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President Donald J. Trump Does Not Likely Want Martial Law

*Note - This article here of mine was initially published on January 10, 2021.

"heblo" is the creator of this image.

"heblo" is the creator of this image.

Now that the Congress has unfortunately certified former Vice President Joe Biden as our nation's president-elect and Senator Kamala Harris as our nation's vice-president-elect, concerns are being voiced throughout social media on whether or not President Donald J. Trump is going to declare martial law here in the United States of America in an effort to overturn the 2020 American presidential election. Certain lawmakers on Capitol Hill are panicking over this possibility insofar as they are seeking to impeach and remove President Trump from office before the expiration of his first presidential term. Luckily, Vice President Mike Pence is not going along with their shenanigans this time.

I have come across conflicting information on digital media concerning whether President Trump is currently in Camp David or in Abilene, Texas. Either way, I would not doubt that he is having conversations with military higher-ups in his plan to involve them in his pursuit to prove that voter fraud and polling procedural derelictions did take place during the 2020 American presidential election.

Now, I completely get it. Whenever we think about martial law, horrendous images of human-rights violations taking place in nations like South Africa and Venezuela materialize in our heads from when those nations were under martial law. Many of us recall news stories about how all civil rights have become disabled during martial law in Venezuela. For example, if there is a curfew that requires everyone not to be out on the streets after 9:00 P.M. that lasts until 6:00 A.M. the next morning, then everyday civilians would fall to the mercy of military troops in the event that they are caught outside during that time frame.

When I was a teenager in high school, I remember hearing stories about martial law in South Africa and about how South African police officers were then given the legal right to shoot at anyone who disobeyed their orders, without first asking them questions or reading them their rights. My brother-in-law was a police officer in uniform back then, and he told me that he would have welcomed something like that in his line of duties. I personally would not like it.

Nevertheless, I honestly do not believe that President Trump wishes to declare martial law here in our nation. I do agree that he is still serious about overturning the 2020 American presidential election, because he knows that this same election was stolen. However, if he does decide to involve our nation's military in his pursuit to prove that the 2020 American presidential election was stolen away from him and to take it back from former Vice President Biden, he would not declare martial law but rather he would likely invoke what is called the Insurrection Act of 1807 to perfect his investigation of voter fraud and polling procedural derelictions so that he could prove that the 2020 American presidential election was rigged and he could overturn it accordingly.

1. Some Americans Have The Misconception That The Insurrection Act Of 1807 Is No Different From Martial Law

I came across this one video on YouTube from a gentleman who goes by the username of Just Josh. He believes that if President Trump invokes the Insurrection Act of 1807 to take control over the situation with the stolen presidential election, President Trump is also going to declare martial law.

Unfortunately, YouTuber Just Josh has removed this same video from YouTube. In any event, herein I will describe what I saw in that same video to the best of my ability and recollection. What is concerning about this same video is that YouTuber Just Josh believes that the Insurrection Act of 1807 and martial law are both the same thing, when actually they're not.

I must address the misconceptions that YouTuber Just Josh and others like him appear to have about the Insurrection Act of 1807 and how President Trump would invoke it if he decided to do so. YouTuber Just Josh is not completely wrong about what he states, but he confuses the Insurrection Act of 1807 with actual martial law.

First of all, if President Trump were to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807, he would not likely deploy military personnel to every corner of our nation but rather to the seven contested states (Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin). Upon doing so, he would have them seize voting machines, ballots, envelopes, servers, and any other evidence that he could use to further his investigation of voter fraud and polling procedural derelictions.

Of course, these same confiscated items would be forensically examined. Once President Trump and the United States military completed their investigation, then he would either use the evidence to overturn the 2020 American presidential election; or if the evidence was too ruined to make any conclusive findings from it, he could go as far as ordering a do-over of the presidential election.

Second of all, if President Trump did decide to order a do-over of the presidential election, he would likely only order for that do-over to be carried out in the seven above-named contested states. Upon doing so, he would have the United States military supervise these corrective presidential elections in the seven above-named contested states.

Now, would there be military arrests in that event? There probably would be, but President Trump would likely limit those arrests to individuals who could cause him and the United States military legal problems during the proceedings.

As I stated in my article titled "Did Donald J. Trump Really Concede The Presidency?," I do believe that the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, would be arrested and that possibly former Vice President Biden and Senator Harris would be arrested. However, keep in mind that, unlike martial law, the United States Constitution would still be in effect during all of these events.

Because military personnel would have to respect the constitutional rights of Ms. Pelosi, former Vice President Biden, and Senator Harris, all three of these people would each actually have to be charged with a crime of some kind; and they would have access to the same constitutional protections as any other criminal suspect. For example, Ms. Pelosi would likely be charged with insider trading, and both former Vice President Biden and Senator Harris would likely be charged with voter fraud and treason.

President Trump would have all three of these individuals arrested and jailed to keep them out of his way. That is, his military operation could go beyond January 20, 2021, and an acting president would have to be temporarily sworn into the Oval Office in that event.

