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How to Become a Money-Making Internet Troll on YouTube in 6 Steps

Can you get paid to troll? Learn how in six easy steps.

Can you get paid to troll? Learn how in six easy steps.

Becoming a YouTube Troll

Did you know it pays to be a troll on YouTube?

No, really.

All those controversial topics and entries that you'd never dream of discussing in the real world could make you thousands of dollars on YouTube if done correctly. However, the art of trolling is a lot harder than it seems, and you must be a gifted troll to accomplish the seemingly impossible.

There are only a handful of YouTube trolls who've mastered the act of ignorance, but if they could do it, then so can you. Perfect your hateful feedback, and follow these six steps to become the best money-making internet troll on YouTube.

Step 1: Create a YouTube Channel

You can't troll without a platform, so the first thing you'll want to do is create your own YouTube channel.

The most difficult part may be figuring out what to call your YouTube channel, but I've found that using a variation of your name works best for vlogging.

Another good way to think up your channel's name is to base it on your niche topic (makeup, cooking, comedic skits).

Once you've developed your YouTube channel, it's time to plan what type of content you're willing to produce.

If you're not trying to troll, then feel free to work on something you enjoy, but if you are, then proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Controversy Pays

Did you ever wonder why topics on the death penalty, addiction, and abortion get so many views?

The answer is controversy!

The more controversial something is, the more people are drawn to it. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but most people aren't interested in your coin collection hobby. However, they would be interested if your coin collection was the result of theft.

I think people love to hate watching controversial topics on YouTube, and everybody nowadays is a "social warrior." Whenever you watch a video of someone bashing on a particular group of people, there will be hundreds or thousands waiting to jump in and attack the video's creator.

Well, with Google Adsense and affiliate programs, those views will eventually turn into gold. Please try not to get your channel banned by going too far with the controversy.

Speaking of disagreements, I found the following topics to ignite the largest responses on YouTube:

  • Politics (Barack Obama, Donald Trump)
  • Abortion (Pro-life vs. Pro-choice)
  • Gay Social Issues (marriage, civil rights)
  • Racism (black-on-white crime, cultural issues)
  • Sexism (feminism, male vs. female)
  • Animal Rights (animal endangerment)

You could begin by choosing a couple of those topics and make videos relating to them or run the gambit on all of them. Use either the honest approach (less hateful comments, fewer views) or the troll approach (much more hate, more views).

The choice is up to you.

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Always leave comments.

Always leave comments.

As a troll, you may ask, "What's the best way to attract attention?" Well, the first thing you'll want to do is make a few trolling videos because you'll need content on your channel.

I would aim for 10–20 videos to see if they attract viewers. If they don't, then head over to popular channels and troll as much as possible.

Many don't understand that trolling is not about hurling insults at others. You have to be clever in the way you troll; otherwise, you'll be ignored and likely suffer negative consequences towards your channel (no views, banned). I would pick out a few popular YouTubers and comment on their latest videos nearly every day. Your comments don't necessarily have to be hateful, and they shouldn't be. The comments you leave should be critical and clever enough to generate interest.

If done correctly, then you may see a rise in your own channel's views because of both the critiques you give and the familiarity gained from daily commentating on well-known YouTubers' channels.

Feedback is so important.

Feedback is so important.

Step 4: Respond to Feedback

If you're new to YouTube, then you have to respond to any comment you get either on your or other people's channels.

It's extremely difficult to initially get attention, even with controversial videos. However, it'll pay off once you get the ball rolling. It takes a mountain of effort when you begin, but things will become a lot easier once you start to build a following.

However, you won't attain a following if you don't respond to both negative and positive comments. Even if you don't believe anything you're saying, you should still go for it. If you don't take things too seriously, then trolling other people could be kind of fun.

Why do you think people get a kick out of trolling others?

With so many overly sensitive people out there, it's easy to stir the pot and get others enraged. I think it's much more beneficial to troll now than it was when YouTube first began, especially with social issues such as gay rights and racism taking center stage.

This doesn't mean that trolls will be off the hook, though; the next step will test your mental toughness.

Step 5: Beware of the Troll Backlash

Whenever you troll through comments or on your own videos, get ready for a massive backlash. If you're a new YouTube channel, then you won't get that much hate due to invisibility, but popular channels often get swarmed with hate if there's controversy abound. The good news is that you'll be making more money because of more views; the bad news is that your emotional state will be tried.

I've been around YouTube, and I can honestly say that this video-sharing site has some of the most hateful feedback I've ever seen. The anger and hate are downright brutal at times, and you will definitely get a ton of it from trolling videos. You better have tough skin because everything from your looks to your family won't be off limits.

