only reporting what the new rules & regulations are. D) I think that I am very good at my job & if you ever find yourself in a situation, I would be more than happy to offer you advise. E) Who is ranting? If you are referring to myself as "ranting" then you are the one wasting YOUR time writing articles if you cannot take the good with the bad. And, I do not have to defend myself from anti-exotic pet sentiments. I follow the rules that are set in place & if the rules change, then I guess I must adhere to them & also make changes. Of course I do not want to see new & almost impossible rules & regulations put into place that would cause Exotic owners to lose their animals, or new rules that would make it almost impossible for those who are responsible Exotic animal owners to not have the choice to obtain future Exotic pets. And, once again-I am on YOUR side with this matter. I do not wish to fight with you about petty comments that either of us do not like. I was under the impression that you wrote this article in defense of those who own Exotic & so others could state what or how they are feeling about new rules & regulations.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 28, 2014:

So you're going to sit there and stubbornly suggest that I claimed any of the animals on the list are dangerous? And completely ignore my request to interpret the sentence I posted? If you cannot LISTEN, I don't understand how you'd make a good attorney or properly defend yourself from anti-exotic pet sentiment. You're wasting your time ranting at the wrong person.

TopCat on August 28, 2014:

Maybe you are 100% correct Melissa, perhaps I should ask for a total refund from the colleges that I have attended. I would seriously give your kind "New York" suggestion a thought if I did not love my job & if I thought even for one second that I was not a good Criminal Defense Attorney. If you did not notice, I am on YOUR side with this issue. I just do not agree that ALL of the animals listed should be labeled as "WILD & DANGEROUS"...And, yes to your question. I have owned & currently own EXOTIC cats that obviously pose little or no danger to my family nor the general public, (all have been small exotic cats with the exception to one Florida Panther to which we got at 2 weeks of age & she passed away of natural causes at the age of 19 years) ..And, yes, each & every Exotic cat that I have owned over the past 25 years were & are properly (not popularly) kept. I welcome Wildlife inspections, they help me-help keep my animals healthy and safe, its only when one becomes complacent with ANY type of animal when stupid accidents happen.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 27, 2014:

Maybe you should. What does this say? "I have bolded animals that obviously pose little or no danger to the public, and/or are popularly kept"

TopCat on August 27, 2014:

I am pretty sure that I actually read before I write anything & I certainly hope that I can read & understand English Melissa, if not then I had better ask for a refund for all the money I spent attending college for 8 years. Yes, I seen your name at the top, however; I just assumed that the writer was a professional & would not be calling others comments ignorant, dumb, etc...My bad for not connecting your choice of words & language to being the writer.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on August 27, 2014:

TopCat, do you actually read before you write?

TopCat on August 27, 2014:

I must be reading a different article than most of you Humans are reading, OR I am reading it all wrong. "Non-Human Primates??" So, this means I CAN own a Human Primate or slave, correct? Who composed this article? Better yet, who let this article be released with such non-sense ideations? Of course its just pure common sense that one should not own an adult tiger or lion in their back yard & there SHOULD be rules & regulations to weed out those who think that it is OK to put an adult lion or tiger in their back yard, but as far as calling Caracals & Serval cats a wild & dangerous animal, well that is just pure bullshxx. I have had a Class II Wildlife permit for 25 years & have owned both; Caracals & Servals , and at the present time I own a 7 year old Serval Cat & by NO means is she "WILD" nor "DANGEROUS". She came from 12++ generations of being bred & born in Human care & there is NO way that my "EXOTIC" ~not~ "WILD" but my EXOTIC Serval Cat Pet could survive ONE day in the wild. People are getting the terms "WILD & EXOTIC" mixed up, its like comparing apples to oranges. WILD animals were born in the WILD & I for one would never take ANY animal out of the wild, not even a bird, ant, etc..If they were born in the wild, then that's where they need to stay-IN THE WILD. Now, EXOTIC Pets such as my Serval Cat were NOT born in the wild nor have they ever been in the wild, meaning they could NOT survive without human care. My Serval is from 12++ generations of being bred & born in human care. You can all it domestic or what ever you want, but by NO means does she pose ANY type of danger to anyone & here in Florida we have very strict rules & laws to follow & I for one agree with the rules & regulations as not all Humans care for their animals as they should, hell some Humans don't even know how to care for their own children. Exotic pets such as my Serval Cat are the same thing as at one point in time ALL horses were WILD animals, but us Humans bred & kept them as pets, or like ALL birds at one time were WILD animals, but us Humans bred & kept them as pets & the list goes on & on. Yes, I agree there needs to be rules & regulations for everyone who owns ANY type of pet, just walk into your local animal shelter & see how responsible some Humans are, but to go as far as saying EXOTIC pets such as Caracals & Servals are WILD & DANGEROUS is over the top.

rico1331 on June 07, 2014:

First hello all,i do not own any large exotics.The reason being i do not have the land or knowledge for the best possible care.I do own exotics with four,six,and eight legs.Also a few with no legs being up 8ft in length.I also have the sense to give the best possible care for what i do own,PERIOD! Do the research as you would for anything else,or someone will say they did for you.

jason on April 28, 2014:

Terry Tompdin did not commit suicide. He was murdered. It was all a set up so mr . Kasich could get this bill passed.

Monica on March 20, 2014:

You cannot have an open forum for a discussion and get pissed..I would be a problem if your animal became a problem. MOVE TO A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN HAVE WILD, DANGEROUS, VICIOUS ANIMALS.....

you are a weirdo I hope somebody trap and cage your ass.... you are an animal too... and not even a good one you know an annoying animal maybe and insect best describe you... A gnat,mosquito or a bee something you can flatten with a newspaper. If you have a problem with the law go to school get a degree and try to get a job in that field but your complaining it's doing nothing.

Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on March 19, 2014:

Monica, do some research. Find out how many members of the public have been severely harmed or killed by 'exotic' pets. I don't care if you need to FEEL safe and secure from a non-threat like my pets. That doesn't give you the right to infringe on my life with your ignorance.

Monica on March 19, 2014:

I totally agree with the ban. I think it's cruel, irresponsible and plain foolish to own a monkey, a large cat or a venomous snake or insect. No one really understand how these animals think and it's usually some unsuspected victim that is mauled. I believe that all Gods creation have a right to life but what do you do to an animal that attacks and kills. What do you say to a mother whose child had been mauled to death what comfort can you provide them. you're obligation as a human being is to humans first. People should have the right to feel safe and secure. Wild animals are just that wild. I know that incidents can occur with any animal but I am convinced that you can free yourself of a dog but if a cougar is attacking you what can you do. If people want to own these animals move somewhere these animals are at like Africa, Australia hell move to Colorado or California where mountain lions roam free and walk around find and catch one now it's probably is going to end with your demise and then what. people must find other things to do with their time. Invest in your community, organize youth programs, feed the homeless, house homeless vets. Midst people would rather invite a wild animal in their home before giving a dollar to person in need and that is ass backwards please pardon my language. I have 4 children and it terrifies me to think that can be on their way home and be attacked by some wild animal (not pet) that some person who thought that it would make a great pet.