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The Worst Thing About Politics Today

Do We Trust In God Or Man?

Are we still looking for the charismatic leader that will ride in on a white horse and deliver us? When he does arrive, will he save us from the devastating effects of the deterioration of family life, sickness, death, pain, and sorrow? Will #Donald Trump, who now serves as President of the United States, be able to help us? Has he or will Trump, bring solutions to our problems in the world today? We have been in search of this person for thousands of years. He or she has not arrived thus far. Issues still consume us, one after the other.

The unfortunate events that has developed after the murder of a black man by a white policeman in Minneapolis proves social unrest cannot be controlled by world leaders. #George Floyd‘s death has caused an outpour of anger that erupted in cities throughout the United States. Racism appear to be the focus of these civil unrest. Imagine how Jehovah God who looks down on earth and sees this choas. He gave his precious son Jesus Christ as a ransom sacrifice and are we really showing our appreciation? After all Almighty God does have feelings. People can cause him grief and sorrow. Psalms 78:41 beautifully illustrates how Jehovah felt when his people disobeyed him, “Again and again they put God to the test, and they grieved the Holy One of Israel.” Are we causing our Grand Creator pain in his heart by looking to humans rather than relying on Jehovah and Jesus to teach us how to truly love each other regardless of our skin color? ”God is impartial toward people of all nations and backgrounds. He is also merciful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal love and truth,” expressed Watchtower 2020 publication. Problems throughout the world continue due to the rulership of imperfect people.

Tragically, #gun control is a significant concern for people throughout the world. After 17 people were killed and more than 15 injured, in #Parkland, Florida; President Trump, made a speech during an ABC News Speical Report. He advised young people of America, "I want you to know, that you are never alone and you will never be. . . Answer hate with love, answer cruelty with kindness. . . Let us hold our loved ones close and let us pray for healing and peace and let us come together as one nation to wipe away the tears and strive for a much better tomorrow. Thank you and may God bless you all." While President Trump, walked away from the podium, a question, "lf he would do anything about gun control?" The President never responded. He did go on to mention how they would, "Work with state and local leaders to help secure our schools and tackle the difficult issue of mental health. . ." Will these solutions, solve the problems of gun control?

A woman once discussed the status of our political system as she stated; "the American public is tired of having to vote for the lesser of two evils. That's the bottom line. They want to vote for a candidate that stands for something and we don't have it in either of these. We are voting based on who we think is the lesser evil." How sad that the voting process has come to such a deplorable state.

Confusion and Bickering Within Government Today

News stories and publications can cause even more trouble and bickering within the political system. California Congressman Adam Schiff stated, 'We have a seriously flawed human being in the oval office.' At least one spokesman said something positive about this leader Steven Miller, called him, ”A political genius who won against the field of seventeen incredibly talented people.”

Confusion and disagreements continue to rule within not only the White House but the political system in general. Will politicians ever learn to rule peacefully together and is there a better solution to this problem? One politician went on to admit, "People need a good clean government." News Correspondent John Dickerson of CBS This Morning news said, “Between #Covid, race and the economy strategically, l’m not sure what the candidates are going to do but the American people deserve better.”

Do We Already Have A Solution to Greed and Corruption Within Government?

Many of our concerns today stem from #greed and corruption within the government as well as a lack of real love and understanding for our fellow man. Within this message of gloom and doom, have we already been presented with the answer but are determined not to adhere? Did our forefather and mother #Adam and Eve, ignore this answer as well? Imagine, if we already have a clue but stubbornly refuses to accept it.? We continue to be in search of a hopeless adventure that drags the future of our families into an empty black hole.

More than two thousand years ago, #Jesus Christ was pursued by people who wanted to make him a king while he was on earth based on John 6: 14,15. What did this perfect being do when he was offered this nomination? Did Jesus run as a republican or a democrat? No. He fled knowing that he had the potential to be a perfect king or ruler that could have healed the sick, raised the dead and fed the hungry. Why did Jesus, who was such a loving, kind person, flee rather than become king? Jesus later explained at John 18:36, "My KINGDOM is not of this WORLD," stated THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT. Neutrality was Jesus' focus. He knew there was still work needed that was assigned to him by his Heavenly Father Jehovah. Why is it that billions today do not take the same stand? Are these people afraid of what people will think if they don't participate in the voting process? Yes, some are. There have always been political rulers even when Jesus was on earth. After all, it was a political ruler who decided to impale the son of God along with false religious leaders. Not one of the apostles or faithful disciples such as Luke, John, Paul or Stephen served in the political arena. They indeed were popular enough. These committed individuals followed in the footsteps of Jesus. They remained neutral and avoided politics.

#Will An Elected Political Leader Save Us?

