Female Supremacy
Now we all know how modern western culture celebrates women and femininity as superior and more precious than men and masculinity. That is not news to anyone older than four. I’ve written before that I think this is one of the reasons for men becoming more feminine and it's a way of adapting and actually I love them for it.
Female supremacy is the notion that women are superior to men and that they should be the “ruling gender” so to speak and that men should take some kind of second place and answer to them. If a society is built with this as a core value, we might call it a matriarchy. In this article I want to analyze this belief, look into why it is such a common ideology and finish up on why particularly cross dressers tend to follow it. I was inspired to write this article after receiving yet another email form a kind fan with the opinion that women have superiority over men and if they were in charge, everything would be better.
First let me clarify a few things in advance: Being superior or not, doesn’t necessarily say anything about leadership or authority. If you have a leadership position, that doesn’t make you more superior, it makes you more responsible (that’s the buzz word of leadership). I also think that anyone who really is that capable and virtuous should be granted the status they deserve. Call that a meritocracy if you want and it's something that I firmly believe in and it has absolutely nothing to do with gender.
The Origins of Female Supremacy
Here’s one
complex phenomenon that I can give you a straight and simple answer for. There
is absolutely no doubt in my mind that it all relies on the fact that it is a
woman who gives us life in a direct sense. Our mothers also play a much bigger
role in shaping our personality than our fathers. Why? Because most of our
personality is formed in the first few years of our lives and with whom do we
have closest contact in that period? Yep, you guessed it: our mothers. Camille
Paglia even thinks that, because of procreation, women are actually destined to
rule over men. Whether she’s right about that destiny or not is another
question but she certainly is right about why it might happen. But do not mistake authority with superiority. Just because women have that
natural power and our society might one day be a matriarchy, that does not make them generally superior. It also doesn't mean that such a matriarchal society is preferable to a democracy.
There is more to it of course. The belief in female superiority has two sides to it: male and female:
- Women with this belief can be
placed firmly in the category of fanatic radical feminists. Usually they
not only want women to rule the world but also to reduce the male population
to a minimum or even remove it entirely or establish a kind of fanatical matriarchy. We call them the man haters, the misandrists. They'll argue that matriarchies would be more peaceful and fair to all their members. Fortunately
they constitute a small minority of women and will never get their way and if
somehow they do, then they’ll change their minds very quickly. With some women there might be a belief in female superiority that does not have a negative premise but you won't find many of these either.
- Men, surprisingly, turn out to be the main supporters of female superiority. That requires a little explanation. You need to understand that men are very much driven by their instinctual attraction to women and, if they’re somehow influenced in their early development, that attraction can manifest itself in very unusual ways. This female supremacy is one of them. We'll go into detail on this further on.
Why Men want Female Supremacy
Of course
not all men want this, not even 10% but it’s still a lot who do. With many of
them it's just a fantasy that they get excited by. But even if it's not, there
are many who really think a matriarchal world where men are subservient to women is
desirable. You need only look at some of the many websites dedicated to the
topic. They’ll even justify it with all kinds of pseudo scientific arguments
and some will even find religious justifications for it. But nobody can really
deny that it’s actually about their own fantasy and the thought that it might
become real, makes it that much more exciting to them. Not surprisingly, with some people it's just an opportunity to make a quick buck and capitalize on that male fantasy. We can find plenty of examples of them too.
Female Glorification
In ancient Greece, it was the male body that was
glorified as the ideal of aesthetic beauty (I certainly see why^^). Today it is
the female body. Men in particular glorify everything feminine and raise it on
a pedestal and often worship women from beneath. Many modern men consider women to be something better, purer, more beautiful and good spirited than
themselves and other men. This female glorification is surely a driving
factor in men’s desire to submit. Boys often get taught about female
superiority from an early age and that means that it’ll stick with them
subconsciously for the rest of their lives (we'll look into this later). It is like an
indoctrination really because it has no basis in reality. I wrote a lot about this in Female Worship.
I believe this is probably the single most important factor that enabled the feminist movement to gain so much influence. That of course contradicts their ramblings about a patriarchy, because if there really was a patriarchy, then it wouldn’t have been overthrown so easily. In reality, women have a lot of power over men and their decision making and they’ve had it long before the 70’s. In a sense, one could make the case that female supremacy is already on top of us and we just don’t know it yet.
