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The Biggest Bunch of Bozo's on the Planet!

Let's Smoke This Place!

American Spirit...what else?

American Spirit...what else?

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." - H. L. Mencken

That's all folks!

**Read with Jaws music in mind**

Every day they get more and more crazy. Everyday I shake my head in disbelief and incredulity at something they say. Just when you think they have gone over the line, the line moves five more feet to the right. It's a mass hysteria the likes of which we haven't seen since Orson Wells played his fake Martian attack scenario on the radio.

Yes my friends , its' the attack of the Republicans! Ahhhhhhhhhh!

I try to avoid the plague. I try to ignore pesky fruit flies. Yet in ever increasing hysteria...THERE THEY ARE!

Listen up: Social Security is collectivism. The military is collectivism. Banking is collectivism. The public school system is collectivism. Anything we do as a people for the people as a whole is collectivism. Is it not?

So what is the problem? Government takeover...are you kidding me? It's only government trying to rail in the greedy money whores known as the Insurance Industry. Government trying to insure that people don't have to die to satisfy a bottom line. Death Panels? Yeah--we have them. It's the bean counter brigades over at ___, __, ___fill in the blank with any Insurance company name.

It's been a real nice ride these people have had under the guise of "freedom", "free-enterprise". At the expense of the American citizen. And it blows my mind that people actually fall for the garbage being spewed out as the American Way. Is anyone else embarrased by the fact that every other country seems to manage to have healthcare for their citizens? And for free??? And we, who trumpet our richness and goodness,

Healthcare should not be for sale.

Housing should not be for profit.

Heat and food should not be a luxury!

We have been overtaken by Robber Barons, and they have swayed our mentality in their favor. We have fallen for a mantra which goes against our own stated values which are written at the base of the Statue of Liberty. It is a take-over all the monied interests. And they sell it as freedom, but it is debt slavery.

One last note: Yesterday, I heard the next phase of their plan being unveiled. A conservative talk-show host said this, "We must put Impeachment in the air. We don't have the votes for it now, but we will come November. Once we win over the Congress, we must Impeach him and get him out!"

If Obama is gone and they can blame him for everything...which they do already, imagine the power they will have then! It will be a money-grubbing free-for-all the likes of which you have never seen. And they will say "You wanted this!" "You gave it to us!" And it would be true....IF it were to happen. But it is NOT going to happen. These operators are going to burn out from their own demented behavior. Eventually their programming will run out, and they will sputter off and fade away...empty shells of hatred, drooling out the last guffaws of their propaganda...."he hates America"....."he wants you to die"...."he's a terrorist"....."I'm fading"..."I'm fading".....

Kind of like the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz :)

And that is the day I anticipate with glee!

by Emma Lazarus (1849-1887)

“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame…”

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
with silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


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You don't say.....

Campaign finance group says McConnell has cashed in by blocking bills




"Cons are so dramatic! Always saving the country, watering the tree of liberty w their blood. Please. You're arguing for low taxes on rich"


Playin' favorites

The right wing is abuzz with a question they find delicious: Why is my paycheck less this week?

The simple answer for most taxpayers that that Republicans found a tax cut that wasn’t worth fighting for — yours.


That Obomber is some kind uh Hitler

ahhh, the humanity

ahhh, the humanity

Ah Represent Amurricah

from coffee party on facebook

from coffee party on facebook

Here's this morning's "catch word" of demonization to be used by every lemming following at the trough of lunacy: Collectivism. Yes, collectivism. Signifying communism, socialism, Marxism, Hitler and Stalin ....all those boogey words that come to mind with that one. Yes, you know--kind of like what our country was founded on...One for all and all for one. Give me you tired, your poor, your huddled masses....and what? Demonize them! Smear the living daylights out of them. Lie about them. pssssttt, listen THEY don't care about America...they want your mother to DIE. That president isn't a citizen, he's a Muslim and a terrorist. I mean, come on...just think about it. Does he LOOK like a president?