The majority of people are involved in politics today. Although we continue to suffer economic depression, death, sickness, terrorism, and pain. This economic depression has caused many people today to flee their homes because they lack employment. Without jobs, heads of households can no longer feed their families, and now they are out on the streets without a home, due to record foreclosures. On #Live CNN, Atika Shubert stated, Poverty drives young men to terrorist organizations. They feel targeted, and they are in the minority." In these critical times with the abundance of violence through such things as #terrorism, our young people continue to search for acceptance even within such extremist groups as Isis. The stress of these problems is the primary cause of depression. Some also commit suicide because they lack hope for the future. Billions still put trust in the government and politics today.

What is the Solution?

There are millions today that do not get involved in the political process but remain neutral just as Jesus and his followers did. They pay their taxes as instructed by Jesus and obey the laws of the land. Do these millions of individuals know something that billions don't do? Jesus apparently knew why he came to earth; to preach the good news of God's kingdom. Jesus' leadership, was given to him by his Heavenly Father Jehovah. Jesus knew that this kingdom would be the answer to all of our problems today. Those who remain neutral within the political process, naturally await the promises given in the Bible where one day there will be no sickness, death, pain or sorrow based on Revelation 21:3,4. In this world, no vibrant group of individuals will exist. Separatism of classes of people will no longer live. Individuals will depend solely on Almighty God and his promises which will be obtained through his perfect king, Jesus Christ.

In this new world, no desire will be in the hearts of individuals to rush ahead in search of human-made rulers that break promises, lie, cheat or steal. Not all politicians demonstrate these negative attributes. Many genuine people want to help their fellow man. Due to our imperfections and the real ruler of this wicked world, Satan the devil; he will not allow anyone to rule appropriately. Satan knows he has no control over the actual king of God's kingdom, Jesus Christ. Yes, we do have an incredible hope for the future given to us through the ransom sacrifice of Jesus and the Creator of Life, #Jehovah God.

In a previous poll, "82% of American people believe, that #greed promotes politicians. Many voters have also acknowledged that "#Washington is broken." What will be the results and where will people turn if these governmental leaders do not work for the benefit of all citizens of the United States? Not just for a political party or the rich but for people of all nations. Remember, this problem is not just here in the United States but all over the world. That is why Jesus Christ is the perfect ruler because he will help the world and not just focus on world politics or a political party. While on earth, Jesus proved through his Heavenly Father's holy spirit, that he could feed the hungry, heal the sick and even raise the dead. For proof, go to the Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

International politics have proven, no ruler can efficiently rule over God's creation. From the days of Pharaohs in Egypt down to our elected officials today, not one rulership eradicated sickness, death, pain or sorrow permanently. It was not because they did not want to but as imperfect creatures, men are limited. Elected officials who voted for the Obama health care bill, supposedly demonstrated compassion for young and old individuals, who may not have insurance and in desperate need of medical care. Other elected officials have tried to repeal this bill although millions still need medical attention. The jobs of many people may not offer that care because all they have found is part-time work. Finding a full-time job with benefits can be very difficult due to the job market and the economy. This is a continuous ongoing cycle, without real solutions for genuine health care. Has anyone ever had a solution to this problem of medical care?

Jesus Christ healed people and never charged one penny for his work. Why are we unable to treat all sicknesses as opposed to making money off our brother's weaknesses? A young woman who was 22 years old and still living at home with her parents, needed a lump removed from her breast and she had an impacted tooth. Working a part-time job, the woman had no benefits to cover her #medical needs. Finally, her parents took out a loan just to get the lump removed from the young woman's breast. She lives daily with the impacted tooth, praying and hoping that politicians will come up with a health care bill that will benefit her in the future. It is sad that children or parents with pre-existing diseases, will not be able to obtain insurance. John Boehner, the previous speaker of the House of Representatives, stated that United States citizens have "one of the best insurance programs in the world." In whose world or what world is he living in? The facts speak for themselves.

What Lessons Have We Learned?

As a people, we are genuinely suffering from the voting process because it continues to fail us. Paul Weyrich wrote in the magazine, #Christianity Today: "Even when we win in politics, our victories fail to translate into the kind of policies we believe are important." He also went on to explain, "The culture is becoming an ever-wider sewer. We are caught up in a cultural collapse of historic proportions, a collapse so great that it simply overwhelms politics." What a profound statement that sums up government and politics today.

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When will we learn and what is it that we need to learn? Our world is full of health care issues, Covid-19, economic depression, politics, death, bullying, suicide and so on and so on. Therefore we must step back and ask ourselves, can humans rule over themselves successfully? Is there one #human rulership we can identify that has eliminated these various problems? No, not one. Our Grand Creator allows us to rule ourselves because of his mercy and our free will. God wants to be a part of his creatures' lives. If we prefer to pretend that God does not exist based on evolution or whatever reason we can conjure up. How hurt our Creator must be when he looks down, hear and see what is going on in the world today. Although perfect, Jehovah felt "hurt in his heart," whenever his people disobeyed. Imagine what he must be feeling now by observing the world today?