We should be concerned
Let me get this straight. If a man wants to submit to a superior woman, worship her and take on the submissive role, I would never deny anyone that. As long as nobody suffers, this is ok. In fact it’s more than ok. It’s beautiful – especially if a couple love and respect one another, then this power play is a great way to get emotionally closer and grow together on a deeper level. I can so testify for that! But I really think it needs to stay within reason. The thought of living such an alternative lifestyle 24/7 is just out of question for me and probably for most people – male and female.
What worries me though is when people project their private lifestyle choices onto public life and even politics. They demand that a matriarchal supremacist lifestyle for everyone and justify why it's the “only true way to live” and that it's “what mother nature intended”. Incidentally, you'll also find people that advocate the exact opposite (i.e. that men should take the lead) and make the same errors in trying to impose it on everyone and they also say that "mother nature intended it". I think they all paint a much prettier picture of it than it really is. If female supremacy actually did replace democracy, then it would be anything but desirable. None of those benefits that I mentioned above that a couple can get from it would translate to the large scale in society. It just wouldn’t work that way. On the other hand, with that concept you'd have all the ingredients for a regime that suppresses one part of its population. Not good!
So please, dear followers of any kind of gender based hierarchy, by all means live that way in your own private life with your spouses and friends but do not try to make it a political movement.
Female Superiority as a Popular Belief
The idea that women are better than men is so common now days that we hardly even notice it when we hear it expressed. A little while ago US President Obama said publicly that “women can do anything that the boys can do, and do it better…”. That is just one example. The media, politics, and education all have this semi-conscious premise that women are superior to men. They love it. The men seem to love it as much as the women and it’s not healthy at all. And it’s been going on for at least 30 years now.
Firstly, it usually isn’t true. If women were averagely more capable than men, then that difference would be so small that the difference between various women among each other or men among each other is far greater. So it says nothing about our personal capabilities. It’s like saying people with freckles have a higher IQ on average. Well they might but it’s probably just a coincidence.
However, there are areas were women seem to outperform men and other areas where men often do better such that it can’t be just a coincidence. Physical performance aside, I think that this is entirely or mostly due to their different upbringing and not some natural superiority. But even if it was, there are so many exceptions that you can’t make a political case for it without resorting to unfair generalizations.
There's a far more worrying side to this though and it is the main motivation behind this article:
An adult man might get irritated or bored or just dismiss the public assault on his gender. If he’s confident and established, then it shouldn’t bother him much. But this is entirely different for boys who grow up in all this bombardment with female superiority. Since the 80’s or even before that, boys have been born right into the battlefield of a gender assault and they’re the real victims. In this decade, for the first time, we’re seeing a generation of young adult men who grew up in this and the consequences of this mass hatred are only slowly beginning to emerge.
Is it any wonder why so many men have become more feminine? This is the reaction of a boy who grows up and has internalized the notion that femininity is desirable and masculinity is detestable. Don’t blame men for becoming feminine. They’re just trying to survive in a society that has been very hostile towards them from a young age. It’s a logical response to the ideology of female supremacy. Now, as I mentioned often before, I love feminine men and I love the fact that they exist but I do sympathize with their status in society. Not only have they been pressured into this role, but now also many will ridicule them for being “wimps” and tell them to “man up”. How sinister is that? Just imagine how betrayed these boys must feel by society. Well I can’t really, I just voice this from what I learned from talking to one of them.
This whole process self-perpetuates and makes things worse at an even faster rate every year. Boys are now under performing compared with girls at almost every level. The gap is increasing at an astounding rate. And the female supremacists use this as “evidence” to make their case. At the same time, it makes the boys even more insecure and makes them drop at a faster rate. I am certain that the under performance of boys is entirely due to the fact that they’re under a lot more emotional stress than girls but society refuses to change that and we’re given the old “boys will be boys” argument.
There is loads more to say about this but I’ll have to keep the article at a readable length.
Crossdressers and Female Supremacy
I know from experience and a number of emails that cross dressers have a very strong tendency to worship the feminine. This is one of the motivations behind cross dressing. There’s nothing wrong with that of course and I think it can be a healthy way of expressing your desires or getting in touch with your feminine side not to mention a source of fun for any couple.
Many cross dressers take this further and reject everything masculine – in themselves as well as in others. This, of course, is not so good and I hope that people will try to work against it. My boyfriend has some of these tendencies and we’ve come to the conclusion that it is a result of indoctrination by the female supremacy movement. He told me he even went through a stage where he thought he was a woman trapped in a man’s body. But it was a delusion because he is as much a man as anyone. He was just taught by society to reject masculinity and simply responded by growing up with this little hang up.