President Trump would want to be sure that Ms. Pelosi would not become our nation's acting president, and he would also want to make sure that former Vice President Biden and Senator Harris would be disabled from taking any kind of action to counter his efforts.

Martial law, on the other hand, would entail the temporary suspension of the United States Constitution and any rights that are protected under it. However, the United States Constitution would be in full force during any proceedings that President Trump executes under the Insurrection Act of 1807.

Chaos and pandemonium would not necessarily ensue, unless Antifa activists were to provoke riots throughout our nation. If such riots were to spiral out of control, then perhaps President Trump might be left with no other choice but to declare martial law here in our nation. However, once he was to get the United States military involved in his actions to overturn the 2020 American presidential election pursuant to the Insurrection Act of 1807, I strongly doubt that he would ever even see a need to declare martial law in our nation.

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For YouTuber Just Josh to describe the Insurrection Act of 1807 as being similar or identical to martial law is like comparing apples and oranges. Both of them are entirely different animals of their own, at least from a legal standpoint.

Now, pursuant to the Insurrection Act of 1807, would President Trump have the Clintons and the Obamas arrested also? I don't believe that he would see the necessity to do so unless the Clintons and the Obamas aggressively began to interfere with his efforts to overturn the 2020 American presidential election, which is a possibility.

By that point in time, the Clintons and the Obamas would likely be fleeing the United States of America to avoid prosecution in the event that there was a chance that the United States military could randomly come across evidence of their criminal wrongdoing.

Nevertheless, we should not confuse the Insurrection Act of 1807 with martial law. The two have nothing to do with each other. The YouTube video below explains in detail what the Insurrection Act of 1807 is.

The Insurrection Act Of 1807 Is Explained In Detail

Roman Balmakov posted a video on YouTube regarding the Insurrection Act of 1807, which is no longer available on the Internet. In any event, what I found so interesting about his video was that he spoke about a period in which Pentagon officials cut all contact with the Biden Transition Team and discontinued giving them defense briefings, and it was suspected that those Pentagon officials may have been setting that time aside to discuss the possibility with President Trump of military intervention in the investigations of the 2020 American presidential election pursuant to the Insurrection Act of 1807. The Biden Transition Team complained about those same Pentagon officials misreporting to the press and the media that the decision for this temporary pause in communication was mutual between both groups.

2. Some Conservative Commentators Would Welcome Military Intervention To Tackle The Election Debacle

Conservative commentators throughout social media, particularly YouTube, have spoken in favor of President Trump declaring martial law upon our nation, and they actually believe that he is serious about doing so. It does not necessarily mean that President Trump is keen about the idea. In any event, one of those conservative commentators was YouTuber Conservative Voice. He posted a video about it that has since then been deleted. It is unclear whether he has deleted the video or YouTube did so.

YouTuber Conservative Voice stressed in his above-described video that martial law would not be his first choice for President Trump to pursue to keep our nation from falling into the clutches of former Vice President Biden. However, he believes that if all else fails, then President Trump needs to go all the way and declare martial law in that event. If President Trump were to do so, then he would likely command the United States military to arrest people in the mainstream news media, people in the big tech companies that are in complicity with former Vice President Biden, and other bad actors who caused the 2020 American presidential election to be stolen away from President Trump.

YouTuber Conservative Voice believes that the only non-violent solution to this entire election-related debacle would be for former Vice President Biden to concede the presidency and for President Trump to pardon him for his crimes. It brings to mind my article titled "Joe Biden Should Concede The Presidency To Donald J. Trump!"

YouTuber Conservative Voice believes that our nation is already at war with the People's Republic of China. Regardless of whether or not he is correct, it cannot be disputed that the communist Chinese are not our friends; and the Cold War is far from over. The Cold War merely took on a life of its own after the fall of the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China has become our new superpower enemy.

In a video of his, Corey Camasso expressed outrage that showed him to be more in favor of President Trump using military intervention than YouTuber Conservative Voice is. Unfortunately, that YouTube video is no longer available on the Internet.

Mr. Camasso focuses his narrative on the Insurrection Act of 1807 rather than on martial law. However, it is clear that he believes that President Trump needs to involve at least some kind of military intervention to straighten out the election debacle as well as the problems that may follow.

In a video, YouTuber Trail Thinker voiced his belief that because of our broken judicial system, voter fraud, insurgency, and a cyber war between the People's Republic of China and our nation, it was going to become necessary for President Trump to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. He claimed that President Trump will need to involve our nation's military in tackling the election debacle. Unfortunately, his YouTube video is no longer available.

According to YouTuber Trail Thinker, if President Trump were to have military personnel arrest anyone under the Insurrection Act of 1807, such individuals would be court-martialed and tried in military tribunals instead of in civilian courts. Even though YouTuber Trail Thinker read the text of the Insurrection Act of 1807 word for word in his above-aforementioned video, one minor mistake that he did make in his narrative was that he claimed that the Insurrection Act of 1807 was the same as martial law; when, in fact, it really isn't.

