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The Government Is Not Our Savior

A Nation in Turmoil

We are days away from the 2024 election and our nation is in a precarious position. There are numerous issues that are weighing heavy on the minds of the American people. The cost of living is rising faster than wages, crime is rising in many parts of the country, wars taking place in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, our standard of living is declining. The American people have noticed and they want solutions. So, what should we expect?

Many of us have already made up our minds as to how we will vote on Tuesday. Still, over the next few days, we will be subjected to a constant stream of media stories and campaign advertisements as politicians and influencers attempt to persuade those who remain undecided. If we are lucky, the stories and ads will be honest and unbiased. Sadly, it is more likely that they will be neither. So, what are we the people supposed to do?

Understanding the Role of Government

Now would seem to be a good time to examine the role of government. Many people have gotten used to the idea that the government exists to find solutions to our problems. They believe that a properly run government will make everything good and provide us with all we need to live our lives. However, this is an inaccurate view.

What government should do, when uncorrupted, is protect the rights and liberties of the individual. Keep us safe and protect us from those who threaten our individual rights, be they foreign, or domestic. Make sure that everyone is on a level playing field. Does this sound like the government we currently have?

How The Government Grows

What happens slowly, over time, is that the government grows bigger and more powerful. Politicians promise to solve a problem, or attain a desired outcome, and the voters think that sounds good. They vote for the politician and a new government department is born.

This new government department will now make decisions for you, eroding individual rights. It will work diligently, not to provide solutions, rather to protect its continued existence. A program to help the poor is not needed if people are lifted out of poverty, thus a program can not succeed without rendering itself unnecessary.

This premise is repeated all throughout our government. It's a continuous cycle that goes on behind the scenes, and it's driven by one thing. Voters expecting the government to solve all our problems. Simply put, we are unknowingly supporting the policies that are driving us into debt and reducing our personal freedoms.

How Do We Correct This?

The first step to correcting this, as with all problems, is to understand that we have a problem. Our country is on a course that is not sustainable. The ever growing government is costing more and more to run and making us a little less free. We need to understand that this trend is not in our best interest.

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The government can never be our savior. It can not solve all our problems without having the power to make all our decisions. Do not make the assumption that the government is full of experts who have your best interests at heart.

When you vote, ask yourself how the candidate can deliver on their promises. Would they have to restrict the rights of others? Do their proposals give you more control over the decisions in your life, or do they put those choices in the hands of someone else?

Remember, The Government Works for Us.

The people we elect to office should reflect the values of the American people. They work for us and that should be reflected in how they govern. Their priorities should be our priorities. We are not in need of leaders who will decide what they think is best for us, we need leaders who will take us in the direction we wish to go.

© 2024 Christopher J Wood

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