I hope that you dear cross dressers out there can learn to accept your masculinity as something equally valuable, beautiful and precious as femininity. You should appreciate that the male body has an aesthetic beauty that is in no way less than the female beauty (more in my humble opinion…). Also, a toned male body can look absolutely stunning in feminine garments if you do it right. It’s like a gorgeous contrast between the two sides of humanity – the best of both worlds. It isn’t a coincidence that many fashion designers toy with the androgynous. Besides, if you were female, then cross dressing wouldn’t have its appeal because women already wear men’s clothes in every day life. It wouldn’t have the impact it has and consequently you’d have never discovered it as a way to have fun.
As usual feedback is appreciated!
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Sanxuary on July 15, 2013:
I find the topic to be quite confusing. In all regards to science their are differences and still we attempt to force equality. We go as far as to claim that you can be any gender and being both is a strange new claim to superiority lately. We were never meant to be the same but one by becoming unselfish enough to find are strengths and weaknesses in one another to be strong together. Oddly as I search the work place equality is better achieved by equalizing environmental factors that allow anyone to get the job done. Demanding the same work on physical terms seldom creates equality regardless of gender. We are smart enough and have the technology to save everyone's back. Most puzzling is the demand for both rule books and not being allowed to play because your gender is not allowed to. Right now its in favor of women but one can never play with out changing the rules for the ones you allow to violate the rules in the first place. Now we are demanding that no rules exist and forcing people to comply with an empty book.
Doug on May 03, 2013:
Beer and lingerie at the same time is even better!
I think the main thing is that everyone is free to live as they please. There are about seven billion variants on gender roles out there.
Sanxuary on March 22, 2013:
All revolutions will eventually suffer from counter revolutions. Balance has to be attained at some point. I do not believe that most people are opposed to fairness and the general term of equality. No one is equal and no one will ever be equal and this side of the question suffers the most. Parenting rights, what is the equal standard for those weaker then others and what are the social norms in gender roles? Men have to play the part in most places but women are just as confused when they can not have both. You know flirt, lover, mother, and be a woman or just an employee. Then you wonder why guys are all about work and you our the lonely feminist sitting at home with your dog or cat two years from menopause. Men are changing, they are learning to run from being owned, they see marriage as a joke, and they are slowly growing tired of systems that are unfair. Most of all I am seeing that the environment is really the route to take in order to create so called equality. It actually flies in the face of so called ideas on equality. Its simple, you give everyone the right tools to lift heavy crap and it makes everyone capable of being so called equal. The current policy is that everyone who works for whomever can lift heavy crap. I know this to be the exception and not the norm and even if you our strong, you should not have to sacrifice your body. A new view on equality needs to be taken because the old view is not allowing the discussion to move in any positive ways. The question is what is equality and how can it be achieved. What works and what is not working. (were to afraid of offending people with the truth) Is it fair that men have the burden of a court system to have any parental rights. Why are they instantly excluded with out a lawyer? The one thing we are never excluded from is child support. We are already seeing a generation of men who have raised their children on their own with out a woman. I am one of them and yes I have had many times in which my employer was up set because I had to leave work and see my kid at the hospital. Do not assume that men have no idea what it is like to do everything a woman assumes she has to do. Even in a relationship it happens and guess what, someone has to do it.
Lucy83 (author) on March 19, 2013:
That's a strange article. First he points out a number of important issues. Then he just finishes up with the stereotypical cliche that men can sleep around and be thought of as a hero. I don't know if that was intended but it basically minimizes and even ridicules all those issues - especially given that most people don't look up to such men.
samowhamo on March 15, 2013:
Hey Lucy I found an article here I think you should read. Please let me know what you think I think this guy is kind of a jerk.
samowhamo on November 29, 2012:
Hi Lucy
One of the things about female supremacy that scares me is that it sounds like it could happen in my lifetime or close to my lifetime. Like what saharaeve has said on here hubpage that kind of scares me. I just dont want to be dominated and even if men were dominated they would eventually rebel. You cant dominate people forever sooner or later everyone fights back people can only be pushed so far.
samowhamo on November 21, 2012:
@ M
Well than I guess that makes me your opposite. I have had similar experiences but not with men with women. I have heard women say and do things that I too at first thought women would never even think of but I got a hard dose of the real world I have heard of women who have LIED ABOUT BEING RAPED. I dont think women are as oppressed as people say they are at least not in the west but I do agree that women are still pretty oppressed in other country's.