Now you could choose to disable YouTube comments, but it'll only hurt your overall viewership (money).

So I'm warning you that many people have quit YouTube because they couldn't handle the nasty comments. That's the risk you take whenever making videos, but even more so when you're making controversial (trolling) videos.

Say you're sorry!

Say you're sorry!

Step 6: Try New Things: Apologize and Move On

Once you've weathered the storm and have become a YouTube success, then feel free to apologize and move on to other things.

As horrible as YouTube commentators may be, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually, even trolls are able to attain a large following if everything's done correctly.

When you have a loyal following, you no longer have to do trolling videos to generate a ton of views.

You could transition into vlogging and be authentic. People do love honesty, which is why we've seen so many successful vloggers. They also love when individuals apologize for their mistakes and move on.

Do you know why that is?

Because everybody makes mistakes, and we all want forgiveness. Your followers will forgive you if you're genuine about past fallacies. New followers will be interested in your journey, and they'll be along for the ride.

The art of trolling can be amazing, but it shouldn't last forever. Eventually, we all want to move on to do bigger and better things, and trolling is rarely part of that equation.

How to be an internet troll on YouTube is a guide to instant success in the beginning, but all guides eventually have to end.

In other words, we can't troll forever.

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.


Besarien from South Florida on July 08, 2019:

Interesting article! This probably explains some of the bad behavior on YouTube. Considering comments on the internet have driven others to suicide, trolling for money is not something I'd ever consider doing. I hope any who pursue this will attempt to do so responsibly.

Krzysztof Willman (author) from Parlin, New Jersey on July 29, 2017:

Usually they demonetize certain videos that fall outside their guidelines but it's definitely possible for the entire channel is get demonetized or even deleted.

I also know you can file appeals for demonitized videos to get monetization back, and that seems to work out fine for most creators. YouTube has gotten a lot stricter regarding content, so these new policies affect everyone especially newbie creators.

another question on July 28, 2017:

Does YouTube demonetize entire channels, or just certain videos?

I notice that big channels like Bart Baker, Freelee and Hodgetwins, have a lot their videos demonetized as they have complained in their videos. Therefore they started a new channel to make money again by adding PG stuff or by charging their fans.

So does google demonetize entire channels or just specific videos.

Also, I notice that even though my videos are sometimes demonetized, they sometimes get monetized again.

Either way, I am not making any money like I did in 2016. So even if it says monetized, do I have to wait until I get 10000 views?

Krzysztof Willman (author) from Parlin, New Jersey on May 18, 2017:

It's a good way to attract attention and several YouTubers have done something similar. The only concern is if those controversial videos are the only reason people have watched in the first place because then they may leave when you change things up. Hopefully the changes continue to draw people in while you're able to monetize your content.

new youtube ad policy on May 15, 2017:

I know that you can't monetize controversial videos anymore. But what if you make controversial troll videos at first to build your subscriber base, and then make fun non controversial videos?Then monetize them. Would that be a good idea?

Krzysztof Willman (author) from Parlin, New Jersey on April 15, 2017:

Perhaps and it is getting trickier with YouTube's ad war with inappropriate content.

The site has changed considerably over the past year.

538659 on April 12, 2017:

Oh I see. Yeah I agree that there will be more people watching your videos if you show your face. But if I make provocative titles and say provocative things then I might get nearly the same result.

Anyways, is there a chance you can get sued for defamation and YouTube will be forced to give up your anonymity for that reason?

Krzysztof Willman (author) from Parlin, New Jersey on March 22, 2017:

You'll be shielded somewhat but people will definitely call you out for hiding yourself. It's not a terrible way of making your points but people often connect what you say to the person otherwise they'll less likely to watch your videos. So on one hand you won't get attacked as much but you'll also lose out on views and money 99 percent of the time.

538659 on March 19, 2017:

"You better have tough skin because everything from your looks to your family won't be off limits."

What if you never show your face but only a modified voice and pictures on the web while you talk about controversial issues?

Krzysztof Willman (author) from Parlin, New Jersey on October 17, 2015:

Internet trolls are spreading across the entire online spectrum and it's not a lucrative way to live (in my opinion), but some do make a lot of money because viewers are dumb enough to believe everything they say.

Thank you for the feedback

Elsie Hagley from New Zealand on October 12, 2015:

This is the first time I have heard of an Internet Troll, I don't think I would like to be one.

Will be interested to see what other readers say about doing this kind of job.

Thanks, for the introduction to these new words.

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