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No, Trump Supporters, I Will Not Be Quiet

Women's March in Washington, D.C., January 21, 2017

Women's March in Washington, D.C., January 21, 2017

Bullies Are Cowards

My friend Mary was a tiny woman, barely 5' tall, vertically challenged as we always teased her. She was soft-spoken, kind, generous, and not one to make waves. But she was also spunky. You knew, when push came to shove, Mary would stand firm.

I attended Mary's memorial service recently where I heard her family share a story about her as a six-year-old. She was walking to school with her sister when a bully attacked her sister. It was tiny, six-year-old Mary who immediately attacked and stopped the much bigger bully from harming her sister.

When a bully attacks another child, many children won't do what Mary did. Many will join in with the bully. They'll laugh at his antics and egg him on, fearful that if they don't join in they'll be attacked next. Or if they don't join in, they may just stand back and let it happen because they fear being attacked themselves or being ostracized.


The Outcome of the 2016 Election Was Not Politics as Usual

I'm a political junkie. I've been following the game for years. My favorite spectator sport, I like to say. I stay informed about the issues. I always vote. I usually contribute to the candidate of my choice. And that's about the extent of my political involvement. I sometimes win in elections, and I sometimes lose. Regardless of the results, the day after the election I go back to my life as usual.

2016 was different. Lines were crossed in the political discourse that I find impossible to ignore. When a candidate mocks a disabled person, and his supporters laugh and refuse to condemn this behavior, that's just not okay with me. It makes me angry, not just at the candidate who spouted this type of deplorable speech, but for those who cheered him on, who voted for him, and who made him president of this great country.

The Movement

When Racism Becomes Acceptable

One of the things most disturbing to me about this campaign was the racism that it unleashed. I live in the South--a rural area of the South. I've seen racism up close for a long time. Around here folks like to fly their Confederate flags, flags not often seen when I was growing up here. They only began appearing after the civil rights campaigns of the 1960s. I saw more of them near my home after President Obama's election, and they proliferated during the Trump campaign. These are the same folks now telling those of us who oppose Trump "You lost. Get over it."

I attended the March in Washington, D.C. on January 21st (the first protest I've ever attended). One of the favorite signs I saw said "If you voted for Trump you may not be a racist but you have made racism acceptable."

Even though I live here in the home of the Confederacy, I have yet to meet a person who will admit to being a racist. Every time I hear someone begin a statement with, "I'm not a racist, but...." I brace myself for another racist statement. We're all a little racist. We all have these baser human instincts and Donald Trump appealed to and nurtured them. He's not the first leader to do that. But we all also have our "better angels." We, as a country, are better than this. I'm counting on that, and I will always advocate for it.

We're Better Than This

But it isn't just racism that is being made acceptable by the election of this man. I am the mother of two daughters and four granddaughters, so I'm not going to accept the misogyny of this campaign as the norm. Not ever. I am a citizen of the United States of America, a country founded on the principles of religious freedom, so I'm not going to accept the intolerance toward Muslims as the norm. Not ever. I am a descendant of immigrants, so I'm not going to accept the intolerance toward immigrants as the norm. Not ever.

The following two videos show very different sides of America. The first was made in 2015 on Muslim Day in Texas. The second was made in 2017 at the same event when thousands of Texans showed up to form a chain around their Muslim neighbors to protect them from hate. That is what our better angels look like.

Muslim Day in Texas 2015--The Type of Behavior the Trump Campaign Nurtured

2017 Texans Showed Their "Better Angels" on Muslim Day

And The List Goes On

In addition to all of this deplorable behavior that I witnessed during the campaign (and now early days of the Presidency), there are many other things about this election that I find disturbing:

  • Almost three million more people voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for Donald Trump, yet Trump is president, a result of gerrymandering and an archaic Electoral College.
  • There were, and are, concerted efforts to suppress the vote in this country. Almost half of our electorate did not vote. We need to make it easier, not harder to vote.
  • A foreign government interfered in this election and affected the outcome.