Lucy83 (author) on November 21, 2012:
Hi M,
"People have the choice as to whether or not they buy into the values of society"
Of course you have a choice.
"women are ...... paid less for the same work"
This is just not true. You need to inform yourself better before making statements like this.
"Go to Afghanistan and tell me "female superiority" has a role in describing their 'society'."
You don't get to use humanitarian problems in a remote region that you've probably never seen yourself as fuel to forward your ideological convictions here.
" If anything puts women on pedestals, it is men who behave disgracefully and who don't involve themselves in their children's upbringing: leaving it to the mother to do everything."
That sentence doesn't even make any sense.
"If a lady is superior (like the one I serve) it is down to who she is as a person not her gender"
Finally a good and true statement.
M on November 15, 2012:
The opinions expressed by those who claim to be female supremacists are exactly that: opinions. People have the choice as to whether or not they buy into the values of society which I don't see as being particularly pro women: quite the contrary. Globally, women are by and large oppressed. are paid less for the same work and find the 'glass ceiling' hampers their career progression and sexual assault is rife and often unreported simply because most women don't find the system actually works in their favor: even to assure equality. Go to Afghanistan and tell me "female superiority" has a role in describing their 'society'.
I grew up in a violent household: and that violence was not perpetrated by the lady of the house. If anything puts women on pedestals, it is men who behave disgracefully and who don't involve themselves in their children's upbringing: leaving it to the mother to do everything.
I have no doubt that you believe what you have written and that it is consistent with your experience of life. It's not consistent with mine. Feminism has not even reached large parts of the 'society' I live in. And I've not yet encountered, having worked with a large number of the generation just about coming to the age of legal responsibility, is a belief, however unfounded, in the natural superiority of women.
If a lady is superior (like the one I serve) it is down to who she is as a person not her gender: oddly enough, she would absolutely agree with me on this. :)
Sam on November 05, 2012:
It's just a good thing, and if that makes people paranoid that women will become supreme, then they're either sexist and don't want women to have any kind of power at all,
Well just because they fear female supremacy that does not neccessarily make them sexist or not want women to have power it could be that they fear that men might become oppressed or more discriminated. I am not against women having power but supremacy is too much perhaps you should read SCUM Manifesto there are things written in it that have scared the hell out of me. Wouldn't you feel that way if it were male supremacy.
D28 on October 17, 2012:
I am a 28 year old male and this article is accurate.
Sam on October 10, 2012:
Lucy83 11 months ago Hub Author
Exactly Patrick,
I don't mind people having these fantasies. I have them too but spreading this around as a sentiment for everyone to join in is causing a lot of harm to youngsters.
And the way women were socialized to play second fiddle never had the same kind of raw hatred as the way men/boys often get bashed. Nobody ever called for the extermination of women but men have and still are subjected to that idea. No matter how oppressed, there was always at least some value in being a woman. With men the label of worthlessness is very popular. We keep blaming men for sexism whilst subjecting them to the worst kind of sexism. Not a proud example of humanity.
And that Lucy is the main reason why I dont trust feminists because some call for the extermination of male humans and complete female supremacy. Extermination is extermination no matter how you do it wheather you do the way the Nazi's did it or wheather you do it slowly and painlessly like gradually breeding men out (although I dont know how they would do that unless of course they used parthenogenesis which some scientist have done reaserch on). And going for complete female supremacy by establishing lesbian utopia's or some other all female society and that is my main reason for not trusting feminists I think androcide and complete female supremacy is reason enough to be distrustfull.
Sam on September 14, 2012:
@ Dracula Delacroix
I read your comment and the part where you said Y chromosomes might be going extinct well that is kind of true and kind of not true. They have found recent evidence that both X and Y chromosomes in primates specifically humans (and humans are primates if you beleive in human evolution) are somehow becoming weaker and that in about 4 million years time primates will have developed a new way of determining gender. Look up Y chromosome on wikipedia if you dont beleive me.
Mike on August 15, 2012:
Charo, you just got with the wrong crowd of people. Of course you also have sexual feelings but all they are is temporary feelings. When you realize that you have gotten with a group of dishonest people and you have temporary feelings. Just don't take it seriously and just enjoy life!
Mike on August 14, 2012:
Feminists never cite obituaries as proof that women live longer because they are suspenseful and out of their control unlike government agencies which are politically controlled.
If obituaries weren't suspenseful and they showed females living longer, they would cite it because it would make their case that much stronger.