You get my drift here? And the sad part is, these people who are the mouthpieces for this organization cannot be for real. It must be a CIA psy-ops Operation Mockingbird project to help the Insurance industry. It's GOT to be. Ooooo, Conspiracy! That's right, conspiracy. Because no one in their right MIND could be so twisted.

Listen up: Social Security is collectivism. The military is collectivism. Banking is collectivism. The public school system is collectivism. Anything we do as a people for the people as a whole is collectivism. Is it not?

So what is the problem? Government takeover...are you kidding me? It's only government trying to rail in the greedy money whores known as the Insurance Industry. Government trying to insure that people don't have to die to satisfy a bottom line. Death Panels? Yeah--we have them. It's the bean counter brigades over at ___, __, ___fill in the blank with any Insurance company name.

It's been a real nice ride these people have had under the guise of "freedom", "free-enterprise". At the expense of the American citizen. And it blows my mind that people actually fall for the garbage being spewed out as the American Way. Is anyone else embarrased by the fact that every other country seems to manage to have healthcare for their citizens? And for free??? And we, who trumpet our richness and goodness, are letting people die to satisfy a bottom line. Tell me--when is it going to be enough money? 1 million a year salary is not enough for a ceo?

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.

© 2010 Leslie McCowen


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on October 24, 2021:

The great thing is… time a Republican wins anything, all we have to say is, “no. Nope nope nope. It’s rigged. They cheated. Nope. Not accepted.”

See how easy that is?


So easy, grasshopper.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on October 12, 2021:

Gee, looters.

“At least 30 defendants in Jan 6 cases have been charged with "theft of government property"

Some have been accused of stealing mail and papers. Feds have alleged others stole wine and beer.”


How about feces on the wall? I mean…..animals!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 23, 2021:

“We stay asleep”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 22, 2021:

Oh. My. Gawd.

“Flynn: Libs Are Plotting To Put The Vax In Salad Dressing.”

“Ground control to major Tom….ground control to major Tom”

Good grief!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 20, 2021:

Lol, the Biden haters club are such idiots!

“Video clips circulated on social media claiming that President Joe Biden said vaccines protect people from hurricanes are false and out of context, according to The Associated Press, PolitiFact and Reuters. The full transcript of his comments shows that Biden was encouraging people to get vaccinated to decrease the chance that they’ll become infected by COVID-19 in the event that they have to evacuate from their homes.“


Omg hahahaha. Who would even believe he said that?

Gawd, what dummies!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 07, 2021:


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 04, 2021:

“The first two weeks of pregnancy are counted as the time prior to ovulation, in which the body is preparing to release an egg.

Week 3 begins with release of an egg, or ovulation. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm cell, it is known as a zygote. The zygote divides and becomes a collection of cells known as a blastocyst.

In week 4 of pregnancy, the blastocyst implants in the wall of the uterus and develops into the placenta and embryo. The blastocyst is considered an embryo at the point when the amniotic sac develops (by about day 10 to 12 after fertilization, or at the start of week 5 of pregnancy).

An embryo represents the early stage of human development, roughly corresponding to the 5th-10th weeks of pregnancy.

After the embryonic period has ended at the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, the embryo is now considered a fetus. A fetus is a developing baby beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy.“


It’s actually not considered a developing baby until the 11th week.

And, it’s up to the woman if she wants to continue the development.

It cannot continue without her consent. It’s in her body.

It affects no one but she and the man who made her pregnant.

Unwanted pregnancy is 100% a man’s fault. Unless he says, “I’m going to impregnate you during this encounter, is that ok?”, she is not to blame.

It’s up to HIM not to ejaculate inside her. Wear a rubber, have a vasectomy, something,

Because, if men were charged when a woman had an abortion, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Abortion would be a non issue.

And no one has yet explained to me, if abortion is murder, why do you support Israel? You are more in line with country’s that practice Sharia Law.

Im sorry if equality is hard for you. But if you think you have the right to kill someone for entering your house, imagine a stranger owning your body?

You are wrong, and 70% of America agrees.

Meanwhile, keep spreading that Covid, where born people die.