I expect all of these issues to be adequately addressed, and I will continue speaking out about them until the are.

Buckle Up Buttercup

I attended the march in Washington on January 21 with my husband. Though it was billed as a women's march, it was a very diverse crowd. Many groups were represented as speakers. Some of them I identified with more than others.

Individually, we each had our reasons for being there. I was motivated most by being a mother and grandmother.

Going to this march was not especially easy for us. We paid our own way, drove hundreds of miles, got up very early and joined other eager participants on a very crowded metro to stand for hours in a large, crowded space. At the end of the day, our aging knees and backs were aching. But we were glad we were there. It was good to be with so many like-minded people who also had made a considerable effort to attend. And we knew what had motivated us to come. For me, it was four little girls back home in Tennessee as much as any thing else.

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Recently in a dream I was walking through a crowd with one of my granddaughters. She was right behind me, but when I turned around she was gone. I frantically ran back through the crowd looking for her. When I spotted her going up the steps in front of me, I raced to her. Just as I reached her, I saw a man in front of me reach out to grab her. I put my hand on his shoulder and quietly said, "If you harm her I will kill you".

I have four of those granddaughters. Violence is not something I advocate, but I will resist anything I believe is harmful to them. I want them to grow up in a just, safe, and tolerant country.

If you need any further evidence for why I won't stop speaking out and why I might be the worst nasty grandma you've ever met, you can read this post my daughter put on facebook about my youngest granddaughter. Her name is Sadie.

It is for Sadie, her big sister Millie and cousins Josie and Anna that I speak out, so, no, I will not be quiet.

I respect the office of the Presidency and the tradition in our country that leads to a peaceful transfer of power after elections. I do not respect the behavior of the person who is now occupying that office that was evidenced during his campaign. I reserve judgment about his behavior, and that of his supporters, going forward. But I must say, the beginning does not look good.

So I, and millions like me, will continue to speak out, to march, to protest. It is not the liberal, biased media who is against Trump, or more specifically Trump's policies. It is us--the people. And we the people will be heard.

Want to Get Involved?

After the election, I took a break. I didn't even watch the news very much--something that's very unusual for me. I watched all four seasons of From Lark Rise to Candleford. But the day after Inauguration Day, it was time to get involved.

If you'd like to get involved, here are some things you can do:

  • Call your senators and representatives to let them know what you think about pending legislation or actions. Better yet, visit their offices or attend town hall meetings to express your opinions. Remember, they work for you.
  • Get involved in a local political action group. There are several of these that have become very active since the election. Indivisible,, and the Women's March organization are some examples. If you join one of these groups online, you will receive notices (many of them) about activities planned for your area and actions you can take.
  • Join your local political party. We're a binary system in this country, and only two political parties are significant--at least at present. If you lean Democratic but believe the Democratic Party is not progressive enough, get involved and help it change. If you're a Republican and don't like the direction of the Republican Party at present, get involved and help it change.
  • Contribute to organizations that represent your values---ACLU,, Planned Parenthood, political campaigns, or your local or national political party.
  • Vote. Almost half of the electorate didn't turn out this year. Let's see if we can change that by starting with making it easier, not harder, to vote. One person, one vote.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2017 Jo Miller


greg cain from Moscow, Idaho, USA on June 14, 2020:

Jo, I think one of the most surprising things about this is the numbers of people who did not vote in the last election. I say it that way now, some goodly number of years beyond the election, because though there are lots of horrifying things that get said and done at 1600 Pennsylvania, they (sadly) fail to surprise anymore.

I also love and appreciate that people are who they are. If we could all learn to live and let live, we might be able to move on and address some of the bigger issues in the world.

Bless Sadie and the rest of your grandchildren. And bless you, too.

Marie Flint from Jacksonville, FL USA on March 08, 2019:

I'm quite neutral on this subject, Jo, but I will try to explain what I know and think. First of all, actions speak louder than words. Donald J. Trump is married to a strong Christian woman, a non-native. (So much for his biases on women and foreigners.)