They then ask loaded questions as "Why do women live longer?" as though it is settled but it isn't because obitiautires don't show either sex prevailing. They show it back and forth.
Mike on August 14, 2012:
The female supremacist websites have moderation approval for comment sections which says alot about the website owners and the movement itself. Sahara Eve even edits what a person types ESP when they disagree.
charo8 on August 13, 2012:
I stumbled on this article and as a male this has bothered me my whole life. Feeling inferior to the other sex is a horrible feeling, knowing no matter what I accomplished I would still be below the lowest female. At least now I know it's probably due to having been brought up in such a male-hating time in history. It sickens me to read other men put themselves down so much, or women putting themselves on pedestals all the time. But the damage has already been done to me, I feel inferior and only recently began indulging in secretly cross-dressing to satisfy my inner desires. It's totally unfair, but we didn't have a choice what we were born into
Sam on August 03, 2012:
There's a feminist named Robin Morgan she speaks of equality and yet she once said misandry is the right oppressed and she even said something like kill your father not your mother. This woman has a son and I think use to be married what kind of example is she setting for her son. I think this is proof enough that feminism is not what feminists say it is.
Sam on August 02, 2012:
There are times when I would literally take a bullet to expose feminism. Feminists are definitley hiding and covering things up because there have been cases when for example there was this man who was talking about true stories of serious abuse that men have suffered at the hands of women and he got death threats for it. There was this woman who use to be a feminist but was banned from the movement because she wrote a book called prone to violence in which men suffer abuse at the hands of women herself her husband and children got deaths threats and there dog was killed and they were forced to leave the UK to protect themselves. Feminism has promoted the systematic discrimination of men all we ever here these days is men are jerks, rapists, oversexed, disgusting, egoist, immature, abusive, and violent well how do we know that even just half of the stuff they say about men is true how do we know it is not made up to discriminate men. Women are always calling and labeling men things like that just because of a few bad apples they got or from stories they have heard from other women or tv or the internet well how do there are that many jerks out there what if the only reason it seems like there are so many of them is because feminists and man haters pay more attention to them then men who genuinley are good. They always say that men are no good and that, that is true well just because someone says something is true that dosent make it true and just because someone says something is a lie that dosent make it a lie either anyone can say and think anything but in no way does that make it trure or a lie.
Sam on July 26, 2012:
Before I tell you this let me just say that I am not playing the pity card or anything I am just telling you my experience. Never assume that women are not capable of abuse because there are abusive women out there I know one unfortunately MY MOTHER. My mother is a drug addict she abused my father emotinally mentally and in some ways verbally. My father was falsely arrested twice because of false police reports my mother made I witnessed the second arrest. My youngest brother was strangled by my mother just because he took the family photo's out of the garbage my mother had thrown away. My brother called the police and they did nothing because my mother lied and he got written down as an unrulely teenager and my cousin scolded him for it HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!. The house was so filthy it looked like it should be condemed and my mother never cooks for them anymore she says they are old enough to cook YEAH MAYBE THEY COULD IF THEY KNEW HOW so they have to fend for themselves for food. My mother is almost never at home anymore she is either at work or partying with her boyfriend who feeds her addiction. My mother lied to me and my brothers about all of this and despite all the evidence my father has for this no one would help us. My father got custody of me the easiest I was 19 at the time I am 20 now he was going to get custody of my youngest brother but the second arrest stoped him. I am not making this up (I say I am not making this up because a lot of people dont accept that women are capable of doing this because of feminist ideollogy) AND THIS IS ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY I HATE FEMINISTS MAN-HATERS AND FEMALE SUPREMACISTS THOSE PIGS MAKE ME SICK!!!.
Sam on July 26, 2012:
I dont beleive in superiority or inferiority but for those of you who beleive in female supremacy dont you think that if women did rule over men, men would eventually rebell. No one eants to be ruled over and female supremacists like all other supremacists will say do and think anything to justifie there supremacist beleifs they will be like this is true or that is a lie this is scientific evidence proving it or this is a myth or that is a myth but that still dosent make them right. EQUALITY FOR ALL
Niko56 on July 07, 2012:
I like meridions comment. I'm a man of equality. I'm also a man who judges an individual based solely on their character. It's a shame that I'm hard pressed to find others who think like this and choose supremacy over equality, acceptance, and character
Lucy83 (author) on June 19, 2012:
Hi Angie,
I'm glad to hear you found something that works for your sons. You're right, it's a very important topic and sadly it gets mentioned far too little. It's as if society only cares about girls. Shameful really.