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on September 01, 2021:

Joe Rogan: "I'm taking horse dewormer, steroids, monoclonal antibodies, antibiotics, and a vitamin drip."

Ya could have just gotten the vaccine……

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 30, 2021:

You have to start asking why do they want people to get Covid?

That is what they need to be asked.

We have the prevention…..the seatbelt.

They don’t want you to put it on.


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 29, 2021:

“They know that Big Pharma makes Ivermectin, right??”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 25, 2021:


“Walker does not live in Georgia and just registered to vote in Georgia last week.”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 21, 2021:

Rep. Steven Woodrow:

“Let me get this straight: People who’ve been OK forcing our kids to do active shooter drills are suddenly concerned with trauma caused by…masks?”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 16, 2021:

“It’s all Biden’s fault”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 12, 2021:

“How is mandating masks government control but banning schools from mandating masks not government control?”



Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on August 03, 2021:

Non vaxxing state:

“FORT LAUDERDALE — The number of people hospitalized for COVID-19 in Florida rose to an all-time high of 11,515 patients in one day, according to data the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released Tuesday.

The data is used by the Florida Hospital Association to track admissions and staffing shortages. The figures also show 2,400 of those patients are in ICU beds.“


Vaxxing state:

900 people contract covid in P-Town on 4th of July. 7 hospitalizations, no deaths.

WHO are the sheep?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on July 20, 2021:

Revisionist history’s Candace Snowens:

“Maybe people are comfortable with a virtual 99% chance of survival and are uncomfortable with a vaccine rushed under emergency approvals.“

Ummm, who rushed those approvals?

Wasn’t it trump?

So.....who is she attacking with her rhetoric?


Does it make sense? Yeah...nonsense.

Maga=Non sense

“Yay trump for fast tracking the vaccine!

I’m not taking it, hell no.

F Biden.”

Derp city.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on July 17, 2021:

“Anti-CRT” folks showing up at schools to scream “communism” and “Marxism” is exactly why we to teach History. I mean…”


When does this crap end?

Are people not allowed to have opinions other than yours?

For Christ sakes, a law school elective course has now become the new propaganda tool. YOUZE are being used as tools!

Putin much? Keep falling into his trap.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on July 08, 2021:

Remember how MAD you got when Kaperneck took a knee?

Now, you support those who stormed the capitol with violence.

Question: do you have any values?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on July 04, 2021:

What? Is this true? Omg!!!!

“What do you think of Republicans blaming Nancy Pelosi for the Insurrection now?”

There is no one home. Knock knock.

I’ll say it again: if these were Muslims, republicans would be clamoring for their death.


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on June 12, 2021:

It’s all about hatred of democrats.

Because Democratic ideas what the majority want.

It’s like the hatred these church men and republicans have for women. Women create life, they can only destroy.


Maga is jealous of democrats, because we are the majority.

Given a fair shake, they always lose. I mean, c’mon. We are not a county of white evangelicals. Or kkk. Or confederates.

You will never be America. And that’s why you rage. You will never create life. And that’s why you suppress women.

You will always be second best. And you cannot take it.



Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on June 09, 2021:

“Lemme get this straight...

An IG appointed by the Former Guy says that hundreds of people in Lafayette Park were *COINCIDENTALLY* tear-gassed by Park Police moments before he had a photo-op w/ an upside-down Bible in front of a church that he only visited that one time??”


His sheeple will believe anything, as long as it absolves him and them of guilt.

Not the brightest bulbs in the bunch.......

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on May 25, 2021:

Republican Adam Kizinger: “The American people deserve the truth and my party to this point has said things like it was hugs and kisses, it was antifa and BLM, it was anything but what it was, which was a Trump-inspired insurrection on the Capitol.”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on May 09, 2021:


“Arizona Official: Vaccine Will Turn You Into 'Potted Plant'

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on May 06, 2021:


NEW: News media is barred from entry at Gov. Ron DeSantis’ signing of controversial elections bill, SB 90. DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske says bill signing is a “Fox exclusive”.