From what I understand about President Trump's purpose is that he is there to upset and change what some refer to as the "shadow government" or the "Cabal." Our system of money, as I'm sure you know, is based on debt. This is what Canadians and others foreign countries fear most about the U.S. situation, not the President's antics (yes, his personality appears buffoonery).

What I don't approve about the President is that it seems he is trying to re-create an economy of the 50s or 60s, using the same technologies. I would love to see our country get off dependency of fossil fuels and see a reduction of plastic production. What about geothermal? crystal power? nanotechnology?

Politics will play their course. In the meantime, I am personally looking at alternative housing, off-grid: earth ships, skoolies, tiny houses, and tree houses.

Real change begins with the individual, then neighborhoods, then whole communities. Remember, one with God is always a majority!

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on July 10, 2018:

Thanks for your comment and support, Virginia. I didn't get too much negative comment, but I'm always open to discussion with those who might differ.

Virginia Allain from Central Florida on July 07, 2018:

Thanks for speaking up even though you know you'll get some negative backtalk on this. We are living in frightening times and the future of the U.S. as a free country hangs in the balance. My friends overseas and in Canada are upset and worried about what our "leader" is doing and what it means to the world.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on December 30, 2017:

Thanks, Tim. The upcoming year is going to be an important one in the history of our country, so we should all stay informed and active in the political process.

Tim Truzy on December 29, 2017:

Hi, Ms. Miller,

Thanks for reminding us as Americans we should always stay active in our political system. I've used guiding principles when I vote: Does the politician follow the Law of Love as defined by Christ. (That should tell you right away who I have voted for over my life). It's easy to hate the "other," but love begins when you try to reach the other.

That's how you reduce wars; that's how we stop ddeterioration of our nation; that's how you maintain respect in the world.

Then, I wonder: Would Washington, Lincoln, Kenedy, Reagon act this way? Again, those are good guiding principles.

Finally, is it Constitutional.

Many people may disagree with that, Ms. Miller, but that's how I take responsibility for being a citizen.

Thank you for a great and well thought out article. I'm proud to call you an American. I'm proud to know we share a great heritage where we live in our country. I'm proud of all my fellow Americans who will help to make sure this doesn't happen again.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on October 19, 2017:

I couldn't believe it either, Kari, and I keep hoping I'll wake up some day soon and find out he is gone. That'll be a day for rejoicing.

Kari Poulsen from Ohio on October 18, 2017:

It seems to me President Trump is leading America into the dark ages. Rights we had fought for and won are now being overturned. It sickens me to have such an incompetent president. I grew up in NJ. Trump was always in the paper. One atrocity after another. I could not believe when he won.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on October 09, 2017:

I see strengths in our system of checks and balances but still looking for those in the man.

Thanks for stopping by and for your concern about my health. I've learned through the years to choose my battles, so all is well.

Marie Flint from Jacksonville, FL USA on October 08, 2017:

Hello Jo, I just happened to stop by from a follow you gifted me.

I don't have any particular persuasion, but the Green Party, perhaps, most reflects my ideals.

No, I didn't vote for Donald Trump, but I also see many strengths in the man that help compensate his buffoonery. I also remind myself that we have a system of checks and balances.

Peaceful protests are part of our rights as citizens. Personally, though, my stance is that President Trump should be given a chance, and the "silent majority" will have to pick up the pieces after the chips fall.

I see Trump's agenda as trying to make the United States a manufacturing giant once again (something with which I don't necessarily agree), and I understand his attempt to protect a social climate we once had in the '50s, but times have changed.

Kudos to you for being politically active--just be sure the whole scenario doesn't affect your health.


Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on September 06, 2017:

I agree. Angel. I don't understand folks who vote Republican one year and Democratic the next. Seems a little schizophrenic to me.

Angel Guzman from Joliet, Illinois on September 05, 2017:

Love this! I still can't believe it sometimes that he did win and frustrated with all that is happening. Yes people need to vote! I feel sometimes too many are single issue voters and should look at overall big picture before casting vote!