Remember how our first parents Adam and Eve; decided to abuse free will and disobey God. They not only hurt themselves but their children down to our time. We are living in a pitiful state of sin, under the control of Satan, who manipulates men to think they can direct their own pathway without the assistance of our Creator. Gaining an accurate understanding that this needed direction can only be obtained through the Bible and humility on each of our part. The grand promises of a perfect paradise world in the future is part of that beautiful hope in the Bible. We can still learn to love and respect each other based on the standards Jesus taught us which is to "love one another." Yes, it is time to take a stand and follow in the perfect footsteps of Jesus rather than an imperfect man. Imagine, living in a world without politics where all people are treated the same regardless of race or gender. Do not put your trust in man but put it in a real king that will never die and has been given the ability by Jehovah his Heavenly Father, to heal the sick and raise the dead.

No more struggles to pay for things that we just do not need. We can resist the God-defying spirit that Satan developed with #Adam and Eve, by careful study of the Holy Scriptures. We have seen the results of their decisions. Will we continue relying on man rather than Almighty God? Our constant prayers to Jehovah in the name of Jesus for help, can and will bring us through these times of turmoil. Your decision, can and will affect your life now and in the future. Is it indeed up to each of us? Will you wait for the next political election to get results or will you rely on our Creator for answers now? Be in constant prayer and think carefully about your answers. Almighty God never leaves us. We depart from him. It is never too late to return to his loving arms. Jehovah God is truly a loving Heavenly Father, who desires all his children to live happy, successful lives. This can be the solution if you freely decide to partake of it or not. We all have free will given to us by our #Grand Creator.

Is there A Government that Can Resolve All Our Problems?

Remember, problems are not just here in the United States but all over the world. That is why Jesus Christ is the perfect ruler because he will help the world and not just focus on world politics or a political party. While on earth, Jesus proved through his Heavenly Father’s Holy Spirit he could feed the hungry, heal the sick and even raise the dead. For proof, go to the Bible books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

— Angelladywriter

Stephen Colbert of The Late Show Gives President Trump Some Pointers

To Find out more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom, order a free copy of the publication “Jesus—The Way.”


Comments from upstate, NY on February 15, 2017:

" My hope and beliefs for a better government, is the "Prince of Peace" Jesus Christ, who will rule as the King of Jehovah God's kingdom"

That's truely the only government that's good, well said!

""God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

Amen, in heaven there's no sickness, sorrow or failure, there's only glory, wholeness, health and life. It's truely is the model prayer!

Claudette Coleman Carter (author) from Media, Pennsylvania on February 15, 2017:


I really appreciate your detailed comment. Although I must admit that I do not believe in the Affordable Care Act either because it was created by man. My hope and beliefs for a better government, is the "Prince of Peace" Jesus Christ, who will rule as the King of Jehovah God's kingdom. While Jesus was on earth he pleaded with us to pray for that kingdom at Matthew chapter six through the model prayer. Powerful words in that prayer told us to pray that, "God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The only way this can be accomplished is we submit ourselves to the reading of God's word so that we can learn more about that promised kingdom or government that Jesus taught us to pray for.

It is really not about our religious background or family history but the real solution based on the Bible, which is Our Heavenly Father's thoughts. He created us as humans so what was his intent for man and woman in the future based on his promise in the Bible. Jesus and the apostles talked about this wonderful hope constantly through the Bible. We must read it ourselves and pray for God's holy spirit so that we can understand those beautiful promises for the future.

Thanks again for your encouraging comment. from upstate, NY on February 14, 2017:

I agree with you that we should not put our trust in man or governments, yet if Christians aren't involved in the political process, the godless will fill the void.

And this is what we've seen, the government is now trying to dictate what churches can preach in their own churches, Catholic institutions are being forced to provide abortions, schools will not allow biblical views to be expressed but teachers are coerced to teach secular values to the kids.

You rightly pointed out that the answers to our society are not found in government and the American Founders would agree with you on that. The Founders knew the dangers of an empowered and active government, thats why one of the main purposes of our Constitution is to limit government power. As you mentioned, we shouldn't trust the government and that's why need safeguards that limit their power.

Having said that we should not put our hope in the government, you seem to support one of the greatest expansions of government power in American history and that is the Affordable Care Act. The ACA gives defacto power of 18 percent of our economy to the federal government because it controls directly or indirectly the money for the vast majority of the medical field.

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