Chris Hansen Created A Monster
Chris Hansen Turned The American Criminal Justice System Into A Monstrosity
Chris Hansen's Biggest Mistake In The Mainstream Media
Defrocked journalist Chris Hansen's days on "To Catch A Predator" on Dateline NBC has been a cult favorite for two decades despite that these shows are no longer being produced. Mr. Hansen actually believed that he was serving the greater good in producing these shows, but all he was really doing was running a teenage-pregnancy-prevention campaign to the public at large.
Now there is what is called a T.C.A.P. ("To Catch A Predator") community that obsesses over these television shows. I won't go too much into Mr. Hansen's history with this same vehicle during its existence on television and after its cancellation from television. Most everyone knows about what happened with Mr. Hansen once the National Broadcasting Company ("NBC") fired him.
What I would like to focus upon here is the kind of damage that Mr. Hansen did to our society after creating such a beast on television and on YouTube in later years. It is no secret to the world that the United States has likely the highest statutory ages of consent and harshest statutory-rape laws in the world.
As a result, sex-offender registration has grown into a lucrative industry in the United States insofar as it is doing more harm than good upon society. American police officers are becoming more despotic than they have ever been because of it. American judges have become less responsible in their actions upon defendants who are falsely accused of sex crimes.
In 1992, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued what was called "The Jacobson Decision" to protect civilians against entrapment. This same ruling also applied to online sex-sting operations later on as they became a regular practice by the authorities in later years. However, law-enforcement officials and judges began to ignore this same ruling more and more as time moved on.
In the video below is a gentleman named Norman Michael Achin who describes how this same adverse trend in both the American criminal justice system and the American court system has rendered many civilians vulnerable to public officials who wish to railroad them regardless of whether or not they are innocent or guilty of a crime. Mr. Achin is much more conservative about the topic of underage sex than most people are.
Mr. Achin is not some deranged or deluded extremist who wishes to do away with the statutory ages of consent throughout the United States altogether. Instead, he wants courts to adhere to The Jacobson Decision so that innocent individuals don't get sent to prison for crimes that they didn't even commit or crimes that they would never have committed if the authorities had not entrapped them. Mr. Achin explains everything in his video below.
Norman Michael Achin Explains The Jacobson Ruling From The SCOTUS
The full text of Jacobson v. United States, 503 U.S. 540 (1992) can be found on the Internet. According to Mr. Achin, law-enforcement officials and court officials now play by their own rules in the United States whenever they become involved in a sex case. I agree with him, and I find it appalling.
The Harshest Sex-Offender-Registration Laws Anywhere
Poland has the harshest sex-offender-registration laws of any nation in Europe, and even the authorities in that nation show more respect toward the registrants there than American authorities do so toward registrants in the United States. Below is a video that Steven Robert Whitsett posted on his YouTube channel in which he explains how much more reasonable the Polish sex-offender registry is than any such registry in the United States. You'll be shocked at how lenient the Polish sex-offender registry is.
Steven Robert Whitsett Describes The Sex-Offender Registry In Poland
Now get this. In Poland, the sex-offender registry there provides barely any private information about the people on it to the public. It doesn't even name their offenses. Also, if you're from the United States and you're on the sex-offender registry here, the Polish authorities will not require you to register in their country in the event that you move there or even vacation there.
In other words, the one nation that has the harshest sex-offender-registration laws in Europe, namely Poland, is significantly more lenient with its registrants than the United States is with theirs. It gets you thinking whether the United States is still the free country that it was decades ago.
It makes you wonder why Chris Hansen has never brought any of his filming crews with him to any of these European nations to interview with law-enforcement officials there. Probably nobody wants him there.
We all must take into consideration that European nations don't have nearly as harsh sex laws as the jurisdictions of the United States do. For example, an adult man can be rest assured that he probably won't land on any sex-offender registry in Europe for having mailed a Valentine card to a 17-year-old girl back when he was in college. Perhaps that is how sex laws are enforced in Florida, but nobody will likely face that same travesty of justice anywhere in Europe.
For someone to get arrested for the attempted rape of a minor anywhere in Europe, they probably would have to do something really egregious to an underage girl before the authorities will even get involved. American society goes into pedophile-panic mode for every little thing that appears to be even slightly less than conventional.
In her video below, Dr. Lindsey Doe denounces the overly aggressive use of sex-offender registries. What makes her video interesting is that she normally sides with the criminal justice system on topics of this nature. However, when it comes to sex-offender registration, she questions this practice up and down.
Dr. Lindsey Doe Attacks The Strong Use Of Sex-Offender Registries In Law Enforcement
According to Dr. Doe, the aggressive use of sex-offender registries produces the opposite result of what they originally set out to do on the taxpayer's dime. I agree with her on that point.
Dr. Doe wants the use of sex-offender registries to be reformed in the United States. I agree with her only insofar as I believe that these registries either need to be revamped in how they are utilized or eliminated altogether in the event that they cannot be revamped.
Americans Need Justice Over Austerity With Its Sex Laws
Final Thoughts
The United States doesn't need to tolerate anarchy, especially with its sex laws. However, if this nation wants to continue being a beacon of freedom, its elected officials need to take a good look at all the chaos that has been ensuing within both the criminal justice system and the court system in connection with its sex laws.
It doesn't mean that elected officials have to be apathetic about the public safety. They merely need to compare our sex laws with ones of other nations and recognize that the United States has taken its crusade to purify its cultural fabric way, way too far.
American society is turning into a puritanical black hole, and it's not improving the quality of life in this same nation. On the contrary, unnecessary social problems are materializing everywhere. Police are becoming control freaks. Judges are getting dollar signs in their eyes when they should be concentrating on ensuring that justice is served.
Greedy forensic psychiatrists need to be held up to a higher standard than they have been as well. Juveniles are not safer than before as a result of the draconian measures that both law-enforcement and judicial officials have taken. There is merely less trust in the system than there was before.
A Poll For Anyone Who Believes In Justice
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
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