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on August 05, 2017:

Yes, Mike, it seems this story doesn't change much, and I get so sick of it day after day. One good sign is that some Republicans in government are beginning to stand up to him. The other positive thing is the Mueller investigation, especially the recent grand jury. I'm a little more hopeful now.

Mike Russo from Placentia California on August 05, 2017:

Jo: Bravo! Even though this article is a few months old, everything you stated still applies about this despicable human being. I have had people tell me, "You lost, get over it." But I continue to do my part to get people to see who Trump really is.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on July 23, 2017:

Mona, One way or another, I think Trump needs to go. He is doing great damage to our country. I also think he is greatly harming the Republican party and they should take the lead in getting rid of him.

Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on July 23, 2017:

I admire your passion and your commitment to your cause. If he gets impeached, I believe it would be better for the country and for the world. So much is coming out now from under the woodwork.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on July 16, 2017:

Thanks for stopping by Glenis. Many, many Americans are still dumbfounded by this President and hope to see him gone soon. The majority of Americans did not vote for him and he remains very unpopular here.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on July 03, 2017:

Thanks, Ann, for your thoughts. It doesn't get any better here but, at present, our system does seem to be working. We have some good checks and balances, and they are working. I really worry, though, about the damage Trump is doing long-term. I think he's damaging our image abroad.

Glenis Rix on July 03, 2017:

I'm a UK citizen but as the President of the USA has one of the most powerful influences on global affairs I feel justified in commenting. A widely held opinion on this side of the Atlantic is that he is a disgrace to the US on many levels. I'm astonished that he hasn't already been removed from office. He is starting to show the characteristics of an unhinged dictator on his recent video tweets.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on May 26, 2017:

John, Thanks for stopping my and commenting. Lets just hope the special counsel will make some progress with this disaster.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on May 24, 2017:

Yes, Flourish, it's looking more likely every day. I'm just so sick of him, of waking up every day and wondering what stupid thing he's doing now.

John Murphree from Tennessee on May 24, 2017:

I agree with you completely. #45 is a different kind of 'politician', unbelievable if not known to be true. At the middle of May, he is showing himself to be unaware of how our government works, as well as being completely unprepared to lead our country's government. Mistakes by members of those close to him in his government seem more serious all the time. I predict that his tenure will end before his time is up.

Elaina Baker from USA on May 23, 2017:

Looks like ol' Don the Con is up to his eyeballs in trouble. Truth and Justice eventually will prevail.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on April 30, 2017:

Thanks for stopping by and reading, Shyron. Nice to meet like-minded folks. I keep hoping that this nightmare called Trump will end soon.

Shyron E Shenko on April 26, 2017:

Jo, I'm a political junkie also. I've been following the game many years and heard the lies when they started about Hillary.

more than 40 years ago. And the bullies that have attacked her over and over again, when she won the election and the electoral college handed the Presidency to trump.

Thank you and Bless you for this.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on March 31, 2017:

Flourish, I just wish he'd go away--or least we could get through one day without all this nonsense. I've taken to yelling at my tv like my husband does when he's watching sports. I keep telling him they can't hear him.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on March 31, 2017:

Scott, I'm still not convinced the Electoral College is a good idea. I'm open to persuasion, but haven't heard a good enough argument yet. I totally agree, though, that gerrymandering needs to go. That's why 'we the people' need to stay active.

Elaina Baker from USA on March 24, 2017:

With today's big defeat in Trump's healthcare plan (a no vote under the circumstances of certain loss is a HUUUUGE defeat in my books), I wonder if people will see that he's not the deal maker that he claims to be. What a bully/loser. He tried to ram that "deal" down people's throats and even his own party revolted. Eventually people will see him for the malevolent loser narcissist that he is. It takes some people much longer than others, however.

promisem on March 01, 2017:

"Trump is President, a result of gerrymandering and an archaic Electoral College."

I understand the purpose of the Electoral College in not giving the most populous states too much power. But I think gerrymandering is an abomination and a threat to democracy. Without it, Trump would not be president.