A hahahaha......boy do they NOT care about free speech. “Free to be, just like me.”

What did I tell ya? Lmc- ni knows!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on May 01, 2021:

“Newsmax goes after Joe Biden for picking a dandelion for Jill.”

lol! Jealous?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on April 19, 2021:

Someone who’s into this isn’t serious about him out. He’s a perv and a clown, imo.

Gaetz, I mean.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on April 14, 2021:

Gd’it! It is not a crime to seek asylum in America! You’d all be in jail !

These are people running for their lives, not criminals!

I’ll tell you who ARE criminals....the Trumpers who breached the capitol. And too many of them are still free!

White supremacy SUCKS!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on April 11, 2021:


Now the anti vaxxers are saying the Covid vaccine killed prince Phillip. He was 99!!!!

First it was DMX, now prince Philip.

And now they’re making fake vaccine cards, so they can carry it without being vaccinated.

Just what is their problem? Are they trying to kill us?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on April 05, 2021:

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency after a significant leak at a storage pond of wastewater threatened to cause flooding and collapse a system with radioactive material.”


Freedom! Who needs regulations? F the gubmint, business is good for America!


Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on April 02, 2021:

Of course! If democrats were more like republicans, everything would be perfect!

Stop the Vote, 2024.

Sad, really. America is more like democrats! And since today’s repubs don’t really believe in democracy.....

It’s dirty tricks all the way.

(Has been, since Reagan, really. October Surprise, etc)

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on February 12, 2021:

“Thanks Biden voters. You've helped create a government that believes political retribution trumps civil rights.”


Lol! Don’t you remember, at the beginning of this pandemic, all these states were not allowing people from New York in their states? Florida included! They had to quarantine for 14 days.

Gvr Raimundo, of Rhode Island, was going door to door asking if anyone from New York was in there.

Leave it to a trumper to mislead, to try and score political points for her guy. AND, you want to talk political retribution?

GOP didn’t want to help blue states! Saying, “why should we bail them out?”

Gawwwwwwd, the hubris! And the Straight up BS!

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on February 10, 2021:

Patton Oswalt:

“I just hope this impeachment trial gets to the bottom of who riled up that violent mob waving all those Trump flags. What a mystery!”

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on February 02, 2021:

“The Republicans voted unanimously to let people *who have discussed murdering elected officials* onto the floor of Congress *with firearms.*

It's the party of domestic terrorists - from top to bottom.”


Here’s Trump:

Different story when it comes to him, huh?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on January 22, 2021:

She just filed to impeach Joe this a real human being? Perhaps a synthetic? Under mind Kontrol? She can’t be serious.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on December 11, 2020:


“Third IG steps down after ⁦Sec Pompeo rails at report on investigation into his wife's travel which over a 2 -year period took place without written approval, despite the fact that her trips were considered “official travel” paid for by taxpayers.“


Trump and Giuliani ignore Covid precautions, but when they get infected, have million dollar treatment we pay for, which none of us are privvy to.

Don’t ever talk about the dem party being “elitist”. Look in your own backyard.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on October 20, 2020:


“So a guy that lives in California dropped off a laptop at a repair shop in Delaware, who saw a Beau Biden sticker on it, so they looked and found an email from someone in Ukraine, and called Giuliani - who released it to the media then blamed Soros for it? Sure. Cool story, guys.“


But right wing media runs with it. And Halberman at the New York Times....

Just keep repeating stuff over and over....people who want to believe it, will.

The really deplorable part is they have these people in gvt now.

Trump has made OUR gvt into Trump, Inc.

They actually talk about blue states and red states now, when deciding how to spend gvt money!

News flash: blue states give more than red. What should we do about that?

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on June 12, 2020:

The rightwing high fives assholes and then cries when someone insults baby trump.

Meaness is not a family value. Maybe practice what you allllllllwwwwwwaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyysssssssssssssss preach.

Leslie McCowen (author) from Cape Cod, USA on May 31, 2020:

Police shooting rubber bullets at people on their porches....