Last month Cliff Kincaid held an interview with Dwight Kadar on his YouTube channel USA Survival regarding how the military tribunals in our nation would play a role in President Trump's decision to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807 or to declare martial law. Unfortunately, that video is no longer available on YouTube. In any event, because I watched that same video, I will briefly describe that interview to you herein.

In the above-cited interview, Mr. Kadar described election officials' conspicuous mishandling of the 2020 American presidential election in Arizona and their Republican governor's failure to do the right thing. Mr. Kadar also explained what should have happened on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021 as opposed to what did end up happening there on that same date.

From the above-cited interview, it appears that perhaps President Trump has been left with no other alternative but to involve the United States military at this point in time if he wants to overturn the 2020 American presidential election successfully. There are lawsuits and investigations still going on throughout our nation to challenge the 2020 American presidential election outcome. However, the chances of this presidential election being overturned are looking gloomy at this point in time, and I would not doubt that the idea of military intervention is now becoming more and more appealing to President Trump as each day brings us closer to January 20, 2021.

3. Some Conservative Commentators Believe That There Are Still Non-Military Options Available To Tackle The Election Debacle

Late last month Scott Goulet suggested in a YouTube video of his that perhaps President Trump will not have to resort to using the United States military to overturn the 2020 American presidential election. Please note that Mr. Goulet is a former journalist for The Epoch Times. The full video is no longer available on YouTube. However, you can watch a segment of that same video below.

Scott Goulet Exposes Kamala Harris's Husband For What May Be Unethical Influence On The 2020 American Presidential Election

Because I had the opportunity to watch a full version of the video above, allow me to tell you what Mr. Goulet reported in it. He informed that in a December 18, 2020 White House meeting, President Trump had named Sidney Powell to be the special counsel to oversee all of the fraud that took place in the 2020 American presidential election. Mr. Goulet suggested that if this piece of information was true, then it would be a better alternative for President Trump to employ as opposed to getting the United States military involved in rectifying the election debacle. On the other hand, at this point in time, President Trump may not see that same methodology as a wise option.

Mr. Goulet did bring up the prospect of Smartmatic slapping Ms. Powell with a defamation lawsuit. Nevertheless, what was so interesting about Mr. Goulet's video above was that he reported that Smartmatic was in the midst of spinning off a new parent company and that company has a new partner in the form of Douglas C. Emhoff, who is Senator Kamala Harris's husband. In other words, Mr. Emhoff clearly has connections to Smartmatic.

Mr. Goulet also reported that Mr. Emhoff is about to convert his law firm to take on a role in the Biden administration in the event that former Vice President Biden does get inaugurated to the presidency on January 20, 2021. Mr. Goulet noted that he and his news team were unable to confirm this same story independently. However, the fact that Smartmatic is seeking to bring a frivolous and malicious lawsuit against Ms. Powell only goes to show you that former Vice President Biden and Senator Harris both reek with corruption and collusion.

What is particularly disturbing about the video above is that Mr. Goulet reported all sorts of incidents of mob mentality among Biden supporters against lawyers and court officials who may be seen as a threat to their objectives. In any event, President Trump is just as entitled to his day in court as anyone else.

TheDigitalArtist is the creator of this image.

TheDigitalArtist is the creator of this image.

4. My Conclusion To This Topic

While martial law may appear to be the most aggressive alternative that President Trump can apply to overturn the 2020 American presidential election outcome, it would not necessarily be the most reasonable one inasmuch as President Trump could still invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807. People who have lived through martial law in foreign nations can tell you right off the bat that it is no walk in the park. In fact, incidents of military brutality against everyday civilians could become a problem here in the United States of America in that event.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 would require military personnel to comply with the United States Constitution and even enforce it if President Trump were to invoke it. However, martial law is a dangerous road to go down. Therefore, I wholeheartedly believe that President Trump would only declare martial law if it were absolutely the last resort and if there were a major problem with violent rioting throughout our nation.

Conservative optimists contend that President Trump has peaceful alternatives to overturn the 2020 American presidential election. They complain that any military involvement in this election debacle would be overkill. However, once those peaceful alternatives are no longer available, President Trump may be confronted with the only option of deploying the United States military to assist him in overturning the 2020 American presidential elections.

If President Trump were to deploy military personnel under the Insurrection Act of 1807, he would send them to the seven above-named contested states to have them secure him any evidence that he could use to prove that the 2020 American presidential election was rigged and stolen away from him. He would also likely order that the presidential election results from last November be nullified and that election do-overs be held in the seven above-named contested states under military supervision.

If President Trump were still to lose this presidential election in that event, I seriously doubt that he would refuse to leave the White House. He is a constitutional president, and he respects the laws of our nation. We should all, therefore, stand behind him through thick and thin.

A Poll For Americans Who Are Disgusted With The Idea Of A Biden Administration

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2021 Jason B Truth


Jason B Truth (author) from United States of America on January 19, 2021:

Ladies and gentlemen? This is to inform you that I initially published the article above of mine on January 10, 2021. The reason that the date on it reads as January 19, 2021 is because two YouTube videos that I embedded therein were deleted from their sources and, therefore, I had to update my article accordingly. I apologize for any confusion or inconveniences that this may have caused you.

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