Arthur Russ from England on February 15, 2017:

Thanks Jo; that explains it perfectly. I can relate to the USA political divide between Republican and Democrat, because we have a similar political divide on health between the Conservatives (right wing) and Labour (left wing).

In Britain Conservative governments don’t like the NHS because it’s Socialism e.g. free healthcare for all at the point of use. However, since its successful launch in 1948 by Labour the NHS is as popular amongst Conservative voters as it is with Labour voters; so the Conservative party have to be seen to support it (in order to win elections) whether they like it or not; hence their (slightly false) slogan during election campaigns since the 1990’s “The NHS is Safe in Our Hands”.

Not having health insurance in Britain, because healthcare is paid for by the government from taxes on income, I have struggled to understand the complexities and unfairness of the health insurance system in the USA. Especially when in Britain it’s free to everyone at the point of use, and doesn’t discriminate against those with long term illness, the poor or unemployed etc.

So you’re explanation has made it clearer to me, and I can better understand that, in the absence of something like the NHS, America is in desperate need of something like the ACA.

You’ve also answered another question of mine e.g. when I’ve asked Americans in the past what happens to those who can’t afford health insurance, I’ve never had a reply. Whereas from your explanation it would seem the answer is that all too often they are just allowed to die through lack of adequate health treatment.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 15, 2017:

Arthur, The Affordable Care Act was the name of the health care bill passed by President Obama during his first term. It was opposed by the right wing and they derisively began calling it Obama Care. As it became more popular, the left adopted that term and it stuck. This health care bill was only a step in the right direction, not a complete solution to our health care problems. We also have Medicare for seniors which is a very popular and successful program, also passed by Democrats and opposed by Republicans.

Before Obama Care there were many people in this country who had no health insurance. This program was designed to guarantee that all citizens could have some form of health insurance. There were those, for example, who could not get insurance because they had preexisting conditions, such as cancer. The insurance companies could just deny them coverage because they would be too expensive to cover. As a result many people would be bankrupt because of medical bills. Others who had no insurance, just didn't go to the doctor. Many, many people had staggering medical bills. This bill was designed to help them. It also guaranteed coverage for students to remain on their parents' insurance policy until age 26, or whenever they finished school and had employment and insurance of their own.

Most of those you are seeing online are opposing this bill because they would oppose anything President Obama did. They are loud, obnoxious and many of us have just paid no attention to them, but now they've elected a dangerous man as President and we're finding our voices.

Arthur Russ from England on February 15, 2017:

May I ask a silly question?

As a Brit I don’t know what ACA (Affordable Health Care) and or Obamacare are; and whether they are one and the same or different aspects of health.

The only thing I know is that Obamacare is nothing like the NHS.

There are always two sides to a story, but so far (apart from one positive comment) I’ve only heard all the bad things about Obamacare, as seen through the eyes of Trump supporters.

I assume others, including Democrat supporters have a different viewpoint; which as a Socialist I would like to hear e.g. just a quick summery and the good points.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 14, 2017:

Flourish, Glad you are at work also. I really hope things will get back to some kind of normal one of these days. I'm also hoping some Republicans will step forward and do the right thing.

Kathleen Cochran from Atlanta, Georgia on February 14, 2017:

Saxuary: "Obama is a Muslim." Do you have a source for that statement?

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 14, 2017:

Hi, Randy. We're not only speaking out but becoming involved in the political process and hoping to make some changes in 2018.

Arthur Russ from England on February 13, 2017:

What Ann said about the Brits ‘pulling up their socks when they have to’, reminded me of another British trait that got us through the 2nd world war; against all odds, when our cities were being destroyed by the blitz (which my mother lived through) and when food was heavily rationed.

Rather than lowering our morale, as Hitler was intent on doing by bombing our cities, we Brits kept an ‘Upper Stiff Lip’ (as the expression goes); which helped to keep our morale up and gave us the strength to continue, and not to just give in.

Elaina Baker from USA on February 13, 2017:

Excellent article. I like that you give specific suggestions for how to impact change. I have committed myself to contacting my elected representatives, donating to political causes, and writing Trump each week to let him know what I think of his "progress." It is complete amateur hour and liar's circle in that White House. Shame on those who did not vote or who voted for a third party. It was a two-way race and nothing else. One cannot simply hope that good will win out over evil. One must do his or her part to ensure it.

Randy Godwin from Southern Georgia on February 13, 2017:

You've made points we all should be concerned about, Jo. I've never been so ashamed of our country for electing this----fill in the blank, and at the same time, so proud of those who are expressing their 1st Amendment rights to protest his actions.

Ann Carr from SW England on February 13, 2017:

Yes, it's certainly all very interesting. It'll be interesting to see what transpires.


Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 13, 2017:

Thanks, Ann. I'm proud of my fellow Americans right now. There is so much activism beginning that I believe bodes well for us. Most of us are very actively involved in the democratic process right now and not just protesting, though there is a lot of that going on as well.

Ann Carr from SW England on February 13, 2017:

I think one has to be an optimist, Jo. The other way lies in despair! Like you I think it might get worse but the Brits are known for pulling up their socks when they have to, so I'm optimistic too.


Sanxuary on February 12, 2017:

Is it not amazing how many people will not defend the Constitution, the laws of this country and its institutions when they are being violated. They scream up and down about it all day but then when you think about it they were violating it the whole time. Obama is a Muslim was a lie, but still even if he was we have religous freedom. I could go on for days on this topic. If they practice democracy its ok because they are hypocrits. They are the same people who create discrimination and are to dumb when the same rules they created that allows them to discriminate are used against them. They do not understand that evil people will never better their lives and they generally work against them. They think the idea makes their lives better but nothing ever changes or gets better. They then blame anyone who disagrees and has a soulution to the problem.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 11, 2017:

John, Thanks for reading and commenting.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 11, 2017:

Larry, most people I know are moving from just protesting to taking concrete actions, and are seeing some success. That keeps us motivated. Many of us have started locally and we're seeing some success.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 11, 2017:

Ann, Thanks for paying attention to us. It may get worse before it gets better, but I believe in our country and think we may come out on the other side in better shape. I'm just an optimist at heart.

John Murphree from Tennessee on February 10, 2017:

It is very important that we do all that we can to stop 45 and his awful policies. Great post.

Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on February 10, 2017:

Keep protesting. Don't stop. Don't let up. For the sake of Democracy and Patriotism it is essential.

My biggest fear is that people will lose energy. Great read.

Ann Carr from SW England on February 10, 2017:

I watch what is happening in America with horror. I look at the contrast between the honourable man, Obama, and the showman (at best), Trump. I have never seem anyone so unstatesman-like, so awkward in his 'presidential' skin. In my opinion he does not fit it and he should not be there. I don't like Clinton much either; like here, there are not many candidates who appeal.

Most of all, the situation there and here (I am a Brexit supporter) shows more that the powers that be have not been in touch with the people. That needs to change throughout the world, I think.

I'm totally behind you in your thinking. I have two daughters, three granddaughters and two grandsons. I worry about the world they will have to grow up in.

Well spoken, Jo.


Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 10, 2017:

Don't worry, Bill. I'm not about to stop. This is a very active movement, much more than just the protests in the streets. I'm so impressed with the activism. In the long run, I think it will be very good for our country.

Jo Miller (author) from Tennessee on February 10, 2017:

Arthur, thanks for taking the time to read. This subject is important to me. The protest here is very real, and it's not just the protests in the streets. People, many of them, are becoming very, very active in the political process who might not have been before.

Kathleen Cochran from Atlanta, Georgia on February 10, 2017:

Good point, Bill.

Bill Holland from Olympia, WA on February 10, 2017:

I'm amused that the same people who shout from the rooftops that the 2nd Amendment is so important seem to forget that there is an amendment just before that one, and that amendment says we have the right to protest...can't have it both ways, boys and, you better not be quiet...none of us better